Ease of travel off-site without rental?


DIS Veteran
Jan 1, 2010
My in-laws are staying offsite at the Orlando Vista for our upcoming trip in January, and have decided to not rent a car but rely on the hotel shuttle for transportation. I called the hotel yesterday to get a idea of how the shuttles run - sounds like it won't be a problem for simple trips, like getting to any of the parks in the morning, but am concerned about a few things...

1. No shuttle to Downtown Disney until 7PM - we're meeting them there mid-afternoon on our arrival day. Is the walk short enough (and doable) from their hotel? If not, any idea on the cost of a cab? They'll need a way back, too, and definitely will not be there til the return shuttle leaves at 10pm.

2. We're doing quite a bit of park hopping, plus dinners at resorts. For example:

Monday - HS at open til mid-pm. Rest at POR for an hour or so, then head over to Fort Wilderness to HDDR for 6:15 show.

Tuesday - MK at open til mid-pm. Rest again, then dinner at 1900 Park Fare, then maybe back to MK.

Wednesday - MK at open til mid-pm. Rest again, then to Epcot and dinner at Coral Reef.

Thursday - Epcot all day, but in-laws leaving early pm to catch 5:30 flight.

With a car, this is all doable. But without.... I'm thinking waiting for hotel shuttles and using Disney transportation to get to FW for HDDR and to GF for 1900 PF is going to be so terribly inconvenient, and will be exhausting and take too much time away from park and family time. They could take cabs (which we've done when we didn't rent while staying onsite), but that's gonna rack up pretty quickly. FIl has suggested we just pick them up after dropping our family wherever we're going (our car only fits us 4 with the carseats - driving there). But while this may be doable for Dntn Disney, it's really not for MK, HS or Epcot. And honestly, I really don't want to spend my week at Disney as a chauffeur.

I looked at rentals for them - they can get a car for $54 for the week, plus the cost of parking while at the parks. I'm considering offering to either pay for the rental or pick up a few dinners to cover the cost to save everyone headaches later.

What do you think? Is transportation easier than I'm remembering without a rental? Or should I make the offer?
My in-laws are staying offsite at the Orlando Vista for our upcoming trip in January, and have decided to not rent a car but rely on the hotel shuttle for transportation. I called the hotel yesterday to get a idea of how the shuttles run - sounds like it won't be a problem for simple trips, like getting to any of the parks in the morning, but am concerned about a few things...

1. No shuttle to Downtown Disney until 7PM - we're meeting them there mid-afternoon on our arrival day. Is the walk short enough (and doable) from their hotel? If not, any idea on the cost of a cab? They'll need a way back, too, and definitely will not be there til the return shuttle leaves at 10pm.

2. We're doing quite a bit of park hopping, plus dinners at resorts. For example:

Monday - HS at open til mid-pm. Rest at POR for an hour or so, then head over to Fort Wilderness to HDDR for 6:15 show.

Tuesday - MK at open til mid-pm. Rest again, then dinner at 1900 Park Fare, then maybe back to MK.

Wednesday - MK at open til mid-pm. Rest again, then to Epcot and dinner at Coral Reef.

Thursday - Epcot all day, but in-laws leaving early pm to catch 5:30 flight.

With a car, this is all doable. But without.... I'm thinking waiting for hotel shuttles and using Disney transportation to get to FW for HDDR and to GF for 1900 PF is going to be so terribly inconvenient, and will be exhausting and take too much time away from park and family time. They could take cabs (which we've done when we didn't rent while staying onsite), but that's gonna rack up pretty quickly. FIl has suggested we just pick them up after dropping our family wherever we're going (our car only fits us 4 with the carseats - driving there). But while this may be doable for Dntn Disney, it's really not for MK, HS or Epcot. And honestly, I really don't want to spend my week at Disney as a chauffeur.

I looked at rentals for them - they can get a car for $54 for the week, plus the cost of parking while at the parks. I'm considering offering to either pay for the rental or pick up a few dinners to cover the cost to save everyone headaches later.

What do you think? Is transportation easier than I'm remembering without a rental? Or should I make the offer?

I would pay for the rental car myself and make things easier. Or other suggestion is have them stay at one of the DTD hotels.
I can't imagine doing Orlando off-site without a rental car. And, because we enjoy doing as much or more away from Disney than at Disney, we've rented a car when staying on-site too. For us, having a rental car for our Orlando trips just makes everything so much easier.

Dick Taylor
I would pay for the rental car myself and make things easier. Or other suggestion is have them stay at one of the DTD hotels.

My understanding is that they've already booked a non-refundable room, so that's kinda set. I'm leaning towards paying for the rental, as long as they accept it. :confused:
I can't imagine doing Orlando off-site without a rental car. And, because we enjoy doing as much or more away from Disney than at Disney, we've rented a car when staying on-site too. For us, having a rental car for our Orlando trips just makes everything so much easier.

Dick Taylor

Totally with you on this one. :thumbsup2. The only time we didn't rent a car was during our stay at CSR, and it really out a damper on the trip. We prefer to have more control over our comings and goings, and find it well worth the extra money to have our own transportation.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, comes the moment when I must eat my words...

Just did the search on rentals again to be sure, and found that my iPhone app was showing rental cost BY DAY, not for the total trip. Takes that $56 to north of $300. Think we'll be asking them to cab it as necessary. :rotfl:

DH actually pointed out earlier that to be able to chauffeur them, we'd have to remove one of the kids' carseats, then re-install for the next trip. Just can't see this as an enjoyable way to spend our vacation time. :lmao:
And now, ladies and gentlemen, comes the moment when I must eat my words...

Just did the search on rentals again to be sure, and found that my iPhone app was showing rental cost BY DAY, not for the total trip. Takes that $56 to north of $300. Think we'll be asking them to cab it as necessary. :rotfl:

DH actually pointed out earlier that to be able to chauffeur them, we'd have to remove one of the kids' carseats, then re-install for the next trip. Just can't see this as an enjoyable way to spend our vacation time. :lmao:
You could loan your car to your inlaws to drive and you can use Disney transportation.

On the first day, I would have your family take the bus to downtown disney and you can pick your inlaws up with your car and take them to downtown disney.

How are your inlaws getting to the hotel to begin with?
You could loan your car to your inlaws to drive and you can use Disney transportation.

On the first day, I would have your family take the bus to downtown disney and you can pick your inlaws up with your car and take them to downtown disney.

How are your inlaws getting to the hotel to begin with?

I'd consider letting them drive the car, but it's a company car - they pay the insurance, they determine who drives the car - DH and me, only.

They're taking the hotel shuttle service from the airport, I believe.

Honestly, I think they're willing to deal with a few delays here and there, but haven't quite grasped the size of WDW (have only been to DL back in the 70s), and that, especially when you don't rent a car, it's more convenient to stay onsite. I actually worked up a cost comparison sheet for them, with all costs included, and an onsite package (room/dining) cost them $100 more. Not a huge difference, but I think having to pay that big number upfront instead of piecemeal scared them away from onsite.

Just trying to figure out how to make this trip about enjoying family time, and not how to get from here to there. :confused:
I was really surprised that the rental was only $56 for the entire trip!!

Why are you doing all this? Isn't this something your in-laws should be doing themselves? Why can't you just warn them that it will be difficult to get around without their own car, and let them live with the consequences?

I'd tell them how big Walt Disney World is, and let the chips fall where they may.
They're taking the hotel shuttle service from the airport, I believe.

Be sure they know there is no airport shuttle. Pretty sure no hotels in the Disney area offer a free airport shuttle (some airport hotels may but they're so far from the parks it's useless). They can take Mears, but they're going to have to pay for it. Also, most hotel shuttles go to TTC and Epcot. So if they want to go to HS or AK, they're going to have to take a bus to TTC and then to the park of their choice. With the itinerary you have planned, they're going to spend more time finding transportation than they are enjoying the parks. And if you stop to wait for them... you're going to lose valuable time for your family.

They'd be far better off to just rent a car. Try Priceline or Mousesavers has coupon codes for all the major companies. They really don't realize the size and scope of the place and they'll thank you later.
I've stayed at the Orlando Vista. No way would I rely on just their shuttle. I'd either rent or cab it. It's at least a half-mile walk, probably further from the hotel to DTD.

They do not have an airport shuttle, paid or free. I'd apply what they would spend on the shuttle to a rental. Check the Transportation board here for discounts.
For some reason folks can't seem to grasp the whole size of WDW and the need for a car if you are staying off site. My advice is to tell them call the hotel and ask the following: What time are the shuttles running? Do they are shared with other hotels? (Makes the trips longer.) Where do they drop you off & pick you up?

Also, get them to look at a map. Have them use this it to figure out how far out they are to each location they plan on going to. I would also get online and find a cab fare calculator for the area. Once they see what it will cost to go back and forth from locations a car rental may start to sound better. I would also have an honest talk about your feelings on wasting your time carting them to and fro. Let them know straight out that this is not an option if it's not something you want to do. Don't spend your vacation being resentful. Tackel this before you leave.

Are they staying at Orlando Vista hotel at 12490 Apopka Vineland Road? If so useing map quest I get that it is 1.61 miles to Down Town Disney, 6.63 miles to MK, 6.63 to Epcot, 7.62 to AK and a little over 6 to the studios.

I would also suggest looking for car rental coupon codes. The transportion section on here has some great advice. The rate you have for the week seems high to me.
On our first trip we did the Mears shuttle to our offfsite hotel. Waited every morning waiting for a bus that was always late and packed. We never made rope drop and lived by the schedule of the bus. We have not done it since. Rental cars are cheap in Orlando. You do have to add in parking fees at the parks but, it is so much better. Never again will I go without one!
I was really surprised that the rental was only $56 for the entire trip!!

Why are you doing all this? Isn't this something your in-laws should be doing themselves? Why can't you just warn them that it will be difficult to get around without their own car, and let them live with the consequences?

I'd tell them how big Walt Disney World is, and let the chips fall where they may.

I know... neither could I! Made much more sense when I saw it was per day. :rolleyes1

Why am I doing all of this? Because they won't, and I'm trying to prevent as much stress as possible. Trust me... it's better this way. :lmao: But seriously, DH is calling them later today to try to drive all of this home. This includes sending them maps showing the sheer size of WDW compared to DL.

I hope it works. :goodvibes
Be sure they know there is no airport shuttle. Pretty sure no hotels in the Disney area offer a free airport shuttle (some airport hotels may but they're so far from the parks it's useless). They can take Mears, but they're going to have to pay for it. Also, most hotel shuttles go to TTC and Epcot. So if they want to go to HS or AK, they're going to have to take a bus to TTC and then to the park of their choice. With the itinerary you have planned, they're going to spend more time finding transportation than they are enjoying the parks. And if you stop to wait for them... you're going to lose valuable time for your family.

They'd be far better off to just rent a car. Try Priceline or Mousesavers has coupon codes for all the major companies. They really don't realize the size and scope of the place and they'll thank you later.

They do have shuttles to all of the parks (I called to check on Friday), but it's limited and definitely would require supplemental cab fares. So agree on the rental - thanks for the tip on Mousesavers - didn't even think about that! :thumbsup2
I've stayed at the Orlando Vista. No way would I rely on just their shuttle. I'd either rent or cab it. It's at least a half-mile walk, probably further from the hotel to DTD.

They do not have an airport shuttle, paid or free. I'd apply what they would spend on the shuttle to a rental. Check the Transportation board here for discounts.

THANK YOU for this! We assumed there was an airport shuttle, so this makes a huge difference. I used an online taxi fare estimator to see what it would cost to take a cab from the airport to their hotel, and it was $46 one way, plus tip. I'll definitely check on the Transportation board - thanks!
For some reason folks can't seem to grasp the whole size of WDW and the need for a car if you are staying off site. My advice is to tell them call the hotel and ask the following: What time are the shuttles running? Do they are shared with other hotels? (Makes the trips longer.) Where do they drop you off & pick you up?

I called Friday. For simple trips to the parks in the morning, it should be fine (especially since we're having breakfast every morning and they're not joining us until after). But for everything else, it's a nightmare. Don't know if they share with other hotels - never even thought to ask!

Also, get them to look at a map. Have them use this it to figure out how far out they are to each location they plan on going to. I would also get online and find a cab fare calculator for the area. Once they see what it will cost to go back and forth from locations a car rental may start to sound better. I would also have an honest talk about your feelings on wasting your time carting them to and fro. Let them know straight out that this is not an option if it's not something you want to do. Don't spend your vacation being resentful. Tackel this before you leave.

Are they staying at Orlando Vista hotel at 12490 Apopka Vineland Road? If so useing map quest I get that it is 1.61 miles to Down Town Disney, 6.63 miles to MK, 6.63 to Epcot, 7.62 to AK and a little over 6 to the studios.

Thanks for the info! Yep, I'm sending them maps and DH is calling them today. Totally agree with tackling this before we go - this is the LAST thing I want to be dealing with on our vacation!

I would also suggest looking for car rental coupon codes. The transportion section on here has some great advice. The rate you have for the week seems high to me.

I thought so, too... will definitely check for codes. :thumbsup2
On our first trip we did the Mears shuttle to our offfsite hotel. Waited every morning waiting for a bus that was always late and packed. We never made rope drop and lived by the schedule of the bus. We have not done it since. Rental cars are cheap in Orlando. You do have to add in parking fees at the parks but, it is so much better. Never again will I go without one!

Could not possibly agree more. :thumbsup2 We did one trip without a rental and we just hated waiting for someone else to get us where we needed to go. The price I pay for a rental car & parking is well worth my freedom. :lmao:
Just talked to the in-laws, and they're renting a car. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. You guys were incredibly helpful!!!! :worship:


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