Bonus Holiday Trip 2015! Wrapped up 8/6 and Real life update

I had that cheesecake last time we were there I think, or maybe the time before, it was good. There were a ton of great options though so I don't think I ever got it a second time.

Yay bus to the park. Waiting for pictures :).

It was good, just not the best...

I am little worried about starting my MM download, as my friend goes in a few days and I want to make sure her pictuers get captured in the MM, so I think I am going to wait till her trip has at least started to download.... So a few more days....

Great report so far!!! I never even thought of putting an extra mattress in the pack n play when my kids were little lol.

I wanted to go there just to try didn't seem that enthused...sorry it wasn't worth all the hype lol.

Thank you! It works most of the time, (spoiler alert) just not on this trip (or most hotel trips) I think when she can see us she doesn't sleep well.....

Yay! Arrival at Pop Century!

I've heard a lot of conflicting reports on the tie dye cheesecake. Sad that you didn't enjoy it ... but it's definitely a good thing you tried it!

This sounds like foreshadowing...

it was worth trying, which in my opinion just about everything is worth trying once!

foreshadowing...... you'll have to wait and see :cool:
Arrival time is so exciting! Too bad the tie dye cheesecake has changed to the little container from the actual wedge of cheesecake it used to be :guilty:. People used to rave about it!

Interested to hear how you liked Garden Grocer.

Glad you got a room facing the lake! Such a pretty view over to AoA!

Room was great, as was the view! The cheesecake was ok, but not great but not bad....

I really liked Garden Grocer and would highly recommend it to anyone traveling to WDW.
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Here and following along! It sounds like you were off to a good start! We were in the 60s section too - Building 4. But we were facing the pool. Excited to hear about your first park!
I was slightly worried they wouldn't put the milk in the fridge
I'd be worried about that too! And then everyone would tell me not to worry about it, but it'd be in the back of my mind till we got back and I saw it in the fridge... :laughing:

The cheesecake was so so
I make a lot of cheesecake (and not to toot my own horn, but they're pretty delicious) and I've found adding food dye to the mix doesn't turn out well, and it was an off flavor to it. But the tie-dye cheesecakes always look awesome!
Here and following along! It sounds like you were off to a good start! We were in the 60s section too - Building 4. But we were facing the pool. Excited to hear about your first park!

Welcome! :welcome: Happy to have you! I thought 60's was the perfect section!!

I'd be worried about that too! And then everyone would tell me not to worry about it, but it'd be in the back of my mind till we got back and I saw it in the fridge... :laughing:

Yeah I think my husband knows by now... don't make fun of me worrying about these things!! :hyper:

I make a lot of cheesecake (and not to toot my own horn, but they're pretty delicious) and I've found adding food dye to the mix doesn't turn out well, and it was an off flavor to it. But the tie-dye cheesecakes always look awesome!

YUM! Cheesecake isn't something I have tried to make! I may need to hit you up for a good recipe... and i will remember no food coloring!
Day 1 part 3.1: Hollywood Studios (Epcot?)!

We boarded the bus at 608, DH suggested standing as more people boarded but I convinced him to stay in his seat. (Everyone standing was an able body adult, no kids and no one elderly either.)

It was slow moving I was chatting with part of a large group the grandma and granddaughter next to me... Mom and cousins and friend in front of me standing.... We are so close and we stop its about 628, I will cut out most of the details of this ride, but once the announcement went on that we were at Hollywood Studios it was 720 and we had 20 more minutes on the bus! Overall it took an hour and 36 minutes to get from the POP to Hollywood studios... We got off the bus at 744! :scared1:

DD was a trooper as were most people but no one knows for sure what happened, some said just Osborn light traffic, others said accident...... DD got fussy for a bit as did another young child, it was a little insane! Funny part DD usually gets bath at 730, then book, then bed, right at 730 while watching Mickey on my phone she passed out! It was funny to us. :rotfl:At least we still had our sense of humor.

BUT we have arrived! We got off the bus DD had lost a shoe sometime during the ride so DH got off with the stroller and the nice people we met helped me get the shoe from under the seat, I got DD in the stroller and put a blanket on her and we are off! Surprisingly the bag check line wasn't horrible DH took the stroller through no bags I took myself my bag and the diaper bag to the bag check line, didn't take to long at all.


We decided not to try and use or FP and just hit up the lights we probably spent 20-30 minutes walking around and checking out the lights we really loved it.

A DH quote: but it was so worth it as soon as we saw the lights! Huge smile on my face!

Now for a few Osborn Lights pictures from night 1! Note all taken with my phone as we didn't schlep the camera with us this trip, so please excuse the quality!

The view as we approached the lights!


I was sad DD was sleeping through the whole thing! After we made it through the lights we decided to go back to the hotel. First a stop for a Mickey bar! But with all the traffic busses seemed few and far between, so we decided to walk to Epcot and get a bus from there. I think we just really wanted more park time! We did debate taking an Uber but felt with out the car seat we didn't really want to risk it if we hit traffic or g-d forbid something happened!

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Day 1 part 3.2: Hollywood Studios (Epcot?)! (because I am only able to load 10 pictures? WHAT!)

The walk was really nice, we chatted about the trip and where we would stay next time (Boardwalk I think), what the plans for tomorrow were it was just lovely. We entered Epcot through the international gateway entrance and walked up to the main exit, some photo pass pics on the way!

We got to the bus around 920, and we're back at the hotel by 935 not bad considering the earlier issues!

We got back and I wanted to check on the Garden Grocer order but some guy grabbed the woman as she was walking to where I was waiting so we decided since DH was holding DD we should head to the room. He would come back down and check if it wasn't in our room. We got to our room and the Garden Grocer order was there milk in the fridge! Perfect!!:cool1:

We got to the room and put DD in pjs and decided to skip bath. She was not having the pack and play we tried everything, it was probably 10pm now we were both exhausted as well. So I put her in bed with me and she pretty much went right to sleep. Not ideal but honestly I needed to sleep, and I am not ok with letting her cry it out for to long as that might disturb other guests.

Great first day! Just so happy to be here!!!:D

Fitbit Steps - 16,870

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Yay first day! Hooray Osborne Lights, I am a bit sad we won't ever get to see them, but such is life. Boo super slow bus ride.
ack! Late to the party but joining in!

I think most of us have at least some running around/last minute packing no matter how good we try to be. That was nice that you had the extra Disney close for your daughter!

First trip to WDW my son was like how you describe your daughter at Sesame Place - liked the characters from afar, but not up close. Only interaction he gave was waving goodbye to them. Oddly, the one character he waved hello to was The Head Salesman on the Jungle Cruise :confused3

Seems like overall a pretty good flight - it is funny/annoying how those short naps can throw off the rest of the schedule and often tough to "force a name"

Hope things worked out with them putting the milk in the fridge - definitely would be annoyed having to buy water knowing I already ordered water it just didn't get to me yet!

Not likely the foreshadowing of the little ":rolleyes1" guy!

oops - missed that you had another update in there!

So over 1.5 hours to get to MGM from POP?!?!?!? that is crazy and I do think with FP+ they need away to deal with things like that. I mean, clearly not your fault you missed the FP+ window!

Glad at the end your DH thought it was all worth it after just 20 mins of the Osborne Lights since that was the main reason for the trip.

Seems like a very good idea to go through EPCOT - which is my favorite park for late night wanderings anyway. I like the Inside Out border on your picture!
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Overall it took an hour and 36 minutes to get from the POP to Hollywood studios... We got off the bus at 744!

What? That is craziness!

I love all the Osborn Lights pictures!! You guys look like you're very happy to be there!

Even with the transportation craziness, it sounds like you had a pretty good arrival night.
I'm here and so far the trip sounds great! Considering I packed for the trip I just got back from the morning of I can't say anything about last minute packing. I had bus trouble too but not 1 1/2 hours. That is crazy!! We had about a 45 minute bus ride and we were trying to make a dining reservation. I guess the Osborne lights are just making traffic crazy. Good idea on walking to Epcot. I completely understand about worry about the groceries and milk being put in the fridge. You paid good money for that and you didn't want to waste it. I stayed at pop century in 2013 when the fridges weren't working and I bought milk and had no fridge to put it in. Glad that you enjoyed the lights given the circumstances. Can't wait to read more!
What a crazy ride! Hollywood Studios seemed like the quickest ride from Pop so something was definitely up with traffic.

That's great that DD stayed asleep for the entire time! I know it was hard to have her miss the lights, but we usually get into the situation of a kid waking up grumpy.

It sounds like a nice, relaxing walk through Epcot! Glad DD finally settled down at night!
Hi Lauren, followed you over from Billie's trip report because ya gotta like anyone who goes out of their way for Billie ; ) All caught up and subbing in for the rest of your beautiful families adventures.
Yay first day! Hooray Osborne Lights, I am a bit sad we won't ever get to see them, but such is life. Boo super slow bus ride.

I have a feeling there will be 'new' lights for us all to see and obsess over soon!

Love this picture! Crazy bus issue, but glad your little princess was able to sleep and somewhat get back to sleep later :)

Thank you! The bus sucked, but i lucked out with DD falling and staying a sleep so i'll take it.

ack! Late to the party but joining in!

I think most of us have at least some running around/last minute packing no matter how good we try to be. That was nice that you had the extra Disney close for your daughter!

:welcome: Better late then never! I seem to always have last minute packing, before DD i wouldn't even try to pack a thing before hand, i did it all about an hour before i left, that was less stressful for me!

First trip to WDW my son was like how you describe your daughter at Sesame Place - liked the characters from afar, but not up close. Only interaction he gave was waving goodbye to them. Oddly, the one character he waved hello to was The Head Salesman on the Jungle Cruise :confused3

HAHA! :rotfl2: At least he waved to someone

Not likely the foreshadowing of the little ":rolleyes1" guy!

Yeah :rolleyes1 <---- poor guy is used as a bad sign to often

So over 1.5 hours to get to MGM from POP?!?!?!? that is crazy and I do think with FP+ they need away to deal with things like that. I mean, clearly not your fault you missed the FP+ window!

I have a feeling if we went there and put up a flight we could have gotten on, but we had a FP for Monday, and it would have met one of us going then the other one, so we just decided to skip it.

Glad at the end your DH thought it was all worth it after just 20 mins of the Osborne Lights since that was the main reason for the trip.

Seems like a very good idea to go through EPCOT - which is my favorite park for late night wanderings anyway. I like the Inside Out border on your picture!

Totally worth it! I think if we hadn't had so many bus issues it would have been a little longer, but a good 20-30 was a nice start to the trip!

What? That is craziness!

I love all the Osborn Lights pictures!! You guys look like you're very happy to be there!

Even with the transportation craziness, it sounds like you had a pretty good arrival night.

Totally crazy right? I felt bad for the people standing, and the people going to ADR's! We were so happy to be there, I am happy it shows! over all a great arrival day, even with the bus issue!

I'm here and so far the trip sounds great!


Considering I packed for the trip I just got back from the morning of I can't say anything about last minute packing.

I think packing the morning of is better! If i didn't have to pack for a toddler, I think i would still pack that way! When she can pack for her self i am totally going back to packing the morning of! My mom used to tell a story we were going to Italy, and about 3 hours before we were leaving she came in to my room and asked if i had packed, i said no and just started tossing stuff over mt shoulder into the suitcase...:rotfl2:

I had bus trouble too but not 1 1/2 hours. That is crazy!! We had about a 45 minute bus ride and we were trying to make a dining reservation. I guess the Osborne lights are just making traffic crazy. Good idea on walking to Epcot.

Totally crazy! I would have been so stressed if we had an ADR! Like freaking out stressed!

I completely understand about worry about the groceries and milk being put in the fridge. You paid good money for that and you didn't want to waste it. I stayed at pop century in 2013 when the fridges weren't working and I bought milk and had no fridge to put it in.

I would have been so annoyed if they didn't put it in the fridge! More because if you cant put it in, just let me pick it up, but they did so i was very happy!:thumbsup2

Glad that you enjoyed the lights given the circumstances. Can't wait to read more!

Thanks! Happy to have you here!

What a crazy ride! Hollywood Studios seemed like the quickest ride from Pop so something was definitely up with traffic.

Right? That can't be normal? It was insane!

That's great that DD stayed asleep for the entire time! I know it was hard to have her miss the lights, but we usually get into the situation of a kid waking up grumpy.

It sounds like a nice, relaxing walk through Epcot! Glad DD finally settled down at night!

it was such a nice walk, it was a great way to end the night, even if it was a little 'out of the way'

Hi Lauren, followed you over from Billie's trip report because ya gotta like anyone who goes out of their way for Billie ; ) All caught up and subbing in for the rest of your beautiful families adventures.

:welcome: Happy to have you! Billie is the best, so got to help a girl out!
I'm here, I'm here! :woohoo:

I had zero interest in going shopping today, but didn't really want to stay in the house all day it was 60 and gorgeous out! So we decided to head to Sesame Place!
I think was a stroke of genius! What a great way to help time pass while waiting for it to be DISNEY time!


At the Vet one woman loves my little man and she happened to be upfront when I arrived so it was kinda nice! He got all excited to see her and was not at all sad to leave me. It makes me few good that he likes it there.
And OH MY GOD, who wouldn't love that sweet little puppy face?!?! I want to cuddle him!!

Look at your little nugget in her cute little hot pink Disney World t-shirt!!!

The cheesecake was so so (i could have sworn i had a picture of it, but cant find it), I'm really happy I got it but wouldn't necessarily get it again.
This is pretty much exactly how I felt about it, too! I got it last year just because I was staying at Pop, but it didn't blow me over or anything.

I will cut out most of the details of this ride, but once the announcement went on that we were at Hollywood Studios it was 720 and we had 20 more minutes on the bus! Overall it took an hour and 36 minutes to get from the POP to Hollywood studios... We got off the bus at 744! :scared1:
Oh man. OH MAN. I would have been spitting nails.

I loooove this shot!

Aww, what a great pic!

We got to our room and the Garden Grocer order was there milk in the fridge! Perfect!!:cool1:
I love Disney.

Hi Lauren, followed you over from Billie's trip report because ya gotta like anyone who goes out of their way for Billie ; )
:welcome: Happy to have you! Billie is the best, so got to help a girl out!
Oh, you girls... :blush: I love ya'll, too. :grouphug:
It was slow moving I was chatting with part of a large group the grandma and granddaughter next to me... Mom and cousins and friend in front of me standing.... We are so close and we stop its about 628, I will cut out most of the details of this ride, but once the announcement went on that we were at Hollywood Studios it was 720 and we had 20 more minutes on the bus! Overall it took an hour and 36 minutes to get from the POP to Hollywood studios... We got off the bus at 744! :scared1:

the nice people we met helped me get the shoe from under the seat,
Well that was nice!

Yay for good first nights in Disney!
Joining in as i have seen you around on other threads and we also went around the holidays.

The bus situation to DHS is crazy but I 100% believe it. I remember driving around the week I was there and the signs saying that DHS parking was full and overflowing into the AK lot. The traffic around DHS was also completely nuts. Several CM's said it was all Osborne Lights crowds.
Awww! More cute sleeping stroller pics! Sounds like a nice, relaxed evening and the lights look amazing!! I hope your DD finally sees them in another update! ;)


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