Hillary Supporters unite part 2; no bashing please

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...And there lies the problem. Why the 4 extra delagates??????????

This is Obamas 3rd election with Drama involved. His first run for the State senate he had his 3 other candidates disqualified....so he ran unopposed.
His run for the US senate, was because 2 other candidates were caught in scandals, and the GOP placed someone in the last minute. So naturally he won.

All HIGHLY SUSPECT too me. :furious:

:thumbsup2 That is what I have been saying all along there is something VERY shady about the guy. I do not trust him at all.

There is no way in hades that man will get my vote. There are SO many questionable doings about him, around him and he seems to always pick the real winners to surround himself around.

The more I do my research about the man the more he turns my stomach.

Very slick man that Barack Obama :rolleyes1
Start getting use too saying "President McCain"!

Truthfully, the only way I see Obama winning the general is if McCain does something phenomenally stupid. Otherwise, I think McCain will be our next president. Obama has not been very successful since the Wright controversy broke. I wonder what other little tid-bits we will hear about Obama and his friends before November.
:thumbsup2 That is what I have been saying all along there is something VERY shady about the guy. I do not trust him at all.

There is no way in hades that man will get my vote. There are SO many questionable doings about him, around him and he seems to always pick the real winners to surround himself around.

The more I do my research about the man the more he turns my stomach.

Very slick man that Barack Obama :rolleyes1

What??? You mean you don't want to buy any of the hope-in-a-jar he is "selling" ??
...And there lies the problem. Why the 4 extra delagates??????????

This is Obamas 3rd election with Drama involved. His first run for the State senate he had his 3 other candidates disqualified....so he ran unopposed.
His run for the US senate, was because 2 other candidates were caught in scandals, and the GOP placed someone in the last minute. So naturally he won.

All HIGHLY SUSPECT too me. :furious:

I didn't know about this. I seriously need to read more about him.

Since the beginning, I've been really surprised at the treatment Hilary has received from the media (and the Democratic Party). The SNL skit where they highlighted the differences was dead on. Sad and strange.
:thumbsup2 That is what I have been saying all along there is something VERY shady about the guy. I do not trust him at all.

There is no way in hades that man will get my vote. There are SO many questionable doings about him, around him and he seems to always pick the real winners to surround himself around.

The more I do my research about the man the more he turns my stomach.

Very slick man that Barack Obama :rolleyes1

Chicago politics style slick by any chance?
Ok.. while not the most reputable news source, especially since the guy who wrote/posted it goes by Mike’s America; still good food for thought:
- --------------------------------------------------------------

Not a good quality in a President!
Posted by Mike's Amercia

Whether you like President Bush or not, he always knows exactly what he wants and explains it all very directly. There is no mistaking his intentions.
You can’t say that about Obama and the saddest part is many Americans are only now discovering that fact. Throughout the long nominating process with it’s nearly endless debates and speeches there have been glimmers of a confused and confusing foreign policy focus in the Obama campaign. Just as the Democrat nominating process is about to close, the pieces of that scary puzzle are starting to come together.
By now, everyone remembers the question and the reply:
At A July 2007 Debate, Obama Announced He Would Personally Meet With Leaders Of Iran, North Korea, Syria And Other Hostile Nations “Without Precondition.” Question: “[W]ould you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?”… Obama: “I would. And the reason is this, that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration - is ridiculous.” video here (CNN/YouTube Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate, Charleston, SC, 7/23/07)
But the odd thing is that Obama keeps getting asked about that question and the answers keep changing. Is this the kind of “change” voters want?
Jake Tapper points out that In the latest round of confusing and tortured explanations for what Obama really meant, he told the Orlando Sentinel in Florida on May 22, that he would “initiate” talks with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and raise the issue of his support for FARC terrorists in Columbia.

Recently, the international police organization, INTERPOL, confirmed that the documents found on the computer of a FARC terrorist leader documenting the strong support of Hugo Chavez for FARC’s reign of murder, kidnapping and drug running in Colombia were authentic.

Speaking to the Cuban American National Foundation in Miami on May 23, Obama said:
“We will shine a light on any support for the FARC that comes from neighboring governments…This behavior must be exposed to international condemnation, regional isolation, and — if need be — strong sanctions. It must not stand.”
Just how are you going to isolate Venezuela while initiating meetings at the presidential level?
Jake Tapper asked that question of an Obama advisor and the response is odd to say the least:
“if we are going to isolate the Venezuelans, it may be that we have to engage in a full-on diplomatic strategy with them,” the adviser says. Obama was not saying he, himself, would propose such a meeting, nor that he would necessarily participate in that meeting. When Obama referred to “my talks with President Hugo Chavez,” he did not mean “my talks,” literally (necessarily) — he meant his administration’s talks — “though it could be him engaging in this diplomacy directly and personally,” the adviser says. The point is, all the tools need to be in the diplomacy kit — isolation, willingness to hold presidential meetings, and everything in between.
So now, the idea of initiating and personally meeting without preconditions has taken on a confused and twisted meaning in Obama land. Is this the right kind of change?

Obama’s Iran Policy Just As Confused
Multiple times in 2007 (last item here)and as late as May 4, 2008 Obama insisted he would meet with Iranian President Ahmadinejad.
But as Curt points out, all that changed a few weeks later when Obama advisor Susan Rice said: “Well, first of all, he said he’d meet with the appropriate Iranian leaders. He hasn’t named who that leader will be.”
But let’s take him at his word (the current word, not the previous ones) and say he would meet with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khameni. Amir Taheri reminds us how Khameni views negotiations with the United States:
“You have nothing to say to us. We object. We do not agree to a relationship with you! We are not prepared to establish relations with powerful world devourers like you! The Iranian nation has no need of the United States, nor is the Iranian nation afraid of the United States. We . . . do not accept your behavior, your oppression and intervention in various parts of the world.”
Taheri also notes that “Last month, Tehran hosted an international conference titled ‘A World Without America.’”
And if any delusional do-gooder thinks that it’s just the current U.S. Administration that Iran objects to, Taheri points out that Iran has turned a deaf ear to approaches by U.S. Administrations representing both political parties going back nearly 30 years. And no other European or Middle Eastern government has had any luck negotiating a range of critical issues with Iran.
So just what would Obama negotiate? It’s clear that the meeting would be a tremendous flop with predictable negative results for the U.S. around the world.
As a further reminder of how dangerous a confused and confusing foreign policy outlook can be, David Reinhard, writing in the Oregonian had this to say:
In trying to talk his way out of his position, Obama’s only made matters worse for himself. It began last week when he cited John F. Kennedy’s sit-down with Nikita Khrushchev as a precedent: “When Kennedy met with Khrushchev,” he said, “we were on the brink of nuclear war.”
Uh, no, Senator, the brink of nuclear war came in the Cuban missile crisis more than a year later. In fact, Kennedy’s weak performance in Vienna prompted the Soviet decision to put missiles in Cuba, which brought us to the brink of nuclear war.
In Portland on Sunday, Obama said Iran, Cuba and Venezuela “don’t pose a serious threat to us” since they spend but one-one-hundredth of what we spend on our military. They’re not like the Soviets. “If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us,” he said, “they wouldn’t stand a chance.”
Never mind that the threat posed by terror-sponsoring nations like Iran or terrorist groups isn’t their conventional military strength, but their ability and inclination to use unconventional weapons against stronger nations in this age of asymmetrical warfare. The next day in Montana, Obama said Iran posed “a grave threat.” Grave? Not serious? Whatever.
It may not matter much to the Obamatons that their candidate spins faster than a Maytag washer stuck on the spin cycle. But when it comes to actually governing, as opposed to campaigning, a clearly expressed policy is the first key to advancing towards objectives. Obama continues to express a desire to bring “change” to foreign policy and national security issues. But consider this: that may not be change for the better. In fact it could be much, MUCH worse.

I didn't know about this. I seriously need to read more about him.

Since the beginning, I've been really surprised at the treatment Hilary has received from the media (and the Democratic Party). The SNL skit where they highlighted the differences was dead on. Sad and strange.

For his First run for State Senate, Obama ran completely unopposed after knocking all his opponents out on ‘technicalities”

The day after New Year's 1996, operatives for Barack Obama filed into a barren hearing room of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.

There they began the tedious process of challenging hundreds of signatures on the nominating petitions of state Sen. Alice Palmer, the longtime progressive activist from the city's South Side. And they kept challenging petitions until every one of Obama's four Democratic primary rivals was forced off the ballot


During his 2004 run for The US Senate

Democratic Primary

In early polls leading up to the March 16, 2004, primary election, candidate Blair Hull enjoyed a substantial lead and widespread name recognition resulting from a well-financed advertisement effort He contributed over $28 million of his personal wealth to the campaign. However, Hull was soon embroiled by allegations of domestic abuse. :rolleyes1 Challenger Barack Obama, an Illinois state senator, won endorsements from four Illinois congressmen and former DNC chairman David Wilhelm, increasing his name recognition among voters.
In the March primary, Obama won a majority of support, earning 52% of the vote, fueled by an overwhelming victory in Cook County, including Chicago.

General election

The GOP frontrunner, Jack Ryan, had divorced actress Jeri Ryan in 1999, and the records of the divorce were sealed at their mutual request. Five years later, when Ryan's Senate campaign began, the Chicago Tribune newspaper and WLS-TV, the local ABC affiliate, sought to have the records released. On March 3, 2004, several of Ryan's GOP primary opponents urged Ryan to release the records. Both Ryan and his wife agreed to make their divorce records public, but not make the child custody records public, claiming that the custody records could be harmful to their son if released. Ryan went on to win the GOP primary on March 16, 2004 defeating his nearest competitor, Jim Oberweis, by twelve percentage points

As a result of the GOP and Democratic primaries, Democrat Barack Obama was pitted against Republican Jack Ryan.
Ryan trailed Obama in early polls, with Obama opening up a 22-point lead after the media reported that Ryan had assigned Justin Warfel, a Ryan campaign worker, to track Obama's appearances. The tactic backfired when many people, including Ryan's supporters, criticized this activity. Ryan's spokesman apologized, and promised that Warfel would give Obama more space. Obama acknowledged that it is standard practice to film an opponent in public, and Obama said he was satisfied with Ryan's decision to have Warfel back off. (mighty big of him)
As the campaign progressed, the lawsuit brought by the Chicago Tribune to open child custody files from Ryan's divorce was still continuing. Barack Obama's backers emailed reporters about the divorce controversy, but refrained from on-the-record commentary about the divorce files. On March 29, 2004, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider ruled that several of the Ryans' divorce records should be opened to the public, and ruled that a court-appointed referee would later decide which custody files should remain sealed to protect the interests of Ryan's young child. (why a LA judge for a chicago polititian :confused3 )
A few days later, on April 2, 2004, Barack Obama changed his position about the Ryans' soon-to-be-released divorce records, and called on Democrats to not inject them into the campaign. (again Obama comes out as above it all)

On June 22, 2004, after receiving the report from the court-appointed referee, the judge released the files that were deemed consistent with the interests of Ryan's young child. In those files, Jeri Ryan alleged that Jack Ryan had taken her to sex clubs in several cities, intending for them to have sex in public. The decision to release the files generated much controversy because it went against both parents' direct request, and because it reversed the earlier decision to seal the papers in the best interest of the child. Jim Oberweis, Ryan's defeated GOP opponent, commented that "these are allegations made in a divorce hearing, and we all know people tend to say things that aren't necessarily true in divorce proceedings when there is money involved and custody of children involved."

Although their sensational nature made the revelations fodder for tabloid and television programs specializing in such stories, the files were also newsworthy because of questions about whether Ryan had accurately described the documents to GOP party leaders. Prior to release of the documents, Ryan had told leading Republicans that five percent of the divorce file could cause problems for his campaign. But after the documents were released, GOP officials including state GOP Chair Judy Baar Topinka said they felt Ryan had misleadingly indicated the divorce records would not be embarrassing. That charge of dishonesty led to intensifying calls for Ryan's withdrawal, though Topinka said after the June 25 withdrawal that Ryan's "decision was a personal one" and that the state GOP had not pressured Ryan to drop out. Ryan's campaign ended less than a week after the custody records were opened, and Ryan officially filed the documentation to withdraw on July 29, 2004. Again Obama was left without an opponent.

Enter Alan Keyes, a conservative Republican from Maryland, faced an uphill battle. First, Keyes had few ties to Illinois political leaders. Second, during the time when Obama had no opponent, he had campaigned throughout the more conservative downstate regions to build up name recognition. Third, Keyes was seen as a carpetbagger, only establishing legal residency in Calumet City, Illinois days before running. The Chicago Tribune in an editorial, stated that "Mr. Keyes may have noticed a large body of water as he flew into O'Hare. That is called Lake Michigan."

Obama ran the most successful Senate campaign for a non-incumbent in 2004, and was so far ahead in polls that he soon began to campaign outside of Illinois in support of other Democratic candidates. He gave large sums of campaign funds to other candidates and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and sent many of his volunteers to work on other races, including that of now-Congresswoman Melissa Bean who defeated then-Congressman Phil Crane in that year's election. Obama and Keyes differed on many issues including school vouchers and tax cuts, both of which Keyes supported and Obama opposed.


:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 just sayin!
Dolce27 -- interesting piece, found a similar piece called "A Close Look at Obama's Voting Record"


Of course the Obama's camp response will find a way to "speech" it all away or diflect in some way "but but but Hillary is the same way." Yeah, but Hillary isn't out there preaching that she is above it all!


Obama is just a sleazy politician that the GOP is about to have a field day with. Anyone who's been doing some serious digging on the man and finds what main stream media has currently been ignoring out of their hate for Hillary and love for Obama knows that the GOP is pretty darn happy that Obama is expected to get the Dem nod.
For his First run for State Senate, Obama ran completely unopposed after knocking all his opponents out on ‘technicalities”

The day after New Year's 1996, operatives for Barack Obama filed into a barren hearing room of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.

There they began the tedious process of challenging hundreds of signatures on the nominating petitions of state Sen. Alice Palmer, the longtime progressive activist from the city's South Side. And they kept challenging petitions until every one of Obama's four Democratic primary rivals was forced off the ballot


During his 2004 run for The US Senate

Democratic Primary

In early polls leading up to the March 16, 2004, primary election, candidate Blair Hull enjoyed a substantial lead and widespread name recognition resulting from a well-financed advertisement effort He contributed over $28 million of his personal wealth to the campaign. However, Hull was soon embroiled by allegations of domestic abuse. :rolleyes1 Challenger Barack Obama, an Illinois state senator, won endorsements from four Illinois congressmen and former DNC chairman David Wilhelm, increasing his name recognition among voters.
In the March primary, Obama won a majority of support, earning 52% of the vote, fueled by an overwhelming victory in Cook County, including Chicago.

General election

The GOP frontrunner, Jack Ryan, had divorced actress Jeri Ryan in 1999, and the records of the divorce were sealed at their mutual request. Five years later, when Ryan's Senate campaign began, the Chicago Tribune newspaper and WLS-TV, the local ABC affiliate, sought to have the records released. On March 3, 2004, several of Ryan's GOP primary opponents urged Ryan to release the records. Both Ryan and his wife agreed to make their divorce records public, but not make the child custody records public, claiming that the custody records could be harmful to their son if released. Ryan went on to win the GOP primary on March 16, 2004 defeating his nearest competitor, Jim Oberweis, by twelve percentage points

As a result of the GOP and Democratic primaries, Democrat Barack Obama was pitted against Republican Jack Ryan.
Ryan trailed Obama in early polls, with Obama opening up a 22-point lead after the media reported that Ryan had assigned Justin Warfel, a Ryan campaign worker, to track Obama's appearances. The tactic backfired when many people, including Ryan's supporters, criticized this activity. Ryan's spokesman apologized, and promised that Warfel would give Obama more space. Obama acknowledged that it is standard practice to film an opponent in public, and Obama said he was satisfied with Ryan's decision to have Warfel back off. (mighty big of him)
As the campaign progressed, the lawsuit brought by the Chicago Tribune to open child custody files from Ryan's divorce was still continuing. Barack Obama's backers emailed reporters about the divorce controversy, but refrained from on-the-record commentary about the divorce files. On March 29, 2004, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider ruled that several of the Ryans' divorce records should be opened to the public, and ruled that a court-appointed referee would later decide which custody files should remain sealed to protect the interests of Ryan's young child. (why a LA judge for a chicago polititian :confused3 )
A few days later, on April 2, 2004, Barack Obama changed his position about the Ryans' soon-to-be-released divorce records, and called on Democrats to not inject them into the campaign. (again Obama comes out as above it all)

On June 22, 2004, after receiving the report from the court-appointed referee, the judge released the files that were deemed consistent with the interests of Ryan's young child. In those files, Jeri Ryan alleged that Jack Ryan had taken her to sex clubs in several cities, intending for them to have sex in public. The decision to release the files generated much controversy because it went against both parents' direct request, and because it reversed the earlier decision to seal the papers in the best interest of the child. Jim Oberweis, Ryan's defeated GOP opponent, commented that "these are allegations made in a divorce hearing, and we all know people tend to say things that aren't necessarily true in divorce proceedings when there is money involved and custody of children involved."

Although their sensational nature made the revelations fodder for tabloid and television programs specializing in such stories, the files were also newsworthy because of questions about whether Ryan had accurately described the documents to GOP party leaders. Prior to release of the documents, Ryan had told leading Republicans that five percent of the divorce file could cause problems for his campaign. But after the documents were released, GOP officials including state GOP Chair Judy Baar Topinka said they felt Ryan had misleadingly indicated the divorce records would not be embarrassing. That charge of dishonesty led to intensifying calls for Ryan's withdrawal, though Topinka said after the June 25 withdrawal that Ryan's "decision was a personal one" and that the state GOP had not pressured Ryan to drop out. Ryan's campaign ended less than a week after the custody records were opened, and Ryan officially filed the documentation to withdraw on July 29, 2004. Again Obama was left without an opponent.

Enter Alan Keyes, a conservative Republican from Maryland, faced an uphill battle. First, Keyes had few ties to Illinois political leaders. Second, during the time when Obama had no opponent, he had campaigned throughout the more conservative downstate regions to build up name recognition. Third, Keyes was seen as a carpetbagger, only establishing legal residency in Calumet City, Illinois days before running. The Chicago Tribune in an editorial, stated that "Mr. Keyes may have noticed a large body of water as he flew into O'Hare. That is called Lake Michigan."

Obama ran the most successful Senate campaign for a non-incumbent in 2004, and was so far ahead in polls that he soon began to campaign outside of Illinois in support of other Democratic candidates. He gave large sums of campaign funds to other candidates and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and sent many of his volunteers to work on other races, including that of now-Congresswoman Melissa Bean who defeated then-Congressman Phil Crane in that year's election. Obama and Keyes differed on many issues including school vouchers and tax cuts, both of which Keyes supported and Obama opposed.


:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 just sayin!

Thanks for posting that. It bears repeating.
Obama ran the most successful Senate campaign for a non-incumbent in 2004, and was so far ahead in polls that he soon began to campaign outside of Illinois in support of other Democratic candidates. He gave large sums of campaign funds to other candidates and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and sent many of his volunteers to work on other races

Just horrible!
Obama ran the most successful Senate campaign for a non-incumbent in 2004, and was so far ahead in polls that he soon began to campaign outside of Illinois in support of other Democratic candidates. He gave large sums of campaign funds to other candidates and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and sent many of his volunteers to work on other races

Just horrible!

Are you sure you have the right thread?
Obama ran the most successful Senate campaign for a non-incumbent in 2004, and was so far ahead in polls that he soon began to campaign outside of Illinois in support of other Democratic candidates. He gave large sums of campaign funds to other candidates and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and sent many of his volunteers to work on other races

Just horrible!

For someone who is so deadset against PAC & Lobbyist $$$...he sure can be called one!

Obama is just a sleazy politician that the GOP is about to have a field day with. Anyone who's been doing some serious digging on the man and finds what main stream media has currently been ignoring out of their hate for Hillary and love for Obama knows that the GOP is pretty darn happy that Obama is expected to get the Dem nod.

I have to admit that as a conservative (generally), I definitely would rather see Obama than Hillary. She can't lose; Obama is a deeply flawed candidate.
I have to admit that as a conservative (generally), I definitely would rather see Obama than Hillary. She can't lose; Obama is a deeply flawed candidate.

I'm a conservative too. Obama scares me. He is deeply flawed but he's pure Teflon. I think if he gets the nod, he does stand a good chance of winning. I'd much rather see Hillary in office before him.
I'm now independant and I will like to see ANYBODY but Obama in the WH!
This is a man with a hidden agenda!::yes::
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