Buying DVC from Australia


DIS Veteran
Jan 13, 2013
Are there any users here who live in Australia like myself with a DVC membership? How do you work it so far away? What points do you have? Just wondering if it s a viable option from down under. Thanks
disneynutz said:
How ofter do you vacation at WDW now?

:earsboy: Bill

Hey bill

It's been annually for a few years now - went in feb 2012 going nov 2013.

Hope to keep it that way.

Hey bill

It's been annually for a few years now - went in feb 2012 going nov 2013.

Hope to keep it that way.


If you go to WDW every year DVC is worth it.

Go to the Other Lands section of Disboards and you will find a few DVC members.

Works for me!
Hey bill

It's been annually for a few years now - went in feb 2012 going nov 2013.

Hope to keep it that way.


Travel costs must be a killer. :goodvibes

DVC can save you some money on you room cost but there is a learning curve to get the best deal and to see if it is a good fit for your needs.

:earsboy: Bill
Don't live in Australia but can certainly comment on the process for buying DVC while living abroad :)

A lot of this depends on whether DVC is legally licensed (not sure if "licensed" is the best word, but you get my point hopefully ;)) to sell memberships to the country where the prospective buyer lives. To find out whether this is the case or not, you can simply to go the DVC website and request information. When you go to the request information screen, there's a drop-down list for country. If your country is listed, then DVC can sell to you directly.

Assuming DVC is able to sell to the foreign country where you live, then it's quite simple. You request information DVC, or call them. Tell them what you want to buy, and after they gather all the information, they'll simply send you all the forms to your address abroad. You can pay by credit card for simplicity.

If DVC is not able to sell to the foreign country where you live, then DVC won't be able to send anything to you, not even promotional brochures. In this case, you can only purchase a membership while you are in the states at a DVC sales center (or I guess they also have sales center in Japan, so not necessarily in the states...). All paperwork has to be done while you're there as again, DVC can't mail anything related to the sales to your foreign address. You will complete your purchase in WDW (most likely), and bring everything back with you. You can then call back to pay the remaining balance.

Hope this helps!
standardgirl said:
Don't live in Australia but can certainly comment on the process for buying DVC while living abroad :)

A lot of this depends on whether DVC is legally licensed (not sure if "licensed" is the best word, but you get my point hopefully ;)) to sell memberships to the country where the prospective buyer lives. To find out whether this is the case or not, you can simply to go the DVC website and request information. When you go to the request information screen, there's a drop-down list for country. If your country is listed, then DVC can sell to you directly.

Assuming DVC is able to sell to the foreign country where you live, then it's quite simple. You request information DVC, or call them. Tell them what you want to buy, and after they gather all the information, they'll simply send you all the forms to your address abroad. You can pay by credit card for simplicity.

If DVC is not able to sell to the foreign country where you live, then DVC won't be able to send anything to you, not even promotional brochures. In this case, you can only purchase a membership while you are in the states at a DVC sales center (or I guess they also have sales center in Japan, so not necessarily in the states...). All paperwork has to be done while you're there as again, DVC can't mail anything related to the sales to your foreign address. You will complete your purchase in WDW (most likely), and bring everything back with you. You can then call back to pay the remaining balance.

Hope this helps!

Thanks so much,! All that was really helpful - I just followed your instructions and Australia is not on the list :(
Back to the drawing board
Thanks again
Don't live in Australia but can certainly comment on the process for buying DVC while living abroad :)

A lot of this depends on whether DVC is legally licensed (not sure if "licensed" is the best word, but you get my point hopefully ;)) to sell memberships to the country where the prospective buyer lives. To find out whether this is the case or not, you can simply to go the DVC website and request information. When you go to the request information screen, there's a drop-down list for country. If your country is listed, then DVC can sell to you directly.

Assuming DVC is able to sell to the foreign country where you live, then it's quite simple. You request information DVC, or call them. Tell them what you want to buy, and after they gather all the information, they'll simply send you all the forms to your address abroad. You can pay by credit card for simplicity.

If DVC is not able to sell to the foreign country where you live, then DVC won't be able to send anything to you, not even promotional brochures. In this case, you can only purchase a membership while you are in the states at a DVC sales center (or I guess they also have sales center in Japan, so not necessarily in the states...). All paperwork has to be done while you're there as again, DVC can't mail anything related to the sales to your foreign address. You will complete your purchase in WDW (most likely), and bring everything back with you. You can then call back to pay the remaining balance.

Hope this helps!

Australia is not registered as one of those countries. You either buy new DVC while at WDW or DL or on a cruise. The much cheaper way with some minor restrictions on the DVC use is to buy resale which is very easy when living in Australia.
ColinA said:
Australia is not registered as one of those countries. You either buy new DVC while at WDW or DL or on a cruise. The much cheaper way with some minor restrictions on the DVC use is to buy resale which is very easy when living in Australia.

Ok great thanks
Australia is not registered as one of those countries. You either buy new DVC while at WDW or DL or on a cruise. The much cheaper way with some minor restrictions on the DVC use is to buy resale which is very easy when living in Australia.

The laws for a real estate developer, (Disney) is different than other resale brokers. Most anyone can buy resale.

:earsboy: Bill
I'm in the Netherlands where DVC is not allowed to sell either, I bought resale via Time Share Store.
Saved money and bought when it was convenient for us. Did not want to spend the time on it during our vacations.
Thanks so much,! All that was really helpful - I just followed your instructions and Australia is not on the list :(
Back to the drawing board
Thanks again

As others have said, resale may be your only option for now (or wait until you're in WDW next to buy direct). Just make sure you understand the process of resale, the limitations (not really a big deal, but you should be aware of them), and that the process will take longer than buying direct (so if you want to use the points right away, it may not work). Buying resale will save you quite a bit of money. Most resale companies will take credit cards for the initial deposit (easier for you as you're abroad), but will require checks for the final balance (you can pay everything by credit card for direct purchases).

Enjoy :)
Are there any users here who live in Australia like myself with a DVC membership? How do you work it so far away? What points do you have? Just wondering if it s a viable option from down under. Thanks

Hi Darrenf67,
This thread is obviously a few years old, but I was wondering if you ended up purchasing?
We are from Scotland but bought our DVC while we lived in Paris and currently live in Brisbane.

We use ours either every other year, or once in 3 years. We were supposed to go last year (went in 2013) but work stopped me. So i banked every point i could bank and rented the rest.

We went to WDW in April this year. We had a fabulous time. I was nervous about flying so far and had originally planned on doing LA but I don't buy my flights work do and they made a mistake so we just switched to WDW and said we would cope with the flights. Well it wasn't that hard in fact I think the way the time difference was made the jet lag easier for us than UK.

As we missed a trip last year and banked points we have spare so we are doing a second trip this year to Hawaii which is only a 9-10 hour flight from Brisbane. It's a good option for using up spare points.

Disclaimer, as we are here temporarily from the UK and still have a house in the UK and two older kids there we fly back and forward to the UK 2-3 times a year so flying long distance is less to us than the average person. In fact the flight to Orlando felt short and we have learned exactly how to cope with jet lag,

It can be done you need to manage your points carefully and prepared to rent them even if you get wind of a trip being cancelled. I erred on the side of cancelling them early instead of keeping hope the trip might happen. I ask deliberately live in borrowing mode usually rather than banking. Because you borrow the exact amount of points you need you don't end up with stranded points. I always work with 2 or three trips semi planned so I can see the impact forward of the points i am borrowing.

Our next trip should be July/August 2018 as we will probably be back in Scotland by then. If we are not then it will be January 2019 depending on the schools we are using and the timing of summer.
Hi Darrenf67,
This thread is obviously a few years old, but I was wondering if you ended up purchasing?
Looking at Darrenf67's posting history -- I'd guess they ended up renting rather than buying.
we have not purchased the Aus $$ has not been kind to us. So we rented a few times which was great. Still looking at purchasing at some point
we have not purchased the Aus $$ has not been kind to us. So we rented a few times which was great. Still looking at purchasing at some point
I;ve read that they arent as kind to renters these days - is that true?
I find it all so very confusing!
And yep, Aus $ not the best at the moment :(
I remember our 2012 trip, spent like crazy because of how good our dollar was haha
I know right - loved going back then
Every renting experience we have had has been awesome. Davids is a great site to use.

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