Dancers on the High Seas- Land/Sea 03-22-09 PreTrip!


Earning My Ears
Jul 13, 2008
Here’s the thing: I have never had a desire to go on a cruise. It’s just not my bag-o-chips. Why? Well, I am not a big fan of large bodies of water. Which is strange, considering I’m a triathlete and frequently swim in large bodies of water. :lmao: But I never swim more than a mile from shore. I don’t know much about cruising but I do know that it takes you more than a mile from shore.

However, this last May my DD15 and DS6 auditioned for a local dance studio’s performing company. They both made it. DD15 made the Senior Team and DS6 made the youngest team, Hot Shots. We were super excited for them both. THEN…we found out that one of the team events is a Land and Sea Disney Trip with a performance and audition at WDW. My entire family was super excited. I was nauseous. A million thoughts ran through my head: someone is going to fall overboard…I’m going to be super sick…all you do is eat, I’ll get really fat…this is going to cost a fortune…

So, in the last 3 months, I have done extensive research and I can honestly say, I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT OUR TRIP!!!!
Yes, I realize I’m starting my Pre-trip Report a little early. As of this entry, we are exactly 32 weeks away from our sail date of March 22, 2009. I’m writing/posting for a couple of reasons:
  1. This is, most likely, our only cruise so I want to savor every minute, including the massive preparation.
  2. I want help/input/confirmation/advice in regard to the planning.
  3. I find comfort in knowing that I’m not the only Obsessive Compulsive Planner.
  4. I haven’t found many Land/Sea Trip Reports so I’m hoping to add to the conversation.
My family thinks I’ve lost it and Disney boxes have been arriving at a steady flow for the last few weeks. My husband rolls his eyes yet he is already talking about “pixie dust” ideas for the kids traveling with our dance group.

Join us as we prepare for our first Disney Vacation!!

Our crazy fam:
DH35- The only non-dancer in the family. (But wait ‘til you see his Disco moves!!)
DW35-Yours truly. I enjoy Jazz and Ballet but Tap is my thang. (Oh, and I race triathlons in my "spare" time :rotfl: )
DD15- Been dancing since 6 so she’s good at everything. Contemporary/Modern is her current fave.
DS10- He’ll say Hip Hop is his favorite but he hates to miss Ballet class! (Loves to help me plan. He GoogleMapped the Pirate Museum so we won’t get lost!)
DS6- He’s into Ballet and Jazz but Tap is his favorite. (Asks at least once a day, “How many days ‘til our cruise?”)

We’ll be joined by several other families with the Fired Up Dance Company which should make our Land and Sea Adventure quite entertaining. Why? Because dancers are the weirdest people you’ll ever meet!:woohoo:
One of the challenges in planning a Land/Sea is the packing list. If we were just cruising we throw some shorts and flip flops into a backpack and head out! (OK, not really, but we would pack differently.)

My solution (for now anyway) is to create a workbook with 5 worksheets (one for each family member) that can be grouped into two groups: Land and Sea. One of my concerns is that I'll pack 8 t-shirts for my boys knowing that I'll buy a few at CC and WDW. SOOOOOO, I'm going to only pack 5 t-shirts (each kid) and plan on buying at least 3 or 4 for them to wear at some point on the trip. Good idea? :confused3

I have read and copied into Word every tip thread on both the DCL forum and WDW forum and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I'll need so many bags to get all the stuff we need! I just read a thread yesterday about all the medication one should have with them. Seriously?!! I know I don't HAVE to follow all the tips but I don't want people to say "I told you so!" when I report a totally avoidable disaster in my trip report. :eek:

Never-the-less, I will continue to work on my packing lists. :confused:

Oh, and here are some pics of my family:
DH and I

DD15, DS6 and I just before we took the stage in June

DS10 and DS6

I told you...DANCERS ARE WEIRD!!

Great start to the report
and Congralations on your kids You must be very proud of them
....and our final bill. :rolleyes1

We're going during a peak season (Spring Break 09) so I gulped a little when I saw the final total after our airfare add-ons and additional park hopper passes for the land portion.

But then I quickly went to the DCL site and saw where our stateroom is. Stateroom 8556!!!!!

Off to search for stateroom reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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