Dinner at Be Our Guest (a pleasant surprise?!)


home is where the Yeti is
Apr 1, 2008
It was finally time for our BOG ADR! After trying but failing several times to get a walk-up during the soft openings and passholder preview days. :lmao:

We expected checking in to be a MADHOUSE since it was "opening night", so we arrived early, but it wasn't bad at all. We had a 5:20 ADR and were seated about ten minutes early.

One note; we were asked if we had TIW when we checked in. That's the first time we've been asked that before a meal. I was wondering if that were a new system, and then worried we might have crappy service if they knew the tip was guaranteed. Luckily our server was great! But I'm getting ahead of myself.

If you stand on the bridge that goes to the BOG front doors and look down, there's a scrim down in the water that struck as hilarious. So many beautiful details all around new FLE and then there's this cartoony looking photo of water! :lmao:

We were seated in the main ballroom (the one with the frightening cherubs on the ceiling!) at a wonderful table by the back wall that was very quiet without much through traffic. The napkins at the tables are folded into adorably appropriate roses!


Our server spent a lengthy time going over the menu and offered "The Beast's recommendations" before taking our drink order. I was a little sad that BOG doesn't have the MM pomegranate lemonade...that's practically all I drink at Disney!

DH ordered a beer, the Saison Dupont. As it so helpfully reminds me on the glass! :lmao: It had a hint of orange to it and he enjoyed it, although I think he mostly enjoyed just having a BEER in Magic Kingdom and feeling like some sort of rebel!

We were given soft, crusty, piping hot rolls, as well as butter topped with sea salt. Y'know, like they do at Narcoossee's, only this butter was spreadable instead of FROZEN SOLID (no, I will never let that go!)


It was absolutely freezing outside today, so a bowl of soup seemed like the perfect way to start our meal!

DH chose the french onion soup, which is pretty much his eternal favorite:


So.much.cheese. He not only loved this, he swore it was better than the version at Les Chefs de France! Shocking!

I went with the potato leek soup, and I'm stealing the photo from Barb because apparently after texting it to her I forgot to snap a pic with my real camera!


This was so much better than I expected. When I first looked at it, I thought it had a lumpy, icky canned-soup consistency. But it was creamy, well seasoned, and delicious! Either both soups were winners or we were just REALLY cold. :lmao:

For entrees, DH chose:


Thyme-scented Pork Rack Chop - with au gratin macaroni, seasonal vegetables and red wine au jus

I was so disappointed in his choice (boo pork!) but he sure wasn't. That chop is MASSIVE, and though we forgot the money shot after the au jus was added, they were generous with that too. The pork was tender and thick and had a great flavor from the herbs and black pepper. But that macaroni gratin! WHAT! As I told Barb, it was RIDIC. As in ridiculously good. I had one bite (and went back for a second but was TOO LATE! :mad:) and I was so surprised, it looks like a round lump of burnt mac and cheese, but it was soft, butter, and beyond rich. Total surprise!

I wasn't really sure what to get. To be honest, as excited as I was to eat here, the menu wasn't that appealing to me. I was leaning towards the shrimp and scallops, but the sauce is basically lobster bique which I'm not a fan of. I almost ordered the salmon out of sheer indifference, and I usually hate salmon, because to me it's like canned tuna fish and I hate that it's often the sole fish offered in every restaurant ever. At the last minute I ordered the steak, since it's something I never have at home. In fact I'm now running on a once-every-three-months-at-Disney steak routine! :lmao:

THIS was my steak:


Grilled Strip Steak - with garlic-herb butter and pommes frites

First of all, this thing was HUGE, and at 10oz, something that could easily be shared. Secondly, it was perfectly cooked (medium) and amazingly well seasoned. Third, it had that slight char crust on the outside which I loooooove. Fourth, it was super tender, juicy, and delicious. I was completely and totally surprised! The thick, hot steak fries were great, and I loved the green beans, but not the onions and peppers mixed in with them. The herb butter was interesting but I didn't put it on my steak. As delicious as everything was, I have to say this was an exceptionally salty entree. The flavors were balanced enough so that the taste of salt wasn't overwhelming, but after having the soup and the steak and fries I was ready to guzzle down all of Bay Lake. :laughing:

After our entrees the dessert cart was brought by! Which kind of made me feel like we were dining on a train!


Everything was so cute and tiny! And since we're just dedicated reviewers, we decided to order three items. You know, for the sake of photojournalism and all that.

I started with the chocolate cupcake...

Triple Chocolate Cupcake - chocolate sponge cake, chocolate mousse filling, and choclate ganache

NASTY! I don't think I've ever used that word in a review before, but this deserves it. DH would like me to mention that he told me not to order this because I always complain that chocolate cake is too rich, but that was NOT the case with this. This thing tasted exactly like one of those liqueur-stuffed chocolates. Purchased from a dollar store. In 1973. Seriously, one bite was WAY too much of this thing.
DH didn't like it either, but insists that's just because it was too chocolatey. LIES!

A second shot with the wrapper off, so you can bask in its amazing, softball-like texture:

I pushed that plate away and went for the next cupcake, the lemon meringue:


Lemon Meringue Cupcake - Vanilla sponge cake, lemon custard filling, flamed merinque icing and crunch

Ehhhh. This one wasn't as VILE as the chocolate cupcake, but it tasted like artificial sweeteners, oil, and not much else, like a pre-packaged snack cake filled with custard fresh from an industrial-sized can.

DH, well-documented fan of boxed cakes and canned frosting, thought it was just fine. I seriously wonder about him.

Things were looking pretty dire for the end of our meal, but I reached for the last dessert, which DH had wanted most...


Passion Fruit Cream Puff - filled with passion fruit mousse and topped with whipped cream

Now THIS was edible! The passion fruit mousse was very light, not too sweet, a pleasant flavor. The pastry looked hard, but was relatively soft and flakey. It's a perfectly acceptable CS dessert, as it's served during lunch hours, but still a bit lacking for dinner.

I really don't know WHAT is up with those desserts, but they didn't really put a damper on our meal. Maybe our expectations were just very low, but the quality of the meal (dessert aside!) completely surpassed our expectations. Everything was fresh, flavorful, and beautifully presented. The portions, also, are HUGE for the price, even by Disney standards, and I kind of have to imagine within a few months we'll see some shrinkage, especially with folks on the DP ordering that steak left and right.

But we were solidly pleased with our meal! :thumbsup2

Every so often, The Beast himself made several appearances throughout the meal (it IS his castle after all!) to great fanfare, although he did not venture to any tables. But he retreats to his study, which diners are invited to visit on their way out for a photo-op! Our server informed us that photos with the Beast are open to anyone who has already dined and paid for their meal, and that upon exiting you can show your receipt, hop on the line, and get your photo! Interesting system. When we go to the study no one asked for our receipt, but if they say they will, I'm sure they will.


I felt bad we were so poorly dressed compared to Mr. Furry Fancypants, but again, it was freezing outside today!

One last shot, of a beautiful stained glass window near the entrance:

There you have it! Although given the location and decor, they could honestly probably serve sloppy joes and make money hand over fist, it's great to have another TS option in MK, especially one this good. We have an ADR in January the day after our birthday that I was planning on cancelling because I didn't think we'd want to go back. But surprise, we definitely do! :goodvibes
Awesome review and pics! That steak is making my mouth water!!! I can't wait for our adr in february! :thumbsup2:goodvibes:goodvibes
Great review, thanks for sharing :goodvibes

Is there a photopass photographer there to take a pic of you with Beast or did the receipt checker CM take your photo?


Claire :)
Awesome review and pics! That steak is making my mouth water!!! I can't wait for our adr in february! :thumbsup2:goodvibes:goodvibes

I hope you have a great meal! :thumbsup2

Great review, thanks for sharing :goodvibes

Is there a photopass photographer there to take a pic of you with Beast or did the receipt checker CM take your photo?


Claire :)

Yup, there's a photopass photographer!
So happy to see a Be Our Guest Review! Other than the dessert, it looks like you guys had a great meal. And I'm very happy to hear they will be taking the TIW card.
You had me at Saison Dupont...so Disney goes from no beer at MK to top of the class beer in one shot...I'm impressed.
Thanks for the review and pics of BOG, your meals look delish! We're hoping to give this one a try during our trip next fall. :thumbsup2
What a great review :goodvibes

If it was possible to be any more excited about eating at BOG I now am!

Oh and thanks for ordering three desserts just for your DIS friends ;) - shame they weren't that great
Thanks for sharing this great review! I didn't know about the Beast photos or the dessert cart. Glad to know that I should stay away from the chocolate and lemon cupcakes. (Are the cupcakes large? I may need a few dozen!)

Funny about the scrim! :rotfl:
Your review and pics are getting me so excited for Dec. 8 at 5:20. Lol!! We were lucky enough to enjoy a soft opening for lunch and we split a steak sandwich. It was good so I can only imagine how good the dinner steak is. We also had a chocolate cupcake. But I have to say I liked it. I do want to try something different next time tho! But is a cupcake really dessert? :goodvibes
So happy to see a Be Our Guest Review! Other than the dessert, it looks like you guys had a great meal. And I'm very happy to hear they will be taking the TIW card.

I was happy too! TIW is the best! :thumbsup2

You had me at Saison Dupont...so Disney goes from no beer at MK to top of the class beer in one shot...I'm impressed.

I don't know anything about beer, but DH told me it was "top of the line" too. I'll take your word for it. :laughing:

Love your pics! :)
Oh thanks! But it's VERY dark in the restaurant and my cheap camera can barely handle pics in full sunshine. :lmao: The folks at disneyfoodblog and Josh from easywdw have amazing photos!

Yay! Thank you for your review! Can't wait to try this place! :cool1:

I hope you like it! And at least you won't butcher the french when you order! :lmao:

Thanks for the review and pics of BOG, your meals look delish! We're hoping to give this one a try during our trip next fall. :thumbsup2

Sounds great! Fall is my favorite time of year at Disney! :thumbsup2

Great review! We might try and eat there next fall, not sure yet.

Too many restaurants, so little time, right? :laughing:

What a great review :goodvibes

If it was possible to be any more excited about eating at BOG I now am!

Oh and thanks for ordering three desserts just for your DIS friends ;) - shame they weren't that great

Haha! I was so prepared to indulge for the sake of a thorough review, too bad the joke was on me! :laughing:

Thanks for sharing this great review! I didn't know about the Beast photos or the dessert cart. Glad to know that I should stay away from the chocolate and lemon cupcakes. (Are the cupcakes large? I may need a few dozen!)

Funny about the scrim! :rotfl:

The cupcakes are actually on the small side. Definitely more of a normal portion size than, say, the Starring Rolls ones!

And I'm glad you agree about the scrim! :laughing: In the photo it doesn't look that bad, but in person it just cracked me up for some reason!

Your review and pics are getting me so excited for Dec. 8 at 5:20. Lol!! We were lucky enough to enjoy a soft opening for lunch and we split a steak sandwich. It was good so I can only imagine how good the dinner steak is. We also had a chocolate cupcake. But I have to say I liked it. I do want to try something different next time tho! But is a cupcake really dessert? :goodvibes

Cupcakes most certainly ARE dessert! Or at least I think so. :laughing: I've seen several good reviews of the cupcakes, so either I have a bad batch or my tastebuds are so messed up. In general I think most Disney cupcakes leave a lot to be desired, but I've NEVER tasted one and thought "EW! GROSS! GET IT AWAY!" and with a reaction that strong it seems likely we may have gotten a bad one. :lmao: The lemon one wasn't good, but it wasn't purely offensive like the chocolate one!
Yay! So glad to read your review. I never caught BOG when it was open during previews but we did get to tour the dining rooms (and got the Hidden Mickey tour!) I can't wait to eat there in May.

Jill in CO
Glad to see another review!

I never quite understood the menu for dinner. You have wonderful apps and entrees but sub par desserts. That makes no sense to me what so ever!
Ro Z said:
Your review and pics are getting me so excited for Dec. 8 at 5:20. Lol!! We were lucky enough to enjoy a soft opening for lunch and we split a steak sandwich. It was good so I can only imagine how good the dinner steak is. We also had a chocolate cupcake. But I have to say I liked it. I do want to try something different next time tho! But is a cupcake really dessert? :goodvibes

Oh my gosh, Ro Z!! That's the exact time and date of my ADR too! :D
It is always interested to me to read other reviews of the same foods we ate. I know everyone has different tastes but I also think it says something about the consistency of Disney food. DS and I had both soups and the pork chop for our meal and we were so disappointed. The pork was so salty and dry it was inedible. And we both thought the French Onion soup was bland and no where near as good as Chefs.

The thing we liked most? The chocolate cupcake. Go figure.

I know BOG was in preview-mode and truly believe that the food could have been great one night and awful the next. Or perhaps even the same food on the same night could have varied.

I am glad to read that your meal was good. Gives me hope that maybe some day in the future we will give it another try. I don't think it will be any time soon though!

(Our experience is here ... http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=46782720&postcount=42)
We are dining there twice in January. I'll be sure to avoid the cupcakes: what a shame.


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