Childless Mommies take on EEC, Food & Wine, Pleasure Island 01/01/09 DEPARTURE DAY!

Day 3 - Part One

The sun had barely broken on our third day in Disney and I was already up and ready to go. Despite the fact that we had yet another late night the evening before. And despite the fact that I most certainly am *not* a morning person.

For whatever reason it is impossible for me to sleep in at Disney. Or go to bed early for that matter.

Perhaps if I ever take the 2-3 week trips that you see alot of people from Europe and the UK doing I would feel okay about taking off a couple of days to sleep in and lounge about. To date the longest amount of time I have spent at Disney is 7 days. Most of my trips (including this one) are much shorter. So for me, sleep is highly overrated when there are a million things I want to see, eat, experience and accomplish in such limited time.

I would be lying if I didn't confess to something else which gets me up and moving in the mornings at Disney. A little thing called an ADR. In other words, F-O-O-D people! Yes, food! And breakfast food in particular. Gets me everytime.

The fact that some people pack Pop Tarts, granola bars, cereal, ect. to eat in their rooms in the morning just absolutely blows my mind! To think that they are just footsteps away from some of the best breakfast dining experiences in Disney and willingly choose to stay put in their room eating packaged food that you could literally eat anywhere - well, I just don't get it. Is it to save time? Save money? Either way, I don't see the point.

One of the highlights of every trip for me is the Dining. And given that I am normally fighting people off for certain reservations at the 180-day mark proves that I can't be alone on this. In fact, I am so big on dining at Disney that on short little trips like this my challenge is fitting all of the places I wish to dine into just 3 meals a day!

So if I want to sleep more - I'll catch up on the zzzz's when I get home. If I want to save money - I'll brown bag it and cut down (not out) the Starbucks before I leave. But give up Dining??? No way Jose!!!

Today we were heading to my absolute favourite place to eat Breakfast in all of Walt Disney World. A little known place called the Kona Cafe.


Now Kona is, of course, well known on the DIS. But certainly not to the Disney masses. Which in my mind only increases its appeal. And chances are, even if you are calling at the last minute, you will be able to get a 7:30am Breakfast reservation at Kona; perfect timing for making rope drop at 9am.

If you have read any amount of Trip Reports on the DIS, or spent any amount of time on the Poly Resort thread, you will have heard of the cult-like following of a certain Kona house specialty. A little thing described as Tonga Toast. Actually, little it is not. It is HUGE!!!


Although I had heard about it, saw pictures of it, and even watched fellow diners chowing down on the stuff beside me, I had yet to give into the hype. Yes, up until this Trip I had never even sampled the infamous Tonga Toast. Well, that was about to change. Today was the day. I was going to try it.

Problem was...Andrea was still sleeping.

It was 7:30am and precious time was ticking away. Now I know that she heard the alarm. And I know she must have heard me getting ready. I also know that, like me, she has two toddlers and likely hasn't spent a morning in bed past 7am in the past 5 years. However, for whatever reason, she wasn't budging. Apparently the Kona pull wasn't as strong for her.

After quietly stalling and killing time in the room until 7:30am, I was getting antsy. I knew we weren't going to make our 7:35am ADR so I crossed that one off the list. I decided to head out for a walk with the camera and take some pictures of the Resort. That is when I took all of the pictures I posted on the Check-In post from our first day. I took my time and walked all around the Resort and pool area. I even did some shopping at the Giftshop and stopped in at Kona to advise them that we were not going to make our ADR. Fortunately I don't think anyone lost out on a table on account of us. There may have been 4 occupied tables in the whole place. Meanwhile that "circus" down the hall had people lined up for miles.:confused3

By the time I made it back to the room it was almost 8:30am. As I was opening the door I was all set to apologize to Andrea for taking so long with my walk, photos and shopping, thinking she would be dressed, ready to go and waiting for me. Not quite. I opened the door to total darkness. She was still down for the count.:rotfl:

Hmmm....what's a girl to do? I was starving. And excited to get the day underway. Maybe I would just do this one solo.

Fortunately I was easily able to slide into a table right away at 8:30am. Like I said, it is WDW's best kept secret for Breakfast dining. (Let's keep it that way, K?;) )

The other really important thing about Kona is the coffee. Mmmmmm, coffee.:love: Fellow java snobs take note: Yes, I agree that an on property Starbucks would be a great addition to the Parks. However, you can't go wrong with a Kona Press. Pricey, especially for just one, but worth it! And even if you don't feel like splurging for the Press, their brewed coffee is almost just as good.

Now for all you folks out there who have never heard of Tonga Toast, let me explain. How does thick slices of French bread stuffed with bananas, which is fried and rolled in sugar sound to you?

To me.....honestly? Not so much.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE French Toast. It is one of my favourite foods. I like a good banana just as well as anyone. And sugar? Well, hello! What's not to love about that?

However, for whatever reason, the combination of all that together just wasn't doing it for me. So up until today, I had always steered clear of it.

My Breakfast of Choice at Kona - The Big Kahuna. Oh yes. It is all that. And more. To the day I die, this will be my most favourite breakfast.


Comes with:

2 eggs - any style you want them.

Bacon, ham, *and* sausage. (I always get all bacon.)


French Toast (not Tonga, just regular)

And the Kicker - Macadamia Nut Pancakes!!!

Now I like pancakes. The thin, homemade kind my Dad makes. Some may call them crepes. I am not a lover of 99% of restaurant pancakes as I generally find them too thick and heavy. So I wasn't expecting much from these pancakes when I first ordered them. I was so wrong!

Kona's Macadamia Nut Pancakes are absolute Heaven!!! They are so light and fluffy and come with chopped pineapple and amazing macadamia nut whipped butter - Yum! Simply to die for!

Despite my love and affection for the Big Kahuna, I think DISboard hype finally got the best of me. I decided that I simply could not complete my stay at the Poly without sampling the Tonga Toast.




So, did it live up to the hype? Well....although this may be considered blasphemy, especially on the Poly thread, it did not. At least for me.

First of all, even for me, Ms. Sweet Tooth, I found this way, way, way too sweet. And the mushy bananas packed in the middle of the bread didn't do too much for me either. Definitely won't be ordering this again. I literally forced myself to eat about 1/4 of it and that was that.

So it's definitely back to the good ole Big Kahuna for me. Each to their own!

I love your updates! I've never had the Tonga toast either, but your photos of breakfast are making me very hungry! In two weeks, DH and I go for a short stay. I hope we do half as much as you guys did. I agree with the sleep part - I can never sleep there. Stay up late and then up again early. I actually like the early mornings the best. They are so quiet and such a fun time to explore!
I read your other report and just loved it, and this one is great. Mom and daughter trips are great, but then so are BFF trips.

So I am not the only Canadian that does lots of on line shopping,:rotfl2: last year I did all my Christmas shopping on line and sent to my hotel in the states, the poor girl at the Front desk thought I was nuts, but it was great.

Just an FYI for anyone, you can get Tonga Toast at Captain Cooks.

Thanks for taking the time to write a report.

Hi there!

All caught up! I'm another one who doesn't see giving in to the temptation/hype of the Tonga Toast. It doesn't sound at all appetizing to me. Now the temptation of French bartenders pouring champagne... that's another story!! ;) There are certainly some cute ones and the champagne isn't too bad either! :laughing: Sounds like you had a great night at Epcot. The 2nd bonus ride on Soarin is awesome!!
What a great time:goodvibes . I really like the pics everything looks so good. I love the plates in France I love all their stuff in that store. The wine flight in there is one of my faves.
Wow, thanks for the great review on Kona. It really is one restaurant I have not read a lot about. I saw on another TR recently that you can get Tonga Toast at Captain Cooks. That might be a good way to try it w/ your CS credits if you're on the regular dining plan. The Big Kahuna looks great, DH would love it.:thumbsup2 I have been amazed at how well you function on little sleep. I probably would have been like your BFF and stayed in bed. Good for you for not letting it stop you.:goodvibes
I love your updates! I've never had the Tonga toast either, but your photos of breakfast are making me very hungry! In two weeks, DH and I go for a short stay. I hope we do half as much as you guys did. I agree with the sleep part - I can never sleep there. Stay up late and then up again early. I actually like the early mornings the best. They are so quiet and such a fun time to explore!

Thanks for posting! How exciting about your trip. I can't wait to try WDW in December! Maybe next year!;)

I read your other report and just loved it, and this one is great. Mom and daughter trips are great, but then so are BFF trips.

So I am not the only Canadian that does lots of on line shopping,:rotfl2:

Thanks!:goodvibes And yes, I suspect we are not the only Canadians doing online shipping to hotels. For these short little trips it is ideal! I think I taught Andrea a few tricks on this Trip that have nothing whatsoever to do with touring WDW!:rotfl:

Hi there!

All caught up! I'm another one who doesn't see giving in to the temptation/hype of the Tonga Toast. It doesn't sound at all appetizing to me. Now the temptation of French bartenders pouring champagne... that's another story!! ;) There are certainly some cute ones and the champagne isn't too bad either! :laughing: Sounds like you had a great night at Epcot. The 2nd bonus ride on Soarin is awesome!!

Yeah - go with your initial instincts on the Tonga Toast! But seriously, try the Big Kahuna. You can't go wrong there!

I am waiting for your update on the French bartenders in your TR!;) I agree, ours were cute, but quite young!:rotfl: Not that there is anything wrong with that!;)

What a great time:goodvibes . I really like the pics everything looks so good. I love the plates in France I love all their stuff in that store. The wine flight in there is one of my faves.

Yes, shopping in France can't be beat!:goodvibes

Wow, thanks for the great review on Kona. The Big Kahuna looks great, DH would love it.:thumbsup2

It is definitely worth a trip to Kona for Breakfast! Highly recommend it!:)
We love the "Circus" down the hall. I think you described it accurately. I don't intend to do the "circus" on adult trips but Kona is a definate must. I was kind of hoping someone else would get the Kona toast so I could try it without committing to it.
just found your report. A great read!!
looking forward to more.
Hey there, jumping over to check out your trip report. Great so far!! I think it's fabulous that you got to go without kiddos. What an entirely different trip that would be. I can't even imagine the cool dining places to eat, the shopping, the rides, the drinks -- all without kids.

I love the water view from the Poly. Your pictures are great. I totally forgot to take pictures of stuff like the hotel, rides. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!!
A belated welcome to you both! :goodvibes

Sorry I kinda checked out of this report for the month of December. Life is now getting back to a somewhat normal pace! I will be back soon with another update...I hope to close this baby down before the New Year!;)

just found your report. A great read!!
looking forward to more.

Hey there, jumping over to check out your trip report. Great so far!! I think it's fabulous that you got to go without kiddos. What an entirely different trip that would be. I can't even imagine the cool dining places to eat, the shopping, the rides, the drinks -- all without kids.

I love the water view from the Poly. Your pictures are great. I totally forgot to take pictures of stuff like the hotel, rides. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!!
Day 3 - Part 2

By the time I made it back to the room after Breakfast at Kona, Andrea was just about all set to go.

We had a lot on the agenda today, including, oh I don't know, a little thing called a Race. The Inaugural Expedition Everest Challenge!!!

To be honest, at this point the Race wasn't even on the Radar. We had a lot of things to keep us busy today, including some non-Disney activities.

We got to the Parks by about Lunchtime. Epcot to be exact. We had a coveted reservation at Le Cellier. Nothing like a good steak a couple hours before starting an endurance challenge! Clearly not the best idea of a meal so close to the Race. However, it was the only time that we were able to obtain an ADR at Le Cellier and I wasn't about to give it up.

We were also meeting a close friend of mine who was also running the EEC with her husband. She & I and another friend of mine all ran the Minnie 5k together back in May 2008. It was the first WDW Race for each of us. Heck, it was my first race period! Anyway, I credit the Minnie with getting me interested in both running and in Disney races in particular. Unfortunately, to date my running experience has been limited to the Disney races themselves and a couple weeks of training before the Minnie.:rolleyes: In fact, before the EEC challenge at the end of September, the last time I had laced up a pair of sneakers was on the day of the Minnie 5k in May. Oh well, who am I to let a pesky little detail like pre-race training get in the way of all my fun!:rotfl:

Participating in these races exposed me to a whole new experience at WDW, different from anything else I had done in over 20 trips to the World. The races were exciting, fun and inspiring. While I am still not running marathons, it was highly motivating both times to be a participant in such a professionally run athletic event with so many other people of all ages and abilities. It is definitely something I will be doing again and just one more thing to add to the list of things that keeps me coming back to WDW.

At the risk of venturing off too much into another Trip entirely, here are some pictures of my first ever WDW Race - the Minnie 5k in May 2008.

Here is a picture of me and my two friends (each of whom I talked into joining me for our first ever WDW race) at the starting corrals.


(FYI - that lime green shirt I am wearing is from the WISH team that is part of the Disboards!)

Minnie at the Official Start to the Race:





And they're off!




My kiddos watching for me near the Minnie 5k finish line:


(My Dad snapped that one. I still think it is so cute!)

Us at the Finish:


And our Medals:


The Minnie 5k will always be a special memory for me, as it was my first ever Race. And I was so happy that my friend Erin (who was right with me every step of the way for the Minnie) was also there to join me at the EEC.

OK - now back to the Trip at Hand!:)

After wrapping up our non-Disney agenda for the Trip, we met up with Erin at Le Cellier for Lunch. Although we chat constantly, it was the first time I had seen Erin since the Minnie.



In addition to the great company, we also enjoyed a fabulous lunch (as always) at Le Cellier. My tablemates followed my lead and had what I always order on each visit.

For starters, Canadian Cheddar & Bacon Soup and Breadsticks:


(As well as some tropical alcoholic beveridge, whose name escapes me. See, I am obviously not the poster child for pre-race preparations!)

Then, the Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon with risotto:


Please be forewarned - the photo does absolutely nothing for this dish. I would not have been turned on in the slightest by this photo before tasting this myself.

For starters, I am not a mushroom fan. However, due to all the great press about this dish I decided to throw caution to the wind and ordered it anyway. Well - let me just say that it was one of the best decisions from a menu I have ever made! This is the most tender, juicy piece of meat ever. It literally cuts like butter. And the flavour. Absolutely amazing. My mouth salvates just thinking of it. Put it this way: since experiencing this meal, I have changed potential vacation dates around ADR availability at Le Cellier. No joke.

After finishing at Le Cellier it was early afternoon and we still had a number of things to do. So we bid farewell to Erin and headed off to Wide World of Sports for packet pick-up for the Race, which was now mere hours away!

UP NEXT: Packet Pick-Up at Wide World of Sports
More Shopping
Ready, Set, Go! EEC!!!
Geesh! You guys are a tough crowd!:laughing: Almost 100 reads since my last update but not one comment.:confused3

You are sure making me work for it! Obviously I was spoiled with the steady flow of comments on my 1st Mommy-Daughter TR!:rotfl:

I think I've got 3 more posts til we're done...and I'll definitely have this thing to bed by 2009!;)
thats so cool that you did those races, i am certainly not the athlete but i would like to wear the cool polka dot minnie #:)
hahahaha that's how i run, and i love that you boozed before. did it come out your pores later?

i swear i just caught the update now, i didn't read without commenting!!!!

finally, which wdw run would you reccommend to start off? for fun/easy?
I can't see your pics at work, but you are definately inspiring me to run a race at Disney. I used to run races all the time, but I stopped and now I just run for fun and relaxation. Translated, that means I run really slowly.

BTW - I posted earlier that DH and I were going on a short Xmas trip. Well, we are back and had a great time. Only regret - trip was too short!
Geesh! You guys are a tough crowd!:laughing: Almost 100 reads since my last update but not one comment.:confused3

You are sure making me work for it! Obviously I was spoiled with the steady flow of comments on my 1st Mommy-Daughter TR!:rotfl:

I think I've got 3 more posts til we're done...and I'll definitely have this thing to bed by 2009!;)

Sorry! :flower3: Still here and excited to catch up. I think it's the time of year... tough to find time to DIS! :scared: Loving your TR and am heading back to catch up. Don't get discouraged!! :goodvibes
Caught up! :worship: to you for competing in the race. That's fantastic. It's something I *think* about and have definitely heard lots of great comments from participants in the various Disney races. I just don't quite know how to get into running. :confused3 Exercise is not my friend. :sad2:

LOVE that you imbibed (sp?) prior to the race. :lmao: Yeah, probably not the typical pre-race routine but I bet you did great. I love Le Cellier too and wouldn't have given it up either. Also love the cheddar cheese soup and the pretzel bread. Yum-o!

BTW- I meant to tell you that I saw your same "perfume guy" when I was there in December and he was working hard to sell some perfume. He was "pushing" a certain kind of perfume for which there was an artist present who was hand painting the bottles. The scent wasn't for me. I was trying to remember what you had purchased but couldn't recall. I'll make a note for next time! :)
I just found your tr and read the whole thing! Disney races, the Poly, Le Cellier, the F&W festival.... I am loving it! Can't wait to hear about the EEC as I hope to run it soon. It sounds like a lot of fun!


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