Conclusion - Need to Book FP+ as soon as possible


DIS Veteran
Nov 17, 2012
Because, we care about optimizing our day, we are ride centric, and its important for us to not only get the attractions we want, but also at the times we want.

The closer we get to the 30 and day before the less chance there is in doing exactly that.

With the addition of FP+ to new attractions and the increased capacity devoted to FP+ there is an increased downside risk to not using FP and that risk escalates every day you wait to book your FPs.

This doesn't mean that its not possible the night before, the day of even, you could book what you wanted when you wanted, but the likely hood goes down by the day, by the hour even.

Book asap, you are paying thousands of dollars for this vacation, you should get to most out of your money.
Totally agree.

I'm not interested in having "a chance" at some headliner things last minute. I want to know I have them booked. The best way to maximize the odds is to book as soon as possible.

It's sort of like with legacy FP. It was possible to get headliner FPs later in the day. But if you wanted to be certain of getting one, you got to the park earlier in the day.

If missing something here or there won't cause you disappointment, then by all means wait. But if missing something in particular will really disappoint you, then definitely book as early as possible.
I think it's good to have two threads that offer opposing views on this point so newcomers can see both sides of the argument. Maybe we need a TV show like the old Crossfire on CNN :)

If you know you are going, the earlier you book, the better in terms of getting what you want, when you want it. Last-minute trips are still possible, but you are left picking through the scraps the closer you book them.
Totally agree.

I'm not interested in having "a chance" at some headliner things last minute. I want to know I have them booked. The best way to maximize the odds is to book as soon as possible.

It's sort of like with legacy FP. It was possible to get headliner FPs later in the day. But if you wanted to be certain of getting one, you got to the park earlier in the day.

If missing something here or there won't cause you disappointment, then by all means wait. But if missing something in particular will really disappoint you, then definitely book as early as possible.

This is a very well stated summary of why some people prefer FP+.

FP+ offers the OPPORTUNITY (but not the need) to book what we want at times that we know will fit into our schedule. If we change our minds, or if our schedule changes, we still have the CHANCE to get what we want though, as you say, the odds are lower of getting exactly what we want at the time we want.

With paper FP all we had was the CHANCE to get something we wanted at a time that fit our schedule, and we wouldn't know if we could get that until the same day.

Speaking just for myself, I like having the opportunity for certainty (along with a second chance if something changes) instead of just the chance.

I would not wait to make FP+ reservations because there is no downside to making them as soon as you can. But, I don't think there is a NEED to do it.
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And this is the true beauty of FP+. You can choose to book immediately and get exact times and days with no problems if you book early enough. With legacy, if you wanted to ride a particular ride at night, you had to be at that park hours before you wanted to ride, all the while keeping an eye on fp availability. Now I book it at home, exactly when I want to ride and I can do whatever else I want to do the rest of the day. It's great!

So if very specific times and days are important, I agree, you should book asap.
I think it's good to have two threads that offer opposing views on this point so newcomers can see both sides of the argument. Maybe we need a TV show like the old Crossfire on CNN :)

If you know you are going, the earlier you book, the better in terms of getting what you want, when you want it. Last-minute trips are still possible, but you are left picking through the scraps the closer you book them.
Or maybe a point-counterpoint sub-forum with each thread dedicated to an issue. Each post has to rebut the previous one.

Ehh. Too much like school.
Im glad the OP posted this. I can't imagine the poor family that dropped 5 grand on a Disney vacation only to spend 60 hours standing in line doing nothing because they were lulled into a false sense of security. If you take advice of the so called OCD planners, the worst thing that happens is get what you want with some up front stress. The worst that can happen if you plan nothing,thinking you'll get what you want at the last minute , is you spend your week standing around in the heat with anxious bored kids watching wait time signs. That's hardly sound advice.
This is a very well stated summary of why some people prefer FP+.

FP+ offers the OPPORTUNITY (but not the need) to book what we want at times that we know will fit into our schedule. If we change our minds, or if our schedule changes, we still have the CHANCE to get what we want though, as you say, the odds are lower of getting exactly what we want at the time we want.

With paper FP all we had was the CHANCE to get something we wanted at a time that fit our schedule, and we wouldn't know if we could get that until the same day.

Speaking just for myself, I like having the opportunity for certainty (along with a second chance if something changes) instead of just the chance.

I would not wait to make FP+ reservations because there is no downside to making them as soon as you can. But, I don't think there is a NEED to do it.

For you and for others who tour like you, I can see that being the case.

For me and for others who tour like me, not so much.

I could always get what I wanted by being there early in the day. And it had the added benefit of allowing ride repeats, quality FP selections past the first 3, and no tiering. And we could change plans the night before and not be picking from scraps for the next day.

That's apparently a tradeoff you are happy with.

I am not.
My goodness. No need to be rude just because this poster expressed an opposing view. I can certainly see both sides - we have AP's and can easily get Mission Space or Captain EO or The Great Movie Ride or Stitch or countless others the night before, there seems to always be something left on the same day and there are times we can't get some of the others we want to see or do even at 30 days. For example I just checked Saturday May 16th because that would be 30 days out for us with our annual passes and the Festival of Fantasy Parade, Main Street Electrical Parade, Anna & Elsa, and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train are all gone. So if I had wanted any of those yes I would have needed to try to get them maybe last night at midnight because I can't go past 30 days since we aren't staying on-site. I can still do them if I want to I just have to decide if I want to wait longer for them and at my age time is precious so I appreciate any fastpasses I can get but yes for some you certainly shouldn't wait.
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Because, we care about optimizing our day, we are ride centric, and its important for us to not only get the attractions we want, but also at the times we want.

The closer we get to the 30 and day before the less chance there is in doing exactly that.

With the addition of FP+ to new attractions and the increased capacity devoted to FP+ there is an increased downside risk to not using FP and that risk escalates every day you wait to book your FPs.

This doesn't mean that its not possible the night before, the day of even, you could book what you wanted when you wanted, but the likely hood goes down by the day, by the hour even.

Book asap, you are paying thousands of dollars for this vacation, you should get to most out of your money.

I wouldn't have the first problem with that thread if the title wasn't so intentionally misleading. Did the character limit for titles run out at "for us"?
It depends on what attractions you want and when. I'd certainly lean towards picking what I want for the days and times I want and leaving nothing to chance.
I agree that booking FP's ASAP, leaving nothing to chance, would be the wisest way to go.
It depends on what attractions you want and when. I'd certainly lean towards picking what I want for the days and times I want and leaving nothing to chance.

Since FP selections can always be changed, I have yet to see a down side to just going ahead and booking something.

Unless you are trying to make a case that FP+ did not diminish spontaneity in park touring.
I wouldn't have the first problem with that thread if the title wasn't so intentionally misleading. Did the character limit for titles run out at "for us"?
Gosh, I'm glad you said this, because it was EXACTLY what I was thinking. Neither opinion is wrong, but stating an opinion as definitive fact (or using a title that suggests this) is (intentional or not) misleading.

Book your fastpasses when you want. There will be better availability the earlier you book them. Will there be suitable availability the night before? Maybe, and maybe some want to roll the dice on that. I don't, and I don't understand the rationale for doing so.

I do appreciate knowing that there's (maybe more than) decent availability if booking late. As I said in the other thread, that's good news for offsiters and those who plan their trips closer to time.
Gosh, I'm glad you said this, because it was EXACTLY what I was thinking. Neither opinion is wrong, but stating an opinion as definitive fact (or using a title that suggests this) is (intentional or not) misleading.

Book your fastpasses when you want. There will be better availability the earlier you book them. Will there be suitable availability the night before? Maybe, and maybe some want to roll the dice on that. I don't, and I don't understand the rationale for doing so.

I do appreciate knowing that there's (maybe more than) decent availability if booking late. As I said in the other thread, that's good news for offsiters and those who plan their trips closer to time.

Unfortunately, there's only one "Like" button per post, but I can do this:

Ok. I haven't been a regular on TPAS much these last 12 months since we ditched our WDW plans last year and did SW/BG/Aquatica instead. But now "I'm back" because I have younger daughters whom I want to experience what my big kids experienced.

All that to say -- didn't I read this same thread last year with all the same people saying all the same things?

I agree with Arwen Marie though. I think threads touting the opinions of both "sides" helps with planning. I have my set of "needs" and this board has always been a source of help in my planning. I'd hate to see that stop.
I wouldn't have the first problem with that thread if the title wasn't so intentionally misleading. Did the character limit for titles run out at "for us"?

But wouldn't that make this thread equally as misleading?
I don't know about you--but I don't make my vacation decisions based upon a thread title only. If anyone is misled by doing that, that is of their own doing if they opted to not actually read past the headline.


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