DVC is getting out of controle with point increases

But, it is not Disney's responsibility to be sure you understand all the intricacies of the points based ownership, nor do they have time to cover everything in a sales tour...that is why Florida mandates a reasonable timeframe where you can read the documents and change your mind, even if you purchase resale.

It is a shame though that the very questions a future owner would ask in order to understand the intricacies of the contract have to be answered by strangers on a Net forum instead of DVC themselves.

What they do I am sure is legal, but it is not very ethical but hey when were timeshare salesmen ever ethical, right. :sad2:
The problem is, as Muuska said, people were buying the points they thought they needed. They did not consider any possible reallocations, and bought "just enough" based on the point chart at time of purchase.

Our family had been going to Disney every year since 86'. When we purchased BWV in 98', we decided to buy a considerable larger amount of points based on the idea that we wanted to be able to bringing our adult children and their families along with us to share Disney in the future with them. To date, we've have been fortunate to introduce all of our grandchildren to the wonderful magic that only Disney can offer, now that's priceless my friend!

IMHO, I'm glad that Disney realligned the points, it did need to be done. Both re-allignments didn't hurt me point wise, but I'm sorry that it did so many other people. Unfortunately when chages are made in anything, it usually helps some, and hurts others.
It is a shame though that the very questions a future owner would ask in order to understand the intricacies of the contract have to be answered by strangers on a Net forum instead of DVC themselves.

What they do I am sure is legal, but it is not very ethical but hey when were timeshare salesmen ever ethical, right. :sad2:
Overall many are ethical, many are not and DVD tends to be at the top of the quality ladder. But they are salespeople, that's what and how they approach things. Their job is to sell, not to make sure the purchase is right for you, to expect otherwise is unreasonable. It's almost exactly like a new car purchase and the sales staff similar if not much better at selling and make a LOT more money. Historically top sales staff income starts at around a quarter million and goes up, that might be different with the current economy for a while though. They will answer questions to the best of their ability. Most know the product itself well but are not that well versed on the intricacies or outside options.
IMHO, I'm glad that Disney realligned the points, it did need to be done. Both re-allignments didn't hurt me point wise, but I'm sorry that it did so many other people. Unfortunately when chages are made in anything, it usually helps some, and hurts others.
It did hurt me and it was still the right thing to do.
There has been ANOTHER point allocation THIS year???

How'd I miss that? :confused3
There has been ANOTHER point allocation THIS year???

How'd I miss that? :confused3

I think I missed it too. I really think I just stopped caring. Our vacation habits REALLY took a hit with the point reallocation. We simply adjust our stays to shorter times now (less time and money we spend in the parks). Six and seven nights stays are now four or five nights. And 2 bedroom villas are now 1 bedroom villas.
Last year we actually stayed three nights inside the park and three nights additional outside of WDW for which we visited Sea World, Aquatica and Bush Gardens. I'm sure disney could care less if they lost our business for those extra three nights....and we feel the same. :rolleyes1
There has been ANOTHER point allocation THIS year???

How'd I miss that? :confused3

Not sure what year you're talking about but there were point reallocations for 2010-announced in 1/2009 and for 2011 accounced in 1/2010

there were no point reallocations announced in 2011
The point re-allocations for 2011 were minor, and really just an adjustment to the major one made the year before. Frankly, in this one, our points needed for both our trips went down.
While I hate the point increases during the weekdays...I Love the fact that the weekends are not quite so rediculous now.... so as a Floridian it opens up weekend stays from time to time
I think I missed it too. I really think I just stopped caring. Our vacation habits REALLY took a hit with the point reallocation. We simply adjust our stays to shorter times now (less time and money we spend in the parks). Six and seven nights stays are now four or five nights. And 2 bedroom villas are now 1 bedroom villas.
Last year we actually stayed three nights inside the park and three nights additional outside of WDW for which we visited Sea World, Aquatica and Bush Gardens. I'm sure disney could care less if they lost our business for those extra three nights....and we feel the same. :rolleyes1

A lot of people try to use the, now I will go somewhere else and Disney will lose money tactic to fight the point increase. There are some flaws with that thinking. First, DVC is designed to book the rooms almost every night, so while you might only spend 3 days, someone else is taking your place. Now weekends will be more solidly booked than they were with the old point charts (it was pretty common to be able to book fri/sat, but not the weeknights)...

Second, you will still use all of your points. Just like someone who did book weekends before, they stayed less days for more points. Now you might drop a day off your vacation or even three, but those weekenders will now increase their stay because they have excess points.

It is the advantage of having a net gain of zero for point totals. The bookings will never go down....its just that someone different will be in the room. :teacher:
A lot of people try to use the, now I will go somewhere else and Disney will lose money tactic to fight the point increase.

Well it's not my "tactic" Tisbit. For us, sure we use all our points. But we are taking up "LESS" days in the park. I'm not fighting anything ???? They are not stretching out as much as they used to so this means we are not inside the parks buying souveniers, eating meals etc as many days during the year as we used to. And disney not losing money ? I've read many sources that said profits are down and DVC sales are down ? But who knows ? I'm sure disney will survive.
Secondly, I don't care really. I still love DVC and have no plans to sell. Just finding other things to do and other places to spend my money when I am in the Orlando area. Now we actually branch out more to beaches, wildlife sanctuaries etc when we're in FL when we used to spend 95-100% of the time in the wdw parks. I'm honestly fine and at peace with however you interpret my previous post or this one.
and on a side note : there is no way to determine that DVC is "solidly" booked ? How do we know this for sure ? I just booked my daughter at SSR for this week about 3 weeks ago. OKW, SSR and "some" nights at other resorts were open/available. Again, I don't care if the new allocation enables DVC to be booked more solidly or not. I just don't appreciate being told that the way I feel is a "tactic".
its just that someone different will be in the room.
Oh and Tisbit...and just noticed you inserted the little "teacher" icon in your reply to my post :teacher:

I've been a Member since 2000 and on and off these threads about the point allocation for like 1-2 years now. Not to be coy, but I don't feel I need the teacher icon inserted when replying to me. I "get" the whole allocation concept. Thank you.
Am I unusual? I bought DVC assuming I would change vacation habits over the 38 years I had in my resale. I knew that pulling the kids from school was not going to be a long term thing. I knew that eventually they'd leave home and my husband and I would be taking solo trips - or letting them use points with their friends. So when Disney reallocated, it wasn't a tight fit for us - we were on the verge of moving from October to August and switching seasons anyway. We bank and borrow continuously to have the points where we need them when we travel - some years our trip is a little shorter - or supplemented with cash. Some years its a little longer if we have points we need to spend - or we bring guests.
Am I unusual? I bought DVC assuming I would change vacation habits over the 38 years I had in my resale. I knew that pulling the kids from school was not going to be a long term thing. I knew that eventually they'd leave home and my husband and I would be taking solo trips - or letting them use points with their friends. So when Disney reallocated, it wasn't a tight fit for us - we were on the verge of moving from October to August and switching seasons anyway. We bank and borrow continuously to have the points where we need them when we travel - some years our trip is a little shorter - or supplemented with cash. Some years its a little longer if we have points we need to spend - or we bring guests.

Unusual ? Not at all Crisi. Life is ever-changing. Adaptation and flexibility are key. I think, as a family, we personally have been constantly changing with our vacation habits and will probably continue to do this. If we weren't able to or unwilling to be this way, we would have sold DVC a couple years ago. We make what we have work for us---and if it's tight, we work around that in other ways. :thumbsup2
There has been ANOTHER point allocation THIS year???

How'd I miss that? :confused3
We're talking about the 2 years of 2010 & 2011 changes which I think you knew about already. No changes for 2012 that I am aware of.
A lot of people try to use the, now I will go somewhere else and Disney will lose money tactic to fight the point increase.
Like Maria above, I don't think that's a tactic. Often it's just a reasonable adjustment, based on a new reality, that provides a better value for the person making the decision.
There are some flaws with that thinking.
There are "some flaws" with all thinking. There is always a nit to pick.
First, DVC is designed to book the rooms almost every night, so while you might only spend 3 days, someone else is taking your place.
"Designed" + "might" does not = "is."

Actually, the correct equation here is "designed to book the rooms almost every night" + "you DO actually choose to only spend 3 days" = "someone else might take your place.

And that would be the difference between adjustment (or "tactic" if you prefer) and theory. Tactics and adjustments are reality based; theories are based on...um, ASSumptions.
Now weekends will be more solidly booked than they were with the old point charts...
It would be interesting to see the citations/emperical data for this blanket statement...:rolleyes:

Now you might drop a day off your vacation or even three, but those weekenders will now increase their stay because they have excess points.
Or not. From anecdotal reports of last minute availability, I wonder.
Jim...if we were on Facebook right now, I would so "LIKE" your post :thumbsup2
Did I mention that SHARKS :-)scared1::scared1::scared1:) were recently spotted in the Delaware River?

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