EBPC December 9, 2012!!! PART 2

Oh happy note, DH bought our disneyland tickets today!
Isn't that a great feeling? I bought ours months ago, just before the price increase, but I only got one multi-park pass (for Jessica). Now, I'm thinking I'd like to see CA, too, so I might upgrade (if they allow that) at the park. I don't want to kill myself, either, since we only have one day to do DL...hmmmm, what to do? :confused3

Speaking of name tags, I've been creating the layouts and getting the sizing right and playing with colors. I'm a Donald fan so I did him but printing out the others too with the white backgrounds it seems to me that we need one with more color to show up on that white background. Susan and I thought the lights one showed up the best. Opinions on whether the red text or green text looks better? Made real first name bigger and bold, and DIS name smaller, non-bold and italic. Thought about using Disney font but it's not as legible as some others like Tahoma.
I'm in favor of the green text; seems more visible :). Thanks for doing this!
They both look fantastic. I think which ever one Jeff and Susan picks will be a winner. Thank you for taking on this task again. The Med. name tags that Jeff did were great.
Jeff and Susan,
The name tags are great--no matter which one you decide on. Thanks
JessicasMom said:
Isn't that a great feeling? I bought ours months ago, just before the price increase, but I only got one multi-park pass (for Jessica). Now, I'm thinking I'd like to see CA, too, so I might upgrade (if they allow that) at the park. I don't want to kill myself, either, since we only have one day to do DL...hmmmm, what to do? :confused3

it is possible to do both parks at DL in a day but if this is your first time then I wouldn't try and do it! I assume you are going on Sat Dec 8, which is probably fairly busy too as its a couple of weekends before Xmas. I did the two parks in one day mid-November mid-week, and this was... Four years ago? Before they put Toy Story Mania in at DCA, anyway.
GOOD Morning, Happy Cruisers!

. . . Just curious if those rotations came from Disney. I've read several of trip reports from the Hawaiian cruise and the rotations don't seem to follow the normal ones from the seven night.

. . .

My Hawaii rotation was the absolute screwiest thing I've ever seen. But on last years PC, it was TAPTAPTAPTAPTAP etc.

Speaking of name tags, I've been creating the layouts and getting the sizing right and playing with colors. I'm a Donald fan so I did him but printing out the others too with the white backgrounds it seems to me that we need one with more color to show up on that white background. Susan and I thought the lights one showed up the best. Opinions on whether the red text or green text looks better? Made real first name bigger and bold, and DIS name smaller, non-bold and italic. Thought about using Disney font but it's not as legible as some others like Tahoma.


LOVE the name tags - better than the one I made - I'm signing up! (except I forget how) :(

Deluging rain here today. I've decided to blow off the gym - I'm sure WVURunner is working out hard enough for both of us:lmao:

Happy Day, all!
Here is the schedule (also on the web site) of the formal/semi-formal/Pirate Night. I just reconfirmed this with DCL, although the cast member reiterated again and again that it was subject to change.

Formal Night #1 - Thursday Dec. 13th
Semi-formal Night - Sunday, Dec. 16th
Pirates Night - Tuesday, Dec. 18th
Formal Night #2 - Thursday, Dec. 20th

So, dining rotation #1 would have a formal and semi-formal night at Animator's, a formal night at Parrot's and Pirate Night at Triton's. #2 has formal and semi-formal at Parrot's and 2nd formal at Triton's and Pirate Night at Animator's, rotation #3 would have formal and semi-formal at Triton's, 2nd formal at Animator's and Pirate Night at Parrot Cay. #3 seems to make the most sense but it doesn't matter that much.

And the CM did confirm that Monsers Inc. 3D will be shown on board.

I'm with you. #3 rotation would be my favourite as I love being in Tritons for the formal and semi-formal nights. Lets keep our fingers crossed....
Just curious if those rotations came from Disney. I've read several of trip reports from the Hawaiian cruise and the rotations don't seem to follow the normal ones from the seven night.

SOCABABY posted this on her Hawaiian trip report "I have requested PTTAPTA for my past 2 cruises prior to this one so I think that is why I got the rotation I got...PTTAPTAPTAPTAAP. It's so weird seeing all those letters on your KTTW card.

Hopefully someone who has sailed on a longer cruise can confirm :confused3

Those are the rotations given to me last week when I phoned them up. She had to search, but these are the 3 dining rotations she came up with. ... taptap... aptapt...ptapta... No doubling up. If someone gets something different, please post!

Jeff and Susan,
The name tags are great--no matter which one you decide on. Thanks

I agree! I'm not too picky when someone else is doing the creating ;) Thank you so much for doing this.

Jeff...for the dining rotation, we are open to anything, so whatever you want is fine with us. For the nametags, I think the red shows up better, but I know others have said they thought the green showed up better...who knows! I like them both and again, appreciate that you are willing to do them!
Spending my last day in my 20s working a 12 hour shift at a landfill for FEMA checking dump trucks for hazardous materals/waste in the rainy cold weather:sad1: I also will be spending my firts day in my 30s doing the same thing. On the brightside, at least I am not working the overnight shift (yet)

Isn't that a great feeling? I bought ours months ago, just before the price increase, but I only got one multi-park pass (for Jessica). Now, I'm thinking I'd like to see CA, too, so I might upgrade (if they allow that) at the park. I don't want to kill myself, either, since we only have one day to do DL...hmmmm, what to do? :confused3

We got a one day park hopper. I have a feeling this will be our only chance to see both parks so we might be killing ourselves for the one day but we can relax on the cruise, right? Disneyland is open for 16 hours, we plan on being there for everyone of those hours! My friend put together a touring plan for us and we were reviewing it in the car with him on the phone over bluetooth. Nephew was in the backseat and said" Jon-you didn't leave anytime for bathroom breaks!" Jon replied with "Kid-you only got one day at DLR, hold your pee, as you can see, I didn't add time in for beverage consumption, that will help and there are plenty of bathrooms on the cruise and you will have 14 days to use those!" Luke replied with, "Mommy and Aunt Emily aren't going to like that plan, they need their coffee! We had a good laugh. Jon always jokes with the kids when we are in WDW that they take to many bathroom breaks.
Of course, this doesn't account for the proposal....
Jeff and Susan,
The name tags are great--no matter which one you decide on. Thanks
I agree
Deluging rain here today. I've decided to blow off the gym - I'm sure WVURunner is working out hard enough for both of us:lmao:
HAHA, NO, WVURunner couldn't even get out of bed this morning, no lie! I am hoping I get stuck in a meeting so I have an excuse to miss spin this evening. And guess who's favorite coworker/friend/sub 4 hr marathoner/ triathele/former olympic ice hockey player has decided to join me in the Rock and Roll half marathon? You guessed it, the workout freak!
It might be time to give up on last minute weight loss hopes and just let my dresses be tight on the cruise!
We got a one day park hopper. I have a feeling this will be our only chance to see both parks so we might be killing ourselves for the one day but we can relax on the cruise, right? Disneyland is open for 16 hours, we plan on being there for everyone of those hours! My friend put together a touring plan for us and we were reviewing it in the car with him on the phone over bluetooth. Nephew was in the backseat and said" Jon-you didn't leave anytime for bathroom breaks!" Jon replied with "Kid-you only got one day at DLR, hold your pee, as you can see, I didn't add time in for beverage consumption, that will help and there are plenty of bathrooms on the cruise and you will have 14 days to use those!" Luke replied with, "Mommy and Aunt Emily aren't going to like that plan, they need their coffee! We had a good laugh. Jon always jokes with the kids when we are in WDW that they take to many bathroom breaks.
Of course, this doesn't account for the proposal....

Did your friend let you know which fastpass rides are not connected to the others? This is important info for those new to DL/CA! In CA, California Screamin' is not connected to any other fastpass machine, so you can get a fastpass for Radiator Springs Racers and then go get a fp for Screamin' at the same time! The one ride at DL that is not connected is Roger Rabbit in Toontown. Hopefully that helps and you can add is at least one bathroom break!
Did your friend let you know which fastpass rides are not connected to the others? This is important info for those new to DL/CA! In CA, California Screamin' is not connected to any other fastpass machine, so you can get a fastpass for Radiator Springs Racers and then go get a fp for Screamin' at the same time! The one ride at DL that is not connected is Roger Rabbit in Toontown. Hopefully that helps and you can add is at least one bathroom break!

Great advice. Just one more thing. World of Color is not connected to anything else so go to Grizzly Run and get your World of Color fastpass first thing.
I have a slight preference for the green font but they all look good.

I'm going to start packing today (too excited to wait any longer!)
Getting caught up after a weekend away. We survived DD's big party. Laser tag was a huge hit but not so kind to our wallet. How many DoD or excursion would $1200 have bought us?

I am recovering from having five 14 year old boys spend the night for a b-day party. Man, to be young again...staying up late to me is about 10:00pm...not 2 or 3 in the morning! I am just so glad the kids don't have school tomorrow so we can all sleep in (hopefully).
We were prepared to stay up late for DD's first sleepover party too but the girls all pooped out around 11 pm thanks to the laser tag games. And they all slept through the night and no one cried wanting to go home! That was a big relief! DH was sent out at 9 pm for nail polish remover which was pretty funny.

First BBC for the trip for me - gonna start the cruise off right - who will join me????
What's BBC?

And about being shy...I'm not and I enjoy meeting new people. So if you see Susan and me around please do stop us and chat.
I can vouch for that! :thumbsup2

Is anyone here like me who still check the website once a week to see if we get our room assignment even knowing that the IGTs are not assigned until 1-2 weeks prior to the cruise?
I'm with you. My husband took a new job, around 150 miles away, so he stays there during the week & comes home on weekends. I'm anxiously awaiting a call from our realtor because she told me earlier that an offer was coming in tonight. Hopefully we will be moving the week after the cruise. I haven't even started packing for the cruise, or the house other than de-cluttering in order to put it on the market.

We are so looking forward to the relaxation!!!!!:beach:

Did your offer come through? On Saturday (10-10) we made an offer on a home in our new location, and the sellers sent a counter offer yesterday morning (11/12). I've been trying to connect with the realtor to respond with our own counter offer, but she has not returned my phone calls nor answered my email messages, so I'm so frustrated and don't have a clue how to proceed to get our counter offer to the seller when I can't even reach my realtor.

Glad to know someone else hasn't starting packing yet either! :thumbsup2 My head is spinning with everything I need to do in the next few months with a move on the horizon that a vacation will be timely!
Does anyone have any 1-2" ornament patterns they would be willing to share to use on the Christmas tree WVUrunner has graciously offered to share? My time is so tight right now with our move to a new town that I don't have time to hunt for some, so I'd be grateful :flower3: if someone has already done the footwork and I can just print them out and add magnets to the back. PM me if you can help and I'll send my email address. Thanks!
Does anyone know if they allow little battery operated Christmas trees in the stateroom? I hope so :)
Does anyone know if they allow little battery operated Christmas trees in the stateroom? I hope so :)
That shouldn't be a problem.

Did your offer come through? On Saturday (10-10) we made an offer on a home in our new location, and the sellers sent a counter offer yesterday morning (11/12). I've been trying to connect with the realtor to respond with our own counter offer, but she has not returned my phone calls nor answered my email messages, so I'm so frustrated and don't have a clue how to proceed to get our counter offer to the seller when I can't even reach my realtor.

. . .

I think I'd be :mad::mad: with my realtor! (unless he or she is in the hospital, there is no excuse. ) Is there a boss? You poor thing.
Does anyone have any 1-2" ornament patterns they would be willing to share to use on the Christmas tree WVUrunner has graciously offered to share? My time is so tight right now with our move to a new town that I don't have time to hunt for some, so I'd be grateful :flower3: if someone has already done the footwork and I can just print them out and add magnets to the back. PM me if you can help and I'll send my email address. Thanks!

Milliepie has a page of ornaments in her photobucket account that go with her tree. They are on the smaller side but may do the trick. You can access her stuff thru her signature in the cruise magnet thread.
Did your friend let you know which fastpass rides are not connected to the others? This is important info for those new to DL/CA! In CA, California Screamin' is not connected to any other fastpass machine, so you can get a fastpass for Radiator Springs Racers and then go get a fp for Screamin' at the same time! The one ride at DL that is not connected is Roger Rabbit in Toontown. Hopefully that helps and you can add is at least one bathroom break!

Wow! I never knew this! Thanks for sharing!


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