Disruba Engagement Trip! Update 6/17: THE VIDEO!


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2012
Welcome to my December Engagement Trip Report!

This Trip was unlike any other Disney trip I have ever taken, it was PERFECT and I still cannot comprehend most of what went on!


First, let me introduce myself! I'm Mindy and I LOVE Disney!


I'm 22 and I recently graduated College. I'm a labor and delivery nurse, which is the best job in the world! I credit my yearly Disney trips for getting me through nursing school sane! This was my ninth time to the World and it couldn't have been better! This trip was a graduation present to me from me and I wanted to recreate my childhood Disney memories by staying at the Beach Club, seeing the Osborne Lights, and going to MVMCP :santa:! It would have been too much to go to Disney in December while I was in school so BAMM first December out of college I knew where I was going!

Next, let me introduce my FIANCEE Brett!


So weird to say fiancee! I feel so french! He's 23 and works for Apple, he graduated College last year. He isn't as much of a Disney fanatic as me, but he loves seeing me happy and goes along with everything so he's a keeper :)!

Our trip dates were December 6th-December 13th. You're all probably wondering what "Disruba" means, right? Well since Disney is my favorite place ever and Aruba is Brett's favorite place ever, we planned a two trip vacation! Some of our plans got changed, but you will hear more about that later! There are many surprises to come and I cannot wait to share my story with all of you! I know how much I enjoy reading trip reports on the Dis so I wanted to share some of the love :grouphug:.

Table of Contents

Day 1: Thursday, December 6th
Chapter One: Good Morning & HELLO BEACH CLUB

Chapter Two: Epcot and Les Chefs!
Chapter Three: MGM Fun and the Osborne Lights!
Chapter Four: Le Cellier, Epcot Fun, and Illuminations!

Day 2: Friday, December 7, 2012
Chapter Five: Hollywood & Breakfast
Chapter Six: Finally MK!

Chapter Seven: THE PROPOSAL!
Chapter Eight: More Photos, Sharing the News, and MVMCP!
Day 3: Saturday, December 9, 2012
Chapter Nine: Epcot with the Whole Gang!
Chapter Ten: Osborne Lights Part Dos & Spirit of Aloha!
Chapter Eleven: Aruba!

Our Video!

Chapter One: Good Morning and HELLO BEACH CLUB!
Thursday, December 6th, 2012

The only times in life I enjoy waking up early is for vacation and Christmas....that is it, luckily it was DECEMBER 6th Christmastime AND Disneytime!!
The day I had been waiting for for over a year!

Brett woke up with the song "single ladies" stuck in his head...Coincidence? I think not? When has he ever sung that song? NEVER, anywho we were excited to get going!!


We were up and at em' at 3:30, out the door by 4 and got to Logan around 4:30. Security was a breeze and we were to our gate by 5. I was SOOO excited I couldn't eat and I obviously wanted to save room for Disney food :goodvibes!

Me displaying my excitement, Brett excited for Starbucks


*Notice my upside down bow earring...oops*

Our flight was perfect and we landed around 9:30 or so! We boarded the fake monorail and I skipped my way/Brett walked to Magical Express!!


It was time to board our motorcoach! Funny story: My cat's name is Abbey and we have a lot of nicknames for her including ab, abbor, bore, boris...it's strange how many nicknames we have for her, but anyway our ME driver's name was Horace BOREland and I thought it was hilarious :rotfl2:!


Love the ME voice guy!


The first resort we stopped at was Art of Animation! I was so excited I got to see how it looked! I Definitely want to stay there in the future it looks great! Then we stopped at Coronado Springs, then finally the Beach Club!



I had done online check in for the first time and I'm glad I did! A woman (I forget her name) greeted us right when we got off the bus she was great! Then we got our room keys but had to check our bags because it was only 10:30 AM or so.

We got situated and were off to Epcot!!


How perfect is the Beach Club? It makes me want to cry how perfect it is especially with the Christmas decor!


What a perfect day it was! And for the FL opening/TT opening the crowds were not too too bad!

Up Next: Epcot and Lunch!

I'm in! It's great to find another young couple on here! Congrats on your engagement! Enjoy the wedding planning...it flies by fast!

By the way, LOVE you hair!
Can't wait to read the rest of your post!!! Sounds WONDERFUL!!!! And a bit familiar!! We went on a 2 week Dis/Honeymoon!! 1 week to the World, and the second week to Aruba!!! WOW!!!
Your first post already brought tears to my eyes! You're a very cute couple!!! Thanks for sharing your Disney Engagement story with us!!! It's my most favorite place in the world...only wish my DH felt the same! That's ok, my Mom & Sister & I go every other year for girls' trips!!!
You're close by...always cool to find another DID fan who is close to home!!!
I'm in! It's great to find another young couple on here! Congrats on your engagement! Enjoy the wedding planning...it flies by fast!

By the way, LOVE you hair!

Thanks so much! I haven't even started to plan and I'm so overwhelmed! And thanks so much again :)!

Can't wait to read the rest of your post!!! Sounds WONDERFUL!!!! And a bit familiar!! We went on a 2 week Dis/Honeymoon!! 1 week to the World, and the second week to Aruba!!! WOW!!!
Your first post already brought tears to my eyes! You're a very cute couple!!! Thanks for sharing your Disney Engagement story with us!!! It's my most favorite place in the world...only wish my DH felt the same! That's ok, my Mom & Sister & I go every other year for girls' trips!!!

AHH Disney and Aruba are the best places in the world! I consider Disney a trip while Aruba a vacation and you definitely need a vacation after Disney! I'm thinking we are going to do a 2 week honeymoon in Disney then Aruba again or somewhere tropical! I wish my fiancee felt the same about Disney too, we just can't spend too much time in MK due to the lack of alcohol lol! I'm thinking my family is going to have to start a Mom and Sister trip just like yours!

You're close by...always cool to find another DID fan who is close to home!!!

Yay Massachusetts!! :cool1:
I hear that the new Fantasyland serves beer now! This is the first time ever :) We usually hop on the monorail over to the Poly and have a Mai Tai for a mid-day break!!!!
Chapter Two: Epcot and Les Chefs
Thursday, December 6, 2012

We walked through the international gateway and made a B-line toward test track.

Beautiful Epcot!


We knew that it was the grand opening day and we didn't want to wait TOO long but it was still early so we used our My Disney Experience apps to see how long the wait was: 70 minutes. Why not! Our first REAL Disney line, HOW EXCITING! It was now about 10:20 or so and we had a Les Chefs ADR at 12, perfect LET'S WAIT!

Five minutes into waiting I received this on my phone:


Figures the room only took 10 minutes! No worries though!

The new queue was great and we got to look at some pretty cool things that kept us entertained!



Our favorite part was designing the car! We didn't really care/pay attention to performance and at the end of the ride we came in second to last haha oh well! We had a cool car! We saw the wait time hiked up to 90 minutes but we ended up waiting about two hours by the end of it, it was 12:20 when we were leaving Test Track and I was freaking out!

We got to Les Chefs and they took us right away. We were in the back room near the fountain. I had never eaten in that area before and it was nice! I got some white wine (I forget exactly which one!) and Brett got Beer (forget which one oops!). I have eaten at Les Chefs my last three Disney trips and none of those times I got to see Remy and finally I got to see him! Brett and I LOVE ratatouille and cooking so I was really excited! He's adorable!




The bread is phenomenal and we were starving so we ate one whole bread then asked for another one and took it with us :). Hard breakfast bread is my favorite! I got the Gratin de Macaroni and Brett got the Croque monsieur et salade verte, we both loved it and were so full!

While we were making our way back from the international gateway, we saw a Bride and Groom getting their pictures done on the bridge going to the Boardwalk ;) *foreshadowinggggg?*. It's so weird we always see proposals or wedding things everywhere we go! We witnessed one proposal when we went to see Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, then we saw one last year in front of the castle! :lovestruc

We went back to the Beach Club to pick up our bags and bring them to our room! We were on the second floor and I was so excited to have at least a half balcony because I brought Christmas lights! Unfortunately we didn't have a balcony at all BUT the room was amazing nonetheless! I'm the worst trip report maker ever, I did not get one picture of our room :crazy2:! I was so excited to be in Disney I just soaked it up and forgot to take pictures...oops again!

Some Beach Club pictures!


Our room was right near this main stairway, it was perfect!


After some pictures we headed to Hollywood Studios!

Up Next: MGM Fun and the Osborne Lights!

I totally in and can't wait to read more about the proposal....
Beach Club looks fantastic!

I got engaged at Magic Kingdom in December 2005! :)
You sound just like me and my DBF! I LOVE Disney, grew up going every year, and discovered December as my sweet spot with all the Christmas decorations! My favorite resort is also the beach club so I'm a little jealous reading this. My DBF LOVES Aruba and has gone there every year since he was a kid. I won out this year and we went to DW a few weeks ago but I think we will have to go to Aruba next year : ) Can't wait to hear about your trip!
Yay for an update!

Of course the room would be ready already! :rolleyes:

DH is so excited to see TT all revamped!

I really want to eat there sometime! We never have!

How nice to be right by the stairs!
I totally in and can't wait to read more about the proposal....
Beach Club looks fantastic!

I got engaged at Magic Kingdom in December 2005! :)

The Beach Club is phenomenal! I just wish it was slightly more affordable! AWW! What was your engagement like!?

You sound just like me and my DBF! I LOVE Disney, grew up going every year, and discovered December as my sweet spot with all the Christmas decorations! My favorite resort is also the beach club so I'm a little jealous reading this. My DBF LOVES Aruba and has gone there every year since he was a kid. I won out this year and we went to DW a few weeks ago but I think we will have to go to Aruba next year : ) Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Thanks so much! There's nothing like Disney at Christmas! And that's so funny your DBF likes Aruba! Thats great you guys go to go to the world recently though, hope your trip was magical! I think we are going to do an every other year type thing to make everyone happy!

Yay for an update!

Of course the room would be ready already! :rolleyes:

DH is so excited to see TT all revamped!

I really want to eat there sometime! We never have!

How nice to be right by the stairs!

Your DH is going to love it! It's a happy medium too because its still pretty much the old one but just revamped and futuristic! And it makes the long wait time more interesting! :)
What happened with ours was.... We went with my dad and brother and sister in December of 2005. They were kind of on our nerves so we went off to do our own thing. I remember going to Splash Mountain but it was busy and my now DH said- let's just walk around. Well, we walked through castle ( Oh yeah, it was raining out so I looked a mess).. His jacket, jeans rolled up to my knees, rainbows, hair not cute... You get the pic.. Well, I saw another couple getting engaged and I kind of grabbed him and was like " I wish you would do that" and he said " Oh, okay, you do"? And he pulled it out of his pocket ;) We got married in April 2007 & we have two boys. 4 and 1. I actually was pregnant with my two boys two of the times we went. I am slowly rubbing off on him :) Cant wait to read more!!
What happened with ours was.... We went with my dad and brother and sister in December of 2005. They were kind of on our nerves so we went off to do our own thing. I remember going to Splash Mountain but it was busy and my now DH said- let's just walk around. Well, we walked through castle ( Oh yeah, it was raining out so I looked a mess).. His jacket, jeans rolled up to my knees, rainbows, hair not cute... You get the pic.. Well, I saw another couple getting engaged and I kind of grabbed him and was like " I wish you would do that" and he said " Oh, okay, you do"? And he pulled it out of his pocket ;) We got married in April 2007 & we have two boys. 4 and 1. I actually was pregnant with my two boys two of the times we went. I am slowly rubbing off on him :) Cant wait to read more!!

THATS AWESOME!! Sounds perfect!! Your boys are so lucky to have such great parents!
Chapter Three: MGM Fun and Osborne Lights
Thursday, December 6, 2012

We made our way to the lighthouse, which is one of my favorite monuments in the World! MK has the castle, DHS has the hat, Epcot has SSE, AK has the Tree of Life, and the Yacht and Beach Club has the Lighthouse!



So perfect! We waited for a boat to come, me being super excited to get to Hollywood Studios! Disney boats are my favorite form of Disney transportation! ...With the monorail a close second of course :)!


The boat rides are just so peaceful even if you're standing up, its so much better than buses! We finally made it to Hollywood and took in the sights!




We made our way down Sunset Blvd. Note: Brett did not go on Tower of Terror our last trip. He had gone on it when he was little and hated every minute of it LOL. So on the months leading up to this trip I kept asking him, "soooo how bout that Tower of Terror." He told me he would go on it and I thought he would chicken out BUT HE DIDN'T! We rode it and had a blast! He was freaking out at the part when you move forward but I talked to him the whole time "you're okay!" Unfortunately we did not buy a picture because we were in the back and someone in front had put their hands up (hate that :furious:).



We got a Fastpass for RNRC then made our way toward the Great Movie Ride. Brett had never been on this and he ended up thinking it was stupid but its such a classic! I love it!


We then went toward Toy Story Mania and knew it was going to be an unimaginable wait. We checked it out and it was an hour and a half...errrr. We decided to go check out The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow! I didn't read anything online about it because I didn't want to ruin it, but unfortunately I wish I read more, we didn't like it at all! Captain Jack himself was really cool but other than that when it was done we both said to each other "that's it!?" Luckily we only waited about 20 minutes for it. It was good to see it, but we probably will not "walk through" it again! :confused3

It looks pretty B-A from the outside but ... no dice :(.




^Me upset about wasting a half hour lol!

We went to the Backlot Express bar area and got some adult beverages! I got a Pina Colada and Brett got a Beer :)! We enjoyed our drinks then it was time to use our Fast Pass for our favorite ride! I could literally ride RNRC over and over! The beginning gives me such a rush thats inexplainable! My Dad loves Aerosmith so we always use the line "Chris, can you grab my black Les Paul" like ALL THE TIME, had to get a picture for my dad.



Love it! :rotfl:

We were cutting it really close to 6PM when we left RNRC and we booked it to the lights! It was probably 6:08 and we were like "nope we missed them, nope we missed them." We turned the corner and THEY HADN'T BEEN PUT ON YET! YESS!! We waited about two more minutes then HALLELUJAH!!

PERFECTION :hyper:!!!




I got an iPhone 5 strictly for panoramic shots of this!



After a half hour of my jaw on the ground we made our way toward the exit/ boats to get to Epcot for our dinner reservation!

Up Next: My Favorite Restaurant!
I love your outfit! And those shoes are so cute and go perfect!

Yay for Brett riding ToT!

What do you do at the Capt. Jack Sparrow attraction? I don't know anything about it!

The Backlot Express has a bar area?! Wow, we need to find that!


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