How often does DCL have to skip CC due to weather?


Earning My Ears
Nov 17, 2004
Our family cruised last year on 12/4 and missed CC because the conditions were not favorable for docking. It was a huge disappointment to everyone!! We are cruising again 12/4/04(yes...only 2 weeks to go!!!!!!) and are keeping our fingers crossed that this bad luck can't possibly happen to us twice!!!
Has anyone else missed Castaway Cay because of weather (not counting hurricanes)? I REALLY want our family to get to experience it this I'm crossing my fingers for good weather during the beginning of December!!!
We'll be with you and will pray for a great Friday so we can go! My DH will be so disappointed if we can't dock! We all love going there and he never accepts that some things are just not in our control. So, let's all pray for great weather on 12/10 - especially because we'll be on the ship celebrating my g-ma's 80th b-day that day! Shawn
You are absolutely right about not being able to control some things and I guess this would definately fall into that category! While we were disappointed about the cancellation, we stressed to the kids that the safety of the passengers and crew, where of course more important than having fun at CC. The weather was really windy, rainy and cool (65 degrees) so visiting the island wouldn't have been great fun anyways.
I agree...let's pray for sunny, warm weather on 12/10!!!!!
I hope you can go to CC. We were just there on Tuesday. It was definately the highlight of our entire trip. It helped that we had an awesome day for it. Oh how I wish I was back there!!
As near as I can tell from trip reports, it's really pretty rare for one of the ships to miss Castaway Cay. In December the sucess rate is around 90% for the cruises I've been able to account for. The Magic is 10-10, the Wonder, 16-19. We sail just about every year during the first week in December (my birthday is the 4th), and have never missed. The Wonder did miss last year during this week, but made it the year before. Overall, the ships are able to dock 95% of the time, including the hurricane problems this fall, so the odds are definitely in your favor.

Good luck!
Originally posted by momof3luvs2run
I hope you can go to CC. We were just there on Tuesday. It was definately the highlight of our entire trip. It helped that we had an awesome day for it. Oh how I wish I was back there!!
I was on that same cruise :)

Some CMs seemed to be preparing us for the worst ... I had been told they expected 30-35 knot winds on CC day (and if it's over 35 knots, they can't dock). When we actually got there it was calm & beautiful.
A friend of mine was on the 4 day Wonder a few weeks ago. They went to CC on Monday instead of Tuesday due to the weather forecasts.
Therefore, they really do try to get you to CC.
We were at CC last May. Before that, my wife was 0 for 3 on cruise line private islands.
I was also on the last december 4,and will be going this year on 12/8. I also live in upstate ny. Hopefully the weather will great for our trip this year.
I was on that one too. Even if we had docked the weather wasn't that great.

I am on the Nov 27th Magic, hoping for better conditions. ;)


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