Dr. Jones and the Spitting Camel - Link to Alaska Cruise TR 9/18

WOW!!! Gorgeous sunset pictures! What an amazing ride that must have been. I hope your family appreciates the research you put into boarding that boat at the perfect time!
they should, shouldn't they! :rotfl:

I enjoyed your description of the 1900 PF. It sounds like you guys had a great, fun time. We have never been, and I don't really think the boys would put it on their wishlist. Even after your fantastic review.

So cute with the little girls getting up and dancing with Cinderella and Prince Charming. What a special memory that must be for the families. And you, too, I guess!

Understandable, not sure it would have made it on ours ever were we not at WL and planning a MK evening EMH. Having been to Kona, WCC already, with plans for Ohana later in the trip and not loving the MK options (CP seems even "less" appealing to me for some reason though the ambiance is better I guess) it was the best option that made my life easiest.

And it worked!

Look at you with your super decoder siggie

It was a good choice for this trip, I'd probably be up for trying the breakfast on another trip.

If you do, don't forget that it's different characters at breakfast... However, we had the absolute best interaction with the Mad Hatter and Pooh Bear when we had breakfast there!
If you do, don't forget that it's different characters at breakfast... However, we had the absolute best interaction with the Mad Hatter and Pooh Bear when we had breakfast there!

I knew it was the Mad Hatter, didn't realize Pooh was there as well...kind of an odd combo!
When I left you, we were dashing out from a dashing Prince, his lovely princess and less than lovely relatives. Don’t we all have those?
Heck, I keep waiting to be the evil Stepmom but so far it hasn’t happened yet. At least that my hears can hear.

We had a mission.


Would we catch the show?

As we exticted the GF a “BOOM” sounded and we knew we didn’t have time to make it to the beach or the marina. The next best thing was the little inlet I guess you’d call it, in the Captians ship marina, right in front of Gasparillas, handily located at the exit we were dashing out of.

I confess.

I didn’t take a single picture.

As some of you may recall, we had fireworks fiasco after fireworks fiasco on our 2008 trip. The only ones we’d seen, thanks to last minute changing times, was by pure luck/fluke from a boat. We wanted, I needed, to see a show, any show, in its entirely. The kids didn’t know what they had missed but we did and Jeff was just as motivated as I was.

Standing there, in front of the GF, at the end of the marina, the skies lit up.

Not just a little.

Not just over the castle.

But the ENTIRE sky.

As if, you were watching it in widescreen TV.

Nightastic indeed.

Music for the show played over the GF outdoor speakers as the sky lit up.

Who could take a pic?

Not I.

It was to be…enjoyed. Inhaled. Breathe in, out, look up.

All encompassing.

We all felt it.

It was truly truly amazing the way it lit up the entire sky. I daresay, and we said so at the time, that our view was better where we were than had we made it to the MK.


Literally feeling high once it ended we headed back to the monorail knowing that would be the faster way to MK and our EMH. Now, my camera is your basic low/medium end point and shoot. It sucks at nighttime/low light shots so we will have to go on memory here.

Here is what I recall.

Wandering in we headed left, having Splash and BTMRR on the brain. Our first stop was the Jungle Cruise. Which alas, doesn’t run during EMH. Pirates does so….a visit to Jack Sparrow was in order. Upon our exit what did we see? Magic Carpets! While we’d cruised by this a million times before without even paying attention, honestly even noticing that this ride existed, those camels seemed to glow and glisten in the dark, golden and looking far more fun and less carnival like than in the daytime. Ride a flying carpet? Why not, it was open! As we boarded our carpets a certain camel decided I was not worthy.
Do you know what those camels do?

They SPIT!

On you.

The unsuspecting clueless rider

Right in the EYE.


And darn it, it was funny!

Really funny!

The ride was fun, in it’s Dumbo way. Since I was already wet, Splash seemed in order. K wasn’t thrilled by the idea, cute dress and all and Eric was freaked out by the prospect but being the mean mean parents, we talked them onto the ride. The wait wasn’t bad, 20 minutes I think. We grabbed FP’s for BRMRR and then went back to Splash. Boarding our log we settled in for some Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit.

Except it seems like they were up to something.

Or at least that’s what the ride told us, when it stopped.

“Brer Fox and Brer Bear are having some trouble with that pesky Brer Rabbit” and so basically wait while they get the ride going again.

Except it didn’t.

Get going.

What DID keep going was the soundtrack.
To “Everybody has a laughing place” from Song of the South. Complete with the whooshing of the air jets that animate the animatronics. Amazing how much louder that is, and noticeable, when you are stuck in a log next to a frog.

And going, and going and going! Engerizer Bunny like. It became unlaughable awfully fast. then again, Zippity Doo Dah would have been just as painful, had we been stuck there I'd think.

The log riders, as we piled up, log to log, made the best of it in true game fashion.

Meaning a mean…log….WAVE

Starting at the front log and going back.

Back how far I’ve no idea, those logs go ‘round bends so you really couldn’t see. The wave would come back and so it went, back and forth back and forth.

With music. Of course.
Everybody's got a laughing place (high ho!).
A laughing place to go-ho-ho! (high ho!).
Take that frown
Turn it upside down
And you'll find yours
We say-hey-hey.
And soon you'll find
You're here to stay!
Interrupted with the occasional
“Brer Fox and Brer Bear are having some trouble with that pesky Brer Rabbit” (or something to that effect) and so basically wait while they get the ride going again.

Great attitudes and waves notwithstanding at a certain point someone, not one of my crew mind you, was

And shouted


It was pretty darn funny.

Stuck on Splash Mountain. A pictorial.




















Now by my cameras time stamp and facebook updates , we were stuck at 11:18 or earlier and not exiting until about 11:40. I know we were stuck for a good 10 minutes before I bothered pulling out phone and camera.
It was LONG 30 minutes to say the least. Once they gave up and had us exit, it was by no means organized or smooth. We were given an fast pass per person, good anywhere, 1x use for the next 10 days.

Which really didn’t make up for our lost hour. If I NEVER hear the laughing place song again, I will be ok.
Not that we needed the FP’s at this point, we still headed over to BTMRR feeling more than a little ride deprived. As always, at night, it did not disappoint. Not that it does during the day either but somehow it’s so much more fun at night! Not that the gang looks all that excited here but do bear in mind this is pre-ride and they are still mentally in Splash Stuck Syndrome.



Immensely cheered, we headed off to fly with Peter. Only at night, with no lines, could we convince Jeff to do it.
And we loved it! Or at least Kendall and I did.
Tired, but ride redeemed , it was time for one last (blurrier than I’d like) photopass shot.





And with that, almost but not quite closing down the park that had a 2am EMH closing time it was time for a boat ride back to the Wilderness and BED! I had an early date but the rest could sleep in, something I think they were all excited about.

Up next…Sailing away to the Yacht Club!

But first, A WONDERful idea!
OK...I have to confess that I get just a wee bit excited whenever I see a fresh update from you, Cynthia. I know I'm in for a well-told tale of adventure and you did not dissapoint tonight. :goodvibes I really felt like I was there with you, standing outside of the GF, watching the summer sky light up. What a magical evening. I must also say that getting stuck on a ride like that would probably end with me laughing maniacally, as I did when I thought we were going to get stuck on IASW during EMHs last year! Truly, truly terrifying. And, you're right...there is just something about BTMRR, especially at night. Love the photopass pictures, especially the last few where the random guy in the striped shirt is out of the background. :lmao:
Being stuck on Splash mtn with that soundtrack going much have been absolute torture. I never understand why the soundtrack has to keep going and going and GOING! Its horrible and its loud.

I have always wondered what it would be like to exit off that ride and go back stage. Looks cool, although it probably wasn't at the time.

Great PP pictures in front of the castle!
So glad you got to see the fireworks from the GF. I bet it was lovely.
Oh you got the special exit!!!! :laughing: ACK! I would have to agree that is one song I wouldn't be able to handle hearing over and over again! Well glad you were able to redeem yourselves with a few rides afterall! I agree BTMRR is a great ride at night!!! :thumbsup2 Glad you were able to see the show -- it is fun from that side, you see it all! We loved watching it from Narcossee's our last night... It was a neat show I agree!

Bed sounds like it is in order! Can't wait for more! ;)
Too, too funny!!!!:rotfl: Save for It's A Small World, I can't imagine a worse ride song to be stuck listening to for a 1/2 hour.:rotfl:

That would have been something to see everyone crawling out of their logs and exiting out the backdoor!

Sounds like a very successful night! Glad you caught the fireworks and got in a decent (and complete) ride before the night was over.

Looking forward to more!:)
I've got to meet those stepsisters someday, they look like a hoot.

My kids aren't really into the characters anymore, but I think they might like this one. Like you say, they're "real" not "fur", and seem like a lot of fun.

What a fun night!

I got a huge kick out of all the pictures with the stepmother and the stepsisters. They look like they were a scream to be around! :laughing:

PF was a hoot! I went with DS and I am glad I moved it to later in the trip. It also gave me the chance to "talk" with DS about just having some fun and being silly. I was afraid he was going to be a "stick in the mud" and not "play"
I had a blast because of what he did with the steps and Lady Tremain.

Isn't it great to catch the fireworks in a "different" place? The summer nightastic fireworks were spectactular.

Splash- stuck with the song going on and on and on .:rotfl: Well more like :scared1:
At first I was like " what a great way to get decent pictures in sm", but then having to get out and walk out...:scared1: :scared1:

But like a good Diser you took pictures the whole way.:rotfl2:

I am surprised all you got was 1 stinking FP. Glad you could enjoy EMH without further incident.
Yay for such a great place to watch the fireworks. Arrggg for being stuck on SpM. That song over and over :scared1::scared1:
Sounds like a fun group of people to be stuck in a log jam with!:thumbsup2 I wouldn't like being stuck there for that long. At least you weren't up on the "ramp" waiting for imminent doom! :eek: It seems like rides break down alot - I wonder if it was always like that? :confused3

Nice family pics with the castle! Did you use your anytime FP for Peter Pan, or did you save it?
Ugh I can't even imagine having to listen to that song over and over again for that long....yikes that it took that long for them to exit you guys off.

Looking forward to more:goodvibes
OK...I have to confess that I get just a wee bit excited whenever I see a fresh update from you, Cynthia. I know I'm in for a well-told tale of adventure and you did not dissapoint tonight.

awww :hug: thanks!

:goodvibes I really felt like I was there with you, standing outside of the GF, watching the summer sky light up. What a magical evening.

It was! I forgot to note that the GF had the nightastic music playing to it so you really really felt like you were seeing the whole show.

I must also say that getting stuck on a ride like that would probably end with me laughing maniacally, as I did when I thought we were going to get stuck on IASW during EMHs last year! Truly, truly terrifying. And, you're right...there is just something about BTMRR, especially at night. Love the photopass pictures, especially the last few where the random guy in the striped shirt is out of the background. :lmao:

It was pretty funny, for about 10 minutes, and then it got old. And mildly concerning when the CM's seemed more than a little clueless as to how to get us all out.

Nice striped shirt guy huh. :rotfl:

Being stuck on Splash mtn with that soundtrack going much have been absolute torture. I never understand why the soundtrack has to keep going and going and GOING! Its horrible and its loud.

They did finally shut it off but it had to be a good 20 minutes into the ordeal.

I have always wondered what it would be like to exit off that ride and go back stage. Looks cool, although it probably wasn't at the time.

No, it was a bit grimy actually and not cool at all. Sad to say. You could see a lot of single shoes and hats that had fallen off in the drop!

Great PP pictures in front of the castle!
So glad you got to see the fireworks from the GF. I bet it was lovely.

The fireworks were amazing, and it was done so well with the music piped in and everything. I really couldn't believe how it filled the entire sky, very different from wishes and I'm really glad we were right where we were!

Oh you got the special exit!!!! :laughing: ACK! I would have to agree that is one song I wouldn't be able to handle hearing over and over again!

Special is probably not the word I'd have used!

Well glad you were able to redeem yourselves with a few rides afterall! I agree BTMRR is a great ride at night!!! :thumbsup2 Glad you were able to see the show -- it is fun from that side, you see it all! We loved watching it from Narcossee's our last night... It was a neat show I agree!

Bed sounds like it is in order! Can't wait for more! ;)

I'm so glad we saw it where we did, it was wonderful! And the music with it was great too, we could not believe how it really filled the sky.

Too, too funny!!!!:rotfl: Save for It's A Small World, I can't imagine a worse ride song to be stuck listening to for a 1/2 hour.:rotfl:

That's a tie for sure and possibly worse. Tough call though.

That would have been something to see everyone crawling out of their logs and exiting out the backdoor!

Some logs were at an awkward angle to get out of, we were lucky (despite the frog and the so very non laughing place) that we were stopped where we were.

Sounds like a very successful night! Glad you caught the fireworks and got in a decent (and complete) ride before the night was over.

Looking forward to more!:)

It was a great night and despite the soggy day earlier a really full day where we felt like we got a ton done without feeling rushed or burnt out at all.

PF was a hoot! I went with DS and I am glad I moved it to later in the trip. It also gave me the chance to "talk" with DS about just having some fun and being silly. I was afraid he was going to be a "stick in the mud" and not "play"
I had a blast because of what he did with the steps and Lady Tremain.
I'd hoped Taylor would have some of that but they didn't interact iwth him as much as I'd expected. Possibly because we were a later ressie? Still, it was great.

Isn't it great to catch the fireworks in a "different" place? The summer nightastic fireworks were spectactular.

Just amazing!

Splash- stuck with the song going on and on and on .:rotfl: Well more like :scared1:
At first I was like " what a great way to get decent pictures in sm", but then having to get out and walk out...:scared1: :scared1:

But like a good Diser you took pictures the whole way.:rotfl2:

I am surprised all you got was 1 stinking FP. Glad you could enjoy EMH without further incident.

:rotfl: well I try. You can see I was walking, and being rushed by the crowd by how blurry some are, I would have taken more of the walk out but it was hard, what with steps, darkness and all.

Yeah, 1 stinking FP each. Whoo hoo. Not so much. There is a story about those later...assuming I don't forget to tell it.
Yay for such a great place to watch the fireworks. Arrggg for being stuck on SpM. That song over and over :scared1::scared1:

The whooshing sound of that darn frog was just as bad as we were right next to it. So loud!

Sounds like a fun group of people to be stuck in a log jam with!:thumbsup2 I wouldn't like being stuck there for that long. At least you weren't up on the "ramp" waiting for imminent doom! :eek: It seems like rides break down alot - I wonder if it was always like that? :confused3

Nice family pics with the castle! Did you use your anytime FP for Peter Pan, or did you save it?

It was a hysterical group. EVERYONE did the wave, I didn't see one person not participating. It was great.

I would not have been happy stuck on the ramp that's for sure. We were actually farther back than we realized, one of the benefits of walking out seeing just where you did stop.

Ugh I can't even imagine having to listen to that song over and over again for that long....yikes that it took that long for them to exit you guys off.

Looking forward to more:goodvibes

WAY too long and they were really unorganized like they'd' never had to do it before which I know darn well isn't the case. It was a bit odd. EMH Night shift I guess
I do so very love me some evening EMH. Great camel story. Sucks about Splash though. Sorry for that. Sounds like you made the most of it all though.

Great update C!
FANTASTIC, fun update Cynthia! You can really tell a story, and put us all there with you.

Were there others around you when you were watching the fireworks, or was everyone else at one of the beaches or docks? Wondering if you discovered a hidden gem. Sounds like an incredible experience.

Very funny story about the spitting camel.

So, did the Splash CM's finally let everyone out of the ride when the group started threatening harm to the animatronics? I'll have to remember that strategy!

I'm sure you will never look at Splash Mountain the same way again. If you ever look at it all, again.

I know where you are going in the morning. I still remember the posts when you were trying to figure out how you were going to accomplish the move.
I've been behind on this report (shamefully) and just caught your latest update this morning.

I can't believe that it happens to be about watching a beautiful fireworks display from the GF near the marina, because that's something my mother and I did on my last trip with her, and I have nary a picture of that experience either. There's something to be said for living in and enjoying the moment. I apologize for all the sentiment, I'm thinking about her so much this month since it's been a year since we took that trip.

Now, I have to tell you, I love the song in Splash Mountain. I actually have it on one of the compilation CDs, but I fear that if I heard it over and over again as you did, I may have gone a little loopy.

What a beautiful family photo you got out of the evening! I just love it. :thumbsup2
Being stuck on Splash and having to exit wouldn't have bother me, it was losing an hour of time in a park that would! The only ride I've ever had to exit was Test Track.....lots of catwalks in that one!

Camel spit in your eye! :rotfl2:
What a great view you must have had of Nightastic! Those perimeter fireworks are just amazing, aren't they? I never try to take pictures of the fireworks. I like to just sit back and enjoy the show with the great music!

No! You were spit on by the camel!!!! :eek::laughing:

Okay, I am with TK -- I really like the Laughing Place song -- it's my favorite song from the ride. In fact, this morning, I was stuck behind two school buses that were stopping every ten feet to pick up children. I was about to lose my mind, so I turned on the Splash Mountain music to "center" myself before getting to school. :laughing: However, being stuck on any ride would drive me nuts! I can't believe you had to do the whole back stairs thing. Cool pictures, though!:thumbsup2


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