Can someone explain "Twilight Sedation" to me? Please?


<font color=brown>R.I.P. Possibly Un-PC Tag, R.I.P
Oct 5, 2005
Im a nervous nelly...

Im having surgery Friday - endometrial ablation! :scared1: And Im scheduled to have what they referred to as 'Twilight Sedation' - not general anethesia, not "tubed" - but an IV.

Alright...:confused: 'splain to this scared chic!

What am I going to *feel* like?

So scared - so scared, so scared!!:confused: :guilty:
I had twilight sedation when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I don't remember a thing except trying to talk about Gator basketball. :confused3 Kinda difficult to talk when they are yanking teeth outta your mouth, but yet there I was. I remember feeling warm and happy though. Drugs are good. ;)

DH was a talker, too, under twilight sedation, so you've been warned.

Anyway when I had it first I was given some nitrious oxide, after a bit then they did my IV, a little while later I was "out".
You will not be in a deep sleep. It is very easy, very quick and you wake up very fast. You won't feel anything or remember anything.
I had this for an oral surgery - I think I had Versed. It is used in conjunction with a local anesthetic, though I don't know how that would work with the ablution procedure. Anyway, it's a very sleepy, semi-consiousness. Like being very drunk without the sea-sick feeling. Enjoy!
It's good stuff! You'll think you were asleep. I had it to have a cyst removed and I was scared to death. They started my IV and next thing I know DH is next to me and I"m telling him I was starving. I went home about an hour later.

An the ablation will be the best thing you did. I work in a GYN's office and patients that have had it wish they did it sooner. Much luck to you, you'll be in my thoughts.:grouphug:
You will fell all warm and fuzzy and talk about things that make no sense. You will not feel anything or remember the procedure.
From all the descriptions sounds like you are going to be high:lmao: :smokin: I think you'll be just fine and hope you don't feel any pain:)
You are awake through the whole thing. You can answer questions and follow directions. But when it is over, most people have almost complete (if not totally complete) amnesia of the whole thing and many think they went to sleep. :)
An the ablation will be the best thing you did. I work in a GYN's office and patients that have had it wish they did it sooner. Much luck to you, you'll be in my thoughts.:grouphug:

Thank you for this info too! Ive had a few 'why am I doing this, what if it doesnt work and Im getting all scared and worked up and it will be useless' moments, too!! :rotfl:

Thank you everyone - sounds like it shouldnt be too bad. Sounds kinda fun! :woohoo:

Im scared of being 'knocked out' - thats why I ask.
I've never had twilight, just local or general. However, I've had an ablation done and have been very pleased with the results. It got rid of the monthlies for six months and now it's just spotting for a couple of days.

You'll be fine.

My son had twilight when he was 6 so they could fill a cavity (he doesn't do well at the dentist). He did fine and didn't recall anything that happened. Good luck!:hug: Let me know how it goes. Ablation is something I'd like to do in a few years.
My son had twilight when he was 6 so they could fill a cavity (he doesn't do well at the dentist). He did fine and didn't recall anything that happened. Good luck!:hug: Let me know how it goes. Ablation is something I'd like to do in a few years.

Well, when I get my PM's back - April 7th, Ill PM you the results... that's a good three weeks of experience for ya! :thumbsup2

Thanks again everyone.

*still nervous.... :confused3 AHHHHH!!!*
I had it when I had my wisdom teeth pulled. It just put me to sleep. I woke up after and felt like I'd taken a nap. I wasn't doopy or felt drugged at all.
I had it for a breast biopsy. I went to sleep but woke up during the procedure. No pain-they deadened the area. Had a conversatio with the doc-she showed me what she had just taken out. I just laid there and chilled. I was very relaxed and the Doc had great taste in music-good old rock and roll. I think she even asked if I had any request-but that may have been during my C sections. Good luck-I'm having a hysterectomy next Tues. A little anxious about the general anesthesia and being intubated-never had that before.
When I had it during my wisdom teeth extraction, I didn't remember a thing. I went from, "I wonder how long this will take to knock me out," to "bite down on this, we're all done" in about 10 seconds! DH had his wisdom teeth pulled about 6 months later, but he remembers being awake and hearing the crunching but thinking this was all perfectly normal. Afterwards he was like, "I can't believe I heard that and wasn't freaked out."
Which type of ablation are you having done??? I had the HerOption in the GYN's office and another . I had no type of anesthesia, and the only true discomfort was the 4 shots of Lidocaine they gave me in my cervix. That was last April. I am sooo happy I had it done:yay: !!

You will be fine. Did they prescribe anything like Valium for you to take beforehand?? They gave me the Valium but it really didn't help. And I made it through just fine:thumbsup2 .
Twilight is great! I had it in December when I had my ruptured implants removed and I had it yesterday for an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. I don't remember a thing. I remember the anesthesiologist saying goodnight and then I was awake. The really nice part of this type of anesthesia is that you wake up quickly without that drowsy feeling. I've had surgery many times and I always got sick from the anesthesia. I didn't feel sick at all with the twilight.

Don't worry about it.
We use twilight sleep or conscious sedation where I work all the time. We use Versed which is in the same family as Valium so I wouldn't take a valium beforehand unless ordered to do so.
Here is my spiel
This drug will make you sleepy and forgetful but it will not knock you out like you were having a major surgery. You will always be able to breathe on your own and move if you need to. Most people will remember nothing from their procedure and may in fact, sleep through it. Many simply do not remember or may sleep through part of it. Some of our patient's will remember small bits and pieces of what occurs and a very small percent will remember everything. These people remember everything because of one of two reasons. Either we have given them all the drug we safely can or they are relaxed and dont want any more. Reasons for not receiving more drug safely is a drop in blood pressure, heart rate or oxygen saturation (this doesn't happen very often)
I don't usually add, but it is also true that people who regularly take an anti anxiety or alot of narcotic pain meds may remember more as their bodies are already used to these types of meds.
Most people do very well with twilight sleep. You should not drive for at least 12 hours (or whatever they tell you) or make any major decisions. Some people will seem wide awake but will still ask you the same thing several times because of the amnesia effect. This is short acting, but people can continue to have some issues with coordination, concentration and thought processing for as I said at least 12 hours.
I had it for a colonoscopy and due to the fact that I was so nervous and only slept about 2 hours the night before, I was out like a light in about 10 minutes and SLEPT!



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