Discovering Another Mad Dash (Oct 14): Heading Home and Finally finishing this TR #1523 (05/03)

I am glad DS liked CuriOdyssey, I remember loving places like this when I was young.

I also love the pictures of the otters, I could watch them play all day.

I have never had a custard bun! The only thing I can think off that is similar is Krispy Kreme custard filled donuts. Is it a similar taste?
...oh su-u-u-u-ure, make me BEG FOR THE BACON.

I've been watching how much sugar I dole out on the TR. Why do you think BACON is gonna be any different? moved to SIBERIA??!??! :eek:

Worse! I'm at the or(i)f-fice

I am glad DS liked CuriOdyssey, I remember loving places like this when I was young.

I also love the pictures of the otters, I could watch them play all day.

I have never had a custard bun! The only thing I can think off that is similar is Krispy Kreme custard filled donuts. Is it a similar taste?

The custard bun is served warm. If you've ever been to Yum Cha (or Dim Sum), it is the custard version of the steamed pork buns. If you haven't been to Yum Cha....

...then yes. A warm KK custard filled donut is close enough. :lmao:

Are you really that schocked?

It's just Kimmar being....Kimmar! :rotfl:
Love the TR, especially love those otter pics! Now stop working and hurry up and update us .... really what is more important!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Heading into Downtown

There’s a song that the great Tony Bennett sings …..

I left my heart in San Francisco

High on a hill…it calls to me

To be where little cable cars

Run half way past the stars

The morning fog may chill the air

I don’t care

My heart waits there in San Franciso

Above the blue and windy sea

When I come home to you San Francisco

Your golden sun will shine for me

My love affair with San Francisco is a very long-standing affair. As you can see from the above collection of photos that were previously taken on different trips, it is somewhere that I visit a fair bit.

Because of the way the hire cars worked out, DS and I had opted to drive around the Silicon Valley area for the last two days. Today….well, today was the day I would go searching for my heart. I was impatient and excited to be back in the San Francisco downtown area. It is an understatement to say that a large chunk of my heart resides in this city. I was sadly reminded why I haven’t move heaven and earth to physically live here this last week. I prefer to live where the earth stays relatively calm and without movement. Suffice to say that if the San Andreas Fault line were not where it is, I would be living in San Francisco right now.

This morning, we all got up when the alarm went off. DH headed off earlier and DS and I stayed in the room for a bit longer before finally figuring out it was safe to venture to the breakfast room.


Finally, a shot of breakfast!…and more bacon, for that bacon lover amongst us.

But DS and I were in a bit of a rush this morning; so we gulped down breakfast and headed for the nearest train depot.


We got on our train….


…I looked out the landscape with interest. Seems like there is a bit of construction happening around San Mateo county.



Hopefully, I’ll get to find out what has been built in a future trip.

We eventually got into the Downtown area. The Caltrain station is located at 4th and King Street in San Francisco. This used to be quite a rundown side of the downtown, but it has been significantly cleaned up in the last 5 years.



From here, we can either catch the Muni light rail or bus into the various tourist spots of San Francisco. And after a quick conference with one of the station masters at the Caltrain station, we decided to hop on the No 47, the quickest way to get to our destination.

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(Continued from Previous Post)

Pier 39

The number 47 MUNI bus takes us all the way from the Caltrain station, down Van Ness to here.


Yes, our chosen destination for today was non-other than….


We got there at about 10.30 in the morning and it was obviously a weekday. Look how quiet it was.


Even the sea lions were MIA.


We watched the couple of sea lions for a bit…


…and despite these two jostling for position on the same platform (Why?? Look at the amount of real estate out there!...They kept pushing the other off the platform)....


....there really wasn’t a lot of action on this side of the Pier.

DS was eager to move on to the other side of the Pier.


I pushed him into the shop selling sporting memorabilia. The bacon shot this morning had reminded me of a certain Dis-er and there was just little bits of reminders everywhere this morning of that Dis-ers…..


(yes…I KNOW you’re reading out there! J-E-T-S….and they didn’t win!)

In actual fact, I was looking for cardinals.


Time to keep moving…


…when DS saw something that caught his eye.


Snack time! It’s been a while since I last doled out any sugar, and seeing that Kimmar got bacon this morning, it only seems fair that I dole some out today.



We opted for the frozen yoghurt and extras. Yummy! They just don't make yoghurt like that in Oz.

We kept heading down the Pier….


….. trying hard to bump into someone….anyone!


But really, it was a slow morning at the Pier.

The Pier Market restaurant is usually a favourite lunch spot for us. We normally snag a window seat, get the soup and salad lunch whilst watching the sea lions playing with the bridge in the background.


But not today!

We kept on walking to the back of the pier.

..where DS remarkably chose NOT to go on this long time favourite.


We headed on right to the back and admired the rock.


I get seasick just looking at waves…but I was rather amused by this vessel..


I figure if there was another couple of pounds on that vessel, they would probably be swimming!


We headed into a couple more shops at the Pier, finding lots of interesting things to look at; but nothing that we wanted to buy.

But I did bump into more presidential related items.


And with that, it was time to head out for lunch.

p.s. I hope you like the extra WIDE angle in some of the pictures in this post...:rolleyes1

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(Continued from Previous Post)

Fisherman’s Wharf and another DisBoard winner

Our normal lunch spots at Pier 39 are either the Pier Market or Neptune’s Palace. We pick one or the other, not because the food is particularly outstanding, but because the views are sensational. At the Pier Market we get to see the sea lions and the bridge. At Neptune’s, we see the Rock and the bridge.

Today….well… was a little different.

DS and I kept walking down Fisherman’s Wharf proper.


We stopped to look at the seafood sellers.


One of them saw me looking and gave me a close up of the chowder.


DS was growling about being hungry by this stage and was wondering why we hadn’t stopped off to eat at Pier 39 like we normally do.

I had a different destination in mind. You see - Skier_Pete had given me a tip on my PTR….Eat.At.Scoma’s.

I had googled Scoma’s at home and it seemed like it was somewhere in the midst of Fisherman’s Wharf. But where was it?


D’Oh! Take a look at that Orange sign!

It was down a pier…


…and off-off the tourist drag.


Well, maybe not so off-off; but it seemed a world away from the tourist traps and cheap souveniers along the Wharf.
We walked down the pier and I was instantly enchanted by the mosaic. I love looking at street art!


Scoma seemed a bit more upmarket than the other restaurants at the wharf; and with prices to match.

But I had noticed that there was a lunch special….


So, we left our name and waited for it to be called. We were told it would be about 10 minutes…despite the restaurant being completely empty!

But for once, I didn’t mind the wait…..

..because…..look what was hanging around here!


Here were the sea lions; just enjoying the sunny winter’s day. I figured that the temperatures were low to mid 60's; practically boiling by San Francisco standards!




And somewhere here, I found my heart and left another chunk of it behind. Yes, I know that I was in the midst of touristville – but that’s what San Francisco does to me. It just sneaks up when I least expect it to and just reminds me why I love it so much.

The 10 minutes just whizzed on by and we heard our names called in a relatively short time.

We had been allocated a great table…..


…with a view.


Our waiter brought us some bread and breadsticks.


Someone sure was hungry!

I decided on the soup and salad lunch special and DS was ordered off the Kids menu.

The food?

My clam chowder was great! It was creamy, full of clams and had a delightful depth of flavour.


The serving size was probably a tad on the small side; but that was the only complaint I had. Given how dreamy it was, I reckon they could have brought me the entire pot and I would still have complained about the serving size.

My waitress recommended the Dungeness crab salad.


This entrée was breathtaking in its simplicity and crisp flavours. The crab was beautifully cooked and the dressing had the right amount of acidity and sweetness to it.

DS got the Fish and Chips


He finished the chips and left a bit of fish behind. For a kid’s meal, the serving size was enormous!

I decided on a coffee to finish; before getting the bill. The soup and salad was $17, the kid’s meal was about $8, coffee and tips for a total of $32. Given the quality of the food, I had no complaints.

And this was the first restaurant on this trip where we got peppermint with our bill!


And the DisBoard wins again! I have yet to be given a bad recommendation from a fellow Dis-er.
Skier_Pete – thanks for the tip. I reckon we found ourselves a new lunch favourite for the next time!

After lunch, we meandered back to the main drag….




…where DS was faced with a rather perplexing choice to make!


[Up Next – Our ding dong afternoon]
Loved your intro, and of course, your beautiful pics! Can't wait 'til the next installment!
Princess, I was only away from the boards for a week and you post so many photos!!! In seriousness, I love the way you write with so much humour. And I find it extra incredible that you manage to put in so many photos. It really does help "paint the picture" for us readers. Your post has also reminded me how much I love San Francisco.

Your photos are great by the way. The food photos are getting better and better! I still remember when we both first stated with the 1st scavenger hunt...
Wow! I love reading your trip report! You are making it very interesting to read. Good Job! I need more though.... :lmao:
Wow what a beautiful day. It is so much fun to take the train. I like that so much better that driving. I loved the look of that salad. Now I am hungry. I havent even had breakfast or my coffee. I will keep that new resturant in mind. I love all the pics. I love frozen yogurt too. Yummy.
Hey....back from Lake Tahoe / Phoenix, AZ. Glad to see Scoma's worked out! When I was reading your post and saw you went stomache knotted up...I would've felt terrible if it hadn't been any good! Not that it wasn't fantastic when we went, but It's been 9 years now since I last ate there. The first time was 20+ years ago, so I'm glad to hear they are still serving great seafood! :thumbsup2 Definitely upscale. I remember paying like $30 a meal there 10 years ago for dinner. I have a hard time spending that now.

I think I've said it before - San Fran is in my top 3 North American cities...or at least the only 3 cities in North America I can stand. (I'm so not a city boy.) While I can't say I would want to live there, I wish I could visit more than I do!
I can't tell you how many times I've eaten here! :rotfl2: Some of the best meals of my life!


I can tell you how many times I've eaten here....once....but it was one of the best $200 lunches I've ever had in my life! :rotfl2: I think the fact that Fran ordered the $59 appetizer serving of abalone helped, not to mention we arrived opening day of Dungeness Crab Season, "give us a whole one of those, oh yes and another round of drinks for the table". Not to mention soup, chowda, dessert.... :rolleyes1

You have reminded me about leaving my heart in San Francisco... can't wait for more.

You are helping formulate a holiday plan in my little head. Thanks Princess in Oz.
Looks like you had a fun day, I can't wait to take Adam to Fishermans Wharf. I am sure he will love it. I love seeing the sea lions, I was young when I went but I remember those platforms being completely packed with sea lions. Looking forward to reading more.
Loved your intro, and of course, your beautiful pics! Can't wait 'til the next installment!

Thanks Tiggrbaby. It's such a beautiful song and a beautiful city....

Princess, I was only away from the boards for a week and you post so many photos!!! In seriousness, I love the way you write with so much humour. And I find it extra incredible that you manage to put in so many photos. It really does help "paint the picture" for us readers. Your post has also reminded me how much I love San Francisco.

Your photos are great by the way. The food photos are getting better and better! I still remember when we both first stated with the 1st scavenger hunt...

Welcome back Shushh. Thanks. Well....are you heading to SF in September?

Wow! I love reading your trip report! You are making it very interesting to read. Good Job! I need more though.... :lmao:

Thanks and Welcome! Sadly, I don't have very many days left! ....

.... I need more holidays! :laughing:

Wow what a beautiful day. It is so much fun to take the train. I like that so much better that driving. I loved the look of that salad. Now I am hungry. I havent even had breakfast or my coffee. I will keep that new resturant in mind. I love all the pics. I love frozen yogurt too. Yummy.

Going to the Downtown area by the Caltrain is one of the highlights of staying in Silicon Valley. Both DS and I love the trip.

Hey....back from Lake Tahoe / Phoenix, AZ. Glad to see Scoma's worked out! When I was reading your post and saw you went stomache knotted up...I would've felt terrible if it hadn't been any good! Not that it wasn't fantastic when we went, but It's been 9 years now since I last ate there. The first time was 20+ years ago, so I'm glad to hear they are still serving great seafood! :thumbsup2 Definitely upscale. I remember paying like $30 a meal there 10 years ago for dinner. I have a hard time spending that now.

I think I've said it before - San Fran is in my top 3 North American cities...or at least the only 3 cities in North America I can stand. (I'm so not a city boy.) While I can't say I would want to live there, I wish I could visit more than I do!

Welcome back. Scoma's worked out great. And I think there is definitely a regular set of clients that visit the restaurant. We sat next to a group of 5 people and.....not that I was evesdropping.... it seemed like they go to Scoma's every 2 weeks to catch up.

How was the skiing? I'm so jealous...I would love to ski Tahoe.

I can't tell you how many times I've eaten here! :rotfl2: Some of the best meals of my life!


I can tell you how many times I've eaten here....once....but it was one of the best $200 lunches I've ever had in my life! :rotfl2: I think the fact that Fran ordered the $59 appetizer serving of abalone helped, not to mention we arrived opening day of Dungeness Crab Season, "give us a whole one of those, oh yes and another round of drinks for the table". Not to mention soup, chowda, dessert.... :rolleyes1


I don't think I've eaten at Alioto's. I keep looking at it...and the prices....and looking at those outside stalls. No prizes for guessing which one wins. I'm happy to eat in restaurants away from those outside stalls. It must be the proximity that does it!

You have reminded me about leaving my heart in San Francisco... can't wait for more.

You are helping formulate a holiday plan in my little head. Thanks Princess in Oz.

Glad to help. I guess I'll be looking forward to reading your TR and seeing what you decided to do.

Looks like you had a fun day, I can't wait to take Adam to Fishermans Wharf. I am sure he will love it. I love seeing the sea lions, I was young when I went but I remember those platforms being completely packed with sea lions. Looking forward to reading more.

Those platforms are usually packed with sea lions in summer. I've been in winter twice before and I think it was equally as empty for at least one of those two occassions.

Thanks for reading everyone. I really appreciate seeing your posts on this TR. It gives me the incentive to keep going! :)

Welcome back. Scoma's worked out great. And I think there is definitely a regular set of clients that visit the restaurant. We sat next to a group of 5 people and.....not that I was evesdropping.... it seemed like they go to Scoma's every 2 weeks to catch up.

How was the skiing? I'm so jealous...I would love to ski Tahoe.

Skiing was incredible. They had gotten 79" of snow a few days before we got there. (That's 200 cm for those non-US folks!) We had two absolutely gorgeous days. The views from Heavenly are unparallelled to anything in the world IMHO. I will post pix on my current TR thread in a few days...
....boy, oh boy, that ice cream that your DS is eating sure does look dee-LISH!! :hyper: ....and BTW, it's CHOWWWWWW-dah....:rotfl:

["Jay - Eee - Tee - Esss, JETS, JETS, JETS!"] ;)


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