Doodlebug25413 Escape Wedding 4/11/16- PICTURE HEAVY POSTS!!

Looks like you had an amazing time! The gazebo is so pretty! I think you made the right choice location wise. That shot of you on dwarf's mine train is hilarious. What is this about Disney having a new package? Did I miss something?

Here is the thread link. Carrie Hayward's Wedding Podcast is going to have this on Wed, if you listen to her podcast. So I'll be tuning in to see what she has to say.

When I looked up the information on DFTW site, it's under the Wishes info part. Don't go thru the planner part, it doesn't show there. I have 2 hang ups in order for me to do this package,
1. My sister's family coming or not
2. My anniversary/planned date is on a Mon. This package only is for Tues-Thurs weddings. So I'm going to have to switch my date.

IF my sister's family comes, I will have met the 20 person headcount minimum. And it turns out to be an actual wedding with reception, instead of a cake & champagne celebration. Which doesn't bother me either way, I love both.
But for about $1000 more I get an actual reception instead of just cake. Which to me is worth it. Considering I was looking into a private meal. I don't know, there's a lot of "unknown" so far.

I'm placing a call out to my planner tomorrow (if the hubby & baby let me!) just to follow up, because our convo was a bit of a blur to me now. Maybe I can get some more info from her on it.
Your girl trip looks like so much fun!!! I am glad you got to go see your friend plus your venue all in one! I am so happy for you that your date is open and you are penciled in ill be sending pixie dust your way to make sure you get it :wizard:!!

Can't wait to hear how everything else is coming along :goodvibes
Here is the thread link. Carrie Hayward's Wedding Podcast is going to have this on Wed, if you listen to her podcast. So I'll be tuning in to see what she has to say.

When I looked up the information on DFTW site, it's under the Wishes info part. Don't go thru the planner part, it doesn't show there. I have 2 hang ups in order for me to do this package,
1. My sister's family coming or not
2. My anniversary/planned date is on a Mon. This package only is for Tues-Thurs weddings. So I'm going to have to switch my date.

IF my sister's family comes, I will have met the 20 person headcount minimum. And it turns out to be an actual wedding with reception, instead of a cake & champagne celebration. Which doesn't bother me either way, I love both.
But for about $1000 more I get an actual reception instead of just cake. Which to me is worth it. Considering I was looking into a private meal. I don't know, there's a lot of "unknown" so far.

I'm placing a call out to my planner tomorrow (if the hubby & baby let me!) just to follow up, because our convo was a bit of a blur to me now. Maybe I can get some more info from her on it.

That is so cool! FIngers crossed, hope you can pull it off!:thumbsup2
Your girl trip looks like so much fun!!! I am glad you got to go see your friend plus your venue all in one! I am so happy for you that your date is open and you are penciled in ill be sending pixie dust your way to make sure you get it :wizard:!!

Can't wait to hear how everything else is coming along :goodvibes

It was fun, but I missed my bug & hubby. And my bed LOL (I was sleeping on her daughters twin, I'm used to my queen LOL) We don't get much time with the hubby because of his work. But we got lucky this time, his work had him close to home on his job, and then he was off for like 2 weeks. So we did get to spend some time together. Now, he's on the road to Texas for his next job. I wasn't happy, it was a last minute call yesterday, he has to be there by Thurs morning, and it's a 24 hour drive. (Can't fly, he needs his work truck). Totally sucks, because we had planned another week together. But, that's how things roll.

Talked with my planner Diane yesterday. She is super sweet. And was patient in going over everything again with me yesterday. She sent me the new "4 Hour Wishes" package for me to review, along with all the Escape package stuff. And she went over a timeline for the Escape package & all the other stuff. I'm still not sure what we are going to do. I have to really look at the budget closely.

Talked with my sister too, and her & her husband are going to see what they can do to come. I sent her a few other off property options that look to be cheaper cost wise for them. And they are not 100% sure if they want to do all Disney parks or do Universal etc. Cost is really going to be a big factor. There's 5 of them, and the airfare is going to be expensive, let alone the hotel cost. I told her I would help her plan things out. They never go on vacation as a family because of bills & the kids need extensive dental work. Something always comes up so they end up putting vacation on the back burner. And I get it. I've been there. I'm still hoping & wishing they can come. (C'mon Fairy Godmother!)
If they are definite, I might just spring the cost of at least a 1 park ticket for the kids as a Christmas gift. But again, I don't know if they are going to do all Disney, 1/2 Disney & 1/2 Universal.....AGH! LOL

On another note, we went to a wedding on Saturday. Again, another reason for me to add that a Disney wedding is totally worth it.

Planning a wedding is frustrating & stressful.

Oh, and so far, for the Escape, The Gazebo & 5pm time is ours!
It was fun, but I missed my bug & hubby. And my bed LOL (I was sleeping on her daughters twin, I'm used to my queen LOL) We don't get much time with the hubby because of his work. But we got lucky this time, his work had him close to home on his job, and then he was off for like 2 weeks. So we did get to spend some time together. Now, he's on the road to Texas for his next job. I wasn't happy, it was a last minute call yesterday, he has to be there by Thurs morning, and it's a 24 hour drive. (Can't fly, he needs his work truck). Totally sucks, because we had planned another week together. But, that's how things roll.

Talked with my planner Diane yesterday. She is super sweet. And was patient in going over everything again with me yesterday. She sent me the new "4 Hour Wishes" package for me to review, along with all the Escape package stuff. And she went over a timeline for the Escape package & all the other stuff. I'm still not sure what we are going to do. I have to really look at the budget closely.

Talked with my sister too, and her & her husband are going to see what they can do to come. I sent her a few other off property options that look to be cheaper cost wise for them. And they are not 100% sure if they want to do all Disney parks or do Universal etc. Cost is really going to be a big factor. There's 5 of them, and the airfare is going to be expensive, let alone the hotel cost. I told her I would help her plan things out. They never go on vacation as a family because of bills & the kids need extensive dental work. Something always comes up so they end up putting vacation on the back burner. And I get it. I've been there. I'm still hoping & wishing they can come. (C'mon Fairy Godmother!)
If they are definite, I might just spring the cost of at least a 1 park ticket for the kids as a Christmas gift. But again, I don't know if they are going to do all Disney, 1/2 Disney & 1/2 Universal.....AGH! LOL

On another note, we went to a wedding on Saturday. Again, another reason for me to add that a Disney wedding is totally worth it.

Planning a wedding is frustrating & stressful.

Oh, and so far, for the Escape, The Gazebo & 5pm time is ours!

So exciting! :banana:
It was fun, but I missed my bug & hubby. And my bed LOL (I was sleeping on her daughters twin, I'm used to my queen LOL) We don't get much time with the hubby because of his work. But we got lucky this time, his work had him close to home on his job, and then he was off for like 2 weeks. So we did get to spend some time together. Now, he's on the road to Texas for his next job. I wasn't happy, it was a last minute call yesterday, he has to be there by Thurs morning, and it's a 24 hour drive. (Can't fly, he needs his work truck). Totally sucks, because we had planned another week together. But, that's how things roll.

Talked with my planner Diane yesterday. She is super sweet. And was patient in going over everything again with me yesterday. She sent me the new "4 Hour Wishes" package for me to review, along with all the Escape package stuff. And she went over a timeline for the Escape package & all the other stuff. I'm still not sure what we are going to do. I have to really look at the budget closely.

Talked with my sister too, and her & her husband are going to see what they can do to come. I sent her a few other off property options that look to be cheaper cost wise for them. And they are not 100% sure if they want to do all Disney parks or do Universal etc. Cost is really going to be a big factor. There's 5 of them, and the airfare is going to be expensive, let alone the hotel cost. I told her I would help her plan things out. They never go on vacation as a family because of bills & the kids need extensive dental work. Something always comes up so they end up putting vacation on the back burner. And I get it. I've been there. I'm still hoping & wishing they can come. (C'mon Fairy Godmother!)
If they are definite, I might just spring the cost of at least a 1 park ticket for the kids as a Christmas gift. But again, I don't know if they are going to do all Disney, 1/2 Disney & 1/2 Universal.....AGH! LOL

On another note, we went to a wedding on Saturday. Again, another reason for me to add that a Disney wedding is totally worth it.

Planning a wedding is frustrating & stressful.

Oh, and so far, for the Escape, The Gazebo & 5pm time is ours!

I am sure you missed your boys and I always miss my bed on vacations we have a cal king so I am super spoiled I would have died in a twin! and that stinks that he had to leave again! and that is an extremly long drive! Hopefully the week goes by fast before hes home again. I really hope your sister and her husband can make it, the trip will be such a once in a life time experience with everyone there! we had issues with people not going to because of cost i guess that goes with a destination wedding, but defintley sending good thoughts your way that she will be able to make and she should check out or skyscanner for good price deals! Glad to here the Gazebo is yours and 5:00pms a great time! :goodvibes
So I plugged a few numbers here & there, and doing the 4 Hour Wishes is still up in the air.
I've been stuck on this dessert party - fun filled idea for a bit now. And if we stick with the Escape at 5pm, that gives me almost all morning to about lunch time to do whatever, like a massage or tea with my Godmother....
or have everyone meet us at O'Hana's or Chef Mickey's for brunch. I don't know.

So the time line so far:
5-6pm wedding & cake & champagne celebration
6:00pm -8:00pm is free time. I don't want to do an ADR or a meal here because it will take away from the dessert party I want. I'm just going to tell everyone to eat light.
8:00pm -9:30pm Dessert Party.

And what did everyone have or is looking to have at their dessert parties? I'm trying to scour the journals, but I just don't have the patience today to search.
I know I want Tuxedo Strawberries. That's a definite.
Nacho bar sounds like fun
Ice Cream Floats sound fun. And we used to do these as little kids, with popcorn in front of the tv at night at my grandmother's. (Non stop, Wheel of Fortune, CHIPS, Knight Rider, Golden Girls....yea I'm old LOL)
Maybe a Pecan Tartlett or something along those lines for Kevin, with Peanut Butter something or other.

So I plugged a few numbers here & there, and doing the 4 Hour Wishes is still up in the air.
I've been stuck on this dessert party - fun filled idea for a bit now. And if we stick with the Escape at 5pm, that gives me almost all morning to about lunch time to do whatever, like a massage or tea with my Godmother....
or have everyone meet us at O'Hana's or Chef Mickey's for brunch. I don't know.

So the time line so far:
5-6pm wedding & cake & champagne celebration
6:00pm -8:00pm is free time. I don't want to do an ADR or a meal here because it will take away from the dessert party I want. I'm just going to tell everyone to eat light.
8:00pm -9:30pm Dessert Party.

And what did everyone have or is looking to have at their dessert parties? I'm trying to scour the journals, but I just don't have the patience today to search.
I know I want Tuxedo Strawberries. That's a definite.
Nacho bar sounds like fun
Ice Cream Floats sound fun. And we used to do these as little kids, with popcorn in front of the tv at night at my grandmother's. (Non stop, Wheel of Fortune, CHIPS, Knight Rider, Golden Girls....yea I'm old LOL)
Maybe a Pecan Tartlett or something along those lines for Kevin, with Peanut Butter something or other.


I think that is a great idea to skip on dinner. No one would enjoy the dessert party. Forget brunch with everyone. DO something for you or maybe tea with your God mother. You don't want to tire yourself out and you will really cherish some of that down time before the big event. Trust me. Love it all. SO exciting.
Is your planner Diane Bowen? If so, you are in amazing hands! She was our planner and she is spectacular.

Our DP menu had an ice cream sundae bar, nacho bar, fruit salad, and our Donald cupcakes. The nacho bar was the biggest hit by far. I highly recommend that!
DISNEYFIREFLY I'm so sorry that I couldn't respond back until now. I do want to meet you & get a Mickey bar with you! I'm hoping I can get back down for another visit in October. Next trip will be more planned out. I'll let you know
if I'm able to go & if I do, I'll send you a PM!! Hope you're not mad at me.

:lmao: :lmao:

I'm not mad at you :) Why would I be? I'm glad you had a good time with your friend! I'm gonna send you a PM, though, so keep an eye out for it :)
Is your planner Diane Bowen? If so, you are in amazing hands! She was our planner and she is spectacular.

Our DP menu had an ice cream sundae bar, nacho bar, fruit salad, and our Donald cupcakes. The nacho bar was the biggest hit by far. I highly recommend that!

Thank you! The Donald cupcakes I would love to steal that idea from you since Kevin loves Donald. LOL
Diane Mahoney-Brown is currently my 1st contact consultant? She said that once I return my LOA and deposit I will get reassigned to someone else. :guilty:

:lmao: :lmao:

I'm not mad at you :) Why would I be? I'm glad you had a good time with your friend! I'm gonna send you a PM, though, so keep an eye out for it :)

Got it!! I responded back.
Yeah Diane's a sales consultant. You'll get an actual planner (who knows more about the ins and outs of the actual on the ground planning part) once you have an contract signed. Diane's great but I promise the planners are awesome too!
Diane has been super sweet. I'm sure who ever my planner will be it will all be fine and they will be just as wonderful.

Well, I have some discerning news. My Godmother will not be coming to the wedding or the trip at all now. She had seen the doctor, and they have found spots on her liver. So she is waiting for more blood work
and tests to come back to determine what exactly is wrong and going to happen. I'm worried sick and heart broken. She's been like a mother to me. So I am hoping that everything will be okay.
I was going to just cancel the wedding altogether, but a few that I've talked to about everything said not to. Just to leave things as planned. Kevin said, for all we know, things could end up being fine. Which he's right.

Needing to get my mind off of things, and just keep on keeping on, after looking at the "4 Hour Wishes" package details, listening to Carrie's Wedding Podcast recently, I don't think that package is going to work for us. We are a small group as it is, and possible getting smaller. So we are continuing with Escape. And now, I'm leaning on doing a Wishes Fireworks Cruise with cupcakes added possibly and then see if those who want to join us for a Character Brunch meal the next day. Which I think will be fun. I am totally going to do some kind of pamper me stuff during the morning since we are still slotted for 5 pm ceremony.

Ok, so just switching things up, I have still been trying to figure out my hair. I'm pretty certain I'm doing a headband. So, I found Kelly Clarkson's wedding as I was perusing the internet. So beautiful. And that country rustic that I've been wanting. And I think it will still flow well with the Gazebo.

What do you guys think? Here's some pics I found along with a comparison of me in my gown (of course not as beautiful as Ms. Clarkson LOL) with the headband I have (photo #4) and looking to use.
I'm still not sure if I'm going to use a veil. If I do, it's more then likely going to be like photo #4. Or I may just do a half up and have the veil toward the top like the last photo and use the headband around instead of the flower.

kelly clarkson (272x440).jpg kelly-clarkson-wedding-dress-inline (342x440).jpg the one 4.jpg e9af09f90fa6fe9591223594b47b2b84 (248x440).jpg bridal-portrait-stone-mill-inn-pa (293x440).jpg
So very sorry to hear about your godmother. I'm sending a lot of pixie dust your way.

I think either hair style will be lovely, but I think the headband and updo inspired by Kelly would be GORGEOUS! I think it would compliment the shape of your dress (halter neckline) very well too.
Purchases Pictures!!

Ok, so far, here is what I have purchased or made:

20150724_120229 (330x440).jpg
The Memorial charm for my Bouquet, with a picture I've put in of my beautiful mother. I'm so pleased with it.

20150724_120307 (330x440).jpg The embroidered handkerchief for my Godmother, which will now be her Christmas gift. She says I love you to the moon and back all the time. It was perfect.
And Kevin's Donald Duck cuff links. So cute. He'll get a kick out of them.

20150724_120340 (440x330).jpg My wedding gown hanger finally arrived! I love it! And I got my bride ears during my visit. My boot socks came in, which trust me, boots sometimes tend to get a little hot, and I don't want the boots to rub my calves. And I found a clutch finally to take along for my personals and for Yachtsman dinner, if we can swing it.

20150724_120423 (440x330).jpg
I saw this saying on Pinterest. It reads: "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. So loved, so missed, so very dear." Perfect for a Memorial Table. I'm hoping there is enough room on it with 3-4 small photo frames with pictures of my Mother, Kevin's grandparents & my grandparents. The frame with the saying is only a 5x7, the pictures are 2x3 I think. And then if I can, my lighthouse lantern.

20150724_121219 (330x440).jpg And the 3 headpieces so far. I'm still leaning on the headband. We stopped in Arribas brothers while I was visiting. I did see a tiara that I liked, but I didn't buy it. My BFF said that if I did change my mind and wanted it, to send her the money and she'll pick it up for me. I took a picture of it with the bar code to keep a record of it. When Kevin was home, I played around with the head pieces, and he said, even though I'm his princess, he didn't care for the tiara look on me. I think I just need to make a trial run hair appointment, take the photo inspirations and the headpieces with me just to see what I like best.

Ok, I think I'm done with planning for a bit. Time to start focusing on our Alabama Christmas trip and pricing Trick or Treating at Magic Kingdom and my bestie in October!
So very sorry to hear about your godmother. I'm sending a lot of pixie dust your way.

I think either hair style will be lovely, but I think the headband and updo inspired by Kelly would be GORGEOUS! I think it would compliment the shape of your dress (halter neckline) very well too.

Thanks for the Pixie Dust. I need it right about now. Things seems to be better, but I still haven't gotten more details from my godmother.

I am liking the Kelly hair better. I did buy a veil at Hobby Lobby, I think it's too poofy. So I think it's going back. I think I might need a thinner softer veil. Will have to see. Might just not even do one.
And I ordered 2 other headbands from Amazon to try.
I think the Kelly hair would be lovely on you! :hug:

I already told you, but I'm so sorry to hear about your godmother :hug: I hope she gets better soon.

As far as the veil, from what I understand, it's not too difficult to make one. So there's also the possibility of just getting a nice piece of tulle from the fabric store and bonding some trim to it. That's what my mom and I are planning to do (she wants to make my veil, since I can't justify spending $300 on a nice one and I don't like the cheaper ones I've seen).
The veil I got from HL was pretty inexpensive. My older son was here & I was playing around with hair styles and looks. He decided to take picture of me & be the dork that he is.
He had me giggling so much I almost woke the baby up. I needed that though. He knew I've been pretty down the last few days.

So time will tell at this point. Crossing my fingers for luck, and hoping for a lot of pixie dust for my Godmother.

*** If any of you are on Facebook, and if you want to keep in touch on there too, just send me a private message thru the Disboards. I feel like most of you are going thru the trouble reading thru my PJ we should maybe at least be friends!! PS the VR/Wedding is hush hush....LOL ***
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I love your memorial frame! We did one at our wedding and its such a nice thing to have! and I am so sorry to hear about your Godmother I hope everything is okay with her! As for your hair I love the Kelly Clarkson look I think that will look great with the look your going for, and your hanger is awesome its such a nice little memento to keep! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your plans everything is coming together so nicely! :goodvibes
Ok, Got some good news.... My Godmother is doing better. She has a really bad UTI that is just killing her immune system. So that's why all her test levels were super whacky. So she's been put on super meds to fix that, plus they are adjusting her diet to help build up the strength. The lesions on her liver are very small, less then a centimeter. Doctor said it appears may have been caused from her pancreas & gall bladder sugery. They are going to see her again in Sept to see if they have enlarged at all. So big fat sigh of relief! When we were talking, she's still coming to the wedding. She just hopes that she doesn't have to make the decision not to later. I think the scare of the lesions just threw us both off kilter with emotions. So, YAY!! :yay:

I love the Kelly hair, but I'm getting mixed reviews from others (not on here). I think I'm going to try & do an appt to get my hair done like that to see if I really like it. And everyone's input on here has been very sweet. And all the pixie dust has been well much appreciated! Weddings are stressful enough, then throwing family illnesses and bad news on top just makes it worse!
Thank you so much!

And (drum roll please...) :rockband:

I found my headpiece!!

20150806_133112 (330x440).jpg :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

It's a little blurry in the picture, sorry gals. But it sparkles so much! I love it! So now that I have finally found my head piece and I'm pretty sure I'm going to use the veil as well. I just think it will all look pretty together. And the veil part I want it so I can take it out later in the evening.

I've looked over things, and since we are not going to have a lot of people, I've decided to just do the Wishes Fireworks Cruise instead of Illuminations Dessert Party. Depending on how long we are with photos, will depend on if we ask our guests to head back to our villa for light evening snacks/dinner or just maybe do an ADR at Trails End or something before the cruise. Still haven't figured that part out yet. That I think will come in time though. So saving bucks there and not having to worry about a lot of wasted dessert food or transportation costs either. And I should be able to wear my wedding gown thru all of that, which I am so hoping for. Hoping I can just use our limo to transport everyone after the ceremony.

I've also decided on Randy Chapman and Stan Severance at STVS to do our photos and video. They have a photo/video package that I couldn't turn down. Plus they both did my BFF's wedding & I do remember them both from the whole day. Just great guys. And Rev. Tim Herring as our officiant. I just like his "southern" charm. He's very simple, and I think Kevin would be comfortable with him. He said that we could just do our ceremony as a regular ceremony if we wanted instead of a vow renewal since we never had our wedding. All 3 of them have our date open. So when August 11th (5 days!!!) gets here I'll definitely know for sure if we are secured!!

Also, I've decided to do a God's Knot Unity ceremony. I love the idea and the scripture. Plus I can make this for cheap. I can put it in a shadowbox with our wedding picture and some petals from my flowers.

Unity Cord Ceremony (293x440).jpg

I didn't care for the sand ceremony & since we are outside, didn't think the unity candle would be practical. The wine ceremony wouldn't work, since we are not big drinkers. Loved the glass unity that I've been seeing-- oh my gosh that's beautiful, but oh my gosh it's expensive! And seriously, I'm scared that the obnoxious crazy baby I have will ram his dump truck into it and shatter it.

So everything is coming together. My godmother is coming so long as she gets healthier. All is good.


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