DDC XXVII: Penguins in Paradise!

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Had to post a proud dad moment. We had our first round playoff game tonight. The team as a whole didn't play very well. In the last 5 minutes, DS drained 3-3 point shots:cool1: to pull away and we won by 8. It was awesome and saved his coaches butt (mine) from an early exit. Next up Friday night.:thumbsup2

‘Morning all…

I decided it was safe to try and peek outside the cave of employment this morning.
We’ll see how long it takes for my overlords to punish me for the transgression.

So, what’d I miss?

Well I certainly missed this…

DW just called me in happy tears from the drs. She had an ultrasound and found out that she's having twins GIRLS. :scared1::eek::scared::crowded:

Just kidding, I'm happy! But two teen GIRLS at the same time. That's a lot of trouble!:rolleyes1princess:

Your avatar perfectly matches that announcement.
Hard to imagine the amount of change that twins would have pored into my ousehold.

Y’all have one mighty interesting ride ahead of you.

Afternoon....took oldest DD to the dentist for an emergency extraction, an adult tooth was trying to pop out before one of the babies were ready, causing an abcess. All good now, other then her being a bit of a drama queen..

Glad it wasn’t serious. Unfortunate that it got to be a problem, but so long as it was fixable, all is still good.

You got a LOT of time before you have to worry about teenage girls...

Not as long as you think.
The first few years I thought that child rearing was going to be a life sentence…
Then we got good at it and somehow or other the time just evaporated.
This afternoon I’ve got to schedule time to talk dollars and cents with the Dean of Admissions at one of the universities that have accepted our boy for the next semester.

How on earth did I get here so fast?

Had to post a proud dad moment. We had our first round playoff game tonight. The team as a whole didn't play very well. In the last 5 minutes, DS drained 3-3 point shots:cool1: to pull away and we won by 8. It was awesome and saved his coaches butt (mine) from an early exit. Next up Friday night.:thumbsup2

Nice work. Congrats to the whole team and good luck Tomorrow.

Late night playing on the internet. I'm awake now but I wonder how long that will last.

Had fun participating in my second podcast today (well, technically it was yesterday) with Rich (SAHD) and the rest of the MouseQuest crew.

watching Young Frankenstein


Sounds like an interesting evening.
Adding Young Frankenstein to the mix nearly makes it perfect.
Good morning, men.

Glad to see my nemesis has managed to find the clubhouse. It's been so long I thought he was lost.

At least more lost than usual. :rolleyes1
We've got the local morning news on TV. They just came back from commercial break playing the Thrift Shop song. This song is beginning to be about like IASW, only without any of the warm fuzzy feeling that you get from the nostalgia of the attraction. I hear this frickin' song and I can't get it out of my head. :headache:
Good Morning Dads. Report writing and record keeping today.:headache:
Good morning, men.

Glad to see my nemesis has managed to find the clubhouse. It's been so long I thought he was lost.

At least more lost than usual. :rolleyes1

You only think you know where you are.
I can assure you that your senses are deceiving you.

Or maybe it’s something else that is rattling what little wits you have left about you…

We've got the local morning news on TV. They just came back from commercial break playing the Thrift Shop song. This song is beginning to be about like IASW, only without any of the warm fuzzy feeling that you get from the nostalgia of the attraction. I hear this frickin' song and I can't get it out of my head. :headache:

My master plan is working perfectly!

Morning guys :wave2:

Morning David!!


Morning gentlemen :coffee:

Good morning, men.

Glad to see my nemesis has managed to find the clubhouse. It's been so long I thought he was lost.

At least more lost than usual. :rolleyes1

Good Morning All.:wave2: That elusive day called Friday is almost here. Todays weather calls for wind, snow, rain, coastal flooding and all the fun that goes along with it. Hope everyone has a good day.
we've got snow and freezing rain coming Saturday. Winter just doesn't want to go away.
I've got a serious question I want to bounce off you guys.

The twins have been coming down stairs during the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed. This has been going on for about a year. It started as once in a while then one kid for a week straight and then they'd switch. For about the last month or two it has been both kids. One is down between two and three and the other is between four and six in the morning. Usually it is not a big deal, I don't even realize they come down. but there are some times I wake up with a foot in my back and can't get back to sleep. Anyone have any strategies for getting them to stay up stairs? Or any idea when this stage will end?
I've got a serious question I want to bounce off you guys.

The twins have been coming down stairs during the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed. This has been going on for about a year. It started as once in a while then one kid for a week straight and then they'd switch. For about the last month or two it has been both kids. One is down between two and three and the other is between four and six in the morning. Usually it is not a big deal, I don't even realize they come down. but there are some times I wake up with a foot in my back and can't get back to sleep. Anyone have any strategies for getting them to stay up stairs? Or any idea when this stage will end?

Try Vaseline on the door knob. Their hands will slip off and they won't be able to get out.
I've got a serious question I want to bounce off you guys.

The twins have been coming down stairs during the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed. This has been going on for about a year. It started as once in a while then one kid for a week straight and then they'd switch. For about the last month or two it has been both kids. One is down between two and three and the other is between four and six in the morning. Usually it is not a big deal, I don't even realize they come down. but there are some times I wake up with a foot in my back and can't get back to sleep. Anyone have any strategies for getting them to stay up stairs? Or any idea when this stage will end?

We've been fighting this battle with DS. I don't know how to delicately say this, but DW doesn't exactly discourage it. I on the other hand, am not a fan of it.

I've been trying to slowly get him out of the habit. We recently bought a new bed, and our old queen bed was moved into his room. I moved his old toddler bed into a corner in our room. When he'd come in, like you, I'd sleep right through it most of the time until I got kicked or hit. I started out by just putting him in the toddler bed when I'd notice him in our bed. He'd usually either fight it, or a few minutes later be back in our bed and I'd repeat the process. Now, all I have to do is tell him and he moves to the toddler bed.

Here's where it gets tricky though. I want to make the toddler bed disappear, but I'm not sure how he'll handle that. I don't want him sleeping in our room at all, but I'd much rather it be in the toddler bed than in our bed.:confused3
I've got a serious question I want to bounce off you guys.

The twins have been coming down stairs during the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed. This has been going on for about a year. It started as once in a while then one kid for a week straight and then they'd switch. For about the last month or two it has been both kids. One is down between two and three and the other is between four and six in the morning. Usually it is not a big deal, I don't even realize they come down. but there are some times I wake up with a foot in my back and can't get back to sleep. Anyone have any strategies for getting them to stay up stairs? Or any idea when this stage will end?

Electric shock therapy?:confused3 JK:rotfl2:

It's tough to get them to break the habit once they get used to it. DD used to come in late at night and jump into bed. She didn't even remember doing it when we would ask her why she was coming in. As she got a little older, she remembered having a bad dream and coming in because she was scared. Maybe try to ask them if they know they are coming and and ask why. Once we talked about it and she realized it was happening it mostly stopped. Now if she has a nightmare or something, she'll come in and wake me up to talk about it, but doesn't climb into bed.

My DS used to sleep walk with his eyes open. It was pretty creepy.:eek: That stopped with age as well. It's possible they don't even know or think about it. Ours kind of cured itself when we talked about it. Of course you never want to tell them they can't come in, especially if it is a bad dream or they re scared. Good luck.

Oh, and DD used to scrape her toe nails down the back of my leg. Drove me crazy.:mad: I would get up in the morning with red scratch marks down my calf.:lmao:
I've got a serious question I want to bounce off you guys.

The twins have been coming down stairs during the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed. This has been going on for about a year. It started as once in a while then one kid for a week straight and then they'd switch. For about the last month or two it has been both kids. One is down between two and three and the other is between four and six in the morning. Usually it is not a big deal, I don't even realize they come down. but there are some times I wake up with a foot in my back and can't get back to sleep. Anyone have any strategies for getting them to stay up stairs? Or any idea when this stage will end?

There’s a potential can of worms. I wouldn’t even dare post this one out in the family board. Imagine the carnage! :rolleyes: There are a lot of differing opinions as to whether or not you even should stop this. And there is never a one size fits all approach so I’ll tell you what we did.

I’m old-fashioned on this issue and don’t hold to the “family bed” concept. So I put a stop to that behavior immediately. There needs to be at least one sanctuary on earth that belongs just to mom and dad (as the kids will receive or take everything else… and ought to). When our son would try to climb into bed with us at night I’d get up (and it was always me), gently pick him up and then tuck him snugly back into his own bed. He’d get kind words, hugs and plenty of reassurance that all was well, but he’d also be reminded that he had a bed of his own and it was not ours. Sickness or nightmares were different. He was encouraged to wake us when anything was wrong, but even then we’d get up with him rather then take him into bed with us. The only exception to this was if we were all awake and watching TV or a movie in bed. Once sleep time arrived, however, that was it.

If it’s been happening for a while, the habit may be tougher to break though. As for growing out of it… everyone is different. I know of families where older kids and even teens will climb into bed with their folks and I’ve heard a few dads even say that they will just get up and sleep somewhere else in the house when it happens. I love my son dearly, but I absolutely adore his mother and intend to stay with her the rest of my life and long after he’s grown and left us. There needs to be that one unshakable boundary where we will not be separated… even by our own young’en.
Snow is great and all, but I had to cancel the endoscopy due to road troubles. Dang it! All that fasting for nothing. I was looking forward to seeing the pink elephants. At least this means I'll be awake for the Blackhawks game tonight. And based on what I read on here last week, I checked out Black Cauldron. I'll be watching that with the kids this afternoon.

How was it?
The 'Hawks game? Awesome. Another win. Black Cauldron? No idea- fell asleep 10 minutes in. That's two movies in a row I slept through. Frankenweenie was the other.
I've got a serious question I want to bounce off you guys.

The twins have been coming down stairs during the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed. This has been going on for about a year. It started as once in a while then one kid for a week straight and then they'd switch. For about the last month or two it has been both kids. One is down between two and three and the other is between four and six in the morning. Usually it is not a big deal, I don't even realize they come down. but there are some times I wake up with a foot in my back and can't get back to sleep. Anyone have any strategies for getting them to stay up stairs? Or any idea when this stage will end?

I'm pretty much a hard-liner with almost everything parent/kids related. We've dealt with this. As soon as they would come in, I'd turn them around and put them back in bed. No cuddles- back to bed. I'm a little more gentle if one of them had a bad dream. Problem went away in no time.
Has anybody heard from Casey lately? :confused3

I've been thinking about him and his family the past few days since that nutcase with a deathwish to his north has started making threats.
Has anybody heard from Casey lately? :confused3

I've been thinking about him and his family the past few days since that nutcase with a deathwish to his north has started making threats.

I'm sure diplomat Rodman will take care of it.
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