Ferb, I know What We're Going to Do Today! - Updated 9/30

Your projects are awe-inspiring!!! Your quilt is fantabulous!! I made a similar one for my son a few years ago that has similar colors, just stars instead of squares.

Love your photos of the Fab 5 and you. You really got a lot done in fact that morning. Always an extra treat when the lines are short. :thumbsup2

Hmmmm... a 1:00 mission??!! Can't wait... popcorn::

Thanks. It's my first full quilt. I pieced it together a few years ago when I was out of work one summer. Then I taught myself to knit, and my quilting fell by the wayside. I've made it a resolution to work on it this year.

It was a good morning. We just took our time and saw what we wanted to see most.

I LOVE the kitty! You are so talented. Where did you learn to knit like that?? That's too bad about Test Track. It was closed down during my trip. You got some great photos with the characters, though!

Thank you. I actually taught myself a few years back. I bought myself a learn to knit kit and just branched out from there.

I love TT! I can't wait to ride it this week. :woohoo:
One of my BFF's only requests for this trip was to go over to POP Century to see the Lady and the Tramp statues. Lady and the Tramp is her favorite Disney cartoon, so she misses out on getting to see her favorite characters around the park. I had never been to POP before, so I was up for heading over there for a bit of lunch to check things out. I don't think that I quite realized just how big those figures are. They never seem quite that big when you see them in pictures. They are huge! :eek:



We didn't spend much time really checking out more of the grounds. I would have liked to,but my friend wasn't really into the whole wandering around soaking up the atmosphere thing. I had been hoping to do a lot of that this trip, but when we did a little walking around I could tell she really didn't want to be doing it. It ended up taking the joy out of it for me, so I just gave up on it after awhile. I found I couldn't really enjoy soaking up the details when I couldn't get more than a minute or two alone. Does that make any sense? :confused3

We stopped and had lunch while we were there. No pictures, but my chicken fingers were pretty good. While she was in the ladies room I wandered around the main building enjoying the decorations. POP had some of my favorite decorations from the entire trip.

My taste in Christmas decorations is a bit puzzling to most of my friends. Usually my taste in things like clothes and home décor would be classified as tastefully simple and low key. When it comes to Christmas decorations though, the brighter, the shinier, the …well, tackier for lack of a better description is what I love. :lovestrucI love all the shiney 1950's/60's style of decorations. My favorite ornaments on my tree at home are the vintage glass indent ornaments that my mom let me take for my first Christmas tree when I moved out. It kills me that you can't buy those anymore, and I live with a bit of paranoia every year about breaking the ones I have.



I loved this garland!

Right down to the vintage style tag on it. **********

I chaneled my inner LL when I saw these lamps. (And thought of her while taking the pictures!) I heart both of these lamps. I'd love to have the second one hanging over my dining room table.


I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about leaving the parks for lunch, but I ended up loving it. It was a nice break, and I loved getting to see a resort that I had never been to before. Highly recommend!
Great pictures from Pop, maybe next time you can wonder around a little more and see the rest of the icon. Mr and Mrs Potato Head is one of my favorites.
We loved the decorations at POP. I thought the whole lobby area was really neat, with the shadow boxes of the different decades. It really brings back memories going through those things. We didn't get to see most of the icons, but Lady and the Tramp were right by our room and the bowling pin pool. DD wouldn't try any of the other pools, so we walked by Lady to get to the pool each time we went swimming. I hope next time I can find the time to wander around a bit.

In general, spending a week at POP was a great experience, I was nervous about staying at a value, but actually I liked it a lot. The worst part is the larger # of people for things such as the food court and the bus stop, but overall it was a lot of fun. I would recommend it for a budget trip.

I feel bad that it seems like you had some problems with your friend...like you had to do the things that she wanted to do, but whenever you wanted to do something, your friend either protested found an excuse why they couldn't. That is too bad...I hope next time if you go with her, you give yourself some time apart so that you CAN do some of those things. Or maybe finally taking that solo trip is the way to go.
Every time I see your lovely projects, it makes me want to learn to knit! :goodvibes

Soarin' first thing in the morning is such a lovely way to start the day!

Your character pics are adorable especially the one with Donald! Connor has really begun to identify with him -- probably because he can relate to his frustrations! LOL!

I have a penchant for those 1950s/1960s Christmas decorations, too. I would love to have an aluminum tree during the holidays. :laughing:
I"ve been thinking about you today, and was wondering if you ever made it out on a flight or not!!

I can't wait to do some POP solo days and do just that- soak up the atmosphere!! Little by little, and not rushed.

Crissy, are you sure you don't want to join us for our trip??? You could have a good mix of solo time AND fun ladies time!! ;)
We loved the decorations at POP. I thought the whole lobby area was really neat, with the shadow boxes of the different decades. It really brings back memories going through those things. We didn't get to see most of the icons, but Lady and the Tramp were right by our room and the bowling pin pool. DD wouldn't try any of the other pools, so we walked by Lady to get to the pool each time we went swimming. I hope next time I can find the time to wander around a bit.

In general, spending a week at POP was a great experience, I was nervous about staying at a value, but actually I liked it a lot. The worst part is the larger # of people for things such as the food court and the bus stop, but overall it was a lot of fun. I would recommend it for a budget trip.

I feel bad that it seems like you had some problems with your friend...like you had to do the things that she wanted to do, but whenever you wanted to do something, your friend either protested found an excuse why they couldn't. That is too bad...I hope next time if you go with her, you give yourself some time apart so that you CAN do some of those things. Or maybe finally taking that solo trip is the way to go.

I really liked the parts of POP that I saw. The food court was great, and had some really nice options. I would definitely try a stay there.

If I don't squeeze in a solo trip this year, I'm definitely scheduling more free time for myself. The more trips I take with family and friends the more I realize how much I want to have some more solo time in the parks.

Every time I see your lovely projects, it makes me want to learn to knit! :goodvibes

Soarin' first thing in the morning is such a lovely way to start the day!

Your character pics are adorable especially the one with Donald! Connor has really begun to identify with him -- probably because he can relate to his frustrations! LOL!

I have a penchant for those 1950s/1960s Christmas decorations, too. I would love to have an aluminum tree during the holidays. :laughing:

Knitting keeps me balanced. At the end of the day it really helps me to relax.

I just love Donald when he gets frustrated. He's kind of the Disney everyman.

Love aluminum trees! I have nowhere to put anymore trees in my place at Christmas. (I already have 3 in my 765 sq. ft. condo). I have to content myself with my gaudy glass bulbs and my beloved bubble lights.

Crissy, are you sure you don't want to join us for our trip??? You could have a good mix of solo time AND fun ladies time!! ;)

Hmmmmm. When are you guys going again? :rotfl: Time with Disers might be as good as solo time. :rotfl:
After our sojourn over at POP we headed over to MGM for the rest of our day. (It will always be MGM to me. Disney's Hollywood Studios just doesn't flow for me). We really got our monies worth out of the hopper option on this trip. :)I really enjoyed leaving the park for awhile, and then moving over to another park. It is definitely something I'm looking to repeat on our next trip in the fall. It broke the day up, and really helped alleviate the overwhelming feeling from the crowds.

First off though I had to meet up with Bo and get my picture taken with him. I thought of CP and her DD when I made my friend take my picture. I think she thought I was a bit nuts. :lmao:


I loved the way MGM was decorated. Both my BFF and I thought they had the best holiday decorations of all the parks. I think the theme just lent itself so well to being dressed up for the holidays. We had been a bit let down over the decorations at Epcot and MK. I loved the city streets all decorated up, and we didn't even see the Osborne lights this night.





We wandered around the park taking in the decorations and riding a few rides. We were able to ride ToT without a major wait, but RnRC was a bit too long for us to wait standbby, and TSM had about a 120 minute wait and no fast passes left. We passed right by. We had no desire to spend 2 hours waiting in line, when we had another morning planned in the park.

We did wander to the back of the park to see the Muppets show. I'm a sucker for the muppets and this is a don't miss attraction for me. We got there just after a group had been let in, so we had a lot of time to wander around the holding pen checking out all the detailing. I loved this poster hanging down in the front. I don't think I ever noticed it before.


After the muppets we waited and rode Star Tours. I use to really love this attraction when it first opened, but really now I can't wait for them to update it. It needs it. The film is in such bad shape, and the ride never seems to be as enjoyable as it used to be. There was no one over on the props outside when we exited so I had my BFF take one of me on the Endor speeders. (I've always wanted one of these pics - I'm such a kid at heart!)


The weather was getting quite chilly out. We had a bit of time before our dinner ADR so we stopped at the Backlot Canteen for a drink. They had some really neat holiday themed drinks, so I just had to try the special Merry Margarita. (It was blue and came with a star shaped glow cube, how could I resist?) It was really tasty, and surprisingly very potent. I have to give Disney credit. Of all the drinks I tried on this trip, none of them were at all watered down. All the ones I tried were very strong.


We took our time enjoying our drinks and slowly making our way over to the Brown Derby for our much anticipated ADR.
Yeah, an update!

I totally agree on Star Tours, while I still enjoy the ride, the idea of a re-boot has me thrilled. While I think this whole 3-D push in movie theaters is mostly a load of crap, I LOVE the idea of a 3-D Star Tours ride. I gotta assume it will be a major overhaul...I can't picture they are going to stick with those little ships and those even smaller screens. I just don't understand why they are waiting over a year to get started on it. Just shut it down and give us 2.0!

Love your speeder shot,too. I always think there should be a way to make it look like your actually moving in pictures. Like they should have a big fan in front blowing your hair back. (Wouldn't do much for me though!)
Hurray for an update!!! :banana: You know I loved seeing Bo this afternoon, and I know Chelsea will feel the same way when she sees your pic! :goodvibes DHS does have very glamorous holiday decorations! Your speeder shot is adorable! How could anyone resist a Merry Margarita? I would have been all over that, too. :thumbsup2
Just got caught up again. i know what you mean about taking a mid-day break from the parks....I really enjoyed going back to the resort to re-charge before heading out for the evening.
I think I would agree with you on the DHS decorations. Perhaps they have more freedom there to try different things? Those yellow and red trees at the Muppets entrance are just wonderful! :goodvibes
Your Merry Margarita looks fan-freakin-tastic!

Of course, take this from a pregnant woman who hasn't had a drink in about five months. :::SIGH:::

I love living vicariously through trip reports! ;)
Hurray for an update!!! :banana: You know I loved seeing Bo this afternoon, and I know Chelsea will feel the same way when she sees your pic! :goodvibes DHS does have very glamorous holiday decorations! Your speeder shot is adorable! How could anyone resist a Merry Margarita? I would have been all over that, too. :thumbsup2

I had to take another one last week when I was at the studios. It's becoming a new tradition for me!

Just got caught up again. i know what you mean about taking a mid-day break from the parks....I really enjoyed going back to the resort to re-charge before heading out for the evening.

It really made a difference. Best thing I did on this trip!

All caught up again! Love the updates and the pics from Pop!


Your Merry Margarita looks fan-freakin-tastic!

Of course, take this from a pregnant woman who hasn't had a drink in about five months. :::SIGH:::

I love living vicariously through trip reports! ;)

It was so good! I'm a sucker for blue drinks. Especially if they have blinky lights in them.

Good to have you back. I look forward to your review of Brown Derby, I have ADR there in June.

I love the Derby. I've yet to have a bad meal there.

Yeah, an update!

I totally agree on Star Tours, while I still enjoy the ride, the idea of a re-boot has me thrilled. While I think this whole 3-D push in movie theaters is mostly a load of crap, I LOVE the idea of a 3-D Star Tours ride. I gotta assume it will be a major overhaul...I can't picture they are going to stick with those little ships and those even smaller screens. I just don't understand why they are waiting over a year to get started on it. Just shut it down and give us 2.0!

Love your speeder shot,too. I always think there should be a way to make it look like your actually moving in pictures. Like they should have a big fan in front blowing your hair back. (Wouldn't do much for me though!)

3D on that will be great. The update can't come soon enough!
Hmmmmm. When are you guys going again? :rotfl: Time with Disers might be as good as solo time. :rotfl:

Sept. 2-13th. :rolleyes1

That margharita takes "We wish you a merry Christmas" to a whole new level, doesn't it??!! :love:
Sept. 2-13th. :rolleyes1

That margharita takes "We wish you a merry Christmas" to a whole new level, doesn't it??!! :love:

That may be a bit too close to my Oct. trip to be really feasible. I think my job actually expects me to show up occasionally and not spend all my time at Disney.:eek: Seriously I need to get them to start sending me to Orlando as part of my job. :thumbsup2
My BFF and I had tried the Brown Derby for the first time back in 2007 and both fell in love with the place. It has now become one of my "must-do's" on my Disney vacations. The food never fails to disappoint, and I love that once your in the restaurant you feels like your miles away from the crowds and craziness of the park. If someone blindfolded you and left you in the middle of the restaurant, you would never guess that you were in an amusement park restaurant. It's just wonderful and classy. Like the rest of MGM the Brown Derby was decorated for the holidays. The decorations were simple, but beautiful.


I finally fessed up to my friend that I wanted to take pictures of food and why. She thought it was a bit nuts but humored me.

For my appetizer I had the blue jumbo lump crab cake. It was utterly delicious! Also no photo, but I had a glass of the Coppola Vineyards Merlot. I have it everytime I come here, it's a wonderful Merlot.


For my entrée I had the cobb salad, which is listed on the appetizer menu (for 2) on the dinner menu. This was my first time trying the cobb salad, and it was just wonderful. My new favorite Disney meal. Seriously, I've had dreams about this meal since. I normally don't eat avacados, and I usually hate ranch dressing but I ordered it exactly as is and am so glad I took the chance and tried it. So, so good!


For desert it was the banana white chocolate toffee tower. Again, wonderful, and I normally don't like white chocolate. The blending of flavors was perfect.


I can't recommend the Brown Derby enough. It's a bit more expensive than the other table service options at the studios, but I find it well worth every penny. Actually I thought the salad was a deal at $15. It could have easily been split, especially if you had an appetizer with it.

The park was closing by the time we finished dinner. We ran across a photopass photographer on the way out and stopped for a photo in front of the hat. (Grudgingly, I still hate the location of the hat blocking the view of the theater.


I got a kick out of the MGM tree outside the entrance. Not very Disney like having a huge blacked out section like that.


We had another agonizingly long wait for a bus back to AsSp. We were both really glad that this was the last night we were going to have to deal with the nighttime buses back to our resort. As good as the buses were in the morning they were an evil monstrosity at night.


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