Diabetic filled cupcakes and filling for other cupcakes?


<font color=magenta>Cook, clean and foot massage.
Mar 4, 2000
I need to make some diabetic filled cupcakes for a Christmas party. I also need to make regular cupcakes with different fillings. Does anyone have some good receipies for these? I have tried to google the diabetic cupcakes and fillings that we can use? Also, any ideas for a good filling for the other cupcakes?
I need to make some diabetic filled cupcakes for a Christmas party. I also need to make regular cupcakes with different fillings. Does anyone have some good receipies for these? I have tried to google the diabetic cupcakes and fillings that we can use? Also, any ideas for a good filling for the other cupcakes?

Do you grind the diabetics up first or chop them into small pieces? ;)

Sorry, couldn't resist. :rotfl:

How about sugar-free jam? Whipped cream with vanilla sweetened with splenda? Sugar-free puddings or mousses?
I make a carb free cheesecake you could adapt. Just follow the instructions on the back of a box or knox gelatin and substitute sweetner for sugar. (No crust.). That might make a good fillijg inside a cupcake.
Here's something I use as pie filling - it would be very good piped into cupcakes:

6oz cream cheese, softened
3 Tablespoons Splenda
1 1/2 Tablespoons milk or heavy cream
1/2 container of sugar-free Cool Whip, thawed

Cream together cheese, Splenda, and milk. Fold in Cool Whip. Refrigerate until firm.

You could use the Pillsbury SF Devil's Food cake mix and make cupcakes with it. Just keep in mind that even though it says sugar-free, it can still be high-carb and may affect a diabetic's blood sugar, so if you decide to use the cake mix, you should let them know so they can prepare for the amount of carbs.

From the Pillsbury website for the cake mix:

Serv Size 1/12 package (38g mix)
Servings Per Container 12
Calories 120
Calories from Fat 30
Total Fat 3.5g
Saturated Fat 1.5g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 260mg
Total Carbohydrate 28g
Dietary Fiber 2g
Sugars 0g
SugarAlcohol 14g
Protein 2g
Calcium 4%
Iron 10%

The sugar alcohols can give you less-than-desirable stomach issues, also. :scared:

HTH :goodvibes
Is the cupcakes portion low carb? Carbs turn to sugar. If the cupcakes aren't low carb then I am not sure what you put in the middle matters as much since they are still getting sugar in a different form. Sorry, just a little thing I get frustrated with. I see so many diabetics eat lots of pasta and bread, then want a sugar free dessert :( My nutritionist said don't even buy the sugar free stuff since it typically still has the same carbs in it that will turn to sugar. Sugar alcohols also act differently for some people.
BCDisneyFanatic LOL. Now that I read it you are right. That would have been hard to resist.
I have never made cupcakes or fillings for someone who is diabetic. I can do wheat free, gluten free and milk free but not this. My son & I are making cupcakes for the people at his work for a Christmas party. There are 2 guys who are diabetic and we wanted to be able to give them something because my son is the only one bringing dessert. Everytime I try to google receipies it takes me to places where I can buy books. I don't want any books just a receipy.
BCDisneyFanatic LOL. Now that I read it you are right. That would have been hard to resist.
I have never made cupcakes or fillings for someone who is diabetic. I can do wheat free, gluten free and milk free but not this. My son & I are making cupcakes for the people at his work for a Christmas party. There are 2 guys who are diabetic and we wanted to be able to give them something because my son is the only one bringing dessert. Everytime I try to google receipies it takes me to places where I can buy books. I don't want any books just a receipy.

Do you know for a fact that both diabetics follow strict diabetic diets? It would stink to find out that you went through all the effort to make something specific for them to only find out they would just eat the normal cupcakes.
TigerCat first are they type 1 or Type 2. Most Type 1's that I know usually don't eat what is referred to as a "diabetic diet" as their pancreas doesn't work at all so it doesn't matter if it's an apple or a cupcake they still have to take insulin.

And if it is Type 1 they just will guess at the carbs in a cupcake and bolus of the insulin.

Not all Type 2's are on insulin some do control their diabetes with diet. But like someone else pointed out the cake part still has carbs so they might be skipping the cupcake all together.

It's a nice gesture but unless they requested that something special be made I would just serve what ever I'm serving everyone else.
I think I might make some mini regular cupcakes vs worrying about specific "diabetic" cupcakes. DH's diabetic friend has repeatedly said he'd rather have a little nibble of a real sweet (based on how his sugars are going) than a full sized ill tasting "diabetic" one.

As said, a cupcake by it's very nature isn't diabetic friendly. Even with lower sugar, the "cake" part is full carbs which is also an issue.

The little ones would also be better for folks who are dieting for other reasons if they want jus ta little something.
Most "sugar free" things bother me more than eating carbs. I just watch what I am eating and if I want a cupcake, I cut down somewhere else. My doctor just told me this morning that whatever I am doing works well. She said I was a text book case for managing diabetes.
I will ask my son how strict they are with their diet. Since it is all men there they will have mentioned it before about being diabetic (it is a workshop area and not talkative guys) so they must do something.
The sugarfree products tend to have just as many carbohydrates, and perhaps more, than the table sugar products. If not, then they tend to have extra fat. Some of the sugar substitutes are sugar alcohols, which can have a laxative effect. None of those things are good for any of us, diabetic or non-diabetic.

A diabetic diet is a healthy diet. I'm Type 2, and I've learned what causes unhealthy spikes in my blood glucose and how to stay on a pretty even keel.

Whoever mentioned mini-cupcakes, that's the best idea. Otherwise, regular-sized cupcakes and a normal amount of frosting. Hopefully included with the meal there will be fruit, veggies, cheese, and/or nuts, so the partygoers can choose what works best for them.
BCDisneyFanatic LOL. Now that I read it you are right. That would have been hard to resist.
I have never made cupcakes or fillings for someone who is diabetic. I can do wheat free, gluten free and milk free but not this. My son & I are making cupcakes for the people at his work for a Christmas party. There are 2 guys who are diabetic and we wanted to be able to give them something because my son is the only one bringing dessert. Everytime I try to google receipies it takes me to places where I can buy books. I don't want any books just a receipy.
As a long standing diabetic I wouldn't be making special cupcakes for them. If they wish to have a dessert they can by adjusting their carbs. If I want a dessert I will not have the carb filled sides. Perhaps leave a cupcake or 2 minus any icing. In a pinch I just remove the icing myself with a knife.
I have two close friends who are Type I and they both eat more sweets than I do! They don't look for anything that's specifically sugar free (except for soda - they only drink diet, for the most part).

I agree with those that say that you need to ask about specific dietary concerns and not just assume they'll need accommodations.
It's nice of you to think of doing this, Tiger, but these guys will manage fine as long as there are reasonably healthy options among the rest of what is being served.

Your first post did make me laugh. I often tell my husband to stop eating my diabetic food and to eat his own food. For instance, I will buy pre-portioned food or make up my own portions. He'll eat several at one time. Also, he likes Cheerios, but I will buy Kashi Crunch cereal for myself. If I don't consume it fast enough to suit him, he will think it's going to go stale and eat it to "help" me. Yesterday I wanted some, but he had eaten it all! Next time I'll tell him it's full of ground-up diabetics. :rotfl2:
Ahh I can't use the diabetic ground up story for my stuff but I just tell them that it is gluten free. LOL It keeps them all away. Thanks for the kind replies. I will tell my son that we will just make the cupcakes and they can just have a little bit of one if they want.
I'm a diabetic and there is just no such thing as a diabetic cupcake. You could make the tiny size cupcakes that a diabetic could eat IFthey chose to. There is no such thing as food for diabetics. A diabetic learns to eat regular food healthfully. They can have a cupcake or half a cupcake or no cupcake at all depending on what other carbohydrates they have had that day or the day before. It's all about balance. Small cupcakes, and good ones would make a diabetic happy. Most doctors have cautioned against over use of artificial sweeteners, especially to diabetics. A cupcake with less sugar-angelfood or carrot cake-would also be easier to eat for a diabetic.
Is the cupcakes portion low carb? Carbs turn to sugar. If the cupcakes aren't low carb then I am not sure what you put in the middle matters as much since they are still getting sugar in a different form. Sorry, just a little thing I get frustrated with. I see so many diabetics eat lots of pasta and bread, then want a sugar free dessert :( My nutritionist said don't even buy the sugar free stuff since it typically still has the same carbs in it that will turn to sugar. Sugar alcohols also act differently for some people.

My DD's Dr said if you are going to eat it, then eat the real thing, just count for it. It usually takes less of the "real thing" to satisfy you. Now she does use artificial sweetener, but only in drinks that have no carbs such as tea and coffee.

My Dr has never cautioned against the use of aritificial sweetener, and in fact tell her to go ahead and enjoy it. NO problems.


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