

<font color=green>Touched by a fairy<br><font colo
Jun 19, 2000
Didnt know where to post this...Just wondering if anyone new when the resort in Hawaii would be completed and taking ressies?:confused3
I think it's supposed to be completed in late 2011- so the fall of 2011? We are hoping to go in 2012- we were REALLY hoping for 2011 by August, as it's our 25th anniversary and DH's 50th, but I'm thinking we will be celebrating late!
offically it is late 2011 but by the contruction progress I would estimate occpancy of spring 2011. I would think reservations would start about 6 month before.
We just returned from Hawaii on Wednesday3/17/10. We drove over to the Disney site and it is still very much under construction. There is no signage but we did see notes for the Disney crew. There is a lagoon out the back. We heard that the Black Pearl ship will be brought over there as well. There are trolleys that go from the other resorts and across the street is a golf course with a cute train that runs across the course. Also out the back of the resort is a beautiful little chapel. The buildings concrete shell is up and it looked about 10 floors. The area is very quiet and peaceful. I will try to post pictures.

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