DIS Unplugged Show Feedback and Suggestions

I don't think that is what either of us is saying at all. What I am saying, at least, is that I like both the information and the banter. And, in the past few months the banter has been a bit less than it used to be. I would enjoy a bit more of it.

I'm not out here hoping for some crazy, aimless, chit-chat show. I don't want all banter and I don't want anyone to share more than they feel comfortable. (Please don't! I'm not asking anyone to let me into their lives like a fly on the wall!) I just enjoy everyone's feelings and opinions on the topics discussed on the news and secondary segment shows.

By the time the show airs I have usually already read all the breaking news. I listen because I'm always curious what the DIS team's take on the stories are. They usually have some interesting input and angles on Disney stories that I had never considered. I listen because I like not just the topic they speak about but the way they talk about a topic that I am interested in. I enjoy that they have a diverse set of opinions and can come at things from a variety of angles. Without any banter we lose the richness of the team's points of view.
Thanks! You seemed to say way better than I did. But I second this opinion.
I'd like to see discussions and overview of some of the activities you can do outside the parks, golf,fishing, etc.

Maybe one day the team visits a park and gives a review of the experience.

I don't think I ever heard a discussion of the water parks. Maybe a show devoted to both?
I used to listen to the show back in the beginning and the last I remember was when Ferris was a baby and they would bring him to the round table and you would hear his adorable baby noises. Then I stopped listening because I didn't have a ipod and couldn't always sit at the computer and listen.
Fast forward to the summer when I started running and downloaded the podcast on my iphone. Things have changed but I think for the better. I have already given up the running thing but still keep listening to the podcast. Dustin is a great addition!

I would like to see more reviews of the counter service locations. They do change up the menus some and would like to hear how the new items taste. Also a food review by the kids. How did they like the food on the kids menu? Nothing worse than spending $$ on food just to have it tossed in the trash and then have cranky, hungry kids later.

I agree being local changes your view a bit. Have one of the adult couples and one with kids plan a 4 day onsite with dining plan trip. They would have to make adr's and plan fp+ 60 days out just like the rest of us and report back.

Keep up the great work everyone!
Ok, I seem to have missed the thread this has spun off from, but here are my thoughts:

I have been listening to the podcast since 2009 am still a listener (not a watcher) and over the last few months have been thinking about how much the podcast has changed since then. There are things I love now, but there are also things that I miss.

As many others have said, I truly miss Kevin's dining reviews and all the other reviews of activities and such. No, I don't want to listen to the 6th year in a row of what the offerings are at the Merry Very Christmas party, but the tours and other recreational opportnities would be fun. I also feel that in the past there was more information included about other things in Orlando outside of Disney. The reviews don't need to be anything spectacular like the report from the cruise on the Wonder to Alaska. Small things are interesting as well.

Often my favourite shows are the ones where someone talks about their recent trips.

At first it took me quite a time to get used to the team changing up so much from week to week. Now, I kind of like it, as new combinations bring new dynamics and make the show interesting. However, it seems that certain combinations work better than others. I have no idea how it is being determined who takes part in the show, but sometimes it feels a bit random. Maybe better planning could help?

One minor detail is that in recent podcasts there was a lot of mobile phone chimes going off in the background. It is a tiny thing, but it is really annoying if people don't silence their phones for the recording!

When the video podcast started there were a few shows where I felt that there was too much emphasis on the videos. This seems to have gotten better with recent shows.

I really enjoy listening to The Trip!

One type of show that I really found very boring where the bracket shows. Those are fun for the first round as there can be fun discussion, but then going on it became very quickly very repetetive.
It would be interesting to see someone plan a day at Disney with FP+ and someone without FP+ and compare them and see if MM+ really makes that much of a difference in your day.

I'm beginning to think that Dustin and team are starting to regret putting this thread up. Like the podcasters don't have enough to do.
It would be interesting to see someone plan a day at Disney with FP+ and someone without FP+ and compare them and see if MM+ really makes that much of a difference in your day.

I'm beginning to think that Dustin and team are starting to regret putting this thread up. Like the podcasters don't have enough to do.
I hope they don't regret it, lol but I agree he is probably overwhelmed
This is really great stuff everyone. I love the direction this thread is taking. I can't tell you all how important all of this feedback really is. I will say that some of the things mentioned we are very aware of an even in the works. Some of this stuff is a revelation to me and I can;t wait to find ways to tackle it! Thanks again!
I am so glad you posted this:)
Love the show. The team is awesome. They've gotten me through some very rough times.

My ONLY criticism is the camera blocking with the mics. You guys have GOT to fix that. On camera talent should never have any part of their face covered by a mic. Use lavaliers if you must, or move or lower the stick mics. Broadcast 101.

Otherwise keep up the good work!
I don't think that is what either of us is saying at all. What I am saying, at least, is that I like both the information and the banter. And, in the past few months the banter has been a bit less than it used to be. I would enjoy a bit more of it.

I'm not out here hoping for some crazy, aimless, chit-chat show. I don't want all banter and I don't want anyone to share more than they feel comfortable. (Please don't! I'm not asking anyone to let me into their lives like a fly on the wall!) I just enjoy everyone's feelings and opinions on the topics discussed on the news and secondary segment shows.

By the time the show airs I have usually already read all the breaking news. I listen because I'm always curious what the DIS team's take on the stories are. They usually have some interesting input and angles on Disney stories that I had never considered. I listen because I like not just the topic they speak about but the way they talk about a topic that I am interested in. I enjoy that they have a diverse set of opinions and can come at things from a variety of angles. Without any banter we lose the richness of the team's points of view.

Thanks. This is a much better explanation of your point, and quite a bit different from: "I think the main thing to keep in mind is that podcast listeners who listen long term aren't in it for the information." You make the point that you have usually already read all the breaking news. But you can't impute that to all long time listeners. I am a long time listener, and I certainly have not digested the news in advance of the podcasts. As long as the "banter" comes in the form of, or in the context of information delivery, I am all for it. I truly have no interest in listening to the podcast crew talk about decorating their homes, or discussing their personal lives, which some here seem to want more of based on comments made in other threads.
One type of show that I really found very boring where the bracket shows. Those are fun for the first round as there can be fun discussion, but then going on it became very quickly very repetetive.

Ditto on that. I think I kind of said this in my earlier comment, but while I like the idea of the "design your ideal park" and "your ideal new hotel" segments, something about them just falls flat in practice. The most recent (taking the best attractions from each park) one sounded so interesting when I saw the description, but I got bored with it very quickly due to the format of going from one person to the next choosing one attraction for each park. I think it might have been better with a less formal structure. I did love Craig being "The Commissioner" though, and WerlingWorld (hey, if it's got Figment, I'm in)!
I love the Podcast; just started listening about 2 years ago, and it truly is a highlight of my week.

To me, the most concerning issue about the show is seeming lack of interest in Disney from the founding panelists--specifically, Pete, Kevin and John. Look, I totally get that going on vacation, or immersing yourself in Disney 24/7 year after year, at some point becomes tedious, boring, and WORK. That's understandable, and human nature, and completely OK. But from a listener's perspective, especially all of us who are SO darn excited to go to Disney for the 50th, 5th or first time, that (perceived?) tedium has to be masked better. For example: Kevin and John have mentioned that they haven't been in the park for over a year: If you're talking about Disney weekly, and selling it daily, I don't think it's responsible to disengage from the product--even if you know it forwards and backwards and inside out--particularly a product that does change and evolve. For example, Kevin cannot be taken seriously for complaining about and knocking FP+ when he's never used it. He may not like it in theory and idea, but it's irresponsible reporting to allow a person to project their opinion (time and time and time again) of something if he's never experienced it and never actually used it. (Sorry Kevin--love you, but as a journalist, this bugs me; and as a fan of the show, it bugs me.)

I dunno: Sometimes it just feels like these three sit down to the table and are like, "Well, here we go talking about Disney… AGAIN…." Pete is a really great host: He's honest, he understands pacing, he moves things along, he's affable. Kevin and John are both very humorous and provide a much needed fun and light-hearted touch. So please don't mistake my comments as wishing that they wouldn't contribute. In fact, the shows the three of them are not on, or some element of them are missing, are often my least favorite. I just wish they could find their fire and passion for Disney again because I kind of think it's missing.
I didn’t want to respond to this thread until I was able to clearly define my suggestions:

  1. I love the roundtable discussions, but not when they’re focused on fantasy themes. I would love to hear more rountables about what it’s like living in a theme park mecca. What do locals enjoy? How much is WDW/ Universal a part of daily life in Orlando as far as media , advertising etc…? Can most locals afford AP’s to any theme parks? I don’t want to get into personal stuff, it’s none of my business. But I’d love to learn more about the region from a local’s perspective: are alligators a common site, how do you prepare for storms, what about the bugs? It may sound stupid , but I like to know what daily life in a region is like.

  2. I love the news segments because of your opinions. I just wish that when a topic was hot and the conversation was flowing, it didn’t get cut short for the sake of additional new stories, or rapidfires. I wish that when a topic was hot, you’d continue the conversation. This is where I think the spontaneity on the show has suffered.

  3. Finally, I agree with a lot of other posters that because you are locals, you don’t understand the frustrations experienced by tourists who only visit the area once a year. You can always return to the parks on another day, but sometimes we tourists can’t. So if there’s a glitch with MDE or FP+ , it has a pretty big effect on our vacations. I’m learning more from tips on the boards. But this remains the hottest topic on most discussion forums. So why isn’t there more discussion on the show about it? Rather than bringing a tourist onto the panel, why not discuss threads on the boards that have FP+ tips. What time is ideal for booking FP+ so that you can get more FP’s later in the day? Are FP+ ressies worth it for parades and fireworks? Explore the reserved area and how soon guests must arrive? Discuss the time the FP+ booking window opens. I’m not suggesting a weekly FP+ bashing show, but FP+ has changed the way these parks are visited and I feel like the podcast should spend more time discussing FP+ and MDE.
I'd like to see discussions and overview of some of the activities you can do outside the parks, golf,fishing, etc.

Maybe one day the team visits a park and gives a review of the experience.

I don't think I ever heard a discussion of the water parks. Maybe a show devoted to both?

I agree with this. Reviews of things besides the Parks, Restaurants, and Resorts is a great idea. I remember years ago Corey did a review of the Richard Petty Driving Experience and it was very interesting and fun. The water parks do seem to get a little neglected by the team and that's a shame considering how popular they are with many guests. Corey, as a former cast member lifeguard, should assemble and head a team to review the waterparks! That would be awesome.
but it's irresponsible reporting to allow a person to project their opinion

Reporting (facts) and projecting an opinion (not facts) are very different things.

Having a very long history of visiting Walt Disney World without having to make an appointment to ride Haunted Mansion definitely allows me the right to have the opinion that I don't like that it's now necessary.

I do not feel like I have disengaged from Disney. I have visited the parks less in the last few years, but I work with aspects of Disney daily. My vacation time is also spent with Disney. While my yearning to visit the WDW parks has waned lately, I still visit DL regularly, with several trips planned this year, travel with DCL and have visited Aulani (which has become my newest obsession).

There is Disney out there for everyone.

Also, I have never claimed to be a journalist. I claim to be opinionated and as you can see....that claim is true.
Every time I watch the shows, I always have my own commentary in my house along with my wife haha. They are so informative and hilarious. I think you should keep doing what you're doing and make changes as necessary. But I would like to see some more audience participation in some way. Like maybe every week, could be someone new to join in if possible...
Love the show. The team is awesome. They've gotten me through some very rough times.

My ONLY criticism is the camera blocking with the mics. You guys have GOT to fix that. On camera talent should never have any part of their face covered by a mic. Use lavaliers if you must, or move or lower the stick mics. Broadcast 101.

Otherwise keep up the good work!

I'd agree with the above comment. I think the lavaliers (or the boom mikes used during the road shows) are the way to go. That has an advantage in that when the speaker turns their head to face the camera or one of the other's at the round-table, the audio levels remain constant.

A second, unrelated comment: lets hear more about Aulani!!!!
What time is ideal for booking FP+ so that you can get more FP’s later in the day? Are FP+ ressies worth it for parades and fireworks? Explore the reserved area and how soon guests must arrive? Discuss the time the FP+ booking window opens. I’m not suggesting a weekly FP+ bashing show, but FP+ has changed the way these parks are visited and I feel like the podcast should spend more time discussing FP+ and MDE.
This is great stuff. In addition to doing things like "7 in 7", send your folks into the parks with the mission of exploring the different outcomes that result from a change in variables.
  • Corey booked his 3 FPs in Epcot in the afternoon. Here is what he experienced in terms of standby waits and additional FP availability
  • Craig booked his 3 FPs in Epcot first thing in the morning. Here is what he experienced in terms of standby waits and additional FP availability.
  • Dustin booked his FPs only 3 days in advance. Here is what he found to be available.
  • Julie booked a FP for the parade and Corey did not. Here is the view that Julie had. Here is what Corey found as a decent spot arriving only 30 minutes before the parade started.
This stuff would be extremely valuable to us. More so than:
  • Roundtable Member #1: "I really don't like FP+"
  • Roundtable Member #2: "Stop being the mayor of Bittertown"
Reports from soldiers at the front. That would be great. We get it at resorts. We get it at restaurants. We get it on ABD trips. But there is actually very little discussion of this on the podcasts. And given that we are now about 10 months in to one of the most game-changing roll-outs in WDW history, it should be about time to start testing the system and reporting on its limitations and benefits.
Ditto on that. I think I kind of said this in my earlier comment, but while I like the idea of the "design your ideal park" and "your ideal new hotel" segments, something about them just falls flat in practice. The most recent (taking the best attractions from each park) one sounded so interesting when I saw the description, but I got bored with it very quickly due to the format of going from one person to the next choosing one attraction for each park. I think it might have been better with a less formal structure. I did love Craig being "The Commissioner" though, and WerlingWorld (hey, if it's got Figment, I'm in)!

Oh, I think the two recent ones about the dream resort and the dream park were far better than the bracket ones! I think there was more free flow discussion and that is what I enjoy! But ultimately I think it is better to leave the the imagineering to the imagineers.

One of the things that makes the show so valuable to me, is to hear the opinions of different individuals who have all kind of different insights into Disney. Especially the aspect that some of them are people who have worked in the travel industry with a Disney focus for such a long time. I think this gives the show a very unique quality that makes it different from a typical "fan podcast". I also absolutely value that the podcasters are not afraid to be negative about things they don't like. I have always gotten the impression that everyone on there is absolutely sincere and not putting on a show. That's what makes the DISUnplugged stand out in my opinion.
How about a periodic "Cruise Podcast"? Perhaps once a month focus on DCL and what is happening with other major cruise lines? Some recent experiences, perhaps from listener comments?
Corey booked his 3 FPs in Epcot in the afternoon. Here is what he experienced in terms of standby waits and additional FP availability
  • Craig booked his 3 FPs in Epcot first thing in the morning. Here is what he experienced in terms of standby waits and additional FP availability.
  • Dustin booked his FPs only 3 days in advance. Here is what he found to be available.
  • Julie booked a FP for the parade and Corey did not. Here is the view that Julie had. Here is what Corey found as a decent spot arriving only 30 minutes before the parade started.

You have already suggested that I'm disengaged. This would put me to sleep.


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