How did you know it was time to move out?

Wonders10 said:
Anyway, my main point is how did you know that you were ready to get the heck out of your house, get your own place even if it means having to be a lot thrifty, and not worry that you were making a mistake?


Uh, the day my mother threw me out :guilty: I was 20, had just finished my 2yr nursing degree, owned a car and that's it. I moved in with two friends(which wasn't a lot of fun) and somehow I made it. It was tough, but I never looked back. I've been independent since that day.

Time to get off the pot, my friend :blush:
I agree w/your mom. If she's willing to let you stay... then I would! Save your money now and prepare for the future. You will have enough bills to pay when you graduate. I didn't have the luxury. I moved out when I was 19 just because I couldn't stand living w/my mother anymore! I had to give her every dime I made and she didn't work! Thankfully I ended up at a pretty good job making $22 per hour at 19... now 10 years later... I am ready to go to college and have a career I can be passionate about instead of a job to pay bills :) I make pretty good $, but I want to go to school to be a nurse practitioner. That will be so much more rewarding! Good luck and Happy Birthday!
Thanks everyone for the advice. I think now in addition to moving out and living with my friend - who is just a friend, yes he's a guy, but he's not my type of guy as I like guys that like girls :-). So we would definitely be living together as friends. But now I do sort of wonder if I should live with him, not necessarily b/c I think I should be living alone, but because I'm starting to think that he is looking to find a place for him and I'm just there to help with rent, even though we are friends and would hang out and go out. But living alone would add a lot of expenses onto what I already would be paying with a roommate (more rent, furniture, etc).

I get what everyone is saying about I could still live at home and be social but its hard for someone who isn't social to just go out and join a club, volunteer, etc. by yourself. Chances are everyone there is going with a friend and I've never been the just go by yourself kind of girl. Living with someone my age I think will make going out and doing things and meeting people a little easier. Maybe its just me though. I just don't want to be almost 28 (when I graduate) and never having lived away from my mom.

I'm going to my DB, DSIL, and niece and nephews today to re-celebrate my birthday so I might mention it to them. Maybe if I could get my mom not around they will give me a different answer than if she was there. We'll see. Thanks again for the replies and I will keep everyone updated.

How did I know I was ready? When I graduated from college, moving back home wasn't even in my thoughts as an option. I was an adult and needed to act as one. I am in school - law school - and I work part time during the year and full time during the summer. When DH was in school full time, he worked part time nights and on weekends.
I moved out before college and I was SO ready. My mother was a domineering and demanding person though and it doesn't sound like you have that situation.

I see nothing wrong with having a roommate. You don't even have to best buds for it to work well. Just make sure that you have plenty of savings to cover expenses for yourself if you have to be on your own for a while and you should be fine.
Hey everyone,

I thought that since I kept going on and on I should at least tell you what my decision is. First, my mom mentioned it to DB and DSIL at dinner and they didn't seem surprised but didn't say much else - not in a bad way though. I didn't really feel like talking about it though so I didn't push it any further.

So what I have decided to do is to postpone any moving for the time being. I will reassess what I might want to do in the fall to consider moving at the beginning of the year. Maybe my friend will still want a roomie or I can get a place of my own. I do want to move out and everything. But I keep looking at my savings acount and I'm liking seeing 5 digits in the amount category. And I know that my taste is getting more and more expensive. Having that money will really help with a house down payment and a new car upon getting my master's. So thats my final decision (for awhile anyway). Thanks again to everyone for reading and responding!



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