Even with Blisters and Bad Hair, Disney is Still Magical! A Sept. 2014 TR -Updated 5/13

Just found your TR :wave2: So much fun, love it! Joining in!

:welcome: Thanks for joining!

Just found your TR - it's great! You guys seem to have a very laid back touring style (which I love) and it looks like you had a blast, looking forward to the rest!

:welcome: We did have a blast! I hope to get another installment done later today!
Great update, Clare.

I love the pictures with Mickey and Minnie.

Great job on the autograph books...very cute.

The pictures with Sven are adorable.

I still can't get over Lucy on Rock & Roll. No way you can get me on that one ever again.

Ooooh...can't wait to hear where dinner is.
joining.......I have just spent yesterday and today reading your TR!!!! looks like so much fun! What days did you go? Maybe I overlooked that.... Our family is going Sept 16-26 this year and I am excited to say the least :dancer::dancer::dancer: We are driving down as well but with a 3yr old and 18 mth :eek: Your kids are braver than me! now you got me rethinking not going to MNSSHP...hmmm not sure if my kids would be able to stay up for it , might have to leave them with my parents if me and my husband go :rolleyes1 he would totally go trick or treating the man loves him some candy!!! :lmao: anyway I'm glad I found this trip report !
Great update, Clare.

Thanks, Kathy!

I love the pictures with Mickey and Minnie.

They were both fantastic meet ups!

Great job on the autograph books...very cute.

Thanks! We had a lot of fun making them and saved so much money!

The pictures with Sven are adorable.

Those were fun. We totally didn't expect them.

I still can't get over Lucy on Rock & Roll. No way you can get me on that one ever again.

She's nuts. LOVED it. She takes after both of us.

Ooooh...can't wait to hear where dinner is.

You'll find out in a few minutes!

What a great thread. It sounds like a great trip and I can't wait to read more.

Thank you and welcome! It really was a great trip! We made the most of it for sure.


joining.......I have just spent yesterday and today reading your TR!!!! looks like so much fun!

Wow, thanks! That's a huge compliment! :goodvibes And welcome! :welcome:

What days did you go? Maybe I overlooked that.... Our family is going Sept 16-26 this year and I am excited to say the least :dancer::dancer::dancer:

We were there September 12-17, so just about the same time you're going. In 2012 we were there the 14-19. Crowds weren't bad either year. I would say slightly more crowded this trip, but nothing bad at all.

We are driving down as well but with a 3yr old and 18 mth :eek: Your kids are braver than me!

I bet they'll do fine. We've been driving to Florida since Lucy was 6 months old and we've never had any problems.
now you got me rethinking not going to MNSSHP...hmmm not sure if my kids would be able to stay up for it , might have to leave them with my parents if me and my husband go :rolleyes1 he would totally go trick or treating the man loves him some candy!!! :lmao:

You should totally go to the party. It's so worth it!

anyway I'm glad I found this trip report !

Glad to have you on board!
Okay, so we had just left HS on our way to our dinner ADR at Epcot. Where were we headed? Garden Grill! We had eaten there in 2012 and it had been my favorite meal of the trip. The kids loved the characters and the fact that the restaurant spun in a circle, so they had asked to go again.

We made the short drive to Epcot, and had plenty of time before our ADR, so we stopped to see what FP+ was available for after dinner. We had one for Soarin' for the next day, but didn't have one for Test Track. Unbelievably, we were able to get one for Test Track for around 7pm! We couldn't believe our luck with FP+ this day! First TSMM at HS and now Test Track!

After acquiring that beauty, we headed into The Land pavilion. We checked in, were handed our buzzer, and Jason didn't even make it back from the bathroom before it was going off. How's that for service! We were led to our table on the upper level and the fun started.

The food here is served family style. You're going to slap me. I forgot food pictures at this meal.:confused3 Sorry about that. We were explained how everything worked, had our drink order taken, and right away the characters started arriving. First up was Farmer Mickey. Not to be confused with Talking Mickey or Sorcerer Mickey who we had already met with. I mean, obviously it was the same Mickey, but he had a costume change. Okay, shut up Clare, let's get some pictures going. Okay, okay. Without further ado:

I think he was dancing with them here:

He was fun and spent a few minutes with us. Next up was Dale. We asked the kids if they remembered how to tell them apart. Lucy's answer? "Duh, their noses." Smart aleck. But they also noticed their teeth were different this time too.

Pluto came next. He was fun too. None of the characters here rushed. They didn't spend a ton of time, but it wasn't just "sign, picture, go." There was some interaction with each character, which we enjoyed.

Sometime during those meets, our bread came. It was yummy, soft on the inside, crusty on the outside bread with a honey butter spread. Really good!

While we were waiting for our food, Maura got a hold of the camera and did a daddy photo shoot.

Bunny ears by Lucy:

And then she took some selfies. With our giant camera.

She's crazy, that one. And she loves to look at herself.

We had our meal, which was filet of beef, turkey, and the fish of the day, which that day was tilapia. That came with mashed potatoes, stuffing, and vegetables. We did get a salad first too. The kids got chicken drumsticks with mac and cheese, broccoli, and sweet potato fries.

Everything was really good and if you want more, they'll bring more. What I really love about this place, is the fish is sustainable, many of the veggies come with the gardens from Living with the Land, and they compost everything that can be composted that doesn't get eaten.

The girls got birthday treats again and Mickey happened to be walking by when they were served so he stopped to help sing Happy Birthday!

Here is a picture of what was left of the honey butter from our bread.

Sorry. It was really good, though! Besides the cake, the girls also got these cupcake cones (which I do have a picture of! I finally remembered when desert came!)

They were super full, so we got a cup and took those to go.

Here is their cake

And our desert was a fruit cobbler with vanilla bean whipped cream. This was SO good, and the whipped cream was amazing.

We were just about done and hadn't seen Chip yet. Lo and behold, just as we're almost done, here comes! Much like his brother, he was fun and the girls had a good time with him.

Although I see now we had another visit from Dale first!

Here comes Chip!

continued in next post
Some more with Chip:

This was our second time eating here, and once again, it didn't disappoint. If you've never tried Garden Grill, I highly recommend it! We settled up our bill and headed over to something we hadn't been on before, but were excited to try. We headed downstairs in The Land pavilion and got on Living With the Land! The kids had wanted to ride this since seeing pictures of it and realizing that one of the areas we spun by in Garden Grill WAS LWTL. There was absolutely no line and so we boarded our boat.

It was really cool and interesting to see all the stuff that is grown there!

I never heard of a fluted pumpkin before. I wonder what they are used for?

The kids couldn't believe this is how pineapples grow!


Hidden Mickey! I knew this one was there from seeing other people's pictures, but the kids didn't know about it, and boy did they get excited!

Hidden Mickey in the lettuce! Another one the girls got excited about.

You can see the Mickey head on the melon a little further back in this picture. My kids had been DYING to see one of these since hearing about it. I'm glad they had one going!

We all really enjoyed this ride. My mother would love it. She's never been to WDW, but I'd love to get her at least to Epcot one day. There is so much there she'd love to see and this ride is one of them. LWTL will be a must do for us from now on.

It was time for us to use our FP+ for Test Track, so we headed over that way and got in line. In no time at all, we were going in to design our cars. I let Lucy do most of the work, and this is what she came up with!

Jason didn't take a picture of his, so I don't know what it looked like. I hadn't been on Test Track since 2001, and I'm sad to say, I don't remember a lot about the old version. We loved this one, though! Obviously the part outside was the best, but overall, we liked it. Here is our ride pic:

After the ride, we had to check out the interactive stuff they had. The kids raced for a while.

Oh, and Jason too because he is himself a large child!

We stopped in the dump shop where we got about 8 new antenna toppers and a bumper sticker that says "My other car is a doom buggy." It currently resides on my car.

On the way back to the front, we had to stop at the misting machine.

continued in next post
The kids really wanted to go swimming so we started heading out, but decided to stop at Spaceship Earth on the way out. Why not? It was there and there was no line! So, on we went! I didn't really care for this ride when I rode it in 2001, but it has really grown on me since then, especially with the addition where you see your future at the end. I honestly don't know why I didn't like it originally, though. It's SO Disney! The kids love it too, so on we went.

I only attempted to take one picture and here it is:

I was riding with Maura and I let her pick everything for our future, so here is what we got! I have to say, my hair looks the best it's looked all week in these pictures!

I love that they incorporated that into the ride. So fun!

I don't have any pictures of Jason and Lucy's future. Why? You guessed it. HE DIDN'T TAKE ANY!!!! Slacker.

We did all make it onto the big board, though. We're all to the right there, hanging out in the Atlantic Ocean.

We stopped for a few PP by the big ball on our way out.

I love PP at night. Everything looks so pretty all lit up!

In no time at all we were back at CBR and we headed over to Fuentes Del Morro for some swimming. Before we went though, we had to take some pictures of what our stuffed friends were up to that day!

We finally made it to the pool and cooled off after a hot day.

Sorry for just the 1 kid shot, but I wanted to get some of the pool area at night too.

The kids had seen the quiet pool in our area and wanted to try that one too, so we headed over there. It was not so quiet this night, but we didn't care. We just wanted to check it out! There was a gentleman there who I believe was from another country and he was wearing a swimming suit that no man should ever wear. I didn't take a picture, but I'm sure you can imagine.

After about an hour total of swimming, we headed back to the room to get ready for bed.

I took a few pictures of our courtyard and surrounding areas at night. My lens got really foggy!

I threw a load of laundry in, we all took showers, and headed off to bed. We'd be headed back to Epcot in the morning!
Great updates! Love all the pictures.:thumbsup2

Garden Grill eh? We have never been, and I'd actually never heard of it before we started planning for our next trip! I'm so glad to hear that it's a "green" restaurant! I hope Disney uses those same practices in most of, if not all of, their eateries; the difference such a large place makes could really be beneficial! :banana: Those cupcake cones look A-maze-ing! YUM!

I love the girls' little red cheeks and sweaty little heads in these photos! They're such cuties!

Ya know, I have never stayed awake to experience LWTL, something about that ride makes me wanna nap! Then again the last time I was on it I was maybe 12.

TT ride photo is great, and I love the car design, very cool looking. We haven't been on the new TT but I'm glad y'all liked it; heard a lot of mixed reviews.

Your future on SSE immediately made me think "Good hair in your future!" ::rotfl2:

I LOVE the big ball at night, all those colors, so pretty. Great family photo of you guys!

Your stuffies were very active this day! I can't wait for DD to experience that on her trips to WDW.

CBR looks great!! I imagine in the Florida heat even the quiet pools aren't very quiet. You can generally spot someone visiting from another country by a special swimsuit like the kind I imagine you guys saw. Not appropriate on any continent as far as I'm concerned.:scared1:
Clare, more fun updates.

We had THE best character interaction at Garden Grill in December 2013. The characters sat down and drew pictures with the girls, etc. It was really fun. Unfortunately, we didn't care for the food.

How lucky that you got a FP+ for Test Track while at Epcot for later that evening. That is awesome. And who can pass up Spaceship Earth? Always a fun way to end the night.

Love the swimming pictures. A great way to cool off after a hot day at the park.
Another great group of updates. I have never eaten at The Garden. It looks like a lot of fun. My wife and I will have to try it next time we are there. Anything you recommend?:yay:
I adore Farmer Mickey, can't wait to try Garden Grill, I've read so many good things.

Aw, Marua's photo shoot was so cute. I love kid vision!

Those desserts looked delicious!

Great night PP shots!

Night time swim to end the day seems like a perfect ending.
Great updates! Love all the pictures.:thumbsup2


Garden Grill eh? We have never been, and I'd actually never heard of it before we started planning for our next trip! I'm so glad to hear that it's a "green" restaurant! I hope Disney uses those same practices in most of, if not all of, their eateries; the difference such a large place makes could really be beneficial! :banana: Those cupcake cones look A-maze-ing! YUM!

We love GG! And the fact that it's a "green" restaurant makes it better. The cupcakes were amazing.

I love the girls' little red cheeks and sweaty little heads in these photos! They're such cuties!

I know, right? It was just the norm! And thanks. They are pretty cute!

Ya know, I have never stayed awake to experience LWTL, something about that ride makes me wanna nap! Then again the last time I was on it I was maybe 12.

:rotfl2: I can see how it would put some to sleep. We really enjoyed it!

TT ride photo is great, and I love the car design, very cool looking. We haven't been on the new TT but I'm glad y'all liked it; heard a lot of mixed reviews.

Yeah, the cars you can make are crazy! Wait until you see our next ones! We did like it. I really wish I could remember the original more, but we did enjoy the re-vamp.

Your future on SSE immediately made me think "Good hair in your future!" ::rotfl2:

:lmao:Totally! That might be the best it looked all week!

I LOVE the big ball at night, all those colors, so pretty. Great family photo of you guys!

Thanks! Yes, Epcot is pretty at night! The colors on the ball are great.

Your stuffies were very active this day! I can't wait for DD to experience that on her trips to WDW.

I love that mousekeeping does that. It's so much fun to anticipate coming back to the room wondering how they are set up.

CBR looks great!! I imagine in the Florida heat even the quiet pools aren't very quiet. You can generally spot someone visiting from another country by a special swimsuit like the kind I imagine you guys saw. Not appropriate on any continent as far as I'm concerned.:scared1:

Oy! The swimsuit! We tried to ignore it. CBR is great. Also really pretty at night.

Clare, more fun updates.


We had THE best character interaction at Garden Grill in December 2013. The characters sat down and drew pictures with the girls, etc. It was really fun. Unfortunately, we didn't care for the food.

Glad the characters were good for you too! We loved them. Sorry you didn't like the food. We were impressed both times we've been there.

How lucky that you got a FP+ for Test Track while at Epcot for later that evening. That is awesome. And who can pass up Spaceship Earth? Always a fun way to end the night.

FP karma was for sure on our side that day! First TSM and then Test Track! And yes, we have a hard time walking past SE with out riding. Jason said he hated that ride as a kid, but it's really grown on him!

Love the swimming pictures. A great way to cool off after a hot day at the park.

It was! The water felt really nice.
Another great group of updates. I have never eaten at The Garden. It looks like a lot of fun. My wife and I will have to try it next time we are there. Anything you recommend?:yay:

It is fun! For the food, everyone gets the same thing. There isn't really anything to order. So, you get to try the beef, turkey, and fish. I'm sure if you have food restrictions though, they can modify it for you.

I adore Farmer Mickey, can't wait to try Garden Grill, I've read so many good things.

It's for sure a favorite of ours!

Aw, Marua's photo shoot was so cute. I love kid vision!

I love when the kids get a hold of the camera! You never know what you'll get!

Those desserts looked delicious!

Oh, they were!:)

Great night PP shots!

Night time swim to end the day seems like a perfect ending.
So I was going to do an update tonight, but I forgot to upload the pics ahead of time, and it will probably be at least 45 minutes until they are done, so it will have to wait for tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm such a slacker.
So I was going to do an update tonight, but I forgot to upload the pics ahead of time, and it will probably be at least 45 minutes until they are done, so it will have to wait for tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm such a slacker.

This is why I haven't updated my PTR; photo uploading is rough. :badpc: ::yes::
It's been quite a few years since we've eaten at the Garden Grill so it was quite fun to see your review and pictures. The characters always seem to really get into their rolls at the Garden Grill.

I bet that your mother would love Living with the Land. My mother still talks about how much she likes it.

Good Lord have mercy! How many stuffed animals did your girls have? They look like they took over your room. :rotfl:
This is why I haven't updated my PTR; photo uploading is rough. :badpc: ::yes::

Well, if I would just remember to do it sooner than the moment I sit down to update!:rotfl:

It's been quite a few years since we've eaten at the Garden Grill so it was quite fun to see your review and pictures. The characters always seem to really get into their rolls at the Garden Grill.

We really like it there a lot! Both times we've been have been fantastic! The characters are really great.

I bet that your mother would love Living with the Land. My mother still talks about how much she likes it.

I'm sure she would! She loves to garden. I know she'd love Epcot in general, but she's stubborn and refuses to believe it!

Good Lord have mercy! How many stuffed animals did your girls have? They look like they took over your room. :rotfl:

Don't even ask! The ones there barely touch the surface. You should see their beds. There is barely room for them in the beds. I'm sure between the 2 of them they easily have over 200.

Stop! It's coming right now!

To anyone reading this whose report I've fallen behind on reading, I am so very sorry. Work has been beastly lately, and that is where I usually do my reading! I am hoping to catch up in the next few days. I also have Friday off, so in the morning, that might be what I do!

And now, on with the report!
Day 6: September 16th.

Okay, remember how on day 5 I said we had breakfast at OPR and I forgot to take pictures of the food? WELL.........

I lied.

We actually ate there on this day. I don't know what the heck we did the day before. Just snacked, I guess. Or ate some granola bars or dry cereal in the room or something.

We didn't have an FP+ times until around 10:30, so we headed down to OPR. The kids both had the Mickey waffles and sausage with applesauce. I'm sure that's Lucy's OJ and Maura's chocolate milk. She'd live on that if we let her.

Jason and I both got the bounty platter. Eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, french toast, and a biscuit. Holy carbs!

It was good and filling. Nothing special, but tasty and would get us moving! I had doctored up my still-ailing blisters, and my hair was perfection. I was feeling good going into today!

We arrived at Epcot about 10:15, just in time for our first FP+. You know what I love about parking at Epcot? No matter what time of day we get there, we ALWAYS get a spot close to the front. Always. Not sure how we've lucked out on that one, but we have.

It wasn't too busy today, and we were quickly through bag check and on our way. Jason of course needed to stop in the bathroom. Probably not to use it, but more than likely to primp his hair. He cares more about his than I do mine and takes much longer to get ready.

Hair in place, we headed over to Nemo and Friends. I had been hoping to see PrincessCaitlin from The Dis, but of course I found out later, Tuesday was her day off! Grrrr.... Oh well, next time! We enjoyed the ride as usual and then we took a while looking around in The Seas. We had to see Bruce and all his friends, of course! We love Bruce at our house! We have (shocker) a giant stuffed great white shark named Bruce.

I love that they have PP at Bruce now. It's so nice that we can all be in the picture!

This one was on our Christmas card this year

We did some other exploring near Bruce and his buddies:

Lucy played the Shark challenge:

We saw some fat manatees. Now don't get me wrong, they are super cool to see at Disney, and I love the conservation efforts Disney uses to help protect them, but it's just not the same as seeing them in the wild! We've done that several times in Florida and it's amazing. But, I love them no matter where they are so of course I took pictures!

This guy really has a huge gouge out of his tail. Poor baby!

A poor attempt at a dolphin picture:

A freaky eel:

Mr. Crab!


This guy is hilarious:

Seahorses are so weird yet cool looking:

After looking around for a while, we headed outside. Of course we had to take some photos outside! There were amazingly not a mob of people around and we actually got some decent pics!

Those seagulls. We had to sit through about 3 rounds of the "Mine, mine, mine, " as Maura was laughing her butt off, and well, it's fun to see her do that!

...continued in next post


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