DCL concierge or WDW Deluxe resort?


I see sock puppets
Mar 28, 2009
Given the option of staying at a WDW deluxe for 10 nights or concierge on a 7 night cruise, what would your choice be if you couldn't do both?
We're combining the cruise with WDW anyway, but might like a little splurge IYKWIM and not sure which part would be a better, more worth it splurge...
The dcl concierge is the better choice. I am not sure if you are meaning concierge at the resorts as the comparison but we are not a huge fan of the resort concierge service. It is okay but it doesn't compare to what concierge means on the ship. You will have early booking privileges also.
I'd do the cruise. In fact, I'd do a DCL cruise in a category 4 (non-concierge) over a Deluxe concierge resort at WDW.

We do a trip every year that's concierge at the Contemporary. The amenities and perks have gone down significantly in the past five years.

The DCL experience, whether concierge or not, is going to be much more personal and special.
I was sort of leaning toward upgrading the cruise, the cruise will be fabulous anyway, either way :hyper:
I'm going to sit on it for a while and see what happens, still have a long time to decide :goodvibes
I think it really depends on what you want to do at the parks. Some of the WDW deluxe resorts gets you prime real estate to get in and out of the parks early and easily. (BWI/BC/YC) in particular or CR if you want MK. That is worth money to us but we have 4 little kids and park time is important to us. We also are not huge fans of the buses. If you have been to WDW a million times and don't mind the buses then I would think upgrading on the cruise might be nice. In general I really think it depends on what you want to do on each part of the trip. KWIM?
We've done both. We did concierge at BC and we've done concierge on both the Wonder and Fantasy. Concierge on the cruise is better BY FAR!!!!!
We've done both. We did concierge at BC and we've done concierge on both the Wonder and Fantasy. Concierge on the cruise is better BY FAR!!!!!

Would you mind elaborating? :)

We have done YC Club Level, and I didn't think it was worth the extra money at all! I have wondered if I would feel the same way about DCL Concierge...
We did a five night cruise and then three nights at AKL concierge. We were in a category 8 room on the boat and had better service there than at AKL. The service in general on the cruise is just so far superior. I imagine concierge would be wonderful. I would still do AKL concierge again. The early morning safari makes it worth the price.
Would you mind elaborating? :)

We have done YC Club Level, and I didn't think it was worth the extra money at all! I have wondered if I would feel the same way about DCL Concierge...

We did the BC concierge. It cost a fortune and we are parks people. We get up in the morning, go to the parks all day and come home and go to bed. So we really didn't get much chance to utilize the concierge lounge or spend much time in our room. On the ship, we went to the concierge lounge multiple times during the day. We had snacks there, had lots of "free" alcohol :rotfl2: The CMs there were fantastic and helped us with lots of things including changing our flights and staying at WDW after our cruise ended instead of going home. Since we weren't at the parks all day, we spent more time enjoying the concierge facilities including the sun deck. I would never waste money on concierge level at the hotels again. But I will never sail without it!!!
The only concierge resort experience I really like is Grand Floridian Royal Palm Club. Wouldn't consider any other to even come close to concierge on the cruise.

It depends on which ship you're talking about too. I like the concierge lounge on Dream / Fantasy over the lack of a dedicated space on the classic ships.
I would say DCL hands down, while I haven't done the concierge level at WDW, I have done it at the grand californian.
We did club/concierge level at the WDW deluxe resorts for years before we bought DVC, and we did concierge level on the one DCL trip we've taken. As others have said, concierge class on the ships is really miles above it in the the resorts.

Now, I love walking to Epcot, hopping a monorail to MK, or waking up to giraffes outside my room, but the concierge class on DCL is equally magical in its own way. The concierges on the ships really do look after your needs and go out of their way to make your vacation more magical. The deluxe resorts are nice hotels, and we love them (hence our DVC purchase), but DCL provides another level of service.

Totally worth doing concierge on the cruise!
OP here :)
DH is not totally sold on the idea.
I'm thinking at this stage I might wait and see and try and upgrade at the port, who knows, we might be super lucky and get upgraded anyway :lmao: (I am joking).
I want to have my cake and eat it too... :blush:


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