Disboutiquers Part 9 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew CLOSED/MOVED

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Oops...quoted the wrong thing. Just wanted to Ash just said that she NEEDS to have that cake for her 6th bday!!! Too bad we'll be at Disney for her 6th bday :ssst: so she'll have to settle for a Disney cake.

SO, who is going and would be my friend if I took Dallas by myself? I put in the dates 7-14 but I am sure we would stay through the weekend. I preferred the 13-20th, but I think most are going sooner.

I'm staying at POP (6th-9th). Happy to help!

Don't give up hope. I work with a woman that was told she'd have children on her own (and you know what I mean). She had to have her daughter invitro. While on the pill, she found out unexpected, that she was pregnant. She and her husband were so happy with the unexpected surprise! A little boy.

Just wanted to 2nd this. After having cancer and being diagnosed with PCOS, I was told that I would definately need fertility treatments to conceive. But Ash got here the old fashioned way!

I booked the 7th -14th. Trying to appease my husband without stretching his vacation and giving him his rest day when we get home. You know, if he even goes!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Hey parents - I need suggestions. I got an email from Zoe's teacher today that Zoe said "s**t" in class today. The teacher said it seemed to be an accident but I still feel like an awful mother. I try to be very careful of what I say most of the time but I know I let the word slip out sometimes - like when the sewing isn't going as planned. :headache:. What's worse is I scolded Zoe last night for the same thing - she was "sewing" something that wasn't working right and the word slipped out. I think I feel worse because these do seem to be accidents which means she's familiar enough with the word for it to slip out unintentionally.

Any suggestions on good deterrents? I'm trying to come up with an incremental set of consequences for such slippage.

As hard as it is, I would let it go. I'm sure the teacher dealt with it at school. Other than to back the teacher up and remind her that we don't use words like that, I actually wouldn't punish her for it since it honestly was slip. I find it find it better to let things like that go. Now, if it becomes a habit...a swear jar works nicely!!!
Hugs to you...How about a bad word jar. When she gets caught saying a bad word she has to put a dollar (or a set amount) in the jar. Granted DD is a bit younger, but giving up $$ would set her straight pretty quick.

Poor girl doesn't have much money because I've had to borrow it and forget to pay her back. We haven't started an allowance yet but I think it's time so we have the option of losing money - I think that could work as good incentive.

Hugs! I know that slips out of my mouth sometimes and Kadie has said it on occasion. :guilty: It's hard to not make an issue of it but if you do then she really remembers the word. I know someone will come along with some advice for you.

As hard as it is, I would let it go. I'm sure the teacher dealt with it at school. Other than to back the teacher up and remind her that we don't use words like that, I actually wouldn't punish her for it since it honestly was slip. I find it find it better to let things like that go. Now, if it becomes a habit...a swear jar works nicely!!!

I think if she hadn't said the same word last night, I would have just let her know the teacher emailed about it. As it is, I didn't make a big deal of it other than to try to get her to realize she could get in a lot of trouble at school if it continues to happen. Of course I also stressed it's not OK to say it at home, either, but I think it's understandable if the school is tougher on some things than I might be at home since I'm only dealing with only one child while her teacher has 18+.
Poor girl doesn't have much money because I've had to borrow it and forget to pay her back. We haven't started an allowance yet but I think it's time so we have the option of losing money - I think that could work as good incentive.

I think if she hadn't said the same word last night, I would have just let her know the teacher emailed about it. As it is, I didn't make a big deal of it other than to try to get her to realize she could get in a lot of trouble at school if it continues to happen. Of course I also stressed it's not OK to say it at home, either, but I think it's understandable if the school is tougher on some things than I might be at home since I'm only dealing with only one child while her teacher has 18+.

I am not going to even act like I don't sound like a sailor somtimes...I grew up on a construction site pretty much and have worked in consturction industry my whole life...it is a terrible habit, and I don't do it much in front of the kids, but it slips. That being said...Katie too it upon herself to let it slip a few times within a few days...after the third time she had her mouth washed out with soap...don't call DSS!!! I made her stick out her tounge and with a bar of soap I put it on her tounge...SHE HATED IT! Has not slipped anymore since then...she actually tells me I'm going to get the same treatment!:lmao: Good luck!
I am not going to even act like I don't sound like a sailor somtimes...I grew up on a construction site pretty much and have worked in consturction industry my whole life...it is a terrible habit, and I don't do it much in front of the kids, but it slips. That being said...Katie too it upon herself to let it slip a few times within a few days...after the third time she had her mouth washed out with soap...don't call DSS!!! I made her stick out her tounge and with a bar of soap I put it on her tounge...SHE HATED IT! Has not slipped anymore since then...she actually tells me I'm going to get the same treatment!:lmao: Good luck!

We have done soap and hot sauce for the "really bad" word. I made the mistake of letting my then niece-in-law watch Zoe for a few hours each week. Zoe picked it up from her. After the 3rd time she said it, we put a bar of soap to her tongue (but hey, it was from WDW so it couldn't be THAT bad, right? :rotfl: ). The next time it was a drop of taco sauce - mild but still spicier than she's used to (my brother got Tabasco sauce and it worked). We haven't had a repeat... although I did have to get hot sauce on my own tongue after I slipped recently when the washer overflowed. :scared1: I wanted her to see that it's not OK even for me to use THAT word.

Hopefully, today's slip in class was enough for her to catch herself in the future.
We have done soap and hot sauce for the "really bad" word. I made the mistake of letting my then niece-in-law watch Zoe for a few hours each week. Zoe picked it up from her. After the 3rd time she said it, we put a bar of soap to her tongue (but hey, it was from WDW so it couldn't be THAT bad, right? :rotfl: ). The next time it was a drop of taco sauce - mild but still spicier than she's used to (my brother got Tabasco sauce and it worked). We haven't had a repeat... although I did have to get hot sauce on my own tongue after I slipped recently when the washer overflowed. :scared1: I wanted her to see that it's not OK even for me to use THAT word.

Hopefully, today's slip in class was enough for her to catch herself in the future.

That's funny! I used mickey soap too!!!:lmao: If she is like my kids, the embarassment will be enough to stop a bad habit too...if mine get caught doing something bad at school, they never do it again! Why doesn't that work at home? :confused3
I am not going to even act like I don't sound like a sailor somtimes...I grew up on a construction site pretty much and have worked in consturction industry my whole life...it is a terrible habit, and I don't do it much in front of the kids, but it slips. That being said...Katie too it upon herself to let it slip a few times within a few days...after the third time she had her mouth washed out with soap...don't call DSS!!! I made her stick out her tounge and with a bar of soap I put it on her tounge...SHE HATED IT! Has not slipped anymore since then...she actually tells me I'm going to get the same treatment!:lmao: Good luck!

I heard of something better than soap.... Listerine!
It's very yucky and no kid likes it and yet it's totally appropriate. It's purpose is to clean a dirty mouth and you never have to worry about being accused of being too aggressive in the punishment. I thought it was a very good idea. My kids are too little yet but I'm keeping the idea handy!:lmao:
I'm waitin' for the BIG MOVE...... I wanna post on thye first page.

Teresa and Heather-0 you'd both better be on the boards right now so I can do it! ;-)
I heard of something better than soap.... Listerine!
It's very yucky and no kid likes it and yet it's totally appropriate. It's purpose is to clean a dirty mouth and you never have to worry about being accused of being too aggressive in the punishment. I thought it was a very good idea. My kids are too little yet but I'm keeping the idea handy!:lmao:

Yep that would be good...heck that stuff burns my mouth...:lmao: Maybe you will be lucky and never have to use it!:thumbsup2
Moonksmom- you waiting for page 250 too??? You've posted lots today!!!!
Moonksmom- you waiting for page 250 too??? You've posted lots today!!!!

I had lots to catch up on! After practically no computer for the week while DH has been at home! I feel bad being on here when he is home,strange, I know! He had to go back to work tonight....but actually right now I think I will be going to bed in a few.
Well..that's it for me...goodnight! See you in the new "home" tomorrow...can somebody tag my bags so I don't have to worry with them in the morning?:goodvibes

Night all!:cloud9:
Hi Everyone,

How are you all doing? Love the creations -those leg warmers are so cute - but not sure who I'd make them for....???? I havent seen many Thanksgiving outfits this year - has anyone made any?

Does anyone have a pattern/template for the santa mickey/minnie heads?

Also, does anyone remember seeing a tote bag that was made to hold coloring books and crayons? Anyone have any pictures or a pattern?

Are any of you Black Friday Shoppers?

I'm a Black Friday Shopper! Even if I don't need to be - I'll be out there early, early with a cup of coffee in hand! Buying lots of stuff that I don't even need...
I'm a Black Friday Shopper! Even if I don't need to be - I'll be out there early, early with a cup of coffee in hand! Buying lots of stuff that I don't even need...

LOL - thats funny!! Its the thrill of the shopping that I love - although the ads arent thrilling me this year - what are you looking for?
Ok, well I guess I'm going to have to miss the move. But it's not like I have made it with the gang before!!!!:rotfl2: I have so much to pack so I'll see you all tomorrow.
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