Firsts, Fourths, and Farewells (4/28 Back to the Future!)

We awoke early as we scrambled to get ready for Extra Magic Hours at the Magic Kingdom.
The goal was to be at the bus stop by 7AM.
However, the big guy in the other room wasn’t budging.
Apparently J was up all night in the bathroom and was not feeling very good.
He suggested we head out without him and that he’d catch up.
I’ll let him fill in the details…

As was alluded to a few times by now, and properly guessed at, dinner did not sit well with my stomach at all. :sick: I don't think it was any one item
that disagreed with me, rather it was eating SO MUCH of everything I had. :stir:

Needless to say, and without getting graphic, I returned dinner in a most unpleasant way :tongue: (the first such time since I was about 7 years old),
and it was multiple times back and forth to the bathroom throughout the night. I was not doing well in the least bit. Mercifully, though, as I was
sharing a room with DS and DD, I didn't disturb them during the night. (It's one thing if I affect my own enjoyment, but if I had managed to take down
one or both of them in the process, there'd've been hell to pay, to be sure.)

So, when it was time to get going, I knew I couldn't. :sad2: I was optimistic that I would manage to recover during the day with just a bit more sleep
(since I was up many times throughout the night) and be able to meet up with the crew. I was *way* too weak for that, though, had a splitting
headache :headache:, and just stayed in bed the entire day, bored beyond belief since I had nothing to read, no puzzles to work on, couldn't have
concentrated on any of that even had I had it, and had crud on TV to watch while I was awake (not that I could tolerate much volume, either).

I'm usually pretty good with buffets, not surpassing my body's limit, but I just wasn't paying attention at Cape May. (And while it's pretty good food, nothing
on the buffet was SO spectacular that I could possibly justify having so much.) I figure I'm due to repeat this mistake sometime in my 60s, but
hopefully not.

I don't remember how many times Mike and Stacey checked in by phone (it was at least a couple). Thankfully they were all still able to have a good
time; it's just a shame I missed out.

I'll let Mike or Stacey explain why he referred to "controversy" with respect to this.
Aww Jared, I'm sorry. :worried: Being sick on vacation is the worst. I hope after that day you felt fine.
Yeah, well - that's HIS version of the story.
The rest of us have a different idea to the cause.
Since we all ate at the buffet, and we all stuffed ourselves, we think that may have been a factor, but not the cause.
The cause, IMHO, was that good ol' orange ticket.
Remember this?

Well, for someone with a history of some Vertigo issues, my guess is the centrifuge on the Orange Team got to J and the food at Cape May just made it worse.
And after Mission:Space was the only time the entire trip J could not keep pace with me.
Which should be a telling sign since our Unca, after all, runs the Goofy.
So the kids and I have not yet let J forget his decision to "Go Orange."
And we don't plan on it. ;)
Yeah, well - that's HIS version of the story.
The rest of us have a different idea to the cause.
Since we all ate at the buffet, and we all stuffed ourselves, we think that may have been a factor, but not the cause.
The cause, IMHO, was that good ol' orange ticket.
Remember this?

Well, for someone with a history of some Vertigo issues, my guess is the centrifuge on the Orange Team got to J and the food at Cape May just made it worse.
And after Mission:Space was the only time the entire trip J could not keep pace with me.
Which should be a telling sign since our Unca, after all, runs the Goofy.
So the kids and I have not yet let J forget his decision to "Go Orange."
And we don't plan on it. ;)

Hmmmm .....Go Orange or an unfortunate GI virus? That is the question! The jury is still out for this girl.

So sorry Unca had to spend a day in bed during a Disney trip. I hope you were as good as new the following day. Bummer big time!
Yeah, well - that's HIS version of the story.
The rest of us have a different idea to the cause.
Since we all ate at the buffet, and we all stuffed ourselves, we think that may have been a factor, but not the cause.
The cause, IMHO, was that good ol' orange ticket.
Remember this?

Well, for someone with a history of some Vertigo issues, my guess is the centrifuge on the Orange Team got to J and the food at Cape May just made it worse.
And after Mission:Space was the only time the entire trip J could not keep pace with me.
Which should be a telling sign since our Unca, after all, runs the Goofy.
So the kids and I have not yet let J forget his decision to "Go Orange."
And we don't plan on it. ;)

A "history" of vertigo issues? :rolleyes1 Hardly. I had vertigo ONCE, a week after I broke my wrist (and thank you, again, for taking me to the ER that
time), and that being 2 years before this trip. There was zero commonality between what that vertigo was (I couldn't even sit up, let alone stand until
the ER told me how to deal with it, and it's been cured ever since) compared to anything in the wake of MS Orange, which was just the headache. :cool1:

And, quite frankly, I could have kept pace with you had I chosen to. :banana: Part of not doing so was as Stacey had previously said, but the other part
was the fact that I didn't want to just totally abandon her in the dust. :hug: It's one thing for one of us to do that with the kids in tow :dance3:, but there was no need for all of us to do that to her.

The only way that I will be able to prove either myself correct or you guys correct :idea: is for me to go on MS Orange again. :cool2: :thumbsup2 :cool1:
I just need to not do that in connection with a trip down for the Goofy Challenge, as that would be adding in a new variable if after the challenge,
and just plain foolish if before the challenge and you happen to be right.

And so goes this debate, for more than a year now. :goodvibes
A "history" of vertigo issues? :rolleyes1 Hardly. I had vertigo ONCE, a week after I broke my wrist (and thank you, again, for taking me to the ER that
time), and that being 2 years before this trip. There was zero commonality between what that vertigo was (I couldn't even sit up, let alone stand until
the ER told me how to deal with it, and it's been cured ever since) compared to anything in the wake of MS Orange, which was just the headache. :cool1:

Admit it, your vertigo issues were just a cover for your new found hobby of visiting ERs, besides, you wanted to skip out on the 2 million people descending upon our city.

Having been around when you've had too much to eat, I'll side with you on this one, it was likely the buffet and not the ride. Still, sorry to hear that you got sick on vacation, and that you're getting needled about it a year and a half later. :laughing:
Admit it, your vertigo issues were just a cover for your new found hobby of visiting ERs, besides, you wanted to skip out on the 2 million people descending upon our city.

Having been around when you've had too much to eat, I'll side with you on this one, it was likely the buffet and not the ride. Still, sorry to hear that you got sick on vacation, and that you're getting needled about it a year and a half later. :laughing:

Sure - take his side.
But we know the truth (and it's definitely something even the kids continue to joke about with Unca) :rotfl:
The bigger disappointment was that J missed a whirlwind tour of the Magic Kingdom.
We had lots more new experiences lined up after our Dumbo Dash!
I will try to post the next one tonight!
Sure - take his side.
But we know the truth (and it's definitely something even the kids continue to joke about with Unca) :rotfl:
The bigger disappointment was that J missed a whirlwind tour of the Magic Kingdom.
We had lots more new experiences lined up after our Dumbo Dash!
I will try to post the next one tonight!

Well, at least I got back-to-back whirlwind tours of MK the following year, during both parts of the Goofy :goofy: Race ::MickeyMo and a Half :donald:Challenge.
Now *THAT's* whirlwind. party: But it's too bad I had to miss out on getting the Capell version of it.
After soaring high on our pachyderms, I raced over the Peter Pan’s Flight to score some Fastpasses.
The machine also spit out a “Surprise Fastpass” for Philharmagic (not that its really ever needed at this time of year).
Then I met up with the gang entering Pooh Bear’s new interactive queue.

You see, this is a special ride as Pooh Bear is DS’ favorite and has been since we got him a Pooh Gram when he was born.
From the time he was 1, that Pooh has been his best friend and confidant.
So this attraction has always been special for our DS.
And we made a point to take his picture outside Pooh’s house.

Compare this to the same picture of DD in front of the tree when it was at Pooh’s Thotful Spot in 2006.
Our little guy has surely grown...

Inside Pooh’s house, we went exploring as usual.
There’s two things we must find every year.
First is the Hidden Mickey of course…

And next is the Hidden Nautilus (which I forgot to take a picture of this time around).
For those who don’t know the Nautilus is the name of Captain Nemo’s ship in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
The reason why it’s here is that this tree used to sit over in Pooh’s Thotful Spot which happened to be on the original location of the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea attraction.
So the little carving inside the tree is an homage to the previous attraction.
Another homage already exists in the rock work of Prince Eric’s Castle and I can’t wait to find it when it opens!

Anyway, back to Pooh’s house.
The kids always have fun exploring here.

Then it was time to check out the new interactive queue.
X started off with the large jars of honey near the entrance.

But before we move on, let’s check the map.
This is really cute since it actually lays out the path through the queue and all of the places you will come across in your travels.

First up we saw Tigger’s Bouncy Place.
It was closed off but I was able to snag a couple of photos.
This is interesting since now this area has been remodeled into a Meet and Greet.
Apparently Disney hadn’t realized that allowing kids to go nuts in an area of trampolines was a recipe for disaster.
Sometimes the Imagineers get a little carried away I guess.
Anyway, here’s what it looked like for the short time it existed…




Following the map, you’ll notice that Piglet’s House is next.
Piglet’s House is actually a storybook page about the house with a little door.
The sign above the door says “Please Knock.”
And since this is Disney, the kids should definitely listen!
A soft tap and our little pink friend will wonder aloud who is at his door.
Why Piglet, it’s us of course!

Eeyore’s Gloomy Place is next and here is a replica of the sticks that make up Eeyore’s house in every Pooh short or movie.
Every detail is accounted for except for the fact that this house doesn’t continually fall down…


Rabbit’s Garden is next and this one is interesting.
It is an open area with lots to do so the sign suggests that the kids play while the parents wait on the attraction line.
And the parents can keep an eye on the little guys running around the garden.
It’s a really neat concept.

There’s lots to see and touch here and our kids just went nuts.
We were so early in the morning that there was no line and virtually no one here so the kids had a blast!



Here, they discovered vegetable drums.
And Flower Pinwheels.
And popping radishes.




Apparently this is a great place to play Pooh Sticks.
Next up in the garden was the gopher holes.
And everyone knows how Rabbit feels about gophers in his garden.
Well, when you step on certain places, the gophers pop up and tease Rabbit.




Me, being a Type A personality – I can relate to Rabbit.
So I grabbed a rope that one of the gophers had and tried to pitch in.
I’ll get that gopher out of here for you, Rabbit


I win!
You are welcome Rabbit.

Following the map, the next section is Pooh’s Hunny Hive.
Which, of course, is located in the Bee Tree.
And the bees were all buzzing about this morning.
Be careful!



X could’ve stayed here for hours if we let him.
All this fun and we haven’t even gotten to the attraction itself yet!



Then it was time for our reward.
Hunnnnny. Hunny, Hunny, Hunny, Hunny!

The directions are listed above – basically get right in there and play with the hunny!
And, if you look carefully, you may uncover some friends in the process!







Finally we rounded the corner and concluded Chapter One.
It was time for Chapter Two.

And as you can tell, we really enjoyed the interactive queue – so much that the kids don’t like to Fastpass this because they want to play with Pooh and his friends.
This ride really is now the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
All this fun and the attraction hasn’t even started yet.
It’s a great way to take a 3-minute attraction and make it an experience.
And I love how they make the interactive queue or pre-show the first chapter and the attraction the second chapter.
We’re just in one big Pooh Bear book and having a blast!



So into our hunny pots we climbed and off we went!
Here we come Pooh!
My, it’s very blustery today!

After seeing DS’ favorite, it was time to move on to Mom’s favorite attraction.
Can anyone guess what was next?
What a fun update! I feel like I was in the queue :thumbsup2 The interactive queues are such a great concept! You can't beat having fun while waiting :)
What a fun update! I feel like I was in the queue :thumbsup2 The interactive queues are such a great concept! You can't beat having fun while waiting :)

It was very well done.
The only thing negative to say was that some of the things were already wearing down (and it just recently opened when we visited).
I wonder if things are much worse and broken by now.
Anyone have any more recent updates?
Wonderful pictures. Definitely the best I have seen of the WTP queue. I am embarrassed to admit I have not been in that queue yet. October! It's on the list!
After wandering the Hundred Acre Wood, it was time to go from DS’ favorite ride to Mom’s.
And that meant a trip to Wonderland and a certain Hatter of sorts…

We arrived with basically no line and just waited for the current round to end.
So, of course, I took pictures – all the while trying to catch that elusive dormouse!
But, instead of a clear shot of the mouse, I found a Princess.


Mom and the girls grabbed their own cup o’ tea and left the boys to fend for ourselves.
So we all ran over to the blue cup and crowded in for some giggles.
With me spinning our cup, we were definitely going to get dizzy!

But, before we started, a last look at the girly pink teacup across the way.
Usually I like riding with Mom since she makes the greatest faces as she giggles throughout this ride.
The princess confirmed that this ride was no different.

Too bad I missed it – instead I watched the boys faces as they held on tight.
We felt like we were on Mission:Space Orange Team.
But luckily, it wasn’t that bad and we weren’t spending the day in the resort like someone else we knew... :rolleyes1

Next stop was something the kids have yet to try.
And it’s because I always found it lacking as a ride.
But, since this was X’s Birthday Trip and he loves race cars, off we went to the Tomorrowland Speedway.

Can anyone tell me why tomorrow’s cars are clunky old gas guzzlers that top out at 7 miles per hour? No? Me neither.
Anyway, I figured it was worth it as long as there was no line since this is a very slow loader.
And since this was basically our 3rd ride after early morning rope drop, the wait was under 10 minutes.
It would have been sooner but they were still loading cars onto the track every couple of people or so.
So we headed up and over the track and noticed that only two lanes were running this morning.
We asked to split up on opposite lanes so we could “race” each other.
Who would win and earn their place in Victory Circle?

Mom was already posing for her victory shot.

X was too busy chomping at the bit to get into his car.
As luck would have it, we were given a shiny Lightning McQueen-red racecar.
And just like that, we were off leaving Mom and DS in the dust. :drive:

Along the way, we passed my favorite ride in Tomorrowland – a transit that is actually a bit more futuristic.
So I snapped a picture from a different angle of course.

About that time, Mom finally loaded in her car with DS and prepared to race.
DS had a blast as he got to drive and he giggled as he raced to catch up.


Meanwhile, I was easing up on the throttle as X made sure we hit every bump and rail for good measure.
It was a bumpy ride and we were coasting so that the slowpokes could catch up.
Finally, with DS flooring it, they flew by us for some pictures.
Can anyone see who is driving?

Yup, the little guy is in there.
But he wasn’t about to let his big brother win this thing…

As the boys battled it out, Mom and I started snapping away at each other…

But with a sneaky move, we pulled away and onto Victory Circle!
Mom and DS weren’t too happy about that! :mad:


Looks like we finished 17th overall.
That’s fine – Mom and DS didn’t place at all.

When we arrived back at the pits, a friendly CM saw X’s birthday button and gave us a surprise – an Official Speedway License 1st Class signed by Mickey Mouse!
How cool is this!?!?!


So now that DS, Mom, and X got their fills, it was time to appease the princess with yet ANOTHER new attraction.
Any guesses to where we were off to in order to “let our hair down?”
Come along and make sure you don’t get “tied up” along the way!
It sounds like you were all having such a fun morning :)

Very cool that little X got to drive but even cooler that he got his license. I don't think I've ever seen one of those before. Gotta love that extra pixie dust!

My guess is you're off to meet Rapunzel?

Such an adorable picture! :thumbsup2

Too bad I missed it – instead I watched the boys faces as they held on tight.
We felt like we were on Mission:Space Orange Team.
But luckily, it wasn’t that bad and we weren’t spending the day in the resort like someone else we knew... :rolleyes1

Ouch! Major burn!

Great pictures on the speedway and woo hoo :cool1: for X earning his driver's license. Way to go X - 17th place is not shabby at all! :cheer2:
Too bad I missed it – instead I watched the boys faces as they held on tight.
We felt like we were on Mission:Space Orange Team.
But luckily, it wasn’t that bad and we weren’t spending the day in the resort like someone else we knew... :rolleyes1

:crazy2: :sick: Hey! :headache:


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