Careful what brand you wear to a theme park

Just before Christmas my family and I went to US to see Grinchmas. This was literally right after they put the metal detectors up. Probably less then a week. I was wearing a long sleeve tshirt that said special operations on the sleeve, had a maltese cross on the front and had confined space technician on the back. ( I am a firefighter with our special ops team) Out of the corner of my eye saw a security sergeant hustle by and heard someone saying something behind me and heard what about him. To my surprise I was being pointed out. The person pointing me out, was another firefighter that was wearing a department t shirt. I asked whats the problem and the sgt said no problem, and we were allowed to walk on unmolested. I asked him what happened and he said because he was wearing a dept t shirt they flagged him, and said something about the rules. We were literally on opposite sides of the table when we came thru. I was about 5 seconds ahead since no one in my family had a bag. I had to literally do a google search and sure enough I found where technically its banned to wear something that could be impersonating a person of authority. The catch is its buried on a page in small print that unless you knew exactly how to get there its easy to miss. The impression I got, from the encounter, its like everwhere else, where some people interpret the rule in different ways and so get a little overzealous in enforcing it.
Disney must not be as strict as Universal about the police shirts. My DH is a Sheriff Deputy and he wore a Sheriff shirt to Epcot a few years ago and wasn't stopped. I guess he would have been allowed in, even if he had been stopped when he showed his badge to prove he wasn't impersonating an officer.
Disney must not be as strict as Universal about the police shirts. My DH is a Sheriff Deputy and he wore a Sheriff shirt to Epcot a few years ago and wasn't stopped. I guess he would have been allowed in, even if he had been stopped when he showed his badge to prove he wasn't impersonating an officer.

Its possible. I think they are still working out the kinks.
i think there are lots of tshirts nowadays in younger shops like usc that may be unsuitable in the disney parks then , lots of tops have sneaky slogans on and images that may be borderline offensive to others
Off to marks and spencers to buy dh a selection of sensible plain tshirts now !!

I'm just thinking the same thing! I bet dh has good number of arty tshirts that probably would be frowned on.
It was a plain white t-shirt with the brand 'FCUK it' on the front

Ok I know y'all be thinking that's an innocent looking t-shirt very clever! It's as almost it says some profanity but it doesn't so it's all ok! Only a dirty mind would read it wrong.
No, that's not what I would be thinking at all. I would be thinking that the person who is wearing the t-shirt has the sense of humor of a 10-year old boy.
I know this may be frowned on on, but. I wish they would ban overtly religious t shirts, seeing a four year old girl walking around with a 'Jesus died for me' shirt and similarly 'gruesome' epithets is unsettling. The same with blatant ammosexual shirts glorifying firearms.
No, that's not what I would be thinking at all. I would be thinking that the person who is wearing the t-shirt has the sense of humor of a 10-year old boy.
Well I was 12 so not far off
I'm sorry you've not heard of these rules before. It's pretty well known out there that this is the case :)

Actually the rules state no offensive clothing...that leaves things pretty wide open for interpretation, offensive to whom? I am not offended by a f.c.u.k shirt, plenty of other things I have seen in the park that I could be as easily offended by (some things cannot be unseen).

Given the wording in some of the country bears songs I dont think Disney has a leg to stand on here
Actually the rules state no offensive clothing...that leaves things pretty wide open for interpretation, offensive to whom? I am not offended by a f.c.u.k shirt, plenty of other things I have seen in the park that I could be as easily offended by (some things cannot be unseen).

Given the wording in some of the country bears songs I dont think Disney has a leg to stand on here
They do have a leg to stand on, and if they want to refuse admission they will, it's their park.

FCUK shirts are pretty rare now anyway, FC have tried to steer their brand away from the yobbo chav set that often brought their stuff. A guy told me this in a job interview to work in their head office
I know this may be frowned on on, but. I wish they would ban overtly religious t shirts, seeing a four year old girl walking around with a 'Jesus died for me' shirt and similarly 'gruesome' epithets is unsettling. The same with blatant ammosexual shirts glorifying firearms.

If they do this, they also need to ban the vulgar and suggestive shirts that are worn the first weekend of June. We saw shirts that made my husband blush. When we asked a manager (assuming by the clothing) walking around the park, he said there was little that can be done because "certain groups holler louder than others" and he moved on. We were left asking.....whaaaaaat? :confused3 Maybe Disney is trying to be careful what they ban because we live in a sue-happy country. What a sad reality.

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