Disney Photo Session PART II

Here is the link to our session. I am still on the fence. They aren't as bad as I expected them, but they aren't great. There are definately some I could use. You can definately tell when my 5 year old was done taking pics. That's not their fault. I do NOT think that it's worth the amount of money. We had a 1 hour session with Mike and Pedro September 16th, 2011. The best shots were done in the first 20 mins. I ordered the cd but they forgot to send it. I also just got the email last night at about 10pm. If it asks its Vose Family and 1971 for the log in and password. Have a great day Dis friends. :thumbsup2


Thanks for sharing your pics - I think they came out great:goodvibes. The ones of the girls on the red sofa are very cute!
If it prompts you with a email and name just use your own personal email and name, it doesn't take your info and its not tied to my account.

Yes, the hour was too long for our 5 year old. I also didn't anticipate it being 90+ degrees that day. I think what I am most upset with...and it's my own fault, is I wanted some background of the board walk and things that make you know it's been done at beach club. I should have asked for more specifics but I just assumed the photographer would know some of the coolest spots to shoot. I explained that in the beginning. Oh well, we got some usable shots and will do things differently next time. Thanks for the input and nice compliments guys. :lovestruc
If it prompts you with a email and name just use your own personal email and name, it doesn't take your info and its not tied to my account.

Yes, the hour was too long for our 5 year old. I also didn't anticipate it being 90+ degrees that day. I think what I am most upset with...and it's my own fault, is I wanted some background of the board walk and things that make you know it's been done at beach club. I should have asked for more specifics but I just assumed the photographer would know some of the coolest spots to shoot. I explained that in the beginning. Oh well, we got some usable shots and will do things differently next time. Thanks for the input and nice compliments guys. :lovestruc

First of all, your pictures are incredible. I guess you, having paid for it, would be more critical than we are but I have to say I am really impressed with all the shots! :thumbsup2 The only reason I didn't and possible won't book the one hour session is because there are only two of us which means we move quite quickly and are able to get a good number of photos in our 20 minute session.

I must admit, and just remembered this when I read your last post, I did ask for more inside this year. We had the first few taken on the staircase at the GF and then went outside. When the photographer was done, I asked if we could have a couple more done inside and she was quite happy to go back and do these. I think one thing I have learnt from doing 2 sessions now is that it helps to know or at least have an idea of anything specific you want. I purposely just let her carry on with the shoot and put my requests in at the end as I didn't want to lose time back tracking when it was clear that we were set up to spend the rest of the session outside. I guess we live and learn, but again, your photos are stunning and there are definitely some enlargement and framing worthy ones in there. I love the ones of the girls on the couch :thumbsup2 They are so serene and natural.
I am so torn now....
rjvose, diane and sweetpea-Thank you so much!!! Those pictures are all beautiful, thanks for sharing. You all have lovely families.

After reading much of this thread, I contacted an outside wedding photographer, but now after looking at these photos, I don't know what to do, they're gorgeous. And, we're pretty picky!(we're close friends with 2 of the most highly rated photog's in the nyc area, so we are pretty prejudice about this :)) But I have to admit, these pics were better than I thought they'd be. You guys should be proud.
We are at the BC now & my DD17 had her photo shoot pics done yesterday here @ the BC for her senior pics. We chose to do 2 (20 min) mini sessions. Saved $100 & got the CD within an hour after the session. We viewed the pics on our laptop & I can tell u that they came out BEAUTIFUL. She wanted all shots outside & the photographer we got, Alicia, was excellent with her. She got some great shots on the beach, on the ship (slide) capturing the lighthouse in the background, around the flower beds...all really pretty. All in all we got 58 shots....well worth every cent (IMO). When I get home this weekend, I'll try to upload a couple (if I can figure out how...lol).
I just got my email with the link to our portraits. O.M.G. They are so good. I thought our portraits from our MK shoot back in December '07 were good but this is like a whole different ballgame of great. I'm sooooo beyond glad we did this. Truly.

Yes, my hair was frizzing which I look at the pics and see it but the pictures are so beautiful it just doesn't matter. At all. I'm really impressed because we were all sweating some kinda bad. Every time Dean asked us to get close to each other or **gasp** touch each other is was a moment of "eeeewwww" and giggles. I'd put my hand on the hubby's back and it was soaked. Say it with me: "eeeeeeeewwwwww".... :laughing:

Anywhoo, here's the link. Username is: Sutton Family. Password is: 1971.

I hope this puts some minds at ease. I really really really do completely love and adore our portraits. So amazing. :lovestruc:love::cloud9:

Your pictures are beautiful!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
We are doing the 1 hour session in November with the entire family. Fingers crossed that it goes well with 5 adults & 4 kids!!
Here is the link to our session. I am still on the fence. They aren't as bad as I expected them, but they aren't great. There are definately some I could use. You can definately tell when my 5 year old was done taking pics. That's not their fault. I do NOT think that it's worth the amount of money. We had a 1 hour session with Mike and Pedro September 16th, 2011. The best shots were done in the first 20 mins. I ordered the cd but they forgot to send it. I also just got the email last night at about 10pm. If it asks its Vose Family and 1971 for the log in and password. Have a great day Dis friends. :thumbsup2


Your pics are great & your little ones are sooooo cute! Thx for sharing!
2 tiggies, Scarlet, and Princess.......

Thanks so much for giving me your honest opinion on our pics. I am truly the worst critic because I HATE having my picture taken. I'm really bad to the point of this was the first session we have ever done as a family. Also your talking to the girl that when we went to Discovery Cove and did the dolphin swim, upon seeing myself in the pics of the water with the dolphin I just hid in the locker room the entire day. It sounds ridiculous but it's truly a flaw that I have :confused3. So with that said it's really nice to here that from total strangers that arent just trying to make you feel better. I really appreciate it! :love:
Here is the link to our session. I am still on the fence. They aren't as bad as I expected them, but they aren't great. There are definately some I could use. You can definately tell when my 5 year old was done taking pics. That's not their fault. I do NOT think that it's worth the amount of money. We had a 1 hour session with Mike and Pedro September 16th, 2011. The best shots were done in the first 20 mins. I ordered the cd but they forgot to send it. I also just got the email last night at about 10pm. If it asks its Vose Family and 1971 for the log in and password. Have a great day Dis friends. :thumbsup2


Oh my! Your girls are adorable! You're gorgeous! And hello! Hubba-hubba on that old man ya got there! ;) Beautiful pictures. I thought there were tons of wonderful shots there. Even the ones where your littlest one was doing what us grown-ups generally refer to as "not cooperating", those are just as important to have. Years from now think of the fun you can have with those! They capture a moment in your lives that you can't go back and do again. Love it for all it's flaws.

2 tiggies, Scarlet, and Princess.......

Thanks so much for giving me your honest opinion on our pics. I am truly the worst critic because I HATE having my picture taken. I'm really bad to the point of this was the first session we have ever done as a family. Also your talking to the girl that when we went to Discovery Cove and did the dolphin swim, upon seeing myself in the pics of the water with the dolphin I just hid in the locker room the entire day. It sounds ridiculous but it's truly a flaw that I have :confused3. So with that said it's really nice to here that from total strangers that arent just trying to make you feel better. I really appreciate it! :love:

I totally hear ya, girl! I'm the exact same way. I can look at just about every picture I'm in from our shoot and find something I don't like. It's really hard for me to accept images of myself. I'm just not a naturally photogenic person. Pairing that with my crazy vain side and it's just a recipe for disaster. Over the years I've gotten where I just have fun with the moment whenever someone is taking a pic. If I want a nice smile I try to think of things that make me laugh. Laughter produces the nicest smiles. Then there's always those what-the-heck shots. I try to embrace those, too. Like in our photoshoot towards the end there's a shot where I'm looking off from the camera and have a really irritated expression. Yeah, I call this my "What are you lookin' at?!" shot. Just have fun with it. I look at all those pictures when your little one wasn't loving the camera anymore and think of all the funny captions that can go with them. Great stuff to have! Next time you get pictures done I bet you'll be looking back laughing...and your new shots will be all the better for it! :goodvibes
Sounds like we all have camera lens phobia and unnecessary self criticism ;) That is just all the more reason to buy the CD with digital images .... at least if we get desperate we can (or can get someone able to) Photoshop us gorgeous :lmao:

It is true what they say: we are always our own worst critics!
It won't let me in. It is asking for email and first name :sad1:

I think longer sessions are a particular challenge with children as they really do lose interest after a while. My problem is that my DD loves the camera and prefers not to have to share the limelight with me :rotfl:

You did the one hour session didn't you? I know that costs a lot more than the 20 minute one we did and I have to admit, I would expect more from an hour session than I do from our basic 20 minute sessions. The advantage with the basic session is that you get the CD the next day. I purposely booked ours halfway through our stay so I could check the photos and if need be, get back to them BEFORE we left if I wasn't happy. Unfortunately with having to wait that long for the sessions you did, it is not an option

We did a 20 minutes session in May and a 1 hour session in August. My kids are 5 yo and we had way better photos with the 1 hour session. I would say my girls were getting tired of it about the time that our 1 hour session finished. At the end of the session the photographer mentionned that it's easier to get better photos when the 1 hour session is taken because they can go to several locations while with the 20 minutes, they usually only go to 2 locations if time permit and kids cooperate.
here's our photos from our 1 hour session. It was an interesting photoshot has we were a party of 8.
http://www.collages.net/consumersite/clientspecificpages/disney/login_disneyeventgroup.aspx Cunha family password once again being 1971. I guess it's the standard password for everyone LOL Our photos were taken at the Poly on August 26 at 9am. We received our cd and photobook with all the photos yesterday.

Great pics! Gorgeous! The little girl without the glasses seems to be your character of the 3. We had fun watching her as the pictures progressed. Loooove the hammock shots! And the 3 girls on the swing were oh-so sweet. Thanks so much for sharing your link!

Your shoot was on 8/26 and you juuuust got your cd & photobook?! Yikes! I'm holding off posting my trip report (on another fan site) for the portrait cd so I can include the pictures. Ugh! Geez! Gonna be a late report! Oh well.
Oh! I think I forgot to come back and update here! Duh! I called last week to check on the wherabouts of our cd & proof booklet. I was told that those generally arrive 2-3 weeks after the link. As of yesterday (10/25) neither had arrived yet. Remember, my shoot was on 9/11. I also asked what size the photos on the cd are ideal for producing. I was told that the resolution was optimal for up to 8x12. Not what I was hoping to hear but I'm not surprised and still feel the value of the cd at $50 is there to be able to have prints done up to that size. My problem is that when we did our portraits in 2007 we ordered 3 or 4 that were mounted on foam board: 1 was the signature castle shot in like a 24x30 and the others in I think 16x20. I had a price list for the mounted portraits sent to me. The current prices to order these from Disney are similar to what we paid in 2007:

30" x 40" $400
24" x 30" $275
20" x 24" $225
16" x 20" $165
11" x 14" $120

All portraits are professionally mounted and suitable for framing. Artist’s canvas portraits are an additional 50%.

*Portraits include basic retouching. Basic retouching will diminish the effects of lines, spots, glare on glasses, and minor facial blemishes. Retouching is available for $75 per hour, with a minimum charge of one (1) hour.

Estimates available upon request.

All prices do not include Florida state sales tax and are subject to change.

I know I'm going to order a signature family shot with SSE in the background in the same size as the biggest family shot from 2007. I also think I'll order one of the boys and one of the hubby & me in the 16x20. Now I just gotta figure out how to break it to the old man that I'm gonna spend another $605+tax on portraits. :rolleyes1

My friend from Newfoundland said she thinks she was told that there was a higher resolution cd available for another larger amount of moolah but I forgot to ask last time I called. I don't know if that's true or not. I'll go email and ask.
Thanks for sharing 3pletprincesses! Your family is beautiful! Your little one without the classes really reminds me of my youngest daughter with some of the faces that were made! LOL I think you got some great shots and lots of them. Who was your photographer? I think that's my biggest concern was our photographer was so worried about the heat and didn't want to move around much so we didn't get many shots. Im overall happy with ours so im not going to call and complain but if we do it again, I'd do it totally different. Thanks again! :banana:
Thanks for sharing 3pletprincesses! Your family is beautiful! Your little one without the classes really reminds me of my youngest daughter with some of the faces that were made! LOL I think you got some great shots and lots of them. Who was your photographer? I think that's my biggest concern was our photographer was so worried about the heat and didn't want to move around much so we didn't get many shots. Im overall happy with ours so im not going to call and complain but if we do it again, I'd do it totally different. Thanks again! :banana:

Both times I've done portrait shoots at WDW (2007 & 2011) before getting started our photographer asked us what we were looking for or wanted in our portraits. The first time I wasn't sure what to ask for. I just said we wanted pictures of the family then different combinations of the 4 of us. I specified I wanted a good family shot with the castle behind us. That's exactly what we got. Posed family shots with attention to the family shot with the castle. This time when I was asked that question I was more detailed in what I wanted. I asked for a few traditional family shots but to mix in candid-type stuff, too. I explained it was our 18th anniversary so we wanted pics of the hubby & I together. I also asked for at least 1 good family shot with SSE included to go with the castle shot from 2007. I thought it was cool that our photographer, Dean, asked me a lot of questions about that castle shot we had. He said he was trying to think how he wanted to set that one up so it would compliment the other picture well. I think knowing how to describe what it is I want helped a lot to improve my overall satisfaction with my photo shoot this time.

Above where you said you'd do it totally different really struck a chord with me. I did do it different this time vs. last time and it made a big difference in getting the kind of portraits I had envisioned. I always look at my first time doing anything as my learning experience; portrait shoots included! :thumbsup2
I've looked over the photos and most I see are just gorgeous. I think whats holding me back is what if I get that one photg thats just not good...
I had photopass shots done 2 yrs ago, and let me tell you-I'm glad I have the pics, but the quality isn't there. But thats what I'd expect for photopass, so its fine.
But this-no, I don't expect that. If I hire an off site photog, at least I can see his prior work and there's somewhat of a guarantee.
I just keep thinking, perhaps the disney photogs know the resorts better, for good shots...and if we want to we can do a park session...


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