Derp Derp! The adventures of the Dapper, Disneybounding Princesses! Updated 7/8x6!!!!

You were so close! Maybe next time!

Love the Chip Magic Shot! I HAVE to stop being scared to ask for more of them.

We actually want to give the Backlot Tour another try on the next trip. I know everyone says it's boring, but we haven't done it since our honeymoon. And, since the rumor is that it's going to be demolished for a DHS expansion I guess I feel like we should do it again. :thumbsup2
Katt, I have FULL confidence that one day you will do RNRC and afterwards will be all "That was AWESOME!" and then run around and go again. ;)

I totally agree about the pre shows. I love doing them the first time each trip, but once is enough. After that, just get me on the ride! :banana:

Awesome Magic Shot. There was actually something there this time, :lmao:.
Great update! :)


One of these days you will make it onto RnRC and then you will say, "That was it?" :rotfl: I agree with the lady that you were talking to that it's actually the easiest of the WDW coasters. Yeah, the launch is fast and it goes upside down but both of those things are so quick you barely notice them.

TSM is so much fun but quite the workout for your arm! I rode it three times in one day and by the end of the third time, my are was killing me.

Cute pictures with Mike and Sulley. I agree that it must be a bit awkward hugging Mike! I really need to watch that movie again before going to see the new one.

I loved that display at the end of the Backlot Tour. I was especially facinated by the marionettes from Sound of Music and the Gone With the Wind stuff. I guess I'm showing my age there. :rotfl2:

Baha I probably will, and even the upside down part doesn't bother me. When I was over in DCA I was going to go on California Screamin, but wanted my first upside down coaster to be with Tyler haha, so I passed it. The launch is just where my problem is, especially because of the countdown, I think I might panic attack on the ride, and that wouldn't be fun...we'll see how my anxiety's doing in Sept, bahah!

Lol, Paige loved all the Sound of Music stuff too!! And she's a wee one!

Need I remind you that on your first Disney trip you refused to do Expedition Everest because you were too scared? ;)


heh heh heh I know, I know I swear, I'll get on it one of these days!
Ah you almost made it on RnRC! :rotfl2: Maybe later in the trip? Or another trip? I think the advice you received is right. The takeoff is pretty intense but you'll definitely love the ride.

And I'm so with you on the pre-shows. They're cute and I like the work that went into the storyline but once per trip is fine with me. Then I'd like to bypass.

So jealous you got to meet Sulley. He's one of my favorites and he wasn't out during our HS day. And they don't ever seem to have a long line back there.

Love the pictures of all the props! I never knew about that. We also didn't get around to the Studio Backlot tour either. We'll have to fix that next time!

One of these days!! I swear, someone's just gotta bribe me with something REALLY awesome, and it'll happen... I wish the pre show stuff in some rides was optional, I also feel like it would help with a lot of smaller kids on say, HM and TOT, because the pre show is way scarier than the ride itself, so they get super freaked out when it's n ot that scary!


You were so close! Maybe next time!

Love the Chip Magic Shot! I HAVE to stop being scared to ask for more of them.

We actually want to give the Backlot Tour another try on the next trip. I know everyone says it's boring, but we haven't done it since our honeymoon. And, since the rumor is that it's going to be demolished for a DHS expansion I guess I feel like we should do it again. :thumbsup2

SO CLOSE! I feel like if I had been there and not in the single rider line, I probably would have done it. We'll see next trip! Lol.

Magic shots are the greatest! I definitely need to ask for them, because not all the pp's will offer or suggest them, I've always had to ask for the baby simba one, and I've seen one in Epcot (maybe it's just part of flower and garden, I dont know] that puts Tinkerbell wings on your back, and THATS AWESOME! Lol.

Katt, I have FULL confidence that one day you will do RNRC and afterwards will be all "That was AWESOME!" and then run around and go again. ;)

I totally agree about the pre shows. I love doing them the first time each trip, but once is enough. After that, just get me on the ride! :banana:

Awesome Magic Shot. There was actually something there this time, :lmao:.

BAHA, probably...

Lol, I know right?! None of that stuff going on this time around!
Made it over to your TR! I just have to say I LOVE the photopass pic with you, Paige and Chip!!! I'm so excited to see more character than stitch, simba and tink. Looking forward to reading more about your trip. :thumbsup2
Made it over to your TR! I just have to say I LOVE the photopass pic with you, Paige and Chip!!! I'm so excited to see more character than stitch, simba and tink. Looking forward to reading more about your trip. :thumbsup2

Hi!! Glad you're here!! I really liked it too, I hope they start adding in more variety of magic shots!!

Superman’s cape! And some fun stuff from the Sound of Music!



Paige and I had plans to catch the 11:45 showing of Beauty and the Beast, so we started our slow journey back there, with of course, a few pit stops along the way!


So excited for this movie! I still haven’t made it to the theaters to see it, but hopefully I’ll get to it soon, it seems pretty freaking awesome! The other side of the road has some pretty awesome signs too!



You can’t not take a picture of Walt when you’re in Disney World, that’d just be wrong! Haha, our next little pit stop along the way was for some delicious noms! It was around 11:05 when we got into Starring Rolls and today it wasn’t crowded AT ALL! Heck yes! There was still a little bit of confusion as everyone was kinda muddled around in front of the door. Like, if you go in and grab something off the left, you can go straight to the till at the front, and there were lots of people just kinda clumped in the line up for the goodies behind the glass that didn’t want them. HOWEVER, I got my delicious goodie, and made my way over to the register, paid, and we were on our way down the street! If you know me, you know what goodie it is that I got!



That’s right, two views of it! The absolutely amazing Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcake!

Cupcake comments: DEAR MOTHER OF GOD. If you can eat gluten and dairy, and you have not tried this cupcake, and I DO NOT KNOW WHY! It is beyond amazing, the cake is so light and fluffy and absolutely delicious while the cream cheese/cheesecake icing part of it is super rich and just to die for. I’ll also give you a little tidbit on eating cupcakes of this size: rip off the bottom of the cupcake, put it on top of the icing half of the cupcake, and SMUSH it all together. It kinda makes a little whoopee pie of the whole thing and makes it much easier to eat! There were some ladies in the theater beside us that even commented on this saying it was smart! It really helps the icing to cake ratio friends!

(for today, usually I would give it closer to a 3 but there was no one in there today)

I give it this score simply because the space is FAR too cramped, and the place itself closes way too early in the day. If you want your cupcakes, gotta get it early, I think it closes before 4pm, sometime around there. Probably a good thing or my entire intake for the day would be cupcakes, BUT, still, it should be open later.

Cost:$3.99, or 1 snack credit on the DDP

Would We Return?: Heck yes!

Paige and I got to the Beauty and the Beast theater at 11:15 for the first viewing of the show for the day, and got some amazing seats down in the center section near the front. We took the time before the show started to eat that delicious cupcake and catch up on TR notes/twitter, etc while we waited. As I mentioned in the little dining review, there were some ladies beside us that commented on the cupcake, asking what it was, and where we got it, so we made sure to tell them the details, including the smushing of the cupcake! Lol. The time passed pretty quickly and before we knew it, there was a Prince with an unexpected visitor!


Oh hi there Zac Efron with the perfect eyebrows…




You know, you better watch out, that witch lady doesn’t look too happy with you Princey!




Told ya…. And here, is the moment for me that the show is either made, or I’m practically done with it, bahaha, Belle….



BOOM! YES! I definitely freaked out during the show, this girl is just plain amazing and I’m so happy every time it’s her, she’s just *that* much better than the others! Lawl.




A pretty but a funny girl!





Now seems like a pretty decent time to take a break, right?!

Bahaha. No worries, those of you who know my picture taking know that there are many more pictures to come, I love shows! They’re fantastic, and Beauty and the Beast, so much love!


Oh that face, oh Gaston, so much awesome. Can we talk about how amazingly happy I am for the fact that he’s out for meet and greets in FLE now?! I’m dying. This guy, also quite awesome, although not your typical Gaston look, I’m okay with that!




And my lovelies! I actually this year found these costumes online on etsy!! It was a super exciting moment, and I considered getting them, but I either need at least 1 more silly girl with me, or a Belle or Gaston to make it “complete”. I’m thinking if Paige and I ever do Halloween again we’ll do them! Yay!




9.8 ….not too bad of a spitting score, right?



I was SUPER happy to see this time around that the bimbettes dresses were more movie accurate! In the movie, there’s one red, one green and one yellow, and usually they’re all mixed up in the show, but today they had a super nice yellow one, and I was impressed! I mean, I know pink isn’t red, but hey, it counts, right?!



Gaston was SUPER hilarious today, and after everyone fainted he just turned to the crowd and was all “I know….” HA! Perfect.


Wait…how many is five dozen eggs… and WHO is he making his wife?!





Hey Gaston…you’re comin’ off a wee bit inappropriate right now….



Now, to finish off this half of the show, is a little story of/from Katt. Belle shouts to Gaston as he leaves the stage “What could you possibly know about my dreams Gaston?!” and then runs to the front of the stage, the music swells, and it’s all “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere”

And I could not hold it together…Paige turned to me and asked if I was okay and it was just “Belle’s the favourite again, there’s no doubt, that just happened” Growing up it was Belle, sometime around young adulthood it turned to Ariel, and I had a connection with her as she wanted to be “part of that world” the same goes for me with Disney, and wanting to be part of it. That moment with Belle just kinda changed it all, I don’t know why, I mean I’ve seen the movie and show a million times, but something was different today. I think it was just an emotional moment for me, and the actress today was giving it everything, as she usually does, some of the girls just kinda run toward the front of the stage and are all “yup, here’s my song” and she booked it, and sprung right up onto her toes, like she was hoping she’d fly away with her dream, that everything would work out. There was so much emotion in those few little lines that I just completely fell in love with everything. Belle wants more that she has, she wants adventure, she wants to do something with her life, make an impact, leave a journey behind herself. She’s just awesome.


I have to say, it is pretty interesting that the entire castle used to be people and within ten years, everyone kinda forgets about it. Also, how weird would it be to be turned from a person into, say, a tea pot, like, how would you adjust to having to hop everywhere and not having any arms?!

(These may or may not be wine fuelled thoughts from the last time we watched Beauty and the Beast, lol)




I had been planning on getting a nice picture of the dancers, but Lumiere decided to jump on in there and photo bomb and it actually turned out pretty decent, baha!






Ugh, can we talk about how much I love this show?! Like, I know it’s been running forever, but I really do hope they do not get rid of it! If they do, I’m hoping they replace it with something awesome, like Hercules, it has amazing music, or say Princess and the Frog, either would be awesome. I’ve heard rumour of a Tangled show replacing it and I’m really hoping that’s not true, I love the movie, but the music just isn’t like, “Broadway musical” enough.






That’s just plain unfair. Like, how is it that guys can jump so much higher than girls, man, sometimes the life of a female dancer just sucks, so many more restrictions. Lawl.






Also can we talk about the fact that I *finally* downloaded a bunch of the park music, and with it, this show soundtrack, and when I realized just how much of the choreo I know, it’s just sad. Baha!




You know, the Beast really does freak out just because she’s in the West Wing, like, tell her something’s off limits and she’s gonna want to look there more, he really should learn to “control his temper”



*sigh* A blooming romance in front of a wilting rose…let’s hope the rose perks up!

I know the rest of you are probably happy that Belle isn’t all about the looks, and that the Beast is finally learning to accept things, but Gaston is not pleased!






Eeeps, that looks like an angry mob, that’s not too good! They sure get riled up nice and fast. Now, here’s where I’m going to have to add a bit of opinion in, I do like the way that they have choreographed the fight scene, and the dancing bit isn’t even that bad, it’s honestly, the Beast’s growls, they sounds so….not good…I dunno…However, Belle made up for it…





And Paige gets it! I have been trying FOREVER to get a picture of the enchantress’s arabesque, and it happens so quick that my camera never manages to catch it, but Paige did! Yay! Go her!




The happy couple reunited!




I still have yet to decide whether I love or hate these pink dresses….lawl! I also have to comment on the partner dancing in this bit, sometimes, it really looks like the dancers are being drug across the floor, maybe it’s my ballroom experience now, but there’s something that’s just too fast, or doesn’t match with the music, and it just doesn’t work. Also sometimes Belle really can’t keep up with the Prince, as he’s a dancer, and she’s a singer, luckily my Belle can lol! However, the ballet part of this number is beyond impressive! Go you guys!





I know this shot is horribly cut off, but I love how lovingly she’s looking over at her newfound prince charming!




And a little shot of the princess of the show ceremony to wrap it all up with! Overall Paige and I loved the show of course, she was impressed with the Belle, obviously I love the way she performs, and despite Gaston being (on what I would say) the “older side” I’m still thoroughly impressed with him, and today’s cast had my two favsies for dancers, so all in all, it was a great show!

On the way out we started talking about how good it was, and the bad ones we had seen in the past, our last trip Belle turned around and we were both “uhhh” just because she looked about 45 and didn’t sound good. One of my solo trips I had the experience to witness Belle get a nosebleed on stage in the middle of the first song, and Gaston’s mic was left up as he left the stage, ahaha, oh live theater, the things that can happen.
There's those Sound of Music marionettes! Maybe I'm not so old after all. :rotfl:

I tried the Chocolate Peanut butter cupcake this time and it was wonderful!

Such great pictures of the BATB show. And I've read enough of your TRs to know that was "your" Belle before you said anything. I haven't seen that show since 2010. I really was planning on catching it last month but I ran out of time. I don't know if we'll get to in next October as I'm going to let DH pick what he wants to see.
Love the cupcake and BATB pictures as always! It really is such an awesome show!
I'm going to get one of those cupcakes one of these days...

Maybe I'll enjoy one while Maddie makes me sit through princess shows!:lmao:
You ready had me with the awesome Belle story. It's those unexpected little moments that have the biggest impact. :flower3:

But, yeah, I've yet seen this show. I planned to last trip, but it just didn't work out. Hopefully it will still be there next time.
There's those Sound of Music marionettes! Maybe I'm not so old after all. :rotfl:

I tried the Chocolate Peanut butter cupcake this time and it was wonderful!

Such great pictures of the BATB show. And I've read enough of your TRs to know that was "your" Belle before you said anything. I haven't seen that show since 2010. I really was planning on catching it last month but I ran out of time. I don't know if we'll get to in next October as I'm going to let DH pick what he wants to see.

Hahaha, not at all!! Lawl, i want to trythe choc pb one. I did the butterfinger one and it wasnt nearly as good haha. Baha!! Shes the only one Ill accept at this point, honestly, all the rest of them Ive seen recently have not been good hah.

Love the cupcake and BATB pictures as always! It really is such an awesome show!

I'm going to get one of those cupcakes one of these days...

Maybe I'll enjoy one while Maddie makes me sit through princess shows!:lmao:

Do it up!! Bahaaha!! Maddie and I have that in comman, Im pretty sure I made my Mom meet the princesses like,3 times.

You ready had me with the awesome Belle story. It's those unexpected little moments that have the biggest impact. :flower3:

But, yeah, I've yet seen this show. I planned to last trip, but it just didn't work out. Hopefully it will still be there next time.

Oh my gosh I died, like, in that moment I realized just how much I want to be there and how I want so much more adveture hah.

Lawl, through my TRs youve probably seen most of it haha!!
Red. Velvet. Cupcake. So good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to remember your trick for eating it!
Paige had been absolutely dying to meet the Wreck it Ralph crew since I tweeted a picture to her in November, so obviously we were headed over there next! We did get distracted by a photopass, which I mean, that’s not a surprise at all!




While we were taking these pictures there, obviously, were a bunch of families walking past, and a random older (like, 60 plus) guy was kinda eyeing us, and then started kinda “yeah….work it ladies…yeah” just….too much, kinda creepy. Both of us noticed it and just ignored it while we finished the pictures, but were sufficiently creeped out by it afterwards. Since we had a list of new “Disney Goals” to try to accomplish this trip, and a fellow disboarder, ronnmel, suggested that we try to meet a Disney character that we had never met, we made yet another little pit stop! You see Jake, from Jack and the Neverland Pirates (Disney Jr) was out and he had practically no line, I think yes!





He was super cute and gave us both hugs and kisses and signed my book for me!



Yay! We were in and out in under five minutes which was awesome, now. I know that right after this we headed into the Animation Builiding, but I have extra photopasses from the Streets of America, pretty sure we got them after Mike and Sully, but I forgot to put them in, so….here ya go!




….and now…back to your regularly scheduled trip report!


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