Bonus Holiday Trip 2015! Wrapped up 8/6 and Real life update

Following along! I found your post through @hokieinpa TR! We're originally from NJ also, just moved to GA in June. Looking forward to the rest of your TR :smickey:
Some long over due replies!

I'm here, I'm here! :woohoo:

YAHOO!! Wouldn't be a party with out you!

I think was a stroke of genius! What a great way to help time pass while waiting for it to be DISNEY time!

Thanks! It was a lot of fun, I am happy we did it!

And OH MY GOD, who wouldn't love that sweet little puppy face?!?! I want to cuddle him!!

I am partial to the little guy... I am getting sad he will be 13 on the 27th!

This is pretty much exactly how I felt about it, too! I got it last year just because I was staying at Pop, but it didn't blow me over or anything.

Happy i tried it... but next time something else i think...

Oh man. OH MAN. I would have been spitting nails.

Luckily this was the low point of the trip...getting it out of the way early!

I loooove this shot!

Aww, what a great pic!

Thank you!

I love Disney.

ME TOO! :love:

Well that was nice!

Yay for good first nights in Disney!

Despite the small issue it was a good first night for sure!

Joining in as i have seen you around on other threads and we also went around the holidays.

The bus situation to DHS is crazy but I 100% believe it. I remember driving around the week I was there and the signs saying that DHS parking was full and overflowing into the AK lot. The traffic around DHS was also completely nuts. Several CM's said it was all Osborne Lights crowds.

:welcome: So happy to have you! It was crazy, but we luckily avoided any other major bus issues the rest of the trip.... so i'll take it!

Awww! More cute sleeping stroller pics! Sounds like a nice, relaxed evening and the lights look amazing!! I hope your DD finally sees them in another update! ;)

We do visit them again.....:rolleyes1

Fantastic! I'm following along!

:welcome: happy to have you here!

Following along! I found your post through @hokieinpa TR! We're originally from NJ also, just moved to GA in June. Looking forward to the rest of your TR :smickey:

:welcome: Thanks for Joining in!! Always nice to see another person from NJ!
Dropping in real quick! Things got crazy at work after the holidays and I just haven't been able to get on the DIS as much as i have wanted! I am going to try to catch up on some PTR/TR this morning and hopefully post my next update this weekend!

Happy New Year (a little late but it isn't March yet :P)
Day 2 part 1: MK Morning!

Around 545 DD started to stir. Early to rise! DH got up showered while I gave DD some milk and a pouch from the GG order. Then DH took DD down for breakfast at the food court while I got ready and got the bags (water, snacks, diapers etc) ready to go. Our goal was to be on the bus by 8ish.

They got back to the room shorty before 8, and we headed out! As we were leaving I said should I take an extra empty sippy cup, then said no the one with water is plenty!

We boarded the bus right around 8 maybe a few minutes after, I think we got to the MK by 820ish I didn't time it but it wasn't bad at all. I had a nice young girl next to me who was playing with DD and it was a nice ride. DH stood with the stroller this time.

Once we got to MK we went through bag check and got ready for the welcome show!

Enjoying the Welcome Show!

Then I realized I forgot the sippy cup with water! Ugh this was not good! :sad2: I knew last trip I got a sippy type cup at the store by Winnie the Pooh and one in the baby care center so I was hoping I could pick another one up today.

DD seemed to really enjoy the welcome show and got pretty excited when Mickey came out. Success (at least to start!)! :D

Now DH is a huge coffee drinker and I like my coffee for sure, yet neither of us had any coffee yet, so we stopped into Starbucks, I also was asked to bring back the holiday mug for a friend so I picked one of those up too.

DD and I took some castle pics while DH was getting the coffee.


Coffee in hand we headed back towards Fantasy Land! We decided to do the carousel, I put DD on an outer horse and DH goes are you going to be able to holder I think this goes pretty high! Well I then realized no way could I hold her! So happy he noticed and we moved to the 3rd horse in which is a little lower. A great ride as always, and a great started to the MK! :woohoo:

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Wow, that is an early start! I'm glad the bus was quick and the ride was easy. I'm sorry about the sippy cup! I hate when I forget stuff like that!

It sounds like a great start in MK - great picture of you and DD in front of the castle!
Sippy cup aside, sounds like a good start to your day. We've yet to ever see a rope drop cause none of us can get moving in the morning.

How as the line at starbucks? We've yet to venture in because the lines always look hellacious.
Man, that stinks about the sippy cup ... I hope you were able to find one at MK!

Welcome Show and castle pictures are definitely the best ways to start the day (and Starbucks, of course). I really love the castle pictures!

So so so cute! (Though in the top photo, she looks like could use some coffee too!) :cutie:
Wow, that is an early start! I'm glad the bus was quick and the ride was easy. I'm sorry about the sippy cup! I hate when I forget stuff like that!

It sounds like a great start in MK - great picture of you and DD in front of the castle!

Thank you! It was a great start to the day... Even if i was stressed about the lack of a sippy cup!

So cute! Just so you know, I will likely never be competing with you for a bus seat at that time of the morning - even when my kids were young, they went to bed later so they slept later, which suits this night owl mom quite well!

Thank you! it is early, she is usually an early riser, but even more so when we share a room... doesn't work out that well for travel!

Sippy cup aside, sounds like a good start to your day. We've yet to ever see a rope drop cause none of us can get moving in the morning.

How as the line at starbucks? We've yet to venture in because the lines always look hellacious.

It was a good start, even with the missing sippy cup! Honest, Starbucks was better then I thought. MY DH and I both said NYC Starbucks move quicker, but it wasn't horrible, and if you need a fix you need a fix!:coffee:

Man, that stinks about the sippy cup ... I hope you were able to find one at MK!

Welcome Show and castle pictures are definitely the best ways to start the day (and Starbucks, of course). I really love the castle pictures!

Spoiler alert.... We now have 2 of the SAME EXACT CUP from 2 different trips!

Thank you, I really was happy with most MM pics this trip!

Your daughter is adorable!!! Enjoying your TR!

:welcome:! Thank you on both counts!

So so so cute! (Though in the top photo, she looks like could use some coffee too!) :cutie:

Did you miss the part where i said she got up at 5:45? She probably wanted coffee too!
Erm can I admit I taught mine to use straws as soon as possible so I didn't have to worry about forgetting sippy cups? (Forgetful Mom tip 101, straws are everywhere when out and about).

And now I'm caught up, thanks for not posting too much while I was gone ;).
Erm can I admit I taught mine to use straws as soon as possible so I didn't have to worry about forgetting sippy cups? (Forgetful Mom tip 101, straws are everywhere when out and about).

And now I'm caught up, thanks for not posting too much while I was gone ;).

I should mention her sippy cup is a straw sippy cup.... So yes I could use a straw cup and I did get her a cup of water and Starbucks with a straw... But she ends up spilling that all over... So her sippy cup is better....
Day 2 part 2: Some more Magic Kingdom

After our ride on the carousel we headed to its a small world, we both remembered how much DD loved his last time, she still seemed to enjoy it but not as much as the prior time. o_O


Family Selfie! (Don't get use to this, we didn't take many)

We had 945 FP for Peter Pan but it wasn't quite time yet so we decided to back track and head to Winnie the Pooh, the queue was really cute and DD had fun playing with all of the stuff the wait said 20minutes but I think it was closer for 10 maybe 15.

Loving Pooh!

In the dump shop for Pooh i checked for the sippy cup i picked up last time and they had it! So I got it, which was a relief.
We are now the proud owner of 2 My First Trip to the Walt Disney World Resort Sippy cups.... I felt like a fraud since this was technically DD's 2nd trip.

After that we backed tracked and did Peter Pan. This ride is always so cute, sad I haven't seen the new queue I just know rushing there at rope drop won't work for us and I'm not willing to wait 60min just to see it. :confused3

After Peter Pan we headed for dumbo, DD seemed to really like the play area, we let her play for a bit our next FP was 1120-1220 for Cinderella and Rapunzel. No pics but we did ride Dumbo I swear!


DD loved playing around in the Dumbo queue.

After Dumbo we had some snacks, and DD was getting fussy she needed a nap but I wanted to try for the Cinderella and Rapunzel meet anyway (we had 11:20 FP). We took some photo pass pictures and then head to the meet and greet.


We got there at 1120 exactly and a large group had just gone in and then a single person cut in front of us... Annoying, and he was kinda rude in line... The wait was probably about 20 minutes, but seemed longer with a fussy DD.

R1.jpg R2.jpg R4.jpg R5.jpg

Despite being fussy, I think this was a pretty successful meet, by they time we got to Cinderella she was really warming up! :thumbsup2

After meeting some royalty we did a quick bathroom stop and diaper change loaded DD into the stroller put the shade down and started to walk in hope DD would fall asleep......
Yay sippy cup!

We really liked the Peter Pan queue, but we only did it right after 7 dwarfs on the 2 days we had pre-park BoG reservations. A 10 to 15 minute line for it is fun, any longer seems a bit insane to us. It is a very fun queue though.

Sorry about the wait for Rapunzel and Cinderella, yay for a good character meet though.
Sounds like a fun morning so far (even with a little fussiness)!

In terms of the Peter Pan queue ... it's cute, but I don't think it's worth a special trip. Maybe if you catch it with a very short wait, but I wouldn't wait more than 15-20 minutes. FP+ is still the best idea.

I have to say, much as they sometimes bug me, I think it's great that Disney has things for kids to do on ride lines. Every time I do Winnie the Pooh or Dumbo, the kids always look like they're having the time of their life. Like the play areas are more fun than the ride. That's pretty impressive!


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