Dont you hate it when...


<font color=darkorchid>Cant get enough of the mous
Jan 30, 2004
You tell someone you are going on vacation and they give you a lecture about wasting your money going to Disney AGAIN.

I am so sick of it that I have literally stopped telling my SIL's that we are going again. I always get the lecture. We are not in debt and can afford a vacation. This is the only vacation we take every year short of going to our beachouse during the summer. I have come to the point of not even telling them but it always slips out in conversation and then I get the lecture.

Does this happen to anyone else? I for the life of me cant understand why they care where we go. I dont even know how to respond anymore with out getting a little snarky back. How would you respond to the lecture?
I get the lecture from DH if you come up with a good response, I would love to hear it - LOL!
I don't respond. I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks about my Disney trips. Yes, I hear "You are going AGAIN!?" and "How can you afford to keep going to Disney all the time?" Ummmmmmm, none of your business. I have a friend who has a purse obsession, she is always buying Coach, Dooney & Burke, Louis Vuitton ect...and in her case, I decided to answer "How do you afford to go to Disney all the time." My response was..."My purses are by Liz Claiborne." We all make choices. I get comments from people who also go to the same places all the time. Beach house, Las Vegas, Aruba, what's the difference between going to Disney every year and going to Las Vegas every year? :confused3 To each his own. I don't feel I owe anyone an explination or justification and I honestly don't care what people think, it's not their vacation.
Tonight, when I came in to work, I started watching Disney Behind the Scenes on the Travel Channel. One of the officers I work with started in on me on how he doesn't understand what my obsession with Disney is about and why woud I watch that. Then he started in on me for having my honeymoon there. I asked him, "have you ever been there?" He said no, so I said "EXACTLY! Now shut up!"
I guess my issue is that is my DH's family and they are hurting my feelings. Like I deprive my kid of food to go to Disney or something. Also the comments that I dont let my husband choose another place when he in fact chooses to go to Disney too. I dont want to start a family war but the lecture always comes during a holiday or family event in front of everyone. I just hate it. I dont know how to be nice but firm with them. Besides the fact that his oldest sister thinks she knows everything since she has been to the world 2 whole times. LOL.
I get that a lot too but if they don't get it to bad for them cause they are missing out!!!!
I get that question a lot too. Sometimes it puts me on the defense and makes me feel like I have to justify our trip. I start explaining how we are DVC members and AP holders so really our only immediate expense is a flight and food. I shouldn't have to explain but I do.

Here in St. Louis, it seems everyone goes to the Lake of the Ozarks in the summer. I should start repsonding to this question by saying "How is it different than you going to The Lake every weekend?" It's difficult not to be snarky when people think they are being cute by questioning your vacation destination.
I guess my issue is that is my DH's family and they are hurting my feelings. Like I deprive my kid of food to go to Disney or something. Also the comments that I dont let my husband choose another place when he in fact chooses to go to Disney too. I dont want to start a family war but the lecture always comes during a holiday or family event in front of everyone. I just hate it. I dont know how to be nice but firm with them. Besides the fact that his oldest sister thinks she knows everything since she has been to the world 2 whole times. LOL.

I'm sorry to hear the in-laws are giving you such grief!

Maybe you could all go on a Grand Gathering and they could experience the magic themselves. If they still don't get it after a day or too, send them to Universal :)
But it is my family that always says again!?! Even my boss says stuff like isn't that expensive. But I tell them that it is my happy place and if they do not like it too bad. The boss is now looking to take his family and guess who is he asking for help. My sister asked if she could come with us next trip. I may slowly be winning them over. I just want to tell them come to the dark side I have Mickey bars LOL.

I'm sorry to hear the in-laws are giving you such grief!

Maybe you could all go on a Grand Gathering and they could experience the magic themselves. If they still don't get it after a day or too, send them to Universal :)

Oh we did the whole gg with his family about 10 years ago and never again. Our idea of Disney is not commando and SIL is a tad bit nutso. DH likes to hit the parks hard come back and rest get showered and have a nice TS dinner. His older sister (who raised him when mom passed away) only eats CS and runs from sun up to sun down. We actually ended up eating dinner each night with his sisters in laws because they were on our page. I really think it is a matter of we know more about Disney and it pisses her off a bit also the fact that we are not in cc debt up to our eyeballs and can afford a trip. Not so much the case for her. She is more like his mom and I dont want to fight with her because she is always right. One of those types.:sad2: This is why I wish I knew a better response to "the lecture".
You know, I hear that too. I one time looked across and responded thusly:

"I eloped instead of spending thousands on a lavish wedding. I drive a 10 year old car that I own instead of a Lexus or some other car I could buy. Our mortgage payment is less than most people's rent. I take care of my bills, my kids needs, and my own. If I want to go to Disney, guess what? I live in America, if I have the dough I can go. It's a Free country, last I checked. I only have a few years where my kids want me around. Why not enjoy them?"

That was the last I have heard anything on the subject. And it also helps now that my husband backs me since he has been there as a Dad. Best of luck.
I used to get the same thing from my parents...until they retired and moved to Orlando 2 years ago. The finally decided to buy annual passes so that they can go when my family comes to visit. Now everytime I talk to them, they say "I can't beleive that we went 2 years without getting annual passes". I swear they go to the parks at least once each week.

They have now been bitten by the magic bug...better late than never, I suppose.
I guess my issue is that is my DH's family and they are hurting my feelings. Like I deprive my kid of food to go to Disney or something. Also the comments that I dont let my husband choose another place when he in fact chooses to go to Disney too. I dont want to start a family war but the lecture always comes during a holiday or family event in front of everyone. I just hate it. I dont know how to be nice but firm with them. Besides the fact that his oldest sister thinks she knows everything since she has been to the world 2 whole times. LOL.

Maybe you should come right out tell them that it hurts your feelings the next time it comes up. Maybe you just need to say "You know your comments really hurt my feelings, maybe we should talk about why it bothers you so much that we go to Disney." The direct approach. Have your DH back up you that it is his decision to go to Disney too. If you don't feel you can talk about it in a group, like at a holiday event, maybe call the biggest offender before the next event and invite them to lunch and talk about it one on one with that person. I still don't think you need to keep justifying your trips as your in-laws aren't footing the bill, but you can explain how uncomfortable it makes family events for you and discuss why it seems to be so upsetting to them?
It's funny you should bring this up... I mentioned making a second trip to Disney this year -- the first was with my family, and the second would be with my friend this summer -- during a conversation at work today. My friend has never been, has been listenting to me talk about WDW for years, and is finally in a place where she has the time and money to go. So we're going in June. My coworker expressed astonishment at my going "again" and I laughed it off.

I mentioned the conversation to my mom on the phone tonight, and she said that she and my dad have been getting comments like that for years. I had no idea! I was 10 on our first trip, am 28 now, and we've made 13 family trips to WDW. Apparently this has been going on all along. They even took heat for pulling my little brother and I out of school for a week every year, and she still gets upset about what other people said about it at the time. (Since that first trip, I have been a national merit scholar, graduated from college with a 4.0 gpa, and earned a master's degree from an ivy league university. All of this is largely due to parental support and the balance between academics and fun that my parents insisted on. My younger brother loved the Japan pavillion at Epcot. Do you want to guess who is now studying that language? I told mom not to sweat it anymore. ;) )

Anyway, I don't think I'd worry about justifying the trips to the family. Just tell your sister-in-law that you love being one of the lucky ones who gets to spend quality family time in a place that makes you happy. If you're feeling snarky, you might add that you feel bad she doesn't have the opportunity to do the same. Your son will grow up believing in the power of dreams, understanding how to plan, striving for perfection in the details, knowing the value of different cultures, and having an interest in technology and the pursuit of new ideas. Disney creates curiosity and joy. I feel sorry for her kids -- yours is the lucky one for getting to grow up this way.
I had a friend who said that her three young kids would never enjoy Disney because they simply don't know who Mickey Mouse is and that they prefer the "newer, more moderrn characters" and then she said, "We just wouldn't 'get it' at all and my family would be totally bored" was her statement.:confused3

RE: IWISHFORDISNEY's sitch----maybe you could consider go to WDW over the holidays to get away from that extended family of yours! :lmao: :rotfl:
It's funny you should bring this up... I mentioned making a second trip to Disney this year -- the first was with my family, and the second would be with my friend this summer -- during a conversation at work today. My friend has never been, has been listenting to me talk about WDW for years, and is finally in a place where she has the time and money to go. So we're going in June. My coworker expressed astonishment at my going "again" and I laughed it off.

I mentioned the conversation to my mom on the phone tonight, and she said that she and my dad have been getting comments like that for years. I had no idea! I was 10 on our first trip, am 28 now, and we've made 13 family trips to WDW. Apparently this has been going on all along. They even took heat for pulling my little brother and I out of school for a week every year, and she still gets upset about what other people said about it at the time. (Since that first trip, I have been a national merit scholar, graduated from college with a 4.0 gpa, and earned a master's degree from an ivy league university. All of this is largely due to parental support and the balance between academics and fun that my parents insisted on. My younger brother loved the Japan pavillion at Epcot. Do you want to guess who is now studying that language? I told mom not to sweat it anymore. ;) )

Anyway, I don't think I'd worry about justifying the trips to the family. Just tell your sister-in-law that you love being one of the lucky ones who gets to spend quality family time in a place that makes you happy. If you're feeling snarky, you might add that you feel bad she doesn't have the opportunity to do the same. Your son will grow up believing in the power of dreams, understanding how to plan, striving for perfection in the details, knowing the value of different cultures, and having an interest in technology and the pursuit of new ideas. Disney creates curiosity and joy. I feel sorry for her kids -- yours is the lucky one for getting to grow up this way.

at 47 my friends laugh at me for planning trips to WDW. who cares... its my money and my earned vacation. i have lived all over this country when i was young and visited alot of places over the years. but every few years i still enjoy a trip to the world....

I love the different restaurants. different things to see and do. yes theres alot of kid stuff but its really a nice mix for all ages.

I do visit alot of amusement parks around the country and WDW has the best mix for all ages. from kids to grandparents. romance to laughter. to being a kid, if only for a short far as price???? i think disney is inline with other amusement chains. i do feel though that their resorts are very overpriced but the convenience is worth it.......
I think people think Disney is so expensive because you pay for so much up front, especially if you get the DDP. I think people think of their vacation price as being the transportation to get there and the hotel and they forget to add in all the extras once they get there, sightseeing, tours, activities, ect...But is Disney really all that much expensive than any other all inclusive place, like Sandals? I honestly don't know, I've never been to a place like Sandals.
I do visit alot of amusement parks around the country and WDW has the best mix for all ages. from kids to grandparents. romance to laughter. to being a kid, if only for a short far as price???? i think disney is inline with other amusement chains. i do feel though that their resorts are very overpriced but the convenience is worth it.......[/quote]

I also go to other amusment parks, and IMO the BIG difference is that I simply never get that special somethin' somethin' feeling at those other parks---only Disney had the real MAGIC!!! :wizard:
Yep, i get that ALL the time. Mainly from my flatmate who considers it a waste of money, 'You could go hitchhiking across Morrocco for a month for that!'. Well you know what, i don't want to hitchhike across Morrocco, i want to go to a place i feel safe and happy in when i go on vaccation. Its hard enough for me to get on a plane anyway, knowing i didnt have accomidation or any plans when i got there would make me freak out! :scared1:

I have only ever been to WDW 4 times, but they have been 2 weeks long each time. Mainly due to the ex*****e of airfare, plus that knackering time change!

Its not as though i have never been anywhere else ether, last summer we did a tour of the west coast of America, and that was deemed 'cool' untill the last 3 days where spent at Disneyland California which got a 'what a waste!'

Thank God i have my mom to back me up on my choices (she loves it just as much as me)

My answer to the questions is usually 'But you've never been have you? Well don't worry, maybe one day you will get to experience it the way i do.' or in the case of my flatmate 'Each to their own, i wouldn't do what you do, you wouldn't do what i do. I do criticise you for your choices, please don't think its ok to insult mine'

Gosh this makes me fume!!! :furious:


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