How often in a day do you kiss your spouse/s.o.?

Every time we come together or leave each other. Life is precious.

We never end a phone call without an I love you. Any moment could be your last

Same with my DS, DIL, DGD & anyone I love.
Many times a day!
Always kiss before someone leaves, before going to bed etc...We say I love you many times a day as well.

My DH came from a very non kissy/huggy family, but thankfully he didn't turn out like them! I think I saw his mom hug him ONCE that I can remember, and maybe say I love you the same and it was a very awkward thing. You could tell she just never said it. His dad was the same way. What a sad way to live. I hug and give a kiss to my kids (grown now) every time I see them! We always say I love you when we are ending a phone call etc...too. Life is short, make sure your loved ones KNOW they are loved :)
Lately, a lot! DH had a health scare a few weeks ago. He's fine now, but it really reminded us to be grateful for each other. We both come from pretty affectionate families, too.
Wow, we must be weird. Hardly ever. My family never, ever was a hug/kisses family on either side. My husbands family always makes a huge show of it everytime we see them. Funny thing is, his family is ALL show and my family is the one that is always there for us and super involved in our lives (even extended family). I always thought that was weird.
We are a very affectionate couple, been together 33 yrs. and married 28. What makes me smile is seeing my daughter and her husband married close to 8 yrs. are just the same as we are. My son and his girlfriend together 6 yrs. are also very affectionate.
Makes me feel good, that we taught our kids about love and affection.
It's so nice to see all of the above comments. Wish it were the same here; I'm the affectionate one (as was my family growing up), but dh's wasn't at all, so that's how he behaves. He never even once told his father that he loved him, never once kissed him- it was only at my suggestion that it happened when we relocated out of his country. He's not very affectionate with me, I don't hear "I love you", and has even said outright that he doesn't know how to show love.

I tell my kids all the time how loved they are, hug them, kiss them- but they don't get that from husband so much, and I think it's just as important with boys as with girls. I want my boys to know how to express and show affection and feelings, just as I want my girls to.
Going on 16 years married (in Sept.) and 28 years together next weekend. We kiss each other several times a day. We say "I love you" several times a day to each other as well and mean it every time.
We always kiss when we're coming or going and waking or going to bed. Random other times, but I don't count. I'm very affection and love physical contact. We still hold hands in public and love to snuggle. We still "like" each other after 35 years of marriage.
A lot, and a little extra today, since it's our 26th anniversary :love2:


We hardly ever kiss. DH isn't a very kiss-y guy. We barely ever hold hands... he doesn't like the way it feels- but we hug a lot. That's OK by me... he's been coming in the front door every night for 30 years, and that's what counts! It's funny, though, as both our families are huggers and kissers when we arrive or depart.
DS20 and his college roommate were visiting this past weekend, and I heard the roommate whisper something to DS about this. I just chuckled when DS said, "I come from a kiss-y family".

So, it made me count our kisses :) :
1) when the first person is getting ready to leave for work in the am
2) when the second person gets home from work at night
3) when the first person goes to bed (or if we both go at the same time, before turning off the light)
4) sometimes just because ;)

We also still hold hands out in public/at the movies/etc, share the couch when watching tv at night even though there's other furniture available, etc. We've been married 25 years, so it's not like we're newlyweds.

My extended family tends to run the same way, so maybe it's learned behavior.



Sounds like the way...married 41 years!!:love2:
I'm sorry dawnlight, and I get what you mean about boys with their fathers. My DH is one of those big/strong/silent types, but DS has ALWAYS known that DH loves him through his words as well as through his actions. This is NOT how DFIL was with his sons, and DH has really worked on it over the years. Now when DH wraps up a phone conversation with DS (who's 8 hrs away at college) and I hear DH say, "I love you and I'm really proud of you" it makes me tear up.

We kiss all the time. We have spent a lot of time apart in our marriage due to hubby's job. We know the value of time together and try not to waist it.
Well I appear to be in the minority...we only kiss once a day usually. A bedtime kiss. I'm just not a kissy gal!
DH and I are always kissing each other. When we get up, when one of us heads out the door, when we return, at bed time. But we kiss for no special reason in between:love2: a lot .We hold hands, cuddle on the couch, fall asleep holding hands or with our feet touching, text each other during the day. 13 years :love:


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