Flirting our Way through WDW 1 person at a time(New -2)Final Chapter

Parker's smiles are just too cute! I love all the pictures :thumbsup2

Uh oh, the next update sounds interesting... can't wait to see what happens!

it is a good story. thanks glad you liked the pictures.


oh, the suspense!!!!! popcorn::
i like to keep you guys waiting in anticipation.

I always did like a good mystery.:3dglasses
mr. mustard in the kitchen with the rope.

such pretty pictures of the castle!!(and, of course ,of the main attraction, Parker:goodvibes )
they are handsome picturesof parker not pretty, oh who am i kidding that kid is cute as a button.

My money's on you! Was your new radio station prize-winnin' buddy one of the dads?
good beating, nope he wasnt, and i think he would have been some help if he knew what was going on...i think thta most of the people were just shocked as to what happened...but dont want to give to much away.

Hi Dan! not much.. I added Fauntleroy Duck as a friend on Facebook. I was excited because I thought it was you! it wasn't. :lmao: it was ANTS from the DIS. :rotfl2:

that is funny, scott asked if i PMed him as well, there is an impersonator of the duck going around.
this face either says i am bored or i have a wedgie and it hurts.

:worship: :worship:

That is so funny!!!

As for the Brazilian tour groups, they have been making quite an impression around the DIS! I can't wait to hear about the throw down!

they got what they deserved i will just say that.

I love this!! its so funny! :lmao:
and what a good husband ad daddy you are. getting beat up just for an awsome parade spot! you'r e a TRUE DISser Dan!!! :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:
I havent even finished the rest of the update! :surfweb:
anything for my little man and wife at disney.

What resort did they stay at?

OOOH...This should be fun!! popcorn::
dont remember where they were saying, i know they told me but cant remember.

another good update

like shot that candi got of you both looked amazed :rotfl:

Castle looks gorgeous:goodvibes

DO not leave us hanging too long on that brazillian throwdown popcorn::

BTW....QM posted some pics of a birthday trip she and her dh took to disney last month and she and dh bought a new camper and posted those pics..if ya wanna check it out..just saying :rolleyes1
i saw a few pictures of it, but did not have time to comment.

Parkers smile is infectious! That "wedgie" face is too funny!

i like to make up captions for his faces.
Ah, the taco salads at Pecos Bills! Yum! The chicken wraps there are really good too!
What is up with all these large Brazilian groups?? On our trip, there was a big group that all had green things on (you know like the orange flap vest that the crossing guards wear?). We saw them Everywhere! Hopefully your throw down wasn't too bad!;)
Ah, the taco salads at Pecos Bills! Yum! The chicken wraps there are really good too!
What is up with all these large Brazilian groups?? On our trip, there was a big group that all had green things on (you know like the orange flap vest that the crossing guards wear?). We saw them Everywhere! Hopefully your throw down wasn't too bad!;)

they were all wearing bright yellow shirts when we were there, and had there stupid flags walking around.
The castle is beautiful. Pecos Bills is another place we haven't been to yet. My DH and I decided we are going back to Disney this summer! We are taking advantage of the buy 4 get 3. What are your thoughts on CSR? I am looking forward to hearing about the "throwdown".
The castle is beautiful. Pecos Bills is another place we haven't been to yet. My DH and I decided we are going back to Disney this summer! We are taking advantage of the buy 4 get 3. What are your thoughts on CSR? I am looking forward to hearing about the "throwdown".
thats great, if we did not already have a bunch of other trips this summer, it would be fun to take advantage of that as well...but we will be down in FL during hte holidays, going to Miami, sarasota, and key west for a little over a week...and ATL on the way home.

we really liked CSR, it was a fun resort and we thought very well themed.
Well that is not even the good part of the evening, up next there is a confrontation with a brazilian group, 2 dads, me, and CM, who side is on who and what happens.

find out in the next chapter
Brazilian throwdown on main street

Oh dear a throwdown on Main Street, I say you win :goodvibes

Note to self: get a taco salad at Peco Bill's
Chapter 25. A brazilian Throwdown, and broken ankles.

This is the chapter youguys have been long waiting for. I hope you enjoy it.

*dans editors: note I do not dislike people, only ignorite people, and i hope this chapter does not affend anyone, that is not my intent, just telling the story how it went.*

Well with the castle lighting over with, it was time to claim our positions for the parade...We had already wisely stationed ourselves in the proper places knowing where the tape is and where they would allow people to be we just kinda stood around in those spots knowing that it would be to long to sit down and wait. As we are standing there, we notice a giant, and i mean giant group of bright yellow puke green color, not a pretty color green something after a bad night color...anyway, this large group is stationed across from us in the hub and looking straight back down main street. Well about 10 more of there groupies show up and start to stand around and talk to this group about the time that the CM in charge of this area is telling people to please stay back on the side walks, or behind the designated areas that they need to which are taped off for the parade that will start shortly.

Well As you may remeber i am located right on the L part of the tape that is next to the emergency walkway area...I was in the corner of the L and then about 4 feet to my left was the rest of the L that rounded out the emergency walkway area, there was no room for anyone else in there, Well the stragglers of the brazilian group saw this 4 feet of openness and thought it was saved for them. they came over and stood there, and the nice CM came over and told them to move it was an emergency spot and they left. well then they went over to there friends on the curb of the hub and sat in front of them. They were out in the road and hte CM came over and told them to move. They moved and went back over to the 4 foot area next to me again and were again told to move. Then they went back about 2 feet so they were not right next to me but back a little little but still in the emergency area, and were again told to move.

Now this is where it gets good, so me and a dad across from me in the other L area, catch eyes and and we both roll our eyes at them. I notice he has the same opinion that i do. A bond was formed with a word spoken. Well then this girl sees the 2 not more than 3 inches of open tape area next to me she comes and squeezes into it. Well I look at her and get the fist ready to smack her upside the head, when the CM comes over and sees where she tries to stand and tells her to move.

The time has come where we sit down to get ready for the show about 5 minutes out now.

So we site and there is still the couple of inches next to me. and she comes back and tries to stand there again, and is again moved.

Now behind me is the mother of the guy that i locked eyes with across the way, and the grandma of the children that are standing with the other man. So we strick up a conversation with that gentleman because he has along with the CM been telling the girls that they could not stand there, they even tried to squeeze in next to them. And were crowding his young kids.

The grandma was behind me in a motor scooter, the kids with him, could not see where they were so, I told him to let them cover over next to me and i would move over some so they could sit down, he said okay but dont move until the parade starts then he would send them over.

Now the brazilian girls, started to crowd the grandma behind me and push into the area where she was this was the breaking point they were standing where she would not be able to see anything as well as the people sitting next to her. The CM came over and he had enough, he said girls next time i tell you i am going to kick you out of the park. You need to move and find somewhere else to stand now. This was about 10 minutes to late coming.

Here is the part that was really out of character for me, normally i am very nice to people, except when they are so ignorant and do not follow the rules and act like they dont know what is going on.

they were still standing there after the CM told them that with a dumb look on there face.

I Said to them. " you need to move and find somewhere else to stand we have all been there for close to an hour and half to get these spots and they can not just come up here 15 minutes before the parade starts and expect to squeeze into anywhere you want."

there was silence for a second.

then she said
"I dont speak english"

then i flipped and got loud i mean loud where people about 15 feet away looked at me.
i said
"oh yes you do, you know exactly what i am saying and you just spoke english right back to me so dont even start like you dont know what i am saying, you guys need to move now."

the girl just stared at me like i cant believe he just said that to me. Everyone around me just smiled like wow that guy said everything we wanted to say.

I looked at the CM and he just smiled, like i wish i could have said that to guest without getting in trouble.

The girls turned and moved to the back of the crowd. I had made peace once again on main street.

The old lady behind me said thank you very much, and i got a nod of approval from the CM for thanks.

Now with the controversy behind us it was time for the show to start. The dad came stood over by us with his kids sitting next to me.

I will leave the negative ness of the night alone now and head onto great things like the parade that was about to start.

I hope you enjoy i am not posting a bunch of hte pictures, but hope you enjoy the ones i chose.

the first floats coming toward us parker looked like this, you can see the dad that i was talking with behind me.




now when this float went by with mickey on it, the cutest thing ever happened, parker started to cry and while i was holding him, he tried to throw himself onto the ground and crawl after it, i was holding him and he was crawling i motion like mickey mickey come back dont leave.

then i showed him another float was coming and he calmed down again, and staired at its lights...

I will post a video of him trying to craw after the floats you can make it out if you look good...sorry it is kinda dark.



and with that the parade was over, it was a great one as always and i love the music.

Well i thought what else could happen with the night, we had saw a great castle lighting, and made some nice friends from ohio, had faught off the brazilian tour group with a main street throw down.
You might be asking according to the title whos ankles did you break fauntleroy.

well, i handed parker to candi and she turned to put something away in the stroller.

As i started to stand up, now mind you, i had been sitting indian style for at least 30 minutes total at this point without moving. my legs were shoot, and i dont mean, soar, i a mean, i dont think i had legs or ankles or anything below the crotch, i could not feel a thing, but i did not know this until i went to stand, luckily i had given parker up to candi.

I was on my feet but falling backward, i could not get my feet to stand straight, i looked down and my ankles were completely sideways where the sides of my shoes were flat on the ground. I went backward at least 10 feet before the ankles couldnot take it and i was flat on my back, candi turned around and says where is my husband, the lady in the wheel chair says on the ground.

The guy comes over and helps me up and helps me walk back over to candi. i still can not feel anything but at least i am standing. We stood there for about 5 minutes before i had feeling back in my feet. It was the weirdess feeling ever, i have had my foot fall asleep before, but this felt so strange.

at least there was no one behind me and i was not holding parker.

we did not want to wait the extra half hour till the fireworks started cause we knew that parker would not be entertained that long just standing around. and the crowd we would encounter on the way out would be torchur, so we made our way for the exit, and turned to see this great shot of the castle with the main street lights on it.

the bus ride home was great, it was not crowded at all, and very calm until parker found his victums

candi was getting tired, her eyes were hurting, but i dont think parker was feeling tired, he had found another wind.

some cute videos to make you smile.

this was in our resort while letting off a few wheelchairs at the first stop.

we got off at our stop and went to the room to drop the stuff we did not need anymore. and get our mugs to fill up with some drinks.

and were off to the marker area.

we went over by the pool because it looked so cool at night all light up.


we browsed the shops and got our mugs, and then the nice manager that we saw almost every night asked if we wanted her to take a family picture by the tree.

with that we headed back tothe room and got ready for bed.

It was a great day, and one that we will always remember taking our peanut saucer to the MK for the first time.

Some top highlights of the day.

1. Going on parkers first ride peter pan in the MK.
2. Reaching out and trying to grab ariels "clam shells"
3. Princess kisses
4. Accepting aureola as an okay princess in my book
5. The cheese sauce returns to cosmic rays
6. Eating the dole whip before it melted in my hands while pushing the stroller
7. Kicking some alien butt on buzz
8. the taco suprise dinner
9. standing up to the brazilians
10. parker on the bus ride home.

that concludes day number 4

day 5 was a relaxation day and some touring around disney.
That would have made me mad too!:rolleyes: I am sure everyone around you was glad that you spoke up.:thumbsup2 I loved seeing Parker on the bus. He is so funny!:)

Your Fl trip sounds fun. My mom and dad went to Key West in Sept on a cruise and they loved it. There was a shell store there they really liked (nice Christmas ornaments and jewelry). They said it was cheap too. :goodvibes
Good for you standing up to them and saying what everybody else was thinking!
:banana: Good for you Dan!!! I would've been right there cheering for you!! How CRAZY!!!

Even crazier... your legs falling asleep and you falling down.. hope you didn't get hurt.

I must say, Parker has the most BEAUTIFUL eyes EVER!!! WOW!!!:lovestruc

Good stuff as always....
Good for you! You handled the situation perfectly and well the report of it is great! Love the CSR night pics! Parker is so cute!
the Brazilian Throwdown was hysterical! Some of those tour groups are so obnoxious, I am glad you stood up to them LOL. I also love the story about Parker and Ariel's clam shells!

We are going this December around the dates you were there, were the parks really crowded? I didn't read all the posts from other people, I just read your posts.
Great update! And awesome that you stood your ground on the parade route :thumbsup2 We've had several parade experiences ruined by people trying to trample us just as the parade is starting. SO frustrating...
Great Story!!!

I am glad you gave it to them and gave it good

I am so sick and tired of them always saying No speak English and then 2 mins later you hear them chatting with each other in plain english :headache:

How cute parker tried to crawl after Mickey :goodvibes

Great update:thumbsup2
You go Dan!! Great job on standing your ground for the parade! I've done that at Disneyland a couple of times :sad2:. Its a shame that kind of thing has to be done.

So how does it feel to get old!:rotfl: Cause baby, that's what happens!
Your body just locks up and its all over!:lmao: You just seem to have trouble with balance on Main Street. :lmao:

Parker sure does love the visuals. It can be over-stimulation for a lot of kids,
but your little guy seems to crave it. :cloud9:
Great story! I too get fed up with ignorance, you handled it really well!
they were all wearing bright yellow shirts when we were there, and had there stupid flags walking around.

Did you see the matching fanny packs?:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Dan, I'm glad you put that girl in her place! I get really tired of people doing that kind of thing. Like you said, you didn't wait 1 1/2 hrs in that spot so someone else could use it.:headache: So sorry you fell down - I was laughing, cuz I could see myself doing something like that. I'm glad you were okay.
wow.....good job on the smack down! :thumbsup2 i truly believe in sticking up for yourself when needed and not letting people walk all over you. ray hates it when i run my mouth but i've learned with age that sometimes it's necessary....not always but sometimes. and even if those girls could not speak english, common courtesy is a universal thing, i think. i can't stand it when people try to squeeze in 15 minutes before a show! i think i'm going to start carrying a big poster with me that says, "I GOT HERE BEFORE YOU AND HAVE BEEN PATIENTLY WAITING TO ENJOY THIS SHOW. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO SQUEEZE IN FRONT OF ME. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY." :rotfl:

the video of parker at spectro is so cute! ouch about your ankles!!!! that's crazy. i was squatting the whole time the first time i saw spectro because i was sitting in the planter next to the gallows on liberty square and wanted to film above the heads of the people who were sitting on that wall, but didn't want to block the view of the people behind me (again....common courtesy!). my legs hurt SO BAD when i stood up but i didn't fall. glad you didn't hit anyone!

and parker....WHAT A FLIRT!!!! :goodvibes

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