Chase Disney Rewards Card Nightmare


Dec 29, 2010
I just wanted to share this story and give fair warning to anyone using the Chase Disney Rewards credit card.

We’ve been cardholders for 10+ years now. It has been a blessing to have the cost of our tickets cut in half by saving reward dollars every couple years. I have had no complaints and often recommended this card to friends and family until recently.

We have a DVC trip scheduled for January. We go to Disney every other year and cash in our rewards for the ticket purchase. With how Fast Pass works now we are buying tickets earlier to guarantee the mine train and other popular rides. That deadline is today.

The nightmare…

In August, I requested a new rewards card with our full current balance transferred to it. I won’t go into specifics but we charge almost everything monthly, pay it off, and save these dollars for 2 years. It was a lot of dough. The card never arrived in the mail. At this point Chase and I blamed the post office. Something I question now.

After two weeks I became suspicious and called Chase again. They cancelled out the card and sent another card via FedEx 2-3 business day delivery. We received this card on time and put it away until just this Monday.

This week we decided it’s time to buy our tickets to get Fast Pass reservations done. Chase had other ideas however. They blocked the card and reported it stolen without my knowledge. I called Chase again and this time their only solution was to have yet another card sent with $10 on it. They would transfer the rest when we received it. Given the tight deadline and their apparent error we requested the card sent overnight. Chase agreed to send it overnight after a little struggle.

Two days later the card had not yet arrived. My wife called and Chase refused to give any information beyond “it’s in the mail”. Obviously she was beyond frustrated that here we are still struggling to receive a rewards card we requested in August.

I called that afternoon and asked to speak to a supervisor. I asked the supervisor how the second card was reported stolen. I was told that I reported it Stolen. I asked when I did that and they could not tell me (obviously BS, lie #1). I then asked how the third card could take over 3 days to arrive when it was sent overnight. I was told it was actually sent 2-3 business days (lie #2). I also asked for a tracking number and they couldn’t provide it.

During this time another Chase employee managed to “un-block” the second card (reported stolen). This was a great relief but at this point it has taken me 3 months and about 6 hours’ worth of phone calls just to have a working rewards card. I asked how Chase planned on compensating me for my time and frustration and they said they could not offer me anything.

Now understand that I work for a large corporation. I get it… sometimes the process breaks down or mistakes fall through the cracks. But I don’t deserve to be lied to. I’m a great customer. They receive their payment on time every month. Please do not tell me that you are going to ship something overnight and then use standard shipping. And DEFINITELY DO NOT tell me that I reported a card stolen when you can offer no proof of the phone call date and time, the comments manually put on the card in their system, or even the number of the card you blocked (I had to read it to them). I then asked if the card was blocked on the same day it was ordered and the phone rep. got suspiciously quiet. I knew and he knew then that he had been caught in a lie, but instead of apologizing he stuck to his story after a long pause. It was like listening to a high schooler tell his parents there won’t be beer at the homecoming after-party.

And, that is when I decided we are going to close this account. Goodbye Chase. Accidents happen and I could live with not receiving compensation for the 6 hours I spent on the phone with you, but honesty is pretty important to me.
Sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately, people like you that essentially are getting free 1 month money loans from them by paying off your card in full each month actually do Chase a favor by cancelling. They were losing money on you. If you really want to show your dissatisfaction, re-open your account and keep using it as much as possible and keep paying it off in full.
Sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately, people like you that essentially are getting free 1 month money loans from them by paying off your card in full each month actually do Chase a favor by cancelling. They were losing money on you. If you really want to show your dissatisfaction, re-open your account and keep using it as much as possible and keep paying it off in full.
I doubt that especially since the retailers pay 2-3%. I pay my bills in full every month and Amex is constantly sending me offers with sign on bonuses to open a new account. I've been a customer of theirs for 11 years so they are completely aware of my history. Same with Citicard. I tried to cancel last year and they offered me 3% cash back for 6 months if I didn't cancel.

Anyway, OP sorry you had to deal with such incompetence. I can't stand Chase but really none of the big banks are that great. And I have a Disney Visa (not the one with the annual fee) but there are much better options out there IMO if you want to maximize cash back.
I am surprised that they did not do anything to compensate you for this debacle.

I tried to purchase $1000 of disney gift cards one time with my Disney Chase card. The charge was denied because Chase tagged it as fraudulent. I had to use my American Express card. I called Chase to let them know of my dissatisfaction of not being able to buy the gift cards with my Chase card and missing out on the Disney dollars that would have been earned with the purchase. They comped me the Disney dollars for my trouble.

I would suggest to just pay for the tickets at this point, and use the Disney rewards card for your food and extras on your trip.

Sorry for your troubles - seems like you did everything right, and it has been a comedy of errors :(
Yes! Sounds like a nightmare!
I've been a credit card reward "collector" for a long time. We've always allowed the rewards to accumulate and then cashed them in to pay for WDW vaca's. I got good at juggling the quarterly promo's (5% cashback on gas or hotels or whatever the category is for that quarter) I've simultaneously used one card for gas, one card for groceries, another for travel. (ugh!) but...........
I've never had my rewards add up faster and easier than with our CitiCard Double Cashback Rewards card. (It's the one that's half blue and half green. Fairly new- been out a bit over a year now). It pays 1% when you purchase and 1% when you pay off the purchase. So... for those of us who pay off each month, that's 2% .... on every purchase, no limits. I put everything on there: auto insurance, school tuition, utility bills! It's not paid in "Disney Money" of course, but I plan on cashing in the amount and turning around and using the reward $ to purchase Disney Gift Cards at 5% off at and then put those into my DVA!! Viola! Disney Money!

Disney Visa by Chase is great for the 6 mo no interest on WDW packages and for some other Disney Perks, but I like the CitiCard better for saving for my WDW trip!
I've never had my rewards add up faster and easier than with our CitiCard Double Cashback Rewards card. (It's the one that's half blue and half green. Fairly new- been out a bit over a year now). It pays 1% when you purchase and 1% when you pay off the purchase. So... for those of us who pay off each month, that's 2% .... on every purchase, no limits. I put everything on there: auto insurance, school tuition, utility bills! It's not paid in "Disney Money" of course, but I plan on cashing in the amount and turning around and using the reward $ to purchase Disney Gift Cards at 5% off at and then put those into my DVA!! Viola! Disney Money!

Disney Visa by Chase is great for the 6 mo no interest on WDW packages and for some other Disney Perks, but I like the CitiCard better for saving for my WDW trip!

I'm actually looking into that card. 2% with no caps sounds good to me.

The 6 month no interest wdw financing was important to me before I bought into dvc. But now I can live without it.
I would suggest to just pay for the tickets at this point, and use the Disney rewards card for your food and extras on your trip.

Sorry for your troubles - seems like you did everything right, and it has been a comedy of errors :(

To Chase's credit they did fix the "stolen" card so that we could purchase tickets in time for fast pass reservations.

It was the lies that I can't abide... not twice in one week when im obviously upset that my money is being witheld. I really can't believe this guy would stick to his story that I reported the second card stolen.
I doubt that especially since the retailers pay 2-3%. I pay my bills in full every month and Amex is constantly sending me offers with sign on bonuses to open a new account. I've been a customer of theirs for 11 years so they are completely aware of my history. Same with Citicard. I tried to cancel last year and they offered me 3% cash back for 6 months if I didn't cancel.

Anyway, OP sorry you had to deal with such incompetence. I can't stand Chase but really none of the big banks are that great. And I have a Disney Visa (not the one with the annual fee) but there are much better options out there IMO if you want to maximize cash back.
That money goes to Visa, Mastercard etc.
That money goes to Visa, Mastercard etc.
Incorrect. The merchant fees are split between the issuing bank (Chase, Citicard, etc.) and the merchant's processing service. Visa, MC, Discover, etc. charge the issuing bank an annual fee to be a part of their network.
Incorrect. The merchant fees are split between the issuing bank (Chase, Citicard, etc.) and the merchant's processing service. Visa, MC, Discover, etc. charge the issuing bank an annual fee to be a part of their network.
You are confusing wholesale fees and mark up fees.
You are confusing wholesale fees and mark up fees.
The issuing bank (Chase in the OP's case) receives an interchange fee from the Merchant. On a rewards card this is > 1.5%. Visa and MC make very little per transaction (about 0.11%).
The issuing bank (Chase in the OP's case) receives an interchange fee from the Merchant. On a rewards card this is > 1.5%. Visa and MC make very little per transaction (about 0.11%).

There's a lot of fees that merchant's have to pay. It's why cash only discounts exist.

However, the argument that chase doesn't want me because I pay on time is kind of silly. I represent cash flow for them. Trust me that they want several thousand dollars incoming every year from me as opposed to holding someone else's debt and collecting the minimum hundred dollar payments from them.

No bank really wants you to be in debt and you'd be surprised how much your debt can be reduced when you offer to pay it off. I've heard of credit card companies cutting the debt in half just to finally get paid. (Easier to say "you", this is directed at no one)
Unless things have changed, an old Rewards card can be used again by just going online and loading the card with Rewards dollars. I have the card we used a few years ago and it has a zero balance. I am planning to load it up again next summer when we go to WDW. At least this alleviates the need to wait for a new card.
This would not have helped your situation with Customer Service, but anyone else who reads this may be able to avoid these issues by reusing their old card.
There's a lot of fees that merchant's have to pay. It's why cash only discounts exist.

However, the argument that chase doesn't want me because I pay on time is kind of silly. I represent cash flow for them. Trust me that they want several thousand dollars incoming every year from me as opposed to holding someone else's debt and collecting the minimum hundred dollar payments from them.

No bank really wants you to be in debt and you'd be surprised how much your debt can be reduced when you offer to pay it off. I've heard of credit card companies cutting the debt in half just to finally get paid. (Easier to say "you", this is directed at no one)
Right. Not only do they make money off you, but they absolutely don't want only customers who carry a balance and therefore are at risk for default. Especially during downturns.
There's a lot of fees that merchant's have to pay. It's why cash only discounts exist.

However, the argument that chase doesn't want me because I pay on time is kind of silly. I represent cash flow for them. Trust me that they want several thousand dollars incoming every year from me as opposed to holding someone else's debt and collecting the minimum hundred dollar payments from them.

No bank really wants you to be in debt and you'd be surprised how much your debt can be reduced when you offer to pay it off. I've heard of credit card companies cutting the debt in half just to finally get paid. (Easier to say "you", this is directed at no one)

Yep ...they seem pretty happy when I speak with them and I pay mine off each month.

I've had a "similar" issue as the OP and Chase provided really good service -it was my fault but they helped me out as much as could be expected ..I forget the details as it was a while ago.
Unless things have changed, an old Rewards card can be used again by just going online and loading the card with Rewards dollars. I have the card we used a few years ago and it has a zero balance. I am planning to load it up again next summer when we go to WDW. At least this alleviates the need to wait for a new card.
This would not have helped your situation with Customer Service, but anyone else who reads this may be able to avoid these issues by reusing their old card.
Old cards do expire and perhaps tranferring a large amount of rewards $ felt risky to OP if exp date is approaching.
Unless things have changed, an old Rewards card can be used again by just going online and loading the card with Rewards dollars. I have the card we used a few years ago and it has a zero balance. I am planning to load it up again next summer when we go to WDW. At least this alleviates the need to wait for a new card.
This would not have helped your situation with Customer Service, but anyone else who reads this may be able to avoid these issues by reusing their old card.

Double check the card. Most of the Disney rewards cards (at least every one I have received, both in the mail and in parks) has an expiration date on it, I believe it's usually been Dec of the following year so the card was good for at least 12 months. As long as the card hasn't expired you can most definitely keep reloading your points onto the same card for usage.
What I have always done with my Disney rewards is order a $10 card and then transfer my balance after I have it in hand... I don't like the idea of a sizable card sitting in my mailbox.

I do the same thing. But I think $20 is the minimum for a new card.
Until fairly recently, Rewards Redemption Cards did have an expiration date -- they were good for less than 2 years. I think it was back in the summer that Redemption Cards no longer have an expiration date. So if you received your card prior to this year, it likely has an expiration date (and if it was more than a couple of years ago it's already expired).

One thing to watch for is the amount of reward points on your monthly statement. Once the reward dollars have been moved to a Redemption Card, that amount will no longer be included in your monthly statement. That might have been a clue to OP that there was an issue before he was ready to use the card, if the points continued to show in the reward balance on the monthly statement. Those dollars are not tracked after moved to a Redemption Card. I'm glad to hear Chase made good for OP's recent purchase, though I feel your frustration with the whole issue that shouldn't have happened to begin with.

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