High School Class of 2016/College Class 2020

Finally got our daughter settled in yesterday. Left at 5 a.m., arrived at school at 10 a.m. Took about two hours to move in. Then we had lunch and ran a few on-campus errands. Headed home at 2:30 and arrived at 8p.m. Long, long tiring day.
I think DD's biggest worry was that she was bringing too much and would look silly. That concern ended when she saw her first U-Haul trailer pulled up in front of the dorms. lol.

Crowds were pretty low when we arrived, so we were able to get a cart and access to the elevators pretty easy. It only took us 3 runs with the elevator to get her moved in.
It got worse as the day wore on, with carts running low and long, long lines for the elevator. We used the stairs (to the tenth floor) a few times while we ran her errands because we didn't feel like waiting. I felt bad for the people who were trying to move in at that point. And this wasn't even the "freshman" dorm. We walked past there later in the day, and it was a complete madhouse.

While the tenth floor has it's drawbacks, I think she and her roommate are going to love it. It has a special lounge with an awesome view of campus. And it's the only floor with a kitchenette. Bonus, DD and her roommate are in the room at the end of the hall (so neighbors on only one side) and closest to the lounge, laundry, elevators and stairs (just beyond the security door).

Other than a short text last night, we haven't heard from her. The freshman participate in a Day of Service today, so I assume she'll be pretty busy today... The rest of the weekend, they have various fun welcome events. Hopefully it goes well and she gets off to a good start with classes on Monday.
I'm not sure how long we should stay after moving her in. She can get her keys and move in Wednesday morning, but they have events (for students and parents) running all the way through Labor day. I really think that's a little excessive. I wanted to leave Wednesday night, but DH thinks we should stay until at least Thursday. I guess we will stay to make him feel better, but I was wondering what other people did.
Dd isn't as far away as some of your kids are. So she came home last weekend and she went with us last night to an event at church, but I am already seeing a change in her. She is already a little bit more appreciative and none of the constant annoyance with us. She just seems a bit more mature.

I would guess that for those who won't see their kids for awhile, they will see a big change.

I'm curious to see how DD is tomorrow. She has been there for almost a week now and the last time we saw her was on Monday. She has called and texted a couple of times though. I'm trying to remember to just ask her about the Orientation week events and not bug her with mom-type questions (have you cleaned up the room, etc), LOL. She has a full day at the beach today (but with key note speakers from the school, etc) so I probably won't hear from her again today. Then tomorrow is Disneyland day :) She did confirm with the school that she will not be going back with them on the bus (she just needs to fill out a form tomorrow morning) and she will join us and our friends for the evening to watch fireworks, etc. Then we will take her back on Sunday. We need to deliver a couch for their common area anyway. So I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow and hearing more about how the week went.

I'm not sure how long we should stay after moving her in. She can get her keys and move in Wednesday morning, but they have events (for students and parents) running all the way through Labor day. I really think that's a little excessive. I wanted to leave Wednesday night, but DH thinks we should stay until at least Thursday. I guess we will stay to make him feel better, but I was wondering what other people did.

Wow - that does seem like a lot for parents. What are some of the activities? DD has a full week of events this week also but Family Day was on Monday and it was made pretty clear that the remainder of the events were for incoming Freshman only. So those that traveled to move the kids in on Saturday stayed over until Monday and then left.
I'm curious to see how DD is tomorrow. She has been there for almost a week now and the last time we saw her was on Monday. She has called and texted a couple of times though. I'm trying to remember to just ask her about the Orientation week events and not bug her with mom-type questions (have you cleaned up the room, etc), LOL. She has a full day at the beach today (but with key note speakers from the school, etc) so I probably won't hear from her again today. Then tomorrow is Disneyland day :) She did confirm with the school that she will not be going back with them on the bus (she just needs to fill out a form tomorrow morning) and she will join us and our friends for the evening to watch fireworks, etc. Then we will take her back on Sunday. We need to deliver a couch for their common area anyway. So I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow and hearing more about how the week went.

Wow - that does seem like a lot for parents. What are some of the activities? DD has a full week of events this week also but Family Day was on Monday and it was made pretty clear that the remainder of the events were for incoming Freshman only. So those that traveled to move the kids in on Saturday stayed over until Monday and then left.

I have no idea, really. DD has the schedule and I haven't really looked at it, but DH has. Too busy packing. Lol.
DD is doing well. She's been keeping busy with activities for the kids and has been making friends. She's very upset that she can't march this year, but there's not a lot we can do about that - her surgery is scheduled for September then it will be three months on crutches. They do this thing every year where all the kids go to the local big box store at the same time. Big box store hires a DJ and gives out freebies. The line literally wraps around the store. Then yesterday she went into town with a friend and went to the hispanic festival. Classes start Monday and DD is excited to get started.

She is worried about her roommate. The girl moved in Monday and starting the first night she was there, has called her mom every night in tears begging to come home. She is upset that she doesn't have any friends. DD invited her to the big box party and the festival but she didn't want to go. DD tried to explain that nobody really has friends yet - you meet people in class and by doing activities. The only reason DD has friends already is that she had band camp and those kids get really close right away. We met the girl and her mom a few times over the Summer and she seemed friendly and not introverted at all. I think maybe it's just that she's from a very small school and has probably had the same group of friends since kindergarten. DD also says she's a huge slob, and if my kid says someone is a huge slob that's saying a lot. I worry that between the two of them, I might need a hazmat suit when I go visit.
Is anyone else hoping absence will make the heart fonder with their college kid? I love my daughter but she never seemed appreciative of the things I did for her like her laundry etc. and she always seemed annoyed at me. I'm hoping the time apart will help us. Maybe it's just a mother daughter thing?

Dd isn't as far away as some of your kids are. So she came home last weekend and she went with us last night to an event at church, but I am already seeing a change in her. She is already a little bit more appreciative and none of the constant annoyance with us. She just seems a bit more mature.

I would guess that for those who won't see their kids for awhile, they will see a big change.

My DD is still home, but she's been incredibly good natured and loving lately...a huge departure from most of last school year.

A few years ago I read some psych study that says the last year-and especially last summer-before college that it is normal for the kid to be seen as annoying-that it is a way for the kid to separate from the family a bit and the family (mom!) is ready for them to go. I've noticed too that the slightly annoyed tone is gone from her voice now LOL!

DD is doing well. She's been keeping busy with activities for the kids and has been making friends. She's very upset that she can't march this year, but there's not a lot we can do about that - her surgery is scheduled for September then it will be three months on crutches. They do this thing every year where all the kids go to the local big box store at the same time. Big box store hires a DJ and gives out freebies. The line literally wraps around the store. Then yesterday she went into town with a friend and went to the hispanic festival. Classes start Monday and DD is excited to get started.

She is worried about her roommate. The girl moved in Monday and starting the first night she was there, has called her mom every night in tears begging to come home. She is upset that she doesn't have any friends. DD invited her to the big box party and the festival but she didn't want to go. DD tried to explain that nobody really has friends yet - you meet people in class and by doing activities. The only reason DD has friends already is that she had band camp and those kids get really close right away. We met the girl and her mom a few times over the Summer and she seemed friendly and not introverted at all. I think maybe it's just that she's from a very small school and has probably had the same group of friends since kindergarten. DD also says she's a huge slob, and if my kid says someone is a huge slob that's saying a lot. I worry that between the two of them, I might need a hazmat suit when I go visit.

Hopefully the roommate adjusts soon! And good luck to your DD on her surgery!
We just flew back home after spending a wonderful 5 days at my daughter's college. Move-in was a breeze. Lots of student helpers that carried things to her dorm for us. The city is beautiful. I took a day trip to Disney and crowds were nice & low. I think the combo of high temps and kids back in school helped keep the crowds away. My daughter's roommate brought way too many things from home with her. It is so cluttered. My daughter is taking a day trip to the Magic Kingdom today and she is very excited! I hope she has a great first year. She was a little down a week prior to leaving. I'm sure that was just the reality setting it. She is very outgoing, so I'm sure she will be just fine.
DD is doing well. She's been keeping busy with activities for the kids and has been making friends. She's very upset that she can't march this year, but there's not a lot we can do about that - her surgery is scheduled for September then it will be three months on crutches. They do this thing every year where all the kids go to the local big box store at the same time. Big box store hires a DJ and gives out freebies. The line literally wraps around the store. Then yesterday she went into town with a friend and went to the hispanic festival. Classes start Monday and DD is excited to get started.

She is worried about her roommate. The girl moved in Monday and starting the first night she was there, has called her mom every night in tears begging to come home. She is upset that she doesn't have any friends. DD invited her to the big box party and the festival but she didn't want to go. DD tried to explain that nobody really has friends yet - you meet people in class and by doing activities. The only reason DD has friends already is that she had band camp and those kids get really close right away. We met the girl and her mom a few times over the Summer and she seemed friendly and not introverted at all. I think maybe it's just that she's from a very small school and has probably had the same group of friends since kindergarten. DD also says she's a huge slob, and if my kid says someone is a huge slob that's saying a lot. I worry that between the two of them, I might need a hazmat suit when I go visit.

Poor girl! Dd knows a girl that is at MSU. She was so excited before going. Had a great time shopping and decorating her dorm room. And then she was miserable when she moved in. Her mom got her talked into at least finishing the semester. Hopefully its gotten better for her.

Dd has been blessed with making a big group of friends quickly. Her cousin's gf is in the same dorm and her roomate is in choir with dd. Between the three of them, their group as grown to about 10 or 12, several of who are in choir. They keep a group text going to see when anyone is going down to eat or wanting to go into town.

Her bff from high school chose a different school and to commute. From what she tells dd, she isn't happy yet either. Hopefully that will change.
The first couple of weeks are really tough. I hope things improve for the homesick girls. I remember when I was in school, crying to my mother....until I didn't and overall I had an excellent college experience.
We are in the home stretch here! Tomorrow is her last day of her summer job, Monday is a haircut and a Dr.'s appointment, Tuesday is final packing (or packing, as DD has not begun packing yet) and we leave on Wed. She can move-in on Friday, but can't unpack until Sat. This will be a long week. Oh, and her younger siblings start school on Monday!

I am really excited to see how DD changes during the year. I can see glimpses of her new maturity. (only glimpses--see above about her not really packing yet). The other evening she called me to tell me "thank you." When I asked her, "For what?" She said that she had gotten an e-mail from the college telling her that her tuition had been paid. She said how she knew it was very expensive and that she appreciated that we had done that for her. THIS is the sweet child of the past coming back, not the entitled teen that has been living in our home for the past few years!

I'm glad to see that everyone (kids and parents both) seem to be adjusting well. I hope to be there, too, in a few weeks! Pray for sun on Friday, please!
Text from DD: Did we pack dryer sheets?

I know I bought them, but if they didn't make it into the boxes, then I guess we didn't

Follow-up text from DD: Can you still dry clothes without them?

Her roommate made a delicious stir-fry with all kinds of veggies and sausages. DD is going to scrub down the kitchen. We don't have a dishwasher so I had to explain that you put the soap in both compartments and close the one. I am not sure she got it, she sounded confused. I also repeated again to not use regular dish soap.

I face-timed with her and her roommate was in the background sounding cheerful and trying to decide on what to wear for her first day of classes so there is hope.
Well, we dropped our son off on Thursday, and he's all settled in. They had a lovely prayer service that afternoon, after which the parents left and the kids went in for dinner-- a very tactful way of handling the goodbyes. ( in my defense: since he's on the first floor, his check in wasn't until after 2)

We got him settled, and went to the bookstore for his textbooks. We had ordered them at orientation, and they were all boxed up and waiting. They gave him a combo of new, used and rentals, and the total came to only $130-- much less tha I was expecting.

Of course I cried at the goodbye...I cry at Hallmark commercials so this was not a,surprise. We had planned to stay over at a hotel anyway. The only downside was that I woke up at 2 am in severe back pain...and my husband can't drive for a few more weeks as a result of some seizures in April. So we were a bit concerned about the 3 hour drive home. But it went well- we hit a CVS and got me a back brace,and combined that with 2 Tylenol. Traffic was minimal, thank God... the Belt Parkway has been a nightmare for months and I really wanted to get home on Friday! I got to a chiropractor yesterday. He said that a few of my vertebrae were misaligned. I guess I reached wrong or something. So I'll take it easy..school,starts for me on Tuesday.

My son texted Thursday night that he had won a speaker for his iPhone...playing Bingo of all things. Friday they spent doing yardwork at a local VA hospital, I think they had a choice of service projects and he chose that one. he's making friends and not holed up playing X Box, so I'm happy. Yesterday they had orientation classes, today they're doing shuttles to Walmart and BB&B for anything they still need-- for my son that means water and Gatorade.

Then classes begin tomorrow.
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A few years ago I read some psych study that says the last year-and especially last summer-before college that it is normal for the kid to be seen as annoying-that it is a way for the kid to separate from the family a bit and the family (mom!) is ready for them to go. I've noticed too that the slightly annoyed tone is gone from her voice now LOL!

It's called "soiling the nest" http://grownandflown.com/soiling-the-nest-teens-being-bad/

and it was in full force right up until we arrived on campus!
First hiccup..a lost wallet.

And a resolution a few hours later-- it was in the pocket of the shorts he had worn to work out in the gym. (And, yes, of course we told him to look in the pockets of the pants he had worn for the past few days. But I think he was so thrown off at the idea that someone had his debit card-- though it hadn't been used-- that he forgot all about working out.)

The good things are that:
a) he found it
b) he was prepared to borrow money from friends so he could stock up on water and other things he wanted. So he has some guys he's friendly enough with already to feel comfortable to ask.
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Moved my DD in yesterday two trips up with the carts and 3 hours unpacking she is all settled in. MY DD and her BF ended up in a triple but no third room mate as of yet. I have to say the room is huge with a private bath. She ended up knowing quite a few kids already from home so that is a plus.
We did a trip to the supermarket but she did not want to get a lot since she has unlimited meals . The school has a ton a activities planned until they start on September 1st.
I didn't cry and she is coming home for the long weekend.
Woo Hoo for all the kids that moved in this weekend!!! Glad to hear everyone is settling in OK. I hope the one roommate is able to adjust soon.

We had a great time seeing DD and her friends at Disneyland on Saturday. Since she had been before, the other kids in her group deemed her the leader for the day ;) She said for the short time they had, they managed to do quite a few rides.

She is at her first class now. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear how it went. She has a "field trip" the very first day (aka - off campus class for the day). So they were meeting at the classroom but then all have to find their own way to the off campus location. I'm guessing she managed OK because I didn't get any phone call with her in tears (they were going to try to carpool/use Uber, etc). ;)
How exciting for all your kids!

My son is technically still doing dual enrollment. We are taking advantage of the savings! Next semester he will be a college student.

My 2nd son is a Junior and we anticipate he will want to go away to school.

So, here I am, at my new full time job today, making money to pay for said college plans!
DD had her first (and only) class today. Other than getting lost on the way, it sounds like all went well.
She said what started as two lost students ended with half a dozen before a professor pointed them in the right direction. :)
And apparently they found the only big hill on campus (sure looked 100% flat when we visited, lol) and they hiked it several times before they were directed toward the right building. :rotfl:
Tomorrow she has quite a few classes including the Spanish class she is a bit worried about (she tested into a higher level course, but is worried about it because she had four different Spanish teachers during her high school years - yes, a new teacher was hired EVERY year, ridiculous ). She's not convinced she knows enough to take the class. So, we'll see how it goes.
Hope all the other young adults are doing well also. party:


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