Feeling Grand - How to Plan a Disney Trip In 18 Days Or Less

Something wonderful- that's for SURE!! :cloud9::love::lovestruc


Happy to hear your son enjoyed the ultrasound. Love the baby stickers comment!

It never fails to amaze me what kids come up with.

Great ADR choices. I can't wait to hear about afternoon tea at the Grand Floridian. And I didn't know the Cobb was an app at dinner. YUM! Love your plans to possibly have a Dole Whip breakfast.

I love the tea there. It's fantastic. The nice thing about the Cobb being an app is you can split and still get to try a yummy entree.

Your food plans sound really great!

All of the places you are eating sound just delightful!

Thanks, I think so too!

I really think the less time you have to plan the less stress because it is what it is. You have no time to second guess yourself or spend unless amounts of money on junk before you leave.

I agree. I totally wasn't planning on spending anything on this trip beforehand, and I've actually held pretty true to that. My next post will be about that, I think.

Kat in regards to the rides and being pregnant- basically no Mountains, no rollercoasters and nothing that spins you very fast. If you end up at AK and want to ride the Safari sit in the first 3 to 4 rows, the back of the jeep is WAY too bumpy. And I personally won't do the Indy cars at MK because of getting bumped from behind but I actually have NEVER ridden that attraction myself so take that with a grain of salt.

I don't really do Mountains, coasters, or teacups or things of that sort. I'm so not a thrill seeker. And I will not ride the safari while pregnant. That's just my own personal choice, it's just to jolting for me. I've ridden the Indy cars and haven't gotten bumped, but Mom and I probably wouldn't do those anyway.

I think my main concern is Toy Story Mania and Soarin'. Those are two of Mom's favorites, and I'm pretty sure they're okay for me.

I love your plans!

And I love that you have already laid them all out!!?! :rotfl2:

What did we do to deserve all those plans at once? :rotfl: No TK cliffhanger?

I don't have time for cliffhangers! We're approaching the two week mark! LOL

So...is your Mom famous? :laughing:

No, but she's Mom. I don't even really know how to explain it to you. My mother is memorable, and I mean that in a good way. She's sophisticated and charming and beautiful. I don't know, she's Mom. It's hard to put into words. :cloud9::cloud9::goodvibes

As it well should be!

:thumbsup2 Pregnancy really is a license to eat.

I'm trying to keep that in check this time.

I plan to let it slide on vacation. ;)

Your plans look wonderful! Lots of great meals in there....and no shame on it being all about food. Most trips to Disney are, even when there isn't a pregnant woman in the group, aren't they?! :laughing: ;)

Thank you! We are so all about the food. I mean...there's so many choices, how can you not be? :lmao:
You know how sometimes life can take you completely by surprise?

And that it can amaze with how magic, even Disney magic, can exist in your every day world.

That happened to me today. Even thinking about it now and writing about it now just...makes me want to cry all over again. They're a mixture of sad and happy tears.

Last week I was working in a different bank branch, and I ran into an old friend. Someone who had worked for my parents, and knew my Granddad. I know I've never really given you stories about Granddad. There are so many, it's hard to chose. He died when I was a senior in high school. I think it was probably one of, if not the worst moment of my entire life. I can still remember that day. I talked to him, and I saw him and he was fine.

And that night, he had a heart attack and then he was gone.

Just like that.

My Granddad was a smoker, and so I always assumed in my teenage brain that he would get cancer, and that it would be long and painful, and that there would be plenty of time to say goodbye. But there was none.

We had this game where every time we saw each other, we would hold up our fingers to indicate the number of days we had seen each other that week. Whoever did it first, won. But you had to have the right number of days. It was a really good week when you had to hold up all seven.

He took me to my painting classes and my piano lessons. He used to sit in the rocking chair in the living room and listen to me practice. He was awesome with all our dogs. I mean, this man would get down on the floor and play with them. He had hair that we used to call spring silver, but it was really tinged with the faintest touch of strawberry blond, reminiscent of when he was a beautiful auburn redhead.

My son has his hair. And sometimes, I even think he has part of his spirit.

It's hard for me to write.

It's hard for me to try to explain to you how much Granddad meant to me. He wasn't just Granddad, he was another father. How many girls are so lucky to have two daddies? But I was.

And yes, we went to Disney together. Some of my funniest memories are with my Granddad. He had this laugh. It's so hard to put into words, but when he laughed, he used to suck in air, and it would be this great "huh, huh, huh" sound until he could barely breathe. It was one of those laughs that made you laugh, and it made you feel like if you could laugh like that, then you didn't have a care in the world. In that moment, you felt like nothing mattered. I used to laugh like Granddad, but it's been a long time. It really takes a lot to get me to the point where I have his laugh, but I do.

It would be so bad, he'd have to leave the table if we were dining out. This happened so often, and I know it happened at Disney. He'd leave to compose himself, and when he thought he could come back, he would see us all in the window, and start all over again, which started us all over again, and he'd have to leave again. It was so funny. His spirit, his laughter, it was infectious.

I wish he could have known my husband, and my son. I know they would have loved his laugh, and his sense of humor.

I remember one time we were waiting for the boat from MGM. I don't remember where we were going, but the rain was pouring, driving in almost horizontal sheets just straight to where we were standing and those little overhead awnings weren't doing a darn bit of good. We were ponchoed up but it didn't matter, and Granddad shielded my body with his, but we were still soaked and we laughed and laughed and laughed.

So last week, when I saw our old friend it brought back so many memories.

Little did I know it would bring me an unexpected kindness.

Today, I was at work, and our friend walked in. I had a customer, and she waited for me to be done. I thought, my goodness, what could this be?

She said she had something for me. I had told her I was expecting so I thought perhaps it was a baby gift.

I was wrong, but in the best possible way.

It was a musical Mickey Mouse figurine, the kind that's all ceramic and has a plastic base that you turn.

My Granddad gave it to her as a thank you for watching our dogs the last time we went to Disney together.

And she gave it to me.

Well, I just started crying right then and there. I mean, normally, I'm not so emotional, but me being pregnant is a whole other story. I was so touched, so honored, and so thrilled to have something that my Granddad had touched, that he had chosen, even if it was for someone else. Somehow, that little figurine had made its way back to me through the unexpected kindness of an old friend.

And do you know what Mickey is doing?

He's playing the piano. Just like I used to play for Granddad.

Next Chapter
......sigh.....thank you so much for sharing your wonderful memories and a new memory made today by an old friend. Ir made me smile and cry at the same time. Bless your heart. :grouphug:
......sigh.....thank you so much for sharing your wonderful memories and a new memory made today by an old friend. Ir made me smile and cry at the same time. Bless your heart. :grouphug:

Thank you for sharing them with me. It was hard for me to write, but I've never really discussed how much Granddad means to me.

A lot of times, you'll here me refer to Mom and Nana. Nana is my mom's mom. Granddad was her husband, my mom's dad. So Mom and Nana are really tight, and we all miss him very much.
Ah, TK! What a beautiful post about your Granddad. He must have been a truly amazing man, and how sweet of your friend to bring you the Mickey from him! :hug:

I have to say that I wondered where DS got his red hair...now I know! :goodvibes
Ah, TK! What a beautiful post about your Granddad. He must have been a truly amazing man, and how sweet of your friend to bring you the Mickey from him! :hug:

He was an amazing man.

I have the best story about him, I'll have to share it with you in e-mail unless everyone else wants to here it too.

By the way, he was a teacher. ;) So was Nana. So you see where the desire in me comes from.

I have to say that I wondered where DS got his red hair...now I know! :goodvibes

Oddly enough, my husband had a grandmother who had red hair as well, and he has the faintest tinges of red when he grows a goatee.

So, we both carry the recessive gene, but I really think of it as my Granddad's. No slight meant to DH's family, but all my granddad's remaining brothers and sisters swear that's just what his hair was like when they were little. It's so sweet.

I know I don't talk names on here, but my we gave my son my granddad's name as his middle name.
That brought me to tears. What a very lovely gift! :hug:

I think it took me a couple of minutes to stop crying after I finished writing that! I was a big ole mess writing that post, at times it got hard to see the screen. :lmao:
TK, I don't think I've ever posted on one of your PTRs or TRs, but I know I've lurked on many of them. But hearing you write about your granddad, well, I just had to post and tell you how moving your story was. You're an amazing writer, and I could actually feel your emotion as I read your post... which has me sitting here in tears. Your granddad sounds like an amazing man. :littleangel:
Darn you, TK, you just had to go and make me cry!! What a beautiful post about your Grandad. It sounds like he was a truly wonderful man.
He was an amazing man.

I have the best story about him, I'll have to share it with you in e-mail unless everyone else wants to here it too.

Yes, I want that story one way or another. :goodvibes

Oddly enough, my husband had a grandmother who had red hair as well, and he has the faintest tinges of red when he grows a goatee.

So, we both carry the recessive gene, but I really think of it as my Granddad's. No slight meant to DH's family, but all my granddad's remaining brothers and sisters swear that's just what his hair was like when they were little. It's so sweet.

I know I don't talk names on here, but my we gave my son my granddad's name as his middle name.

I think that is so wonderful that DS's middle name was your grandfather's. :goodvibes
What a wonderful story! How precious that you got that figurine as a gift you never expected! It's the best possible surprise I can imagine! :goodvibes
TK, I don't think I've ever posted on one of your PTRs or TRs, but I know I've lurked on many of them. But hearing you write about your granddad, well, I just had to post and tell you how moving your story was. You're an amazing writer, and I could actually feel your emotion as I read your post... which has me sitting here in tears. Your granddad sounds like an amazing man. :littleangel:

Thank you so much for coming out of lurkdom and giving me such a wonderful compliment. I am happy to hear from any of my readers, and really pleased that a post about my Granddad is what made you decide to comment. He would have been thrilled.

Darn you, TK, you just had to go and make me cry!! What a beautiful post about your Grandad. It sounds like he was a truly wonderful man.

I was not intending to incite a sobfest, but I am so emotional! Dang pregnancy hormones!!! :lmao:

Yes, I want that story one way or another. :goodvibes

I'll try to work it into a post or e-mail you this weekend.

I think that is so wonderful that DS's middle name was your grandfather's. :goodvibes
I wouldn't have had it any other way.

What a wonderful story! How precious that you got that figurine as a gift you never expected! It's the best possible surprise I can imagine! :goodvibes

It was an amazing surprise, and right before this trip! So ironic.
What a beautiful post, TK. It's funny how life can completely surprise us sometimes, I can only imagine how much it must have touched you when she brought you that figurine. I would have been sobbing as well, I got teary just reading about it...:hug: I for one, would love to hear that other story about him. :goodvibes:
Awwww, TK, you felt the same way I did about your grandpa as I did about my gramma! Such a close and special relationship! I practically grew up with her by my side.

Thanks for not only sharing such poignant memories about you and him, but for also bringing back a slew of fond thoughts about my own happy times!!

TK, I love the story of you and your granddad. How wonderful that you have all those wonderful special memories! I'd love it if you shared the story with us. :goodvibes

It's amazing that the woman still had that Mickey Mouse figure. I know exactly what you mean about feeling tied to things the people we've loved most have touched. One of my favorite possessions is a small woven yarn mat that my grandfather had made for me when I was a little girl. We had always had a wonderful close relationship, and he passed away when I was only 8. I don't care how worn out that little mat starts to look. Nothing could be more precious to me.
What a beautiful and touching story! I love that you have a new keepsake that will remind you of two of your favorite things - WDW and your grandad!
That is a great story about your Granddad. I was really close to someone who I called my grampy and he died when I was a senior in college. Your post brought back many of my own memories of him. He wasn't a blood reletive but in many ways he was closer to our family then my own blood grandfathers (who are both still living). I never got to say goodbye to him either. I was away at college when he got sick and he died the day before I was able to go home and visit him. He was to sick to talk on the phone so I didn't even get to do that. We gave my dd the nickname he called me as her middle name. He was the only one who ever called me by that name. I wouldn't mind hearing more about your granddad.
What a beautiful post, TK. It's funny how life can completely surprise us sometimes, I can only imagine how much it must have touched you when she brought you that figurine. I would have been sobbing as well, I got teary just reading about it...:hug: I for one, would love to hear that other story about him. :goodvibes:

Thank you. I think I will work the story into my next post.

Awwww, TK, you felt the same way I did about your grandpa as I did about my gramma! Such a close and special relationship! I practically grew up with her by my side.

Thanks for not only sharing such poignant memories about you and him, but for also bringing back a slew of fond thoughts about my own happy times!!


I'm always happy if something I write reminds you of special times! :goodvibes

TK, I love the story of you and your granddad. How wonderful that you have all those wonderful special memories! I'd love it if you shared the story with us. :goodvibes

It's amazing that the woman still had that Mickey Mouse figure. I know exactly what you mean about feeling tied to things the people we've loved most have touched. One of my favorite possessions is a small woven yarn mat that my grandfather had made for me when I was a little girl. We had always had a wonderful close relationship, and he passed away when I was only 8. I don't care how worn out that little mat starts to look. Nothing could be more precious to me.

I know! It doesn't matter what the object is, it's the sentimental value.

What a beautiful and touching story! I love that you have a new keepsake that will remind you of two of your favorite things - WDW and your grandad!

I do, I am so lucky!

That is a great story about your Granddad. I was really close to someone who I called my grampy and he died when I was a senior in college. Your post brought back many of my own memories of him. He wasn't a blood reletive but in many ways he was closer to our family then my own blood grandfathers (who are both still living). I never got to say goodbye to him either. I was away at college when he got sick and he died the day before I was able to go home and visit him. He was to sick to talk on the phone so I didn't even get to do that. We gave my dd the nickname he called me as her middle name. He was the only one who ever called me by that name. I wouldn't mind hearing more about your granddad.

Sometimes friends can be closer than family. I've had a special bond with some "non-relatives" that has meant more than family in my time. Very few, but they have been there.
Before we start our regularly scheduled programming, I'd like to bring you a bit of funny. Hopefully this won't lose its humor in the translation.

I can tie this in to the report, because it really helps you further understand me. And that's good, right? I would say that at least 95% of my sense of humor comes from my Granddad. We have this innate ability to amuse ourselves, laugh loudly at our own jokes, and break into song/hum when the mood strikes us.

It's quite often that at the end of a work day, I can be heard singing "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me." I do it quietly. I wouldn't want to scare the customers...much. ;)

My grandfather was a teacher. And he was a teacher at a time when the teachers did the school plays, not the students. He and I have both been part of theater groups, and we both have a passion for acting. The favorite role I ever played was in an original piece by a friend of mine in which I portrayed the dual personality super villain in a comic book type play. My name was Paradox. My favorite song that reminded me of my character was by Matchbox 20. I believe the title is Unwell. Prior to that I played Mother Nature in a Christmas show, and I was all sweetness and light.

Playing Paradox was so freeing. She was evil. And not. And she had her reasons. It's AMAZING to play the villain, let me tell you. I loved that role.

As my Granddad would have been proud of me in that, I know I would have been proud to see him in one of his most villanious roles, the Judge in Ten Little Indians, or And Then There Were None.

For those of you who aren't familiar with this Agatha Christie story, the book is different from the play. I won't describe how in case you want to read it, but suffice it to say that in the play, the hero and heroine shoot the villainous Judge, kill him, and saunter off into the proverbial sunset.

Well, this play was being performed for elementary school kids, can you imagine that!!! And the children, knowing how evil the Judge (my Granddad) was, were screaming from the audience for the teacher (Ms. I Don't Remember Her Name) not to go in the room, don't go in the room, he's in there! :lmao: Can you imagine being in a play and performing for your students? Oh my goodness.

So while they're acting and keeping a straight face, the hero and heroine confront my villainous grandfather. There's a scuffle, and the hero is SUPPOSED to shot the Judge with a gun.

Obviously, this is a prop gun that's supposed to make a noise, right?

Except...it doesn't make any noise.



And so the hero stands there looking at my grandfather, and my grandfather does the first thing he can think of.

He shouts at the top of his lungs "BANG!!!!!!" and promptly falls over dead.


Hopefully, I've conveyed how funny that really was. I loved to hear my Granddad's stories and I never, ever grew tired of them, even if they were the same ones I'd heard before.

I love that I share so much with him, even though he's not with us anymore. It makes me feel closer to him through these shared interests.

One of those interests was definitely Disney. My granddad knew how to have fun with the rest of them. It was hard for Mom and Nana to go without him for the first time.

As a matter of fact, that's how it came to pass that Mom and Nana started attending the halloween parties. My grandfather died in October. The following year, they couldn't bear to be home on the anniversary of his death. I was a busy college freshman, so although I thought about it, I didn't have time to think about it.

Well, it just so happened, that was the year they started the halloween parties. So Mom and Nana decided to go to our favorite escape, Disney. And that's how they've started the tradition of going every year at that time. They haven't missed an MNSSHP yet.

I'm looking forward to going with my mom. She and I used to go a lot together, just her and me. We would take these mother daughter trips all the time when I was in college and worked for Disney, got in for free, and got fantastic hotel room discounts. That was when it used to cost $100 round trip on Southwest to go to Orlando. Before 9/11. Before all of that.

It's amazing to me what a different world we live in now, and yet how some things never change.

My sense of humor. (Thank you, Granddad.)

My LOVE of MNSSHP. (Thank you, Mom. She took me to my first one.)

My love of Disney. Thank you to everyone in my family who has given me that foundation.

Disney is my happy place. I love my vacations there. And I'm so looking forward to this special time with my Mom...staying at the Grand Floridian...just being able to sleep and relax and eat and shop and just...be.

Next Chapter

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