I am so upset. Someone threatened to hit my husband at the Soarin line and Disney did nothing

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Since Disney didn't do anything to cause the problem, they really shouldn't be expected to "pay" for it with extravagant tours, backstage access, or room upgrades. A FP for time spent seems adequate.

As for letting the guy go. Since you didn't press charges, what leg did they have to stand on to boot him out?

Like you, I don't think I would have pressed charges either. Nobody was injured. If I was that concerned about bumping into the guy again, I would've hopped to another park (maybe asking for a one day hopper if we didn't already have those, as compensation).

That is it, exactly. The OP didn't press charges, so Disney had no legal reason to do anything to him, but warn him to behave. They can't just start throwing people out on the whim of other guests, or else the poster who left the line with her little one and then rejoined the line could have easily been pointed out by others and tossed. They could have claimed they were shoved as the poster went by. We don't want that!

Disney didn't turn a blind eye. They can only act so much, and then they need to depend on someone pressing charges. I have read on more than one post that if you want something done, you need to call the cops and press charges.
The for the clarifications OP. Sorry for the questions and I feel terrible that this guy was just let go. I was just trying to understand the situation fully. Disney definitely should have done something at least asking the guy to leave.

Food and Wine hasn't started but this kind of stuff gets even worse at EPCOT during that time. I've seen full out brawls that end befor security gets there and then there is nothing that can be done. No matter how many witnesses they just let them go for whatever reason.
It's hard to get all the details in. The guy was not filling in all available space, by that time we were stopped waiting for the line to move again.

It's funny that people would think I'm lying or that it wasn't a big deal. A complete stranger step up to try and defend [GALLERY=]my husband and was about to punch the guy and go after him himself until I told him I would go call security. He would not stay with us for 2 hours for some dumb verbal disagreement.

As for knowing the guy walked free, Disney told me as much. If I don't press charges he will walk.

We did say I wanted to press charges but told Disney that if he got kicked out of the park for the day we didn't need to press charges..

Did the guy actually say that he was gonna hit your husband or was the threat in his action of getting in your husbands face?

Sounds like your husband also made a threat of violence too.
I'm a little confused. Did security/police ever find the guy? If they did, did they talk to him?
There are people in this society that don't let people walk all over them. They stand up for themselves and others around them. Sure, people are on vacation, and will let it slide, others will see it as, we got here earlier than you, we earned our spot in line, you go back and wait yours.

If the guy was really trying to get back up with someone, when asked, all he had to do was say exactly that. No more, no less, no confrontation.

If this was an incident of something as far as everyone needed to push all the way up, then the Disney CM's didn't do their job to make sure that was happening and it resulted in an altercation.

There would have been no confrontation IF the husband had no said a word. Also, if the husband was so upset by this it probably wasn't said very nicely either. Why does the guy have to explain himself to someone who is not a Disney CM? There are areas in lines where the line isn't visable to CMs, so if they can't see that area of the line how did they not do their job.
That is a relief to hear!

It might be a relief to hear if someone is carrying a firearm in their "bag" but if someone wants to bring a firearm into Disney they can carry on their body and nobody would see it. Bag check is called "false security"
In your various posts, you stated that first, he was ALLEGEDLY allowed to enjoy the rest of his day, in the park. You then say that they implied that they were throwing him out. Which is it? Both? Did you watch him walk out? You also (as many have pointed out) clearly left out the part about him bumping into your husband. You, in fact, said that he would have hit your husband, if he hadn't stepped back. Multiple times. You also stated that this man was given some kind of card and then moved up in line? Wouldn't that have been a clue that he had a reason for doing so? This whole thing is so shady.

You had a choice to press charges. You didn't. You implied that Disney tried to persuade you not to. How?
Asking for them to give you expensive things for something someone did is insane. That's like me being in a grocery store, having someone run into me with a cart and then yell at me, and then expecting free food on the grocery store's dime. Craziness.

I'm sorry that you had a bad experience.
Also for all the people who said Disney should of thrown the instigator out of the park. We all know that the instigator's lawyer would of been contacting Disney shortly after.
This may be my last post on this board. The "behavior" on this thread mimics the behavior we see in the parks. It is not ok to physically confront anyone no matter what was said. I've read here (6 pages) the attacks on the OP that posted. Good grief...what the heck is wrong here? Have some sympathy/empathy for what happened regardless of what YOU think MAY have happened. You were not there, did not have to deal with the problem. DONE!
You should have been given more than a fastpass, not because of the shove and the threat, but because you were kept for three hours for questioning, etc. That's a lot of valuable park time. Disney doesn't seem too worried about retaining customers anymore. I'm surprised park attendance is so high.
I've not read all the posts:chat:
And I'm from the UK, therefore our laws are obviously totally different...

However, surely if you want to press charges you can & don't require consent from Disney?!

Op-I fully 100% understand any kind of upset/ potential for violence/ threat etc. ought to be investigated by Disney.

I was actually just at soarin last week and 2 guys attempted to overtake me.
It was just before closing and there were only a few people in the line.
Even so, I was before them.
I turned around and said "no!" Then continued to walk along.
They sniggered (aged around late 40's /50's) and declared we will go where we want!!!
I told them -you're not getting past me & they continued to make snarky comments right behind me.

When I got to the final boarding stage-I simply stated I did not wish to sit anywhere near the 2 'gentleman?!'
And I was sat front row in the middle.
If it had been earlier in the day I may have made a bigger fuss-but you definitely need to take it further op.

If it was earlier you "would of made a bigger fuss"? A bigger fuss about what, someone trying to get in front of you in a Disney line? Sorry,
but some of you seem to get a little carried away about a line cutter. Just tell the CM if it bothers you that much, why get into a confrontation with a stranger? I watch the 6 o'clock news, there are a lot of crazies out there. Why waste valuable vacation time fighting with a possible crazy stranger at Disney?
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The threat of violence is assault. Battery is the act of violence. It certainly sounds like your DH was assaulted which is probably why Disney asked if you wanted to press charges. You should have IMO.

I don't think what the OP has explained was the threat of violence. If the instigator wanted to be violent he would have punched her dh. I am not staying stepping toward him was right, just don't think it is considered an "assault". The police probably didn't think so either, that's why they were trying to dissuade OP from dropping it.
There would have been no confrontation IF the husband had no said a word. Also, if the husband was so upset by this it probably wasn't said very nicely either. Why does the guy have to explain himself to someone who is not a Disney CM? There are areas in lines where the line isn't visable to CMs, so if they can't see that area of the line how did they not do their job.

Again, I'm not one to let people by, and neither was this husband. I've called out people before that were line cutting in Disney, and I'll do it again. If you're not going to be polite and use excuse me, I'm not going to be polite and let you by. Also, if there's a line of complaining coming up behind me, I'll stop the person and ask where they're headed, I'll be civil until there's reason not to be. A simple "I'm catching up with family" is easy enough and I'll oblige. I have no reason to let anyone by me though, as I've waited like everyone else for my spot in line.

This is a fun thread, we're finding out how everyone behaves in lines...
That's what I'm starting to think.

I'll be back to reply to individual posters later but let me just ask everyone this:

Do you feel comfortable going and taking your children to a place where people who act violent and threaten others are welcome?

Disney will ban you from their parks for life for going backstage without permission. It's trespassing, it very bad, I know, but it does not threaten the safety of other guests.

But someone who shows them they will snap at the slightest "provocation" (although to me a comment is hardly a provocation) is very welcome to stay and come back anytime in the future. That makes no sense to me.

You mention people feeling comfortable taking their kids places, so clearly, you think about that. If there are children around anywhere, IMO, your husband had absolutely zero right to say anything. People snap these days. You never know when honking a horn will cause someone to go full on road rage, so the chances that someone in a crowded, hot place may react in an intimidating manner should not come as a surprise. I am glad that is all that came of this. As for me, I never confront anyone because of these reasons, I value my life and the lives of those around me, more than the headache of correcting someone's wrong doing.
Per OP he threatened her DH. A person could reasonably assume with violence, either directly or indirectly. This is the definition of assault. Granted, it likely doesn't rank very high on the priorities of the LEO involved.

Where did she say, he threatened her dh? Did he verbally threaten harm to the dh?
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