I-95 corridor... BLIZZARD????!!!!!


<font color=coral>The only thing that "I own" that
Mar 15, 2001
We're all packed and ready to leave tomorrow.
Our relatives have been calling all night as we are
driving to Florida.

Are we heading right into the eye of a snowstorm!
Good Lord! Go Figure! I'm sighing relief about no snow
in NY and I'm being welcomed by it in the South.
Are they prepared for that type of clean-up?
Do people know how to drive in it? I'm so worried now.
We're leaving at 5 am and planned on stopping for night in
Any info? Will I-95 be cleaned?
Here when we have a bizzard, our sides streets are
12 inches. And I-95 and main roads looked like it just rained.

Wish me luck guys!
It's sooo cold in CT. It's going to be in the teens tonite. BRRR. If I close my eyes real tight I can see myself on the beach squinting the sun out of my eyes. Yeah, right. I wish you safe travel.

Kim ºOº
I hate to break it to you, but you might have some real problems. They are NOT AT ALL PREPARED TO HANDLE SNOW IN THE SOUTH! Employees were sent home eaarly today in parts of SC, and they had only gotten an inch or two.

I'll keep my fingers crossed fo you, but if there's anyway you could leave tonight, I'd do it and get a jump on it.

I can let you know that I live in coastal SC right off I-95 and we have had sleet, freezing rain and snow today. We are expectiing more tonight and tomorrow. They do have the sand trucks de-icing certain areas. This is not normal weather for us and they have already canceled school tomorrow. It appears that this storm should move out by Thursday Afternoon. I would check the weather channel before heading out tomorrow. We leave one week from tomorrow for our cruise. Good luck and drive safe.
NC is a bit more prepared to clear the roads than SC is. NC has gotten hit pretty hard a few times during the last few years.

It's been snowing all day in Atlanta (well west of I-95, but our storm's heading towards I-95). It didn't start sticking to the streets until after sundown.

I live in North Carolina but am originally from MD. Many times I have driven home to MD through "heavy" sleet and snow storms here and once I hit I-95 there is nothing, completely cleared. Every once and awhile I have encountered problems through Richmond since the turns are rather tight through there and people take them way too fast even in an ice storm so just make sure you take I-295 around it and you should be okay. It is clearly marked and completely bypasses Richmond.

Have a great trip, Marley

Now they are saying we are not going to get any of the frozen
stuff. This is what the updates have been saying the past few

I'm pretty sure I-95 will be clear regardless. Although it is very
cold....if the "stuff" stays away...then you will be fine.

It's suppose to be 33 here on HHI right at the moment....and
I haven't checked ORL recently.

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday

There's no way I can get a jump on it tonight. We are pretty
close to bedtime and well I have more experience driving under "snow conditions" than sleep deprived. Had I known this at 3pm.. I would've hit the road!

You made me feel a little better. Hopefully it'll blow right past
without distrupting too much?
Just don't let the ship leave without me :)
Rain , Sleet, Snow... on the cruise I must go! :)
I'll keep checking for more info. Anyone know a better
weather site? Weather Channel is very vague...
Thanks again!

Marley, thanks for advice! I remember getting stuck in Richmond
for 2 hours, with three kids.. it was no fun!
Will any of you morning birds send me an update if possible.
leaving here at 5:30-6:00 in am .
Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia are a mess and going to get worse.

I'm suggesting an alternate route that will take you around the storm. It'll add a couple hundred miles, but you may find it to be worth it for your safety and sanity.

<table cellspacing=10 border=0><tr valign=top><td align=right>1)</td><td>Take your usual route south to the DC area.</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>2)</td><td>Go West on I-495, 22 miles to I-66.</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>3)</td><td>Go West on I-66, 64 miles to I-81.</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>4)</td><td>Go South on I-81, 376 miles to I-40<br>(Just east of Knoxville)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>5)</td><td>Go West on I-40, 53 miles to I-75<br>(Just west of Knoxville)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>6)</td><td>Go South on I-75, 83 miles to I-24<br>(Chattanooga)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>7)</td><td>Go West on I-24, 17 miles to I-59<br>(Just west of Chattanooga)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>8)</td><td>Go South on I-59, 123 miles to I-459<br>(Birmingham By-Pass)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>9)</td><td>Go South on I-459, 17 miles to I-65</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>10)</td><td>Go South on I-65, 78 miles to I-85<br>(Montgomery)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>11)</td><td>Go North on I-85, 6 miles to US-231<br>(Just east of Montgomery)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>12)</td><td>Go South on US-231, 134 miles to I-10</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>13)</td><td>Go East on I-10, 232 miles to I-95<br>(Jacksonville)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>14)</td><td>Go South on I-95, 146 miles to SR-528<br>(Bee Line Expressway)</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=right>15)</td><td>Go East on SR-528, 12 miles to Cape Canaveral</nl></td></tr></table>
Thanks Dave!

Wish me luck. We're heading out now and should be right outside of Washington in about 5 hours.

Have a great week!

Not sure if the new directions would help either... I live a mile off I-81 and much of it has been at a standstill this morning throughout Virginia. The snow here didn't start till 7:30am and I guess people didn't think they needed to slow down for it. The result was more than 6 accidents in a 12 mile stretch.

Here's hoping it's all cleared up before Kathy gets this far.... Looks like traveling between the North and South just wasn't going to work out today anywhere.

Originally posted by Cruise

Not sure if the new directions would help either... I live a mile off I-81 and much of it has been at a standstill this morning throughout Virginia. The snow here didn't start till 7:30am and I guess people didn't think they needed to slow down for it. The result was more than 6 accidents in a 12 mile stretch.

Ugh! That's bad news! All the forecasts last night looked like this storm was going to track east of I-81.

Meanwhile, the storm has moved out of Georgia. It was a mess this morning, but the roads have melted. Hopefully they'll dry before the temperature plummets when the sun goes down.
An update from NC. The I-95 corridor is getting hit hard by this storm. The DOT does clear interstates first. If you would like to check on road conditions in NC prior to leaving home, the number for the dept. of transportation is 877-DOT-FORU. Good luck and be safe.
TinkerKat, I don't know if you took my advice or not, or whether you're traveling with a laptop and will be checking the boards in the morning, or if you've made it as far as Chattanooga, but...

If you haven't made it as far as Chattanooga, I suggest taking I-75 through Georgia to I-10. Don't worry about I-24, I-59, I-459, I-65, I-85, or US-231. The storm ended here early this morning and the roads are now clear and dry.

I hope you're having a safe trip!

- Dave


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