Find Your Own "Directive" - the February Weight Loss / Life Style Change Challenge

Ok, so, we all know that weight loss is just as much a mental endeavor as it is a physical and emotional one. I read something tonight, and one part really stood out to me - instead of giving food "morals" and thinking of it as "good food" and "bad food", think of it as "sometimes food" and "always food"......But we get so caught up on cold-turkey cutting out the "bad foods" that we feel like we have to deprive ourselves... and how many of us ending up binging after that? I'm going to try hard to think of foods in terms of "sometimes" and "always" from now on, rather than "good" and "bad".

This is a great way to look at it. I wish this was how food was related to when I was a kid. I've always had such a tumultuous relationship with food and it's tied so much to guilt and things being "bad." And that started when I was a kid. What you described is so much healthier both mentally and physically!

Which makes me want to just kind of throw this out there for the parents:

/start soapbox rant

A huge part of my issues with my weight and appearance stem from the way my grandma (who raised me) related to my body as I was growing. I've always had a large chest... I went from no bra to C cup almost overnight when I was young. My grandma was very critical of what i wore because of it, and I would sneak out of the house early before school so I wouldnt have to endure her (pretty cruel) comments. It made me ashamed of my body and ashamed of any attention it would attract. This may be because she was so old fashioned, but it instilled in me a loathing of my body. This has given me problems in relationships to this day.

Please, if you have kids (especially girls) do whatever you can do be comfortable with them as they mature. They will follow your lead and be proud of their bodies! It starts with little things like what @JacknSally said. Change the way you relate to food and weight and everyone will be far healthier for it!

/end soapbox rant

Thanks for letting me tell that story guys. :)
What exercises do you do to help shed those pounds quicker?
How many minutes per day do you try to work out?

This Weeks' Challenge: Try one new exercise option this week and see how it feels.

(ie: try a stair climber machine, run on a treadmill for 20 minutes, lift weights, etc)

I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight. I don't think it's helped.
Beyond that ... I'm still trying to figure it out. I like Pilates, but I don't know how much it helps me, and I can't always stick with it. I've also tried Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, but I've kinda lost interest in those too. I really do have to figure this out.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.
I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight. I don't think it's helped.
Beyond that ... I'm still trying to figure it out. I like Pilates, but I don't know how much it helps me, and I can't always stick with it. I've also tried Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, but I've kinda lost interest in those too. I really do have to figure this out.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

Question of the Day - February 8

"Sick Day" - aka: No Topic Tuesday.

Wall-e and Eve are sad that your hostess is still recovering from severe food poisoning.
Results will be posted.... maybe tomorrow? For now, I'm back to bed and hoping I can keep crackers down.

Free discussion day. Talk about whatever you want.
I'll pop back in when I am well again.
xoxo, Courtney Beth.

Question of the Day - February 8

"Sick Day" - aka: No Topic Tuesday.

Wall-e and Eve are sad that your hostess is still recovering from severe food poisoning.
Results will be posted.... maybe tomorrow? For now, I'm back to bed and hoping I can keep crackers down.

Free discussion day. Talk about whatever you want.
I'll pop back in when I am well again.
xoxo, Courtney Beth.

Oh, no! Get better, girlie! Ginger ale and saltines are my go-to fix for stomach troubles - works like a charm, every time. Make sure you drink Canada Dry, though, because it's made with real ginger. Or, if you're not a soda/carbonation person, Walgreens sells Ginger Capsules - same principle, but in vitamin form. Ginger is a natural tummy settler. Feel better soon! You're missed!
I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight. I don't think it's helped.
Beyond that ... I'm still trying to figure it out. I like Pilates, but I don't know how much it helps me, and I can't always stick with it. I've also tried Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, but I've kinda lost interest in those too. I really do have to figure this out.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight. I don't think it's helped.
Beyond that ... I'm still trying to figure it out. I like Pilates, but I don't know how much it helps me, and I can't always stick with it. I've also tried Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, but I've kinda lost interest in those too. I really do have to figure this out.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

i very much know how u feel. It's okay. :worried: You're not alone.

@courtneybeth I hope you feel better soon :( Food poisoning is awefull to go through. I have had it twice as an adult and remember both times. Stay hydrated.

@SarahDisney I can relate and I am sure many others can too. Mine comes in waves. It can be tough but you aren't alone and nothing wrong with talking about it. ((Hugs))
Ok, so, we all know that weight loss is just as much a mental endeavor as it is a physical and emotional one. I read something tonight, and one part really stood out to me - instead of giving food "morals" and thinking of it as "good food" and "bad food", think of it as "sometimes food" and "always food". There is nothing wrong with having a cookie or a cupcake or a soda every now and then... The problem comes when you have them ALLLLLLL the time. But we get so caught up on cold-turkey cutting out the "bad foods" that we feel like we have to deprive ourselves... and how many of us ending up binging after that? I'm going to try hard to think of foods in terms of "sometimes" and "always" from now on, rather than "good" and "bad".

I love this concept!!

I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight. I don't think it's helped.
Beyond that ... I'm still trying to figure it out. I like Pilates, but I don't know how much it helps me, and I can't always stick with it. I've also tried Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, but I've kinda lost interest in those too. I really do have to figure this out.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

You are definately not alone, and there is no shame. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, not a mindset that you can just turn off, please please go talk to your doctor. You don't have to suffer :hug:

@courtneybeth I'm so very sorry to hear you have food poisoning! Sending pixie dust for quick recovery!
Happy Mardi Gras everyone!! Here in Germany we celebrate carnival and today is actually only a half working day at my office. However, I have stuff to prepare and will stay in the office longer... Partly because I am just not good at getting stuff done in time. I just wish I were more effective. Until I have a deadline looming over me, I often find it hard to get motivated... Arg! The good thing about being in the office longer is that I will be less tempted to go and buy donuts at the bakery. Jam or cream filled donuts are the speciality for carnival here. And all bakeries have them in a million varieties right now!

I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight. I don't think it's helped.
Beyond that ... I'm still trying to figure it out. I like Pilates, but I don't know how much it helps me, and I can't always stick with it. I've also tried Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, but I've kinda lost interest in those too. I really do have to figure this out.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

Sarah, I am so sorry that you are feeling so low!! Sending you a big hug!

@courtneybeth Hope you feel better soon!
I really hope my post works this time! This first time I tried I had it already to go and the site wouldn't load the post then it dropped out on me. Then I went through re-collecting my quotes and they wouldn't load - so here goes fingers crossed 3rd time lucky.

Ok, so, we all know that weight loss is just as much a mental endeavor as it is a physical and emotional one. I read something tonight, and one part really stood out to me - instead of giving food "morals" and thinking of it as "good food" and "bad food", think of it as "sometimes food" and "always food". There is nothing wrong with having a cookie or a cupcake or a soda every now and then... The problem comes when you have them ALLLLLLL the time. But we get so caught up on cold-turkey cutting out the "bad foods" that we feel like we have to deprive ourselves... and how many of us ending up binging after that? I'm going to try hard to think of foods in terms of "sometimes" and "always" from now on, rather than "good" and "bad".

I heard this definition years ago and have used said it too my kids - here's the funny thing they are getting older now but your story took me back to watching Sesame Street with them and Elmo talking about Cookies being a sometimes food lol. Trouble is I justify increasing my sometimes to often :oops:

This is a great way to look at it. I wish this was how food was related to when I was a kid. I've always had such a tumultuous relationship with food and it's tied so much to guilt and things being "bad." And that started when I was a kid. What you described is so much healthier both mentally and physically!

Which makes me want to just kind of throw this out there for the parents:

/start soapbox rant

A huge part of my issues with my weight and appearance stem from the way my grandma (who raised me) related to my body as I was growing. I've always had a large chest... I went from no bra to C cup almost overnight when I was young. My grandma was very critical of what i wore because of it, and I would sneak out of the house early before school so I wouldnt have to endure her (pretty cruel) comments. It made me ashamed of my body and ashamed of any attention it would attract. This may be because she was so old fashioned, but it instilled in me a loathing of my body. This has given me problems in relationships to this day.

Please, if you have kids (especially girls) do whatever you can do be comfortable with them as they mature. They will follow your lead and be proud of their bodies! It starts with little things like what @JacknSally said. Change the way you relate to food and weight and everyone will be far healthier for it!

/end soapbox rant

Thanks for letting me tell that story guys. :)

I'm sorry you had this experience growing up - its hard sometimes with the generation gap and those different ideas about bodies and the effect that has on body image.

I have a daughter and 2 sons and body image and self-esteem can be an issue for all kids these days. My son lack confidence and is body conscious he is tall but tends to compensate but bending slightly at the waist stooping a little and will walk around with his arms crossed as if hiding or protecting himself - I gently encourage him to stand up tall and be proud of his height and how adopting postures such as crossing your arms like that can actually draw more attention to you. I tell my kids several times a day I love them and try to make home feel like a safe place away from the harshness that can be in their worlds sometimes.

My daughter is having a shaky start with making new friends and keeping up with her old ones in her first few weeks of high school this year - she is really quite shy and she finds asserting herself difficult sometimes. I knew she would be checking her school email today so this morning I did the modern version of a lunchbox note and sent her a little email to remind her how amazing she is and to be brave with talking to new people today with lots of emoji's which she loves lol. She really appreciated it and has asked for another special message tomorrow.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

Definitely a safe place here :grouphug: - as lots of other posters have said you are not the only one on this journey - I have also experienced depression and anxiety - and it still sneaks up on me when I think I am doing fine.

Wall-e and Eve are sad that your hostess is still recovering from severe food poisoning.
Results will be posted.... maybe tomorrow? For now, I'm back to bed and hoping I can keep crackers down.

More :grouphug: hope you feel better soon.
Question of the Day - February 8

"Sick Day" - aka: No Topic Tuesday.

Wall-e and Eve are sad that your hostess is still recovering from severe food poisoning.
Results will be posted.... maybe tomorrow? For now, I'm back to bed and hoping I can keep crackers down.

Free discussion day. Talk about whatever you want.
I'll pop back in when I am well again.
xoxo, Courtney Beth.

I hope you get to feeling better! That's just no fun at all.

I ran 5 miles yesterday and waaaaay over did it. I felt sick to my stomach all night last night. I'm feeling better today. It stinks! I just wanted to see how long I could run without stopping. I think 4 miles was my limit but I pushed through that last mile. I'm proud and glad that I did it but maybe next time I'll listen to my body when it's done.
Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

No shame in going to see a doctor. I had a pretty bad work situaton a few years back where I ended up taking meds to help get through it for a couple months. Once I changed jobs I no longer needed the medication, but I wouldn't hesitate to go back to them if need be.

Question of the Day - February 8

"Sick Day" - aka: No Topic Tuesday.

Wall-e and Eve are sad that your hostess is still recovering from severe food poisoning.
Results will be posted.... maybe tomorrow? For now, I'm back to bed and hoping I can keep crackers down.

Free discussion day. Talk about whatever you want.
I'll pop back in when I am well again.
xoxo, Courtney Beth.

I know you joked a few days ago about pretending that food was poison to get through the super bowl snacks, but I didn't really think you would go so far to actually get food poisoning... that's dedication! In all seriousness, I hope you feel better soon.

Random things I'm working on:

Last night I was going to skip my 45 min walk, but got my second wind a few hours later and I ended up doing a very light jog (3.5 mph). I went for about 30 min and felt pretty good about it. It's the first time I jogged for that long in over 10 years. Hoping I can slowly increase the speed to about 4.5 mph and then start extending the time. We'll see.

This morning I had a pretty legit headache and almost didn't do my morning walk, but I dialed the speed down a bit and got through it. Figured it would be better to slow down and get through it and not take a day off. I haven't taken a day off since I started and I really want to sometimes, but I'm afraid that one day off will lead to two days, then three... I don't want to start the streak.

I was going through my MFP data last night and noticed that in the past week I had 4 days where I ate under 1000 calories. I know I really wanted to get under the 300lb mark, so I was pushing it, but I really need to do a better job of getting to that 1200 - 1500 range that I want to be at. That will be my goal for the rest of the week - and making sure it's good calories (low carb, high protein, good fats) and not junk/fast food calories. I've gotten to the point now where I'm not nearly as hungry during the day as I used to be, but the food selection is still a work in progress at times.
Trouble is I justify increasing my sometimes to often :oops:

Story of my life!

@SarahDisney I understand how you feel as well. And know all too well how that can creep up and add more stress and anxiety to an already anxious time and just snowball. I didn't try medication, but I saw a therapist for a few months which helped immensely. You are certainly not alone-- Sending hugs your way :grouphug:

@courtneybeth Feel better soon!


Personal update-- I had a good week last week, but already derailing a little this week. Things that have potential to/are screwing me up right now:

- One of DH's favorite customers made him a delicious Kahlua cake that's been haunting my kitchen-- I've not been good at staying away from it I must admit.

- DH and I find ourselves in love with a house that we were not necessarily planning on buying right now, but has resulted in a whirlwind of bank meetings and realtor scheduling and serious contemplation of whether or not we may just go for it-- all of which takes place after work during the time I have carved out for my workout of course. And so by the time I have been coming home I want to cook and have dinner and then go to bed. After dinner I loose interest in working out.

- Since now we are possibly serious about the house, that means we are definitely serious about selling our condo which needs a bathroom remodel in order to get the kind of money we want to put down on this possible house we love or another we may love in the near future... So exercise got cut yesterday to go shopping and look at tile samples and tubs and vanities, etc, etc.

- This weekend we get to go to Disney-- well more accurately, we are waking up at the crack of dawn to drive to Orlando Saturday in order to cram in two trade shows and corporate outing at Seaworld that evening so that we can have a Disney Valentine's Day on Sunday. The perk and downfall of these shows is that usually they provide all sorts of lovely and delicious snacks and meals so I am going to have to be careful (last year one show was onsite at Disney and had unlimited Mickey waffles in the morning and Mickey pretzels in the afternoon.... it was bad but oh so good!) So I need to be really careful! We do have reservations at Narcoosee's for Valentine's dinner, so that needs to be my one "sometimes" splurge and everything else needs to be "always" foods!

The obvious answer to all of this is wake up early and just get it done... but let's be honest--- I am lazy anti-morning person! :guilty:

Silver linings though-- outside of the cake, food has been pretty good. We've been eating at home a lot! I am noticing the number on the scale moving slowly back to where I was before my birthday at Disney which set me back, so happy to be back to where I was before, but I want to push myself to get it moving down quicker. DH is getting me a new Jawbone UP for Valentines, so I am going to start tracking my food on the app as well to see where I can make changes and also really be challenged to get more movement into my days!
I was going through my MFP data last night and noticed that in the past week I had 4 days where I ate under 1000 calories. I know I really wanted to get under the 300lb mark, so I was pushing it, but I really need to do a better job of getting to that 1200 - 1500 range that I want to be at. That will be my goal for the rest of the week - and making sure it's good calories (low carb, high protein, good fats) and not junk/fast food calories. I've gotten to the point now where I'm not nearly as hungry during the day as I used to be, but the food selection is still a work in progress at times.

I think it is amazing how successful you are and your dedication to keeping up your momentum! Congratulation on getting under 300! However, from my experience it sounds like you might actually be better off if you try to eat more. 1200-1500 kcal for a man that is just under 300 sounds like very little to me. And then you walk (an now jog!! :thumbsup2) for 1.5 hours a day if I understand correctly. Not eating enough can cause your weight loss to stall in the medium term and lead to weight gain in the long term even. I am not sure where you got the calorie range from, but I would recommend to try and look around for calorie ranges for your activity level, weight and gender! I am not saying this in any way to make it sound like your efforts are not worth it, but it seems to be one of the mistakes that are so common with weight loss: people think that the less they eat the better it is, but actually that is not right. It took me a long and hard time to learn it for myself!
I think it is amazing how successful you are and your dedication to keeping up your momentum! Congratulation on getting under 300! However, from my experience it sounds like you might actually be better off if you try to eat more. 1200-1500 kcal for a man that is just under 300 sounds like very little to me. And then you walk (an now jog!! :thumbsup2) for 1.5 hours a day if I understand correctly. Not eating enough can cause your weight loss to stall in the medium term and lead to weight gain in the long term even. I am not sure where you got the calorie range from, but I would recommend to try and look around for calorie ranges for your activity level, weight and gender! I am not saying this in any way to make it sound like your efforts are not worth it, but it seems to be one of the mistakes that are so common with weight loss: people think that the less they eat the better it is, but actually that is not right. It took me a long and hard time to learn it for myself!

I totally get what you are saying - I've had the same conversation with my wife a couple of times. I based my numbers off of The National Institutes of Health who said that most women can safely lose weight consuming 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day and men can consume 1,200 to 1,600 calories for safe weight loss. Now, those are the lowest numbers I found during my research, so of course, those are the ones I ran with... most everything else I've read has it a little higher.

It's just hard because I see the results happening and I want to do more... I tend to do this in a lot of things of my life, I get very fixated on something and I go all out. I just get nervous that if I start eating in the 1500 - 2000 range that I won't be losing weight as fast as I could, even though I know that slow and steady is the best way for long term success. I do think now that I'm starting to mix in running to my exercise routine, I will need to get up to that 1500-2000 range. My guess is the easiest way to do this and still eat healthy is probably incorporate a fourth meal between lunch and dinner.

Thanks for the reply!
Hi all -- I survived through the night and am back at work. Well, physically. Mentally I'm all over the place.

I'll get results posted in a few.... On a random side note: the corrals were released for Rock n Roll New Orleans and I'm in corral 24 of 26. I checked the starting line map and there's a little box that points to an area off the page that says "corrals 24-26". I'm so far back that they couldn't fit me on the diagram. :rotfl:

It appears the marathon runners are running with the half marathon runners for this race - so that's probably why I've been pushed back so far. That'll nearly be an hour of waiting in corrals until I get to go to the front.... at least it'll slightly warm up while I wait.
Question of the Day - February 8

Let's talk... Exercise.
Eating healthier is only one factor in losing weight. You also need to increase activity levels and work it out.
Wall-e has learned a few moves and is doing his best to impress Eve. Surely through your weight loss endeavors you have
learned or adopted some exercise routines that are helping you on the path to losing weight and feeling great.

What exercises do you do to help shed those pounds quicker?
How many minutes per day do you try to work out?

This Weeks' Challenge: Try one new exercise option this week and see how it feels.

(ie: try a stair climber machine, run on a treadmill for 20 minutes, lift weights, etc)

Sorry I have been MIA. My kids had snow days Friday and Monday and we had a busy weekend, so I just couldn't find time to get on the computer. I read posts on car rides where I was the passenger though.

I have been discussing my running, so clearly that is my main exercise. But honestly, I do not think it helps me with weight loss that much. It keeps pounds from returning, but I think running makes me hungrier than any other exercise. I wear a Garmin with wrist heart rate, so I know my calorie burn pretty well. My runs burn sufficient calories, but I tend to have to replace them or I feel very drained. I can do other exercise and get by comfortably with less calories. When I first lost the majority of my weight 6 years ago, it was a combination of spin classes and weight training classes. I did spin 4-5 days a week and 2 of those days were combo classes with core and upper body strength. I also did two classes that focused on full body strength training for a hour per class. That was the easiest and fastest weight ever came off for me. Of course I had the most to lose then, which makes it easier than those last few pounds when I'm so close to goal.

I'm going to do a squat challenge as my new exercise challenge:) I will do jump squats, standard squats and side squats, I'll start with 10 and add 1 a day. I keep meaning to do it, and never do, so I'll take this as my opportunity.

I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight. I don't think it's helped.
Beyond that ... I'm still trying to figure it out. I like Pilates, but I don't know how much it helps me, and I can't always stick with it. I've also tried Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, but I've kinda lost interest in those too. I really do have to figure this out.

Sorry, guys, I'm in a mood today. I've been like this in varying degrees since I got back from Disney (really, I was like this before I left too, but it's been worse since I got back). I really wish I could just snap out of it.
I don't want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to say this (even though I know I'm going to regret it), and since (I hope) this thread is a safe space ... I've had some problems with depression in the past. It's coming back. And I just have too much other crap going on to have the patience to deal with it. I'm so frustrated. I don't need this right now.

So ... that's my life.

I'm sorry you are feeling this way right now. :grouphug:

I have been there many years ago, and it is a very hard place to be. I needed medication to pull me up and I can say it was a huge benefit. Depression is very often as much chemical as it is related to sadness/frustration/anxiety with things in our lives. Even if you can fix a lot of the things bringing you down, the chemicals still need to be regulated. Speak to your doctor, get help and try to find emotional support as well. Cognitive behavioral therapy is usually short term and focused and usually very successful with depression.

I know you run and enjoy running. I'm sure you know exercise is often prescribed for depression, but sometimes switching up your exercise helps too. Perhaps trade a run for a cycling class, yoga, or something else, just to see if it makes you feel any better. Also, sometimes keeping exercise social in a class versus solitary in a run makes a difference. If you find social exercise beneficial but want to focus on running, try finding a running club around you. They often have lots of levels of runners and can be very fun.
Results - Week 1
Great job to everyone this week! We are only 25% through the month, so there's still time to get to where you want to be in case you're off to a slow start this month.

@4Mickeys 40%
@5xdisneyfans 13%
@bigsis1970 0%
@chasingthtdream08 0%
@courtneybeth 30%
@CruisingKate 25%
@donac 14%
@Dr Gunnie 16%
@dsnyfn1022 43%
@DVCFan1994 25%
@Flossbolna 0%
@flvy 0%
@JacknSally 0%
@jayna22 63%
@knkmom 25%
@Lady Marie 25%
@LindseyJo22 0%
@mamattorney 55%
@MochaDrinker 20%
@ohMom 50%
@pinklmaonade 30%
@pjlla 0%
@SarahDisney 0%
@Zoesmama03 0%

Note: if your numbers are wrong, missing, etc, please PM me and I'll get that fixed!
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