Completed PTR - California or Bust!... But first we WDW! Last Change 3/10

I think that because this is a "bonus" trip, it's easier to not overplan. Whatever happens, happens. If you don't get to do everything, then you'll just have to go back!

Love it! I have started calling this trip the bonus trip!:yay:

Whether or not she likes it may depend if she participates. They choose audience members to play parts in the story, and if she wants to participate, it makes the time go by a little faster. If she's just sitting and watching, she may get bored. Even if she doesn't participate, she may get a picture with Belle - they often invite all kids to go up and take a picture. But again, that's where the character hesitancy may come into play.

Thank you! This and some other post have convinced me this would probably be a bad choice for us, skipping it for this trip! I think DD is to young to participate, and will probably get board.

I've never seen Disney Jr, but ... I love the Frozen Sing Along. It's super funny (for adults at least). And the kids seem to really enjoy singing along - so if she will sing along to all the songs, she'll probably like it.

We listen to Frozen often, so she may like it I am hanging on to the FP.

I think you can do a lot even in a short trip, but try not to stress out if you don't get everything. In my experience, with a short trip, things are a lot more dependent on crowds and weather and moods. The most important thing is to be flexible.

:thumbsup2 I agree, i am trying to just book my FP and 2 ADRS and roll with it.....

My DD had fun at this one but like Sarah said - she may be bored if she doesn't participate in the show. I am not sure we'd do it again after having done it once - you do need an FP+ though if you want to do it - the line moves VERY slowly without one.

We are going to skip this one, i think DD is a little to young, she is only 15 months so wont participate, so i switched my FP (currently for Meet Tinkerbell)!

Can never do too much in a short trip. A short trip is when the pressure is on to DO ALL THE THINGS. :thumbsup2

haha! Love it!:rotfl2:

Awa Feel Better!

Thank you! Feeling much better but now I think DD has a slight cold...

You won't be missing much if you give it up.

We gave it up.... kinda got the next day instead....

I will say this that's a lot of park hoping to eat up time.

Agreed, I was able to move a bunch of stuff around and now will only be hoping between 2 parks each day..... One day on a longer trip I want to do 4 parks in one day!

I can't remember you DD age (I just remember she's younger than Little MIss) But our experience with enchanted tales is that she would have gotten a bit more out of it had little miss been a tad older. THe involvement in the show is a little much for the under 4 set, but that could also just be my active kid.

This is the post that really convinced me to change up this FP, DD will only be 17 months on this trip and after hearing this Spencerian i don't think its worth it for this trip, we will save it for another time! Thank you!:D

You know my opinions on DIsney Junior, Haven't been to the Frozen show so I can't say there.

Your experience with Disney Junior is part of the reason I am debating if i should try it this trip. I want to try it one trip for sure, but do i want to waste time on a short trip on something we may not enjoy

:scratchin If she is in to meeting characters, Tinkerbell or Mickey?

I picked up a Tinkerbell, but debating on Tinkerbell or trying to switch it to Mickey, DD would differently recognize Mickey more but I think she may like the face character better then the fur characters.

The way I'm working on the plans for our Short trip is to have our Must dos spread out a bit and have a plan filled with all of what we would like to accomplish and buffering the must dos with things that will be alright if we skip. It makes for easy go with the flow park touring while still having a plan. I have found that actual in park touring is more stressful without a plan.

I don't love having to detailed of a plan, actually let me rephrase this, I like to have it but we hardly ever follow it exactly, we just end up going with the flow and doing what we feel like for the most part, we will probably stick with that.

Hi there! I did read your May 2015 trip report, but somehow I just came across this one! We are both from NJ (Somerset County here) so I thought it was interesting to see how you plan to travel with your little one.

Congrats on the 2 trips! We will be in WDW at the same time you are, arriving on 11/28 but staying off-site, 11/29 is our planned MK day for my DD's 9th birthday. We start the 29th with a 8am breakfast ADR at Crystal Palace and ending with a 6:25pm ADR at BOG. 11/30 we are scheduled to be at Epcot.

:welcome:! We are in Essex county, but my DH grew up in Somerset! We have similar park days planned out! Will have to keep any eye out for you and your family during the trip!! Happy Birthday to your DD :bday:!

We are traveling with our 3 kids - DD15, DD9 and DS21months, along with my parents and my sister with her 3 daughters 14, 12 & 9, plus her dog. So our FP+ reservations will be much different, geared more towards what the older kids want to ride and see. Plus I am a little apprehensive for meet & greets as my DS has never had character interaction.

Good luck with the rest of your planning, maybe we will run into each other in one of the parks!

Big group! But it will be so much fun to all go together! Big kid rides are fun, and i am not going to lie i may be a little jealous you get to go one more then me :rolleyes1 Going to hope over to your PTR too!
Changing it up.... again

So much going on here I am an accountant so the few weeks around quarter close are always really busy for me, hopefully by next weekend it will be a little less hectic.

Any way, some quick updates:

ADRs I was able to get a Hollywood & Vine reservation for 11/30 for 9:05 not my ideal time but this allows us to go right to the MK on 11/29 and then to Hollywood Studios at night, and on 11/30 going Hollywood Studios/Epcot/Hollywood studios. I think this plan is a little better even if we don't hit up MK both days this way.

This leaves just the ADR at the Plaza for 2:20 on the 29th, I am just not sure I love the idea of being set on walking to Main Street at 2pm on a short MK day, and am wondering if i would just rather grab quick services some place.. But we shall see.

I changed our FP+ for our MK day, we now went with Peter Pan 9:45-10:45, Buzz 2:55-3:55 and Meet Tinker Bell 5:20-6:20 i figure on our way out of the park before we head to Hollywood Studios. After some great info from everyone i think DD is a little (way) to young for Enchanted tales with Belle!

I currently have no breaks scheduled either park day.... I am hoping DD will stroller nap and we can just relax, if she gets real fussy and we feel we need a break we will take one, I just want to eat to much of the day taking breaks!

I need to order a few items for the trip, I am so torn on the weather, but all of DDs short from the summer are to small so i am going to order a pair or two just encase we need them, we have a trip in February to see my Dad in Florida so she could use them then too if needed. I have one shirt ordered for her and I may want one for myself too.

Also can anyone confirm i can take a bus directly from MK to Hollywood Studios, I'm pretty sure i can but don't want to be wrong and end up wasting a ton of time figuring out I was wrong... Going to ask on the transportation board too they will know :D!
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@SarahDisney - I finally added a ticker, and am calling this trip my Bonus Osborn Lights trip! Thank you for giving me the ideas :thumbsup2
This is the post that really convinced me to change up this FP, DD will only be 17 months on this trip and after hearing this Spencerian i don't think its worth it for this trip, we will save it for another time! Thank you!:D
I think that is a wise choice. Enchanted Tales is really the most fun for the kids who get to "act" in the play and their families. at 17 months there just isn't much of value to it. Even the picture with her after is not as good as other meet and greets.

Your experience with Disney Junior is part of the reason I am debating if i should try it this trip. I want to try it one trip for sure, but do i want to waste time on a short trip on something we may not enjoy
If you have something else you would rather spend your FP on I would go with that. There is zero benefit to the FP at Disney Junior and you can still go and see one of the shows without one.

I picked up a Tinkerbell, but debating on Tinkerbell or trying to switch it to Mickey, DD would differently recognize Mickey more but I think she may like the face character better then the fur characters.
DH and I both felt that Face characters were able to engage Little Miss better than the fur characters.

ADRs I was able to get a Hollywood & Vine reservation for 11/30 for 9:05 not my ideal time but this allows us to go right to the MK on 11/29 and then to Hollywood Studios at night, and on 11/30 going Hollywood Studios/Epcot/Hollywood studios. I think this plan is a little better even if we don't hit up MK both days this way.
:thumbsup2 Much better plan!

This leaves just the ADR at the Plaza for 2:20 on the 29th, I am just not sure I love the idea of being set on walking to Main Street at 2pm on a short MK day, and am wondering if i would just rather grab quick services some place.. But we shall see.
I know how you feel with this. However we have found having a nice a/c cooled spot to sit and have a relaxing lunch almost works better than heading back to the room for a break. An Hour sitting in a nice quiet lunch plus one or two of the longer attractions ( Hall of Presidents, Peoplemover, Carousel of Progress) and we are generally good to go. DH and I have gone back and forth on this one for March. On these short trips you just want to cram everything you can into your days. I'm trying not to do that myself.

I changed our FP+ for our MK day, we now went with Peter Pan 9:45-10:45, Buzz 2:55-3:55 and Meet Tinker Bell 5:20-6:20 i figure on our way out of the park before we head to Hollywood Studios. After some great info from everyone i think DD is a little (way) to young for Enchanted tales with Belle!
:thumbsup2 Good choices!!

I currently have no breaks scheduled either park day.... I am hoping DD will stroller nap and we can just relax, if she gets real fussy and we feel we need a break we will take one, I just want to eat to much of the day taking breaks!
As I said above, with our short trip coming up we are seriously considering not doing afternoon breaks either. However I'm going in with a plan for either scenario incase it becomes apparent that we just need a break/in room nap.

I am so torn on the weather, but all of DDs short from the summer are to small so i am going to order a pair or too just encase we need them, we have a trip in February to see my Dad in Florida so she could use them then too if needed.
Check consignment places and clearance racks. YOu should get some good deals if you go quick. :thumbsup2

Also can anyone confirm i can take a bus directly from MK to Hollywood Studios, I'm pretty sure i can but don't want to be wrong and end up wasting a ton of time figuring out I was wrong... Going to ask on the transportation board too they will know :D!
My understanding is that you have to catch one from the TTC not the resort bus area. You'll have to double check that though.
Also can anyone confirm i can take a bus directly from MK to Hollywood Studios, I'm pretty sure i can but don't want to be wrong and end up wasting a ton of time figuring out I was wrong... Going to ask on the transportation board too they will know :D!
Yes, but you'll have to catch it from the TTC. So insert enough time to catch a boat or monorail to there from park. ::yes::
Yes, but you'll have to catch it from the TTC. So insert enough time to catch a boat or monorail to there from park. ::yes::

I'm confused on this one, on the transportation board they said it's now in front of MK and I don't need to go to TTC.... I'm going to scope it out I guess worst case boat to TTC then bus....
I'm confused on this one, on the transportation board they said it's now in front of MK and I don't need to go to TTC.... I'm going to scope it out I guess worst case boat to TTC then bus....
Oh! Well, ignore me then! LOL. If that's true, I'm glad to hear it. It was sucky having to go all the way to the TTC just to park hop!
Oh! Well, ignore me then! LOL. If that's true, I'm glad to hear it. It was sucky having to go all the way to the TTC just to park hop!

I'm going to pay extra attention to this and report back.... I feel like going to TTC is a pain but what I'm expecting.....
I changed our FP+ for our MK day, we now went with Peter Pan 9:45-10:45, Buzz 2:55-3:55 and Meet Tinker Bell 5:20-6:20 i figure on our way out of the park before we head to Hollywood Studios. After some great info from everyone i think DD is a little (way) to young for Enchanted tales with Belle!

I think Tink is a great idea! We really had a great interaction with her last trip, and we saw her interacting with a few other groups too and everyone seemed to love her!
Which is kinda weird for a character that started out as mean/bratty, but still...

Also can anyone confirm i can take a bus directly from MK to Hollywood Studios, I'm pretty sure i can but don't want to be wrong and end up wasting a ton of time figuring out I was wrong... Going to ask on the transportation board too they will know :D!

My instinct is yes, but I'm not sure. I've never park hopped from MK, so I'm basing this off of memory of signs, which could be wrong.
But if the people on the transportation board say you can, then I trust them

@SarahDisney - I finally added a ticker, and am calling this trip my Bonus Osborn Lights trip! Thank you for giving me the ideas :thumbsup2

Yay! I'm glad you liked the idea of calling it a bonus trip - it makes it seem so special!
First I know I owe some replies, I do most of my reading and relying on my phone (during my commute) but I like to reply to my reports on a computer so that usually only happens once a week!

However today is a special day for me 45 days till we leave which means arrival day is on the 45 day weather outlook on

Now I know the report will change 45000 times but I love seeing it on there even if it's rain!

Also we haven't told my family we are going yet and they aren't going to be happy they weren't invited.... They are coming to visit this weekend and I'm dreading telling them.

Anyway! Heigh ho heigh ho off to work I go :surfweb:
I think that is a wise choice. Enchanted Tales is really the most fun for the kids who get to "act" in the play and their families. at 17 months there just isn't much of value to it. Even the picture with her after is not as good as other meet and greets.

Yeah this will be saved for a future trip! I do want to check it out at some point, will just be when she is a little older!:D

DH and I both felt that Face characters were able to engage Little Miss better than the fur characters.

I think the fur characters can be hard for young kids, they don't talk and i am not sure they can really pick up on all of the body language etc.

:thumbsup2 Much better plan!

I know how you feel with this. However we have found having a nice a/c cooled spot to sit and have a relaxing lunch almost works better than heading back to the room for a break. An Hour sitting in a nice quiet lunch plus one or two of the longer attractions ( Hall of Presidents, Peoplemover, Carousel of Progress) and we are generally good to go. DH and I have gone back and forth on this one for March. On these short trips you just want to cram everything you can into your days. I'm trying not to do that myself.

As I said above, with our short trip coming up we are seriously considering not doing afternoon breaks either. However I'm going in with a plan for either scenario incase it becomes apparent that we just need a break/in room nap.

I know DH will want to take breaks, but with such a short trip the back and forth to the hotel eats a lot of time, i am going to mostly play it by ear, and hope we can get away with no breaks. Last trip DD slept a TON in the stroller so hopefully that happens again. A girl can dream right? ::yes::

I think Tink is a great idea! We really had a great interaction with her last trip, and we saw her interacting with a few other groups too and everyone seemed to love her!
Which is kinda weird for a character that started out as mean/bratty, but still...

I agree, i find her to be such a non friendly character, but it seems people have good interactions with her, so might as well give it a shot!:tinker:

Yay! I'm glad you liked the idea of calling it a bonus trip - it makes it seem so special!

I know! SO EXCITED :yay:
WDW countdown – 33 days!

I customized our Magic Bands but was really hoping for the elusive (probably never happening:confused3) purple Magic Band! I always want to put in cool nicknames or something funny but I keep backing out… Maybe next trip.

I want to place my garden grocer order this week. I wasn’t going to do this for such a short trip, but my daughter has 2 or 3 things that she loves to eat and I haven’t been able to tell if I can buy them at the gift shops so I thought placing an order would be good and I can get milk, and bottle water too so it should work out. Has anyone used them? Any feedback, good? Bad?

I also need to book my Mears car service to the hotel from the airport. My husband didn’t love DME last trip, we had pretty crappy luck with it. We waited a good 30 minutes to board the bus and then waited to leave, and were the last resort dropped off, and then had a bad check in experience. So over all I think DH just doesn’t love it, so he said he would rather take a car service, and frankly if he wants to spend the money to take a private car on the budget trip who am I to argue with that. :rolleyes1

Also want to buy memory maker, another thing I was going to skip for this trip, but we loved it last trip, and we have family going 2 weeks after us so I am going to link them to our accounts so they can use it too.

I also did some shopping; I went to target and got some shorts for DD for $3.99! :woohoo: Not going to complain about that, I almost got a bunch for next year too, but I restrained myself, if it was up to me I would shop nonstop. I also got on shirt of Etsy for DD for the one of the nights we do the Osborn Lights. Other than those few items I don’t think I am going to be purchasing any other specific items for the trip (clothes wise at least).

A quick update on the California trip, I am still waiting on confirmed dates from DH’s job, but the flights have gone up slightly in price, I have been monitoring them, maybe to much. The trip is still one but I would like dates for his trip so I can secure flights.

Going to try to do some daily reports for this WDW trip soon!:cool1:
I'm starting to think that purple magicband will never happen. Which is frustrating. They know that people want it, it's available at the on demand place in Tomorrowland, so why can't they just make it available to the general public?

Your trip is only about a month away - so exciting!! Sounds like you've really got everything worked out, which is really nice.
Personally, I love DME, but I could see why you guys might not ... and if he's willing to pay for a car service, you might as well go for it!
I decided to check out this PTR because I am planning May and June DL trips (first time to CA for me). My husband has family in California and we are going to one cousin's wedding in May and another cousin's graduation in June. We plan to spend a day or two in DL on each trip. I am in South Jersey and after seeing your post on Sesame Place, I decided to check out their season passes. They have a Super Grover pass that includes SeaWorld and all their other parks!!! :stir: This is me cooking up an idea. Get the Super Grover passes and go to SeaWorld San Diego in May and June during our Disneyland trips! Score! We already were planning a Mega trip 11/1/16-11/?/16 for Halloween and Christmas in one for DW and SeaWorld and now those SeaWorld tickets are covered! double score!! Summer trip to Colonial Williamsburg now includes Busch Gardens and Water Country USA! Triple score!!! We are going to Sesame Place's Halloween party on Sunday and anytime we want!!!! Best season pass ever! :yay::thanks::worship: It's all thanks to you! Thank you!!!!!
Drat! I was kinda hoping that since they have it available to customize in park that it would be one of the options.


I'm starting to think that purple magicband will never happen. Which is frustrating. They know that people want it, it's available at the on demand place in Tomorrowland, so why can't they just make it available to the general public?

Your trip is only about a month away - so exciting!! Sounds like you've really got everything worked out, which is really nice.
Personally, I love DME, but I could see why you guys might not ... and if he's willing to pay for a car service, you might as well go for it!

I am starting to think it may never happen either :( Cause they know we want it so they are selling it and making more money!

I love the idea of DME, and aside from the last trip DH seemed to like it too. But DH tends to prefer limiting difficult situations with DD, (I mean is that laughable or what!). So while I think we should give DME another try, i am not going to push it on this trip I will save that for another time.

I decided to check out this PTR because I am planning May and June DL trips (first time to CA for me). My husband has family in California and we are going to one cousin's wedding in May and another cousin's graduation in June. We plan to spend a day or two in DL on each trip.
:welcome: Happy to have you!

I am in South Jersey and after seeing your post on Sesame Place, I decided to check out their season passes. They have a Super Grover pass that includes SeaWorld and all their other parks!!! :stir: This is me cooking up an idea. Get the Super Grover passes and go to SeaWorld San Diego in May and June during our Disneyland trips! Score! We already were planning a Mega trip 11/1/16-11/?/16 for Halloween and Christmas in one for DW and SeaWorld and now those SeaWorld tickets are covered! double score!! Summer trip to Colonial Williamsburg now includes Busch Gardens and Water Country USA! Triple score!!

LOVE this!:love: Love everything about it, anyone who cooks up schemes is alright in my books! I mean Seaworld, and Busch Gardens, AND Water Country USA, plus if you're close enough to go to Sesame place often it works out perfect:woohoo:! I mean could it be a better buy for you!

We are going to Sesame Place's Halloween party on Sunday and anytime we want!!!! Best season pass ever! :yay::thanks::worship:

So Jealous, we keep missing the Halloween party, there is a slight chance we go Sunday but I think we are going to miss it this year :confused:

It's all thanks to you! Thank you!!!!!

You're welcome, so happy I was able to help.

Let me know how you like Sesame Place!
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One Month from today!

Arrival day! :woohoo:

We take off at 12:50, which isn’t great as its right after DDs nap time, so the chances of her sleeping on the flight might not be great. But a tentative plan is nap on the way to the airport, run around in the airport (try to not get her to do somersaults in the airport, on our last trip to FL in Sept she was doing somersaults in the airport it was funny and kinda gross) and hopefully nap on the plane, a mom can dream!:rotfl:

We land at 3:30, and I hope to be at the POP by 5, but realistically I am expecting 6ish the latest, with getting our bags as we won’t be taking DME this trip.

Ideally we will get to the POP, check in drop off our bags, maybe a change our clothes and then head to Hollywood Studios. If I had my way we would just get a snack or something at Hollywood Studios, but it will all depend on how DD is doing and how hungry we are, we may grab something at the food court before heading to Hollywood Studios. I grabbed a FP for TSMM for 6:45-7:45 that I would like to use. I don’t think we will use the other FP’s we have but so everyone knows they are Frozen but that's early; 6pm show not looking like we will make that, but you never know. We also have a 9-10 Muppet Vision FP but I don't even think we will try to use that one.

Then its Osborn Lights:cool1: I don't think we will last much later then 9pm here (if we are that lucky).

I would like to get a Butterfingers cupcake at starring rolls if we have a chance, if not there is always tomorrow. :banana: I mean how often do you get to say that!

Back up plan, if we are exhausted, or if travel day doesn't go well, of if we just want to plain old relax, we will hit up the food court, and hang out around the hotel, and get ready for an early start the next day!
WDW countdown – 33 days!

I customized our Magic Bands but was really hoping for the elusive (probably never happening:confused3) purple Magic Band! I always want to put in cool nicknames or something funny but I keep backing out… Maybe next trip.

I am still holding out a slight hope it will appear before I have to finalize in December for my January trip, but I think I'm probably out of luck. I'd also probably have to fight boy child 1 for it, since it is also his favorite color, but I'm older and meaner so I should win that battle.

I'm really debating getting a custom one at the new shop thing in Magic Kingdom.

One Month from today!

Arrival day! :woohoo:

We take off at 12:50, which isn’t great as its right after DDs nap time, so the chances of her sleeping on the flight might not be great. But a tentative plan is nap on the way to the airport, run around in the airport (try to not get her to do somersaults in the airport, on our last trip to FL in Sept she was doing somersaults in the airport it was funny and kinda gross) and hopefully nap on the plane, a mom can dream!:rotfl:

We land at 3:30, and I hope to be at the POP by 5, but realistically I am expecting 6ish the latest, with getting our bags as we won’t be taking DME this trip.

Ideally we will get to the POP, check in drop off our bags, maybe a change our clothes and then head to Hollywood Studios. If I had my way we would just get a snack or something at Hollywood Studios, but it will all depend on how DD is doing and how hungry we are, we may grab something at the food court before heading to Hollywood Studios. I grabbed a FP for TSMM for 6:45-7:45 that I would like to use. I don’t think we will use the other FP’s we have but so everyone knows they are Frozen but that's early; 6pm show not looking like we will make that, but you never know. We also have a 9-10 Muppet Vision FP but I don't even think we will try to use that one.

Then its Osborn Lights:cool1: I don't think we will last much later then 9pm here (if we are that lucky).

I would like to get a Butterfingers cupcake at starring rolls if we have a chance, if not there is always tomorrow. :banana: I mean how often do you get to say that!

Back up plan, if we are exhausted, or if travel day doesn't go well, of if we just want to plain old relax, we will hit up the food court, and hang out around the hotel, and get ready for an early start the next day!

I miss nap time. For me, I don't care if the minions nap or not.

I am honestly impressed you are going to a park the first night. Our plans our resort or Disney Springs, then again Osborn Lights might make it a higher priority, they'll be gone when we go.

I do have the Butterfingers cupcake in my plans for our one HS day though, it looks so good.
I am still holding out a slight hope it will appear before I have to finalize in December for my January trip, but I think I'm probably out of luck. I'd also probably have to fight boy child 1 for it, since it is also his favorite color, but I'm older and meaner so I should win that battle.

I'm really debating getting a custom one at the new shop thing in Magic Kingdom.

I was considering not a custom one too, but I'm going to pass this trip maybe in the future..... But if I had an AP and was going back soon I would totally do it! :rolleyes1

I miss nap time. For me, I don't care if the minions nap or not.

I am honestly impressed you are going to a park the first night. Our plans our resort or Disney Springs, then again Osborn Lights might make it a higher priority, they'll be gone when we go.

I do have the Butterfingers cupcake in my plans for our one HS day though, it looks so good.

Normally I would never go to a park on arrival day if I was arriving after 3pm with a toddler..... However since it's such a short trip I'm going to try it, no guarantee that's for sure!
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Cali trip update - really quick update! Dates were finally announced for DHs work trip! They are exactly what we thought...:woohoo:

Now time to search flights, I did check yesterday and they are up but not totally crazy.

Work is going to be really busy today so I won't have much time to search flights, hopefully tonight!


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