Honeymoon in Sept. 2012

I JUST called WDW res. (because I'm a total dork) and asked about the celebration buttons. The girl I spoke with said as far as she knew they were still giving them out. she had heard that they were planning to faze them out eventually but hadn't heard when as of yet. Julie... if you want some "Just Married" Buttons I can try to pick some up for you when I go this Sept. just in case they do faze them out...I know you don't really know me but I just thought I'd offer. When we went for out anniversary it was nice to wear them! Also, worst case... you can always get the bride/groom ears. More annoying to wear (imho), but gets the point across!

Aww that is soo thoughtful of you! :) It is okay though I truly appreciate it. I am going to try calling closer to when we are going and if they say they no longer have them I will probably just buy them. They are not too expensive anyways. I do think we are going to get the bride and groom mickey ears, but probably won't wear them too often. I think I just want to be able to take a few pics with us in them, in front of some of the more popular locations, and leave it at that! :) Hope you have a fabulous time.
Was hoping to get some more info. I am probably one of those crazy over-controlling, over organized, over scheduling type of people. I love to make notes about things, write out plans, ect, ect. So

1. What is the best tip you can give me about Disney?
2. This will be my fiance's first time, what is one thing he has to experience while there?
3. Favorite restaurant to go to that is more traditional, american type food? We are both simple eaters!
4. One thing NEVER to forget
5. Best advice for honeymooners?

Thank you everyone!!!! You have all helped me so much in my planning process so far, and I still have over a year to go! I can only imagine the amount of notes I will have by the time my trip comes!:cool1:
Aww hope you have an amazing time!!

WE OFFICIALLY BOOKED THE HONEYMOON TODAY!! 6 nights/7days at Coronado Springs :) :banana::banana:

We are both sooo excited. I have heard, though, that they no longer give out the Just MArried buttons. I found a web site online that can sell them though, but I am not sure if it is a scam or they just have some left over or something. We will see what happens. I did make just married t-shirts for the two of us though ;)

Thanks. I'm super excited and I even went and bought the book "The Hidden Magic of Disney" and am reading up on that right now. I'm going to make sure my husband reads it too. I think it will be fun to look for the things that are often overlooked.

Regarding the "Just Married" buttons, I thought I saw that they were still doing them on the Disney website, but I may be wrong. I'm so excited for you and take full advantage of your time there. On our honeymoon, we got up late and I feel like we missed out on a lot. I'm a planner too, so this time we are definitely planning things out a little better before we go.
Thanks. I'm super excited and I even went and bought the book "The Hidden Magic of Disney" and am reading up on that right now. I'm going to make sure my husband reads it too. I think it will be fun to look for the things that are often overlooked.

Regarding the "Just Married" buttons, I thought I saw that they were still doing them on the Disney website, but I may be wrong. I'm so excited for you and take full advantage of your time there. On our honeymoon, we got up late and I feel like we missed out on a lot. I'm a planner too, so this time we are definitely planning things out a little better before we go.

I really really hope they are still doing them! I am going to call when it gets closer to the trip and if they don't have them I might just buy them online. I am heading out this weekend to get a couple Disney books to start reading as well!!

PLUS:yay::yay::yay:!!! we just got out gift card in the mail for our honeymoon registry :)
Was hoping to get some more info. I am probably one of those crazy over-controlling, over organized, over scheduling type of people. I love to make notes about things, write out plans, ect, ect. So

1. What is the best tip you can give me about Disney?
2. This will be my fiance's first time, what is one thing he has to experience while there?
3. Favorite restaurant to go to that is more traditional, american type food? We are both simple eaters!
4. One thing NEVER to forget
5. Best advice for honeymooners?

Thank you everyone!!!! You have all helped me so much in my planning process so far, and I still have over a year to go! I can only imagine the amount of notes I will have by the time my trip comes!:cool1:

My DH and I got married at WDW in 2009 and had a split honeymoon between WDW and Disney Cruise Line. We love Disney!!
1. The best tip would be to get fast passes early in the day. Even the best rides aren't worth waiting 2 hours for IMHO.
2.Wishes, Fantasmic and Illuminations, I love those shows.
3. Kona Cafe in the Polynesian. and it is 1 credit on the DDP. Liberty Tree Tavern and 50's Prime time Cafe also have this kind of food.
4. Comfortable shoes. I have made this mistake before!
5. Preorder the Photopass CD that was previously mentioned. I ordered ours before our wedding/honeymoon and we took almost 100 pictures! It was really fun after we got back to edit them and add little borders and quotes on them on the PhotoPass website. There is also the added bonus of not having to keep asking people to take your picture, and they turn out a little nicer! Also when you order the cd you get the rights to all the pictures so you can print them out at home or from Walmart or whatever.
My DH and I got married at WDW in 2009 and had a split honeymoon between WDW and Disney Cruise Line. We love Disney!!
1. The best tip would be to get fast passes early in the day. Even the best rides aren't worth waiting 2 hours for IMHO.
2.Wishes, Fantasmic and Illuminations, I love those shows.
3. Kona Cafe in the Polynesian. and it is 1 credit on the DDP. Liberty Tree Tavern and 50's Prime time Cafe also have this kind of food.
4. Comfortable shoes. I have made this mistake before!
5. Preorder the Photopass CD that was previously mentioned. I ordered ours before our wedding/honeymoon and we took almost 100 pictures! It was really fun after we got back to edit them and add little borders and quotes on them on the PhotoPass website. There is also the added bonus of not having to keep asking people to take your picture, and they turn out a little nicer! Also when you order the cd you get the rights to all the pictures so you can print them out at home or from Walmart or whatever.

Thanks for the tips :) I am hoping that since we are going in September, the ride lines won't be too crazy! One of our couple friends had their honeymoon in Sept. as well and said it was awesome :) 50's prime and LTT are def. on our list! Any idea about wearing flip flops in the parks? I have only gone once and wore sneakers the whole time and HATED it. I would live in flip flops if i COuld. Good or bad idea?
my best shoe advice is to take a variety. if for no other reason it likes to rain and no one likes soggy shoes. i go from sandals to sneakers depending on how my feet/legs are feeling and i walk 5 miles a day at home. my daughter wears her flip flops all day no problem (she's 21).
You could tie a line of tin cans to your shoes!!

If you get bored of the parks, Orlando has a dog track...
Thanks for the tips :) I am hoping that since we are going in September, the ride lines won't be too crazy! One of our couple friends had their honeymoon in Sept. as well and said it was awesome :) 50's prime and LTT are def. on our list! Any idea about wearing flip flops in the parks? I have only gone once and wore sneakers the whole time and HATED it. I would live in flip flops if i COuld. Good or bad idea?

I would say if you wear flip flops, you should check to make sure they have support. I think I could do all day in flip flops if they were Birkenstocks or Teva's or Keene's, but the little flimsy flip flops I would never do there. It is too much walking and your feet might hurt at the end of the first day, you don't want to hurt the second day from walking the first day. It is totally up to you though. It is nice to switch it up every once in awhile though. I'm 32 so my body yells at me a bit more than it did when I was in my mid-20s, so I now have bone spurs in my heels from walking around barefoot or in shoes that were unsupportive. I just don't want that to happen to anyone else.
I would say if you wear flip flops, you should check to make sure they have support. I think I could do all day in flip flops if they were Birkenstocks or Teva's or Keene's, but the little flimsy flip flops I would never do there. It is too much walking and your feet might hurt at the end of the first day, you don't want to hurt the second day from walking the first day. It is totally up to you though. It is nice to switch it up every once in awhile though. I'm 32 so my body yells at me a bit more than it did when I was in my mid-20s, so I now have bone spurs in my heels from walking around barefoot or in shoes that were unsupportive. I just don't want that to happen to anyone else.

I have an awesome pair of Reef flip flops thats have great support to them that I am trying to wear as much as i can to get them broken in. especially since i only get to wear them in the summer being in new england
Thanks. I'm super excited and I even went and bought the book "The Hidden Magic of Disney" and am reading up on that right now. I'm going to make sure my husband reads it too. I think it will be fun to look for the things that are often overlooked.

I have that book too! Just be aware... some of the stuff is outdated. So if you can't find something, chances are it isn't there any longer... but still, full of cool info. My DH and I try to find new stuff from that book (as well as Hidden Mickeys) and call it our "path to enlightenment":rotfl: Enjoy!
My husband & I went to Disney in October 2003 for our honeymoon, we stayed at CBR and we loved it! When we checked in last time, at POR, we got "anniversary" buttons at the desk. We saved them and will be wearing them again this year when we go in 85 days! Just ask when you check in, they have tons of buttons for every occasion!
has anyone found the honeymoon pins anywhere at disney recently? i was just going to order them online if i couldn't find someone who said they got them at disney in recent time.
Bringing back lots of memories of our honeymoon in Sep 09!

Re the buttons they were available at Guest Relations in MK when I went in Jan but unfortunately not been since then.

Just wanted to give you a tip about the registry and dining plan... I know it might sound very cheeky but I actually put lots of meals on our registry even though we had the dining plan. I wanted to make sure that we did everything that people bought for us so this way I knew we would do it but it also meant that we had lots of credit to use for other things that people wouldn't have chosen from the registry - like my 2 year supply of soap from Basin White! :love:

It also meant that we had whatever we wanted at the meals - like wine etc and didn't worry that it was over the plan allowances. We also did quite a few 2 credit meals (CRT, Cali Grill etc) and people are happy to choose those from your registry as very memorable things to buy. This may have worked better for us being in the UK and lots of people not knowing about DDP!!

Also photopass is a must! I treasure our honeymoon album as much (maybe more) than our wedding one! We are both on all of the pictures rather than each taking pictures of each other or bothering other people. We stayed at GF and had quite a few pics done at the photopass portrait stop when on our way out for meals. I have these framed at home and EVERYONE thinks that they were from a professional shoot (which I wouldn't bother with at Disney - takes up too much time and you'll be sick of it after posing at wedding!)

I honestly spent more time planning for our honeymoon than our big church wedding but loved every minute - of the planning and the trip! We went back in Jan this year with family and it just was no where near as special - partly because it was just a holiday but also because I didn't plan as well (too many opinions!) so make the most of it!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Bringing back lots of memories of our honeymoon in Sep 09!

Re the buttons they were available at Guest Relations in MK when I went in Jan but unfortunately not been since then.

Just wanted to give you a tip about the registry and dining plan... I know it might sound very cheeky but I actually put lots of meals on our registry even though we had the dining plan. I wanted to make sure that we did everything that people bought for us so this way I knew we would do it but it also meant that we had lots of credit to use for other things that people wouldn't have chosen from the registry - like my 2 year supply of soap from Basin White! :love:

It also meant that we had whatever we wanted at the meals - like wine etc and didn't worry that it was over the plan allowances. We also did quite a few 2 credit meals (CRT, Cali Grill etc) and people are happy to choose those from your registry as very memorable things to buy. This may have worked better for us being in the UK and lots of people not knowing about DDP!!

Also photopass is a must! I treasure our honeymoon album as much (maybe more) than our wedding one! We are both on all of the pictures rather than each taking pictures of each other or bothering other people. We stayed at GF and had quite a few pics done at the photopass portrait stop when on our way out for meals. I have these framed at home and EVERYONE thinks that they were from a professional shoot (which I wouldn't bother with at Disney - takes up too much time and you'll be sick of it after posing at wedding!)

I honestly spent more time planning for our honeymoon than our big church wedding but loved every minute - of the planning and the trip! We went back in Jan this year with family and it just was no where near as special - partly because it was just a holiday but also because I didn't plan as well (too many opinions!) so make the most of it!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

I am so glad you said the part about the dining plan and the registry. I was going to put some dinners on the registry but thought it might look weird with the dining plan as welll. But your point is exactly what I was thinking.

I am so sad they no longer have the buttons. There is a web site that I found them on, but I dont know if it is worth spending the money. Might wait until its closer to the date to see if they have anything else coming out for newlyweds.

And you are right, I knew everything I wanted for the wedding and had those plans set. I have spent more time looking up Disney things and honeymoon stuff than wedding things!
I'm so upset the wedding registry is being redone. I just registered and started setting up our web site. Now we have to wait and re-register because everything is changing. We would only be able to use it until December, and we really don't need it until after that. I hope the improvements are really good.


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