"I bet they get Charmin" A May 2014 Girls Trip **04/03 THE END**


here, queer, etc
Feb 10, 2013


Welcome, welcome, to the third TR of Amber and Marie. Arguably the first 'real' trip of ours and certainly an adventure that will be hard to forget. In fact, it was such a big adventure that it requires two narrators.

That's right! This TR will be narrated by both myself and by my lovely DW, Marie.

There's an easy way to tell who is writing what. Want to know it? Our usernames will be on the top left corner :thumbsup2 But, if you want it to be easier and don't want to have to look for who is writing it, all my posts will be written with the current color and font.

Marie's posts will be written like this.

I know, I've always used purple in the past and now she's using it. Oh well, I trust you guys will keep it straight. Plus, in mine I'll use Marie's name and she'll use mine in hers so that should help ;)

Now that that is all settled, let's get on with the introductions because there are a lot of them this time around. If you followed along with our PTR you'll have already read this, but otherwise I've got the run down here.

The Narrators

Your Ghost Host

That would be me. I'm Amber, I'm 21 years old, cancer free from lymphoma (hence my buttons that you'll see this trip), a Michigan native but Quebec immigrant and Disney is my happy place. I was one of the two 'moms' of the trip. I love Winnie the Pooh, Beauty and the Beast, Cars, and The Haunted Mansion. I'm also a slightly unreliable narrator. Fair warning.
Random quote: "Promise we won't die?"

Your Chief Flight Attendant

That would be my lovely wife, Marie. She's 25 years old and was the other trip 'mom' of the group. She loves all things Disney and tends to be the planner of the group. She's much more patient than I am and will probably be a better narrator than I am. Soarin is her happy place and she gives this trip a better overall rating than I do.
Random quote: "I even did a pose!"

The Friends


Properly named Cassandra, she'll be called Eli throughout the TR. She's 24, from New Jersey and we've known her since 2008. I'm not going to lie, she made this trip difficult for me. So, when it comes to things written about her, the tone will probably not always be the best. She wasn't terrible the whole time and we had some good times, so I'll try not to be too harsh on her.
Would we take her again? No.
Random quote: "[Pin trading] is a sick, sick game."


An improv comedian, Merranda had everyone cracking up all trip. She's 20, from Michigan and I've known her since I was in the 1st grade. She was awesome all trip and very easy going. She especially enjoyed Epcot and snacking around the world.
Would we take her again? Definitely.
Random quote: "But what if I'm a robot?"


I've been friends with Traci since I moved to my old town in the 7th grade. She's 21 and goes to college in Tennessee, where she came straight from to Orlando to take this trip. She was great company although she was having issues with her feet during the trip so she sometimes had trouble keeping pace.
Would we take her again? Yup.
Random quote: "I was a good girl and put on my sunscreen all by myself."


Veronica and Merranda were pretty much partners in crime this trip, meaning they were hilarious together. She's a vegetarian so we had to plan around that for the first time, is 20 and from Michigan. I've also known her since 7th grade. Her ambition this trip was to spot an alligator. She also enjoys ice cream. A lot ;)
Would we take her again? Absolutely.
Random quote: "Look at all the venomous snakes that live in Florida!"

Now that all those introductions are out of the way let's give some more quick information.

Where? All Star Sports Resort with connecting rooms.
When? May 11th to May 19th, 2014
Why? This is explored in the PTR but long story short: Marie and I never had a proper wedding, so we decided to spend the money to take our favorite people to Disney World instead. This means we paid room and tickets for everyone. We also paid for food for Eli and Traci.
Additional information: We purchased the Memory Maker. Marie and I still had our APs but all the girls had regular Magic Your Way tickets.

This trip is going to be a roller coaster, but what do you expect with 6 girls and 4 first timers at the World? Here's some of what you can expect along the way:

  • Drama. Yup, it's gonna happen. Fair warning.
  • Lots and lots of laughter.
  • A food coma.
  • Flower and Garden Festival.
  • Star Wars Weekends.
  • Every single mode of transportation.
  • A photoshoot.
  • Glamorous selfies.
  • Character meets.
  • Special guest appearances by Tumblr users Hayley of Magical Ribbons and Aidan of DisneyDelirium.

So settle in, grab your favorite snack and get ready because it's going to be a wild ride.
Table of Contents

MAY 9 & 10, 2014
Traveling to the World
"It's okay, you're in Orlando."

MAY 11, 2014
Part 1: "Please, please don't put us on the Mears bus."
Part 2: "You're not allowed to hate this."
Part 3: "Join the party, the Castle party!"
Part 4: "That sounds promising."
Part 5: "Wait, where's the Castle?"

MAY 12, 2014
Part 1: "I'm gonna Rwar at it!"
Part 2: An Almost Dis-Meet
Part 3: Simba One
Part 4: This Is Not Okay
Part 5: "Are we allowed to sit here?"
Part 6: "Have you seen Marie?"

MAY 13, 2014
Part 1: Early Morning Walk
Part 2: "I work for Disney, I don't have 21 dollars either"
Part 3: "You could dance."
Part 4: "Why would you do that?!"
Part 5: "There's a better way to say that."
Part 6: "The hardest thing to do for this ride is a deadpan face."
Part 7: "I told you everyone knows this song!"

MAY 14, 2014
Part 1: "The wheels on the bus go round and round"
Part 2: "Okay, now we have to book it."
Part 3: "And the rain rain rain came down down down"
Part 4: "If you see a table, jump on it."
Part 5: "Is this a real song?"

MAY 15, 2014
Part 1: "It's your choice."
Part 2: "We're going to be late."
Part 3: "Now curtsey and tell me how handsome I am."
Part 4: "I'm going to hypnotize you until you believe in gay rights."
Part 5: "We're singing in the rain.."
Part 6: "Wait, are you serious?"

MAY 16, 2014
Part 1: "Why'd you promise that?
Part 2: "You're like a baby bird."
Part 3: "I want to meet Darth Goofy!"
Part 4: "We're gonna get cowboys!"
Part 5: "Hey, spoilers!"
Part 6: "I'm done."

MAY 17, 2014
Part 1: "I forgot my band."
Part 2: An Ode to Food.
Part 3: "Are there more flags than usual?"
Part 4: Flowers Here, Flowers There, Flowers Everywhere
Part 5: I've Got A Dream... A Canadian One!
Part 6: "Who are we meeting?"
Part 7: "Did we grab the wrong battery?"

MAY 18, 2014
Part 1: "Oh my God, it's empty! I love it!"
Part 2: "Quick, eat all the bacon!"
Part 3: "There's another section?!"
Part 4: "We should go to sleep"
Part 5: "Couldn't stay away, could you?"
Part 6: "This makes me want to cry."
Part 7: "That poor child."
Part 8: "Let's not do that!"
Part 9: "We need to think of poses!"
Part 10: "I bet you feel pretty silly smiling."
Part 11: "And all our Wishes will come true."

May 19 & 20, 2014
The Parting of the Ways
Longer than Expected

Wrap-Up & End
Final Thoughts

Other Updates
Real Life Update #1
Real Life Update #2: Non-Dis PTR
Real Life Update #3: Mini-Cruise TR
Real Life Update #4: Holiday Wishes and Apologies
Real Life Update #5: Travels and More

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By gum you know I am following along ... looks like quite the crew!

Ok, back to catching up on your last TR :rotfl: ... as soon as I get this dust out of my eye that must have come in right as I read about your Ariel meet ;)
Here Amber and Marie!!

So you decided not to wait until your prior reports were completed. I can dig it. Good luck with juggling 2 TR's (especially Marie, lol).

Also, I love me drama, so bring it. :)
By gum you know I am following along ... looks like quite the crew!

Ok, back to catching up on your last TR :rotfl: ... as soon as I get this dust out of my eye that must have come in right as I read about your Ariel meet ;)

:welcome: Glad to have you aboard again ;)

Oh I know, that dust is just so sneaky. I understand exactly why you'd have problems with it getting in the way. No worries though, I'm sure it'll be gone soon enough :thumbsup2

Here Amber and Marie!!

So you decided not to wait until your prior reports were completed. I can dig it. Good luck with juggling 2 TR's (especially Marie, lol).

Also, I love me drama, so bring it. :)

:cheer2: Yay Rob is here!

I know, it's a bold choice not to wait to finish the other two. But don't worry, I've just got 2 days left to finish... well plus departure day and wrap up. I can handle the juggling of two at one time. Marie on the other hand... :rolleyes1 I'm sure I can step in on her TR if need be too :rolleyes:

And good, because it will be brought :thumbsup2
Yay! I look forward to this review. Be sure to mention the cute couple in front of you meeting Donald at AK. :wink: Did you know they were meeting there? I think I saw something quickly on the internet that week, but I wasn't paying attention. It wasn't until the CM was like, "Meet Donald and Daisy," I knew about it. Then reading an article after the trip that I realized they replaced Pooh and Tigger.

Hi! :wave2: - joining in the fun & excitement!
Following along from your other TR. :thumbsup2
Looking forward to reading your adventures on your Girls Trip to DW.
Yay! I look forward to this review. Be sure to mention the cute couple in front of you meeting Donald at AK. :wink: Did you know they were meeting there? I think I saw something quickly on the internet that week, but I wasn't paying attention. It wasn't until the CM was like, "Meet Donald and Daisy," I knew about it. Then reading an article after the trip that I realized they replaced Pooh and Tigger.

Glad to have you aboard :cool1:

Oh, and how could I forget to mention the ultra cute couple that we all yelled at? No way that could happen :thumbsup2

And yes, I did know that they were meting there. We'd actually planned on meeting Pooh and Tigger there and had read that they were leaving before we got there. We only ended up going to meet them because we stopped to trade pins and found that there was like no wait so the girls wanted to do it. Funny how that stuff works out, huh?


Hi! :wave2: - joining in the fun & excitement!

:flower3: Welcome! Hope you enjoy it :)

Following along from your other TR. :thumbsup2
Looking forward to reading your adventures on your Girls Trip to DW.

:hug: Thanks. Glad to see another familiar face and the adventures are being typed up as I speak by the lovely Marie, so hopefully they'll start soon ;)
I'm in! I think I'll have to keep the into open as a reference, idk how I will keep everyone straight! Looking forward to the TR, Pops for you guys for tackling this, I have been to the DW with a large group and yes big groups and drama go hand in hand! Seems like you had a good time though!
Traveling To The World

Checking in and ready to get started! Hey, maybe we'll finish all three of our In Progress Trip Reports before our September trip!

Or maybe just Amber will

Moving on!

For the first time in our Disney travels, this trip started several days prior to our arrival to the World. We had decided a while ago that we wanted to arrive into Orlando the night prior to our checking in date, so that we would be at the airport in time to greet all our friends, and also well rested for our first park day!

As it turns out, we chose to fly from Newark rather than Montreal, for the very simple reason that the Montreal flight was at a ridiculous amount of expensive and we've been spoiled with flight prices so over 400$ is a no go for me. Plus, Eli lives in New Jersey, so she'd be flying from there anyway.

The plan was to fly standby (yay for travel perks!) on the 9th of May from Montreal to Newark, and then get on a plane to sunshiny Orlando the next morning!

We actually ended up driving down to New Jersey though, because Eli saw that Justin Nozuka was performing in Montreal on the evening of May 8th, whereas his New York/New Jersey shows would occur while we were down in Florida, so she offered to take us back down with her after coming up for the show. And hey, anything that saves us money is fine by me, so we agreed to that plan!

So Eli got to our place on the evening of May 8th and then pretty much went right off to the show in Montreal while we took it upon ourselves to pack! She got home a little past midnight, and then it was off to bed for all of us.

Next morning, Amber woke up at 5:45 in the morning - upon which she had to remind her body we were only leaving for New Jersey that day so there was no reason to be overly excited, and went back to sleep until we both woke up at 8.

I then took care of some last minute packing while Amber got some stuff done on her Tumblr account, because she has her priorities straight.

Ready to get on the road!


But not quite yet. We brought all our bags and suitcases downstairs and Amber got herself some toast with cinnamon and sugar, which she figured she might as well take a picture of in preparation for Disney food pictures. To which I admittedly questioned the interest of people in toast, but just in case, here you have it



Before leaving, we obviously had to watch our Disney movie countdown of the day - Frozen!


We admittedly never watched Tangled, which was the last movie of the countdown, but you know, stuff happens.

With the movie over, we finally got ourselves ready to get on the road around 11:30, and my dad helped me load as much stuff as possible in the trunk of Eli's car - he was luckily able to fit in the two big suitcases, meaning I only had to share the back seat with the carry ons - yay!


Off we goooooooo!


Before too long, we made it to the border into the US of A


Hello, United States!

The customs agent seemed a bit iffy at the fact that I didn't have a return flight ticket, but that will happen when you're flying standby. I promise sir, I'm coming back to Canada. Not that I specifically don't want to stay in Disney my whole life, but I have to work and all.

He also asked us at two different occasions how much cash we were carrying. Thankfully, nobody was snarky and answered "same as two minutes ago" because that could have gotten me turned around pretty quick.

Once we got ourselves past the border, Eli stopped at a nearby Dunkin Donut to check some stuff on her phone with the wifi and get gas, and soon we were on our way again!

Now, nothing very special happened. We listened to music, we talked some, I played some games on my tablet and Amber played games on my phone. Road trips aren't exactly what they're cracked up to be.

A little after 3, we made a stop for food at a rest stop along the highway



Which got me confused, because it was the same one we stopped at when, a couple of years before, Eli had driven us from New Jersey to Canada, and now we were going South instead of North. I still don't understand the logic of that exit. But it had food so who cares!

Eli got herself a burger and fries


I got a pepperoni pretzel with a strawberry lemonade


And Amber got a pretzel dog with a cinnamon sugar pretzel


Note to self: Ask for separate bag for cinnamon sugar pretzel next time. It WILL contaminate everything in its path.

Our bellies full of nommy food, we got back on the road and ended up making it into New Jersey a little after 6, in the drizzle


We dropped off out stuff at Eli's house and then headed out to Walmart for some last minute purchases we chose to make in the US (breakfast foods, sunscreen face stick, toothpaste, etc), because for one thing, the US is much cheaper than Canada, and for another, we had a gift card. Eli also stopped by her job to get her pay check for the week.

After the short shopping trip, we got ourselves dinner at KFC because Amber misses the American sides in Canada (sorry, we do fries and macaroni salad, not mac n cheese and mashed potatoes. I know, I feel it too). We ate back at Eli's place while she got herself packed, and activated the cheap track phone we got for the trip while watching the News.


We headed off to sleep before too late, ready for the next travel day to come! Unfortunately, neither of us ended up sleeping too well. I rarely sleep well the first night in a new bed, and Amber was lacking pillows, so she kept waking up through the night.

We still got ourselves up at 7:45, and Amber worked on her October Trip Report while I played some Fruit Ninja, because that's the way to start the morning right. Poor Amber then found herself locked out of her Tumblr account with no way to get back in (she's gotten access back now though, so it's all good), and I got a call from my mom with not so good news from home, but she wanted to make sure I wouldn't find out on Facebook.

With a tougher than expected start to the morning, we still got ourselves ready to get going and headed downstairs to try and find some breakfast. We ended up waiting for Eli to get up first, and got ourselves some maple flavored mini-Eggos. We got some more Disney talk out of the way while we ate, to try and better prepare her for the trip, and then headed back to the living room to wait for her mother who was taking us to the airport but had gone out that morning.

She didn't think it was necessary to take us until 11, but Amber and I always prefer getting to the airport on the early side, because you never know what can happened, so we asked to leave at 10:30.

She got back home at 10:40, at which time we promptly took our bags out to the car so we could finally get going



We then waited a few more minutes while Eli made the last minute decision to pack up nail polish seeing as she hadn't gotten to paint her nails yet, and finally, a little before 10:50, we were on our way to Newark airport!


We tried checking in at the self check-in machines, but for some reason it wouldn't let us, so we got in line for assistance and finally got everything settled.


We were then sent through a pretty much empty security line, and breezed through security without having to take off anything (shoes, laptop out of bag, nothing, nada). Which was both awesome and slightly concerning, but we're still alive today so there you go!

Seeing as we still had a bit of time to kill before our flight, we decided to get some lunch at Currito Cantina, where both Eli and Amber got a chicken quesadilla


And I got chicken tacos, hold everything but chicken and cheese. It looks bland but it's delicious. DON'T JUDGE ME


Once food was eaten, we headed back over to our gate area and waited for boarding. The flight was actually delayed from 12:48 to 1:11, but seeing as we were the first to get into Orlando and Disney wasn't until the next day, it didn't phase us too much.


Amber took that time to write down some trip report notes, and then they announced they would begin boarding soon, so of course everyone started lining up and piling around the boarding area. Like, you have assigned seats, people! Chillax a little, you're on vacation.

Not too long after that, our names got called up and we were randomly upgraded to the Even More Space seats. I'll take it!


Eli was a little less excited, because she's afraid of flying, and originally being in row 19, we had just gone over the fact that the back of the plane is the safest place to sit in whereas the front is where you're pretty much a goner if the plane crashes. Oops?

It's okay though, because we made it alive. Hooray!

After boarding, the flight got delayed even further as the flight after ours was cancelled, and they had fourteen people to reprotect on ours, so we waited for them to come around. All fourteen people ended up being one large family that wouldn't listen to the flight attendants as to where to sit, so the dad kept going up and down the aisle to try and head count everyone about ten times.

Finally, he seemed to get everyone settled, and JetBlue unlocked the movie channels for free because of the delay.

Florida, here we come!


Click for next post
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I'm in! I think I'll have to keep the into open as a reference, idk how I will keep everyone straight! Looking forward to the TR, Pops for you guys for tackling this, I have been to the DW with a large group and yes big groups and drama go hand in hand! Seems like you had a good time though!

:welcome: We're glad to have you here.

It is quite the grouping but I think that it'll be easy to keep people straight as soon as we get started more properly.

So I've come to see since I got back and heard from others. I just thought we'd manage to avoid it. Clearly I was living a bit of a fantasy :rolleyes:

And we did have some really great times that I can't wait to share.
"... Or maybe just Amber will"... Good save there Marie! :thumbsup2

Aha, so Eli drove from Jersey to Montreal to drive back to Jersey? Ok, got it.

Curious. What terminal were you flying from? I'm thinking "A" with the really low security line. Every time I've connected through Newark, that security line is always nil.

Glad you made it alive. Otherwise this would be an extremely shocking post. :scared1:
"... Or maybe just Amber will"... Good save there Marie! :thumbsup2

Aha, so Eli drove from Jersey to Montreal to drive back to Jersey? Ok, got it.

Curious. What terminal were you flying from? I'm thinking "A" with the really low security line. Every time I've connected through Newark, that security line is always nil.

Glad you made it alive. Otherwise this would be an extremely shocking post. :scared1:

Well, it is four months away, I might at least get the November one done by then!

Yep, drove up on the 8th, went to see the show, and drove back down with us the next day

I don't remember 100% but I do think it was terminal A. We did go back through during our return adventures (for later :P) cause Air Canada is the same terminal and they were stricter at that point, but yeah. I guess they just felt like being chill

Posting from the beyond! Maybe that's why Amber is your ghost host :rotfl:

Hello from facebook, cannot wait to read the rest of your trip!

:welcome: Hope you enjoy it!
I'm so happy for you! I just read your first post and just had to comment! :yay: My husband just (as in last week) completed treatment for colon cancer and we are hoping and praying to take a celebratory trip soon!

Very excited to read your report! :woohoo:

I can't wait to

:cheer2: Can't wait to have you read more!

I'm so happy for you! I just read your first post and just had to comment! :yay: My husband just (as in last week) completed treatment for colon cancer and we are hoping and praying to take a celebratory trip soon!

Very excited to read your report! :woohoo:


Welcome, Lissette :wave2: Thank you so much and congrats to your husband! A celebratory trip is the best kind of trip to Disney. If you do manage one, make sure that you get a celebration button! Well, unless he doesn't like attention because it'll draw quite a bit with such an important milestone.

I'm cancer free two months now, so mine was a little late for the trip but you never really stop celebrating that :thumbsup2

Hope you enjoy the TR :goodvibes
"It's okay, you're in Orlando."

In case anyone was wondering, the movies that were showing were The Monuments Men, Anchorman 2, and Jack Reacher. I ended up watching The Monuments Men and thoroughly enjoyed it. Even if I did cry tears all over the place.

Also, if you've never flown JetBlue or haven't read about it they give awesome snacks on the plane. I got some Doritos and had Sprite. Marie had some orange juice and animal crackers and Eli had cookies and Arizona iced tea. Besides, the whole delay thing, it was an awesome flight.

Anyway, we got into Orlando about an hour later than we were supposed to, which put us in at about 4:30. Like Marie mentioned, we didn't really mind though because it wasn't like we were Disney bound that day.

We got off the plane and first made a pit stop to the bathroom, before heading over to the world famous fake-o-rail.



For the first time ever, we weren't following the signs over to the Magical Express. No, because we were in early, that meant we actually had to stop and pick up our luggage and I have to say that I much prefer just letting Disney do it.

While we were waiting though, we didn't know which way the luggage would come. So Marie and Eli stood on one side and I stood on the other side by myself just so we'd have good spots and be able to quickly grab our bags.

However, while we were waiting for the luggage to come out this guy next to me starts singing. And picture this, this guy is like probably 6'1" or 6'2" and like pretty buff and he's standing next to me with his earphones in and all of a sudden I hear him start singing and jamming.

What was he singing? Get the Party Started by Pink. I was particularly amused because of how old the song is and because I'd frequently jammed to it in my youth.

He looked pretty embarrassed when he realized that I could hear him, but I assured him that he was in Orlando and it was okay to be excited and sing whatever he wanted.

It took a little while for the baggage to come out and people got like super crazy as they always do at baggage claim, but we managed to escape without major injury and then called the hotel to find out where the shuttle was going to pick us up.

The answer was on the A side (where we already were) at stop A6 (or A5, something like that). So we headed outside and waited.


Marie and I always pack heavy. Though my suitcase (the green one) was like half empty on the way there.

There was an annoying couple smoking under the awning too, right next to the no smoking sign and that just annoys me to no end.

Still, we got our shuttle after waiting maybe 10 minutes and then were driven over to the Springhill Suites by Marriott.


I liked the lobby.


It took a little bit to get checked in because the person in front of us was having issues, but when it was our turn it was pretty painless and we soon hopped the elevator up to the 4th floor and found our room.


Kitchenette area.


Living room area. The couch was a pullout and where Traci would sleep that evening.


Beds. Very comfortable. Plus, the pillows were nice, which is really all I care about.


Bathroom. The sink and vanity were outside of it so people could get ready. I loved the shower though, very nice.

Anyway, we got settled in and Marie and I decided to go swimming for the half hour that we had to kill before we'd have to worry about Traci arriving. Her flight was supposed to be in at 6:50, but we figured that between getting off the plane and getting her luggage we'd have plenty of time.

Eli didn't want to come, she was watching TMZ, so Marie and I went down. We chatted with a mom and her son (the only other ones in the outdoor pool), who helped us figure out how to get in.

Except, we realized that when we wanted to go back in we had to have our key to get inside the hotel and we'd left our key upstairs with Eli (we had 3) because we figured we wouldn't need it. Luckily, a nice worker let us in and we headed back up to the room.

Only to find that when we knocked on the door to be let in, Eli wasn't there. It turned out that she'd gone down to the pool as we were coming up, but she'd forgotten something so we ended up running into each other outside the room and she opened it up.

Marie and I showered and waited to hear from Traci. But when we finally got through to her, we found out that she was having luggage issues. They thought that they'd lost it. Turns out, they'd forgotten it next to the plane out on the runway. Oops. Thanks, Southwest. Still, she got it all sorted out and got to the hotel around 8. That's right, it took almost an hour to sort out her luggage stuff.

By that time we were all starving since we'd been waiting for Traci to get there, so we headed on a walking adventure over toward Dennys.


We ran across a fountain on our walking adventure.


Everyone was feeling pretty silly. It was the hunger. It was changing us.

But, we finally made it to our destination.


We had a great waiter who didn't judge us even though Traci literally drank like 5 Dr. Peppers in 30 minutes. Also, there were pictures of Disney inside the restaurant and that made me happy.


I got me some chicken wraps. $4. It was a solid score. I also got a chocolate shake, not pictures, but it was delicious.


Traci got herself some chicken fingers with fries and a side of ranch. Plus all those Dr. Peppers I mentioned.


Marie got the grand slam breakfast platter and some sort of smoothie.


And Eli got a roast beef sandwich with a side of eggs and a blueberry muffin shake.

Overall, it was very delicious and we headed back to the hotel all happy.


Then we played some Cards Against Humanity and we were terrible people together while waiting for Merranda's flight to get in. It was set to arrive at 10:11, so we had time to kill.

She had a misunderstanding about where she was supposed to go though and so when she called to ask about the shuttle, she asked for one to Disney. Oops. It all got sorted out though, eventually.

And we all went downstairs to wait for Merranda to arrive. It was nice out so we just enjoyed the weather and chatted a lot to get caught up with Traci.




Merranda finally arrived a little after 11 and we took a picture of the shuttle but not of her. Oops.


But after that we all headed up to the room, got the pull out couch ready for Traci and pretty much called it a night so we'd all get decent sleep before Disney.

Click for next post
man, this is like planning a land war in Asia or something (which we all know to never get involved with) but glad to see everyone is arrive safely

I hate it when an airline forgets my luggage on the runway :|

Love Cards Against Humanity - though does make one feel like a pretty awful person by the end ... but it is darn funny getting there :thumbsup2


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