Biggest Loser Run/Walker Thread 2012/13--Everyone Welcome! :)


DIS Veteran
Jul 25, 2008
Welcome to everyone! We love to chat about running/walking/working out, etc all while trying to keep that weight in check. And we have even been known to go off topic on occasion.:thumbsup2

The main BL thread gets a little busy sometimes so this is a great place to talk about upcoming races/training etc.

Thought we'd start off with intros for anyone that's new. I will try to keep the first page updated with race and WISH meet updates.

Upcoming Races:
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier):
Favorite Race:
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc):
And for fun, favorite running shoe:

acename (Alex)
Bernard&MissBianca (Buffy)
Camnhan (Jen)
Carstairs38 (Mark)
Cruizen Mama (Dottie)
Disneymom2one (MB)
disneytink29 (Jessica)
Dreamer2012 (Jean)
Dumbo_Buddy (Nancy)
Flossbolna (Magdalene)
JacksLilWench (Kaiti)
Liesel (Lisa)
Lisah0711 (Lisa)
melissahac99 (Melissa)
Msslaydbug (Lori)
Mommyof2pirates (Lindsay)
myweegirls (Liz)
Pix13dust (Melinda)
princessbride6205 (Nicole)
Raenstiorm (Carla Rae)
rainydayplay (Kim)
Rose&Mike (Rose)
Sissy_ib (Amanda)
::Snow_White:: (Kayla)
tiki23 (Alice)
Worfiedoodles (Maria)

2012 Races

Caine Halter Lungs 4 Life 5k and Greenville Zombie Run (Nov 3)--Jessica
Wine & Dine (Nov 10)--Dottie, Rose, LisaH, Lori, Nicole

Dirty Girl all women mud run--Amanda
Jingle Bell Run for The Arthritis Foundation (Dec 2)--Alice

2013 Races
Commitment Day 5K - a call to action for my co-workers! (Jan 1)--Alice
Donald 1/2--Liz, Maria, LisaH
Mickey Full--Dottie, Rose, Nancy, Nicole
Local 10k (Jan 19)--Alice



Berlin 1/2--Magdalene
Seahawks 15 K (April 21)--Alice

Mother's Day 5K (May 12)--Alice
Rock & Roll Half in Portland, OR (May 19)--Alice


Warrior Dash (July 20)--Alice


Tower of Terror 10-Miler (Sept 28)--Alice

Earlier Races
Castaway Cay 5K--Dottie
Tinkerbell 1/2--LisaH, Lisa (liesel)

Princess--Dottie, Rose, Maria, Jean
Cupid's Cup--Kaiti

Papa John's 10 miler--Rose

KDF mini--Rose

Expedition Everest--Alice
Larry Pontbriant Memorial 5K--Buffy
UW Mother Daughter Run--Alic
Mom's 5K--Dottie
Coeur d'Alene 1/2--LisaH
St Lukes 1/2--Lindsay
Colfax 5K--Lisa (liesel)

Color Run 5K--Kayla
Fighting ALS 5k--Amanda
Kilbride 5K for autism--Jen
ORRC Summer Solstice 5K--Alice
Tacoma to Narrows 5K--Alice
Stop Drop & Run Firefighter's 5k--Dottie

Beach Run 5k--Amanda
BlueGrass 10k--Rose
Coach Blanchette Memorial 5k--Jen
Run For the Fourth--Lisa (liesel)
Freedom Run 4 Miler--Dottie
Seafair Torchlight 5K July 28th--Alice and The Great Kilt Run (5K) on August 4th

The Great Kilt Run (5K) August 4--Alice
Salem Distance Run (10K) - August 11--Liz
Providence Rock N Roll 1/2 August 19--Maria

Color Vibe Run Rochester (September 1)--Melinda
Disneyland 1/2 (September 2)--Lori, Mark
Boston 13.1 (September 16)--Maria
Sandpoint Idaho Scenic Half (September 16)--LisaH
Wounded Worrier Project 8K (September 16)--Amanda
Survivor Mud Run (9/22)--Mark
USC Parents Weekend 5k (September 22)--Rose
Wicked Half (September 22)--Maria
Disney Haunted 5K (September 29)--Alice, MB, Jessica
TOT 10 Miler (September 29)--Liz, Kaiti
Stand Up to Cancer (9/30)--Mark
GiGi Playhouse 6K--Jen

Nuremburg 10K (October 3)--Magdalene
Run for the Fund Sea World (October 6)--Amanda
Race to Rid Sids (October 13)--Liz
That Dam Mud Run (10/13)--Mark
Land Bridge Trail Run 5 miler (October 20)--Dottie
Wicked Halloween 5k (October 28)--Melissa

Expedition Everest--Buffy
BlueGrass 10K--Rose
Bolder Boulder--Lori
Color Run--Lori
Grand Slam 4 Miler--Rose
Central HS Memorial Scholarship 5K--Jen
Coeur d'Alene 1/2--LisaH
KDF mini--Rose
Marty's Mojo--Jen
Morse Mini--Rose
Nuremburg 10k--Magdalene
Princess--Maria, Rose, Lindsay, Nancy
Providence Rock N Roll--Maria
Sandpoint Scenic 1/2--LisaH
St Lukes 1/2--Lindsay
Stop Drop & Run Firefighter's 5k--Dottie
St. Augustine 10k--Dottie
Tunnels to Towers 5k--Lindsay
USC Parent's Wkend 5k--Rose
WDW Half--Maria
W&D--Rose, Nicole
Winterfest 5k--Jen
Birthdays! :)
JacksLilWench (Kaiti) March 19
Camnhan (Jen)--March 26
Cruizen Mama (Dottie) March 29
Raenstiorm (Carla Rae) April 30th
Worfiedoodles (Maria) June 8th
tiki23 (Alice) June 9th
acename (Alex) June 18th
Lisah0711 (Lisa) July 11
Rose&Mike (Rose) Sept 4
princessbride6205 (Nicole) October 29
Bernard&MissBianca (Buffy) Nov 24

Dreamer2012 (Jean)
Dumbo_Buddy (Nancy)
Flossbolna (Magdalene)
Liesel (Lisa)
Msslaydbug (Lori)
Mommyof2pirates (Lindsay)
myweegirls (Liz)
Sissy_ib (Amanda)
::Snow_White:: (Kayla)
Boom!!! Spot #1!

Name: Buffy
DisName: BernardandMissBianca
Upcoming Races: none on the books. Aiming for something at WDW marathon weekend and I want to do a Color Run
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Larry Pontbriant Memorial 5K (May 2012), Expedition Everest 5K (may 2011)
Favorite Race: Larry's race. We raised money in his memory for AED's. He died in HS because we didn't have one on the course.
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): Age: old Live: Blink and ya Miss it, CT. SAHM of 4. Trying to get healthy again
And for fun, favorite running shoe: right now, my New Balance Minimus MT 10
Name: Alice

DisName: tiki23

Upcoming Races: Tacoma to Narrows 5K; ORRC Club Summer Solstice 5K; Disney Happy Haunted 5K; maybe Run for Your Lives 5K obstacle race

Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Expedition Everest Challenge; UW Women's Sports Medicine Mother-Daughter 5K

Favorite Race: EEC!!It was my 1st race!! :cool1:

Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I'll be 50 on Saturday and I'm celebrating by running a 5K with a hill called "The Monster!" :scared1: I used to be an athelete in school, but now as a "mature adult" :rolleyes: I am still very much a beginning runner. I'm starting to hit my stride though, and the WISH board has been a great help. :)

And for fun, favorite running shoe: Umm...I only have one pair so far :rotfl: Asics Gel Phoenix 3. I bought these after a little research - I have had trouble with plantar fasciitis and shin splints - and trying on several brands/styles of shoes. The shoes combined with exercises I found on a link though the DIS :thumbsup2 have been a big help.
Hi! Yay for this thread - thanks, Rose!

Name: Liz
DisName: myweegirls
Upcoming Races: Tower of Terror 10-Miler (September 2012), Donald 1/2 Marathon (January 2013)
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): None. Ever. Not one. :) I was on the verge of my first 5K in April when I broke my toe and had to stop cold for 6 weeks. I just got running again a week ago, thank goodness - it felt great!
Favorite Race: I'm going with the Princess Half, which I'm not registered for next year - that'll be the year after, maybe...
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I'll be 40 on August 1st, I have a wonderful DH and two beautiful DDs (Anna, 7, and Tessa, 5). We live in northern VA, and I'm originally from CT (and lived in Boston for several years).
And for fun, favorite running shoe: I love my Brooks Adrenaline! I went for a gait analysis when I started to get serious about this, and I was amazed at the difference the right pair of shoes made in how I felt out there.

Welcome, everyone!

Upcoming Races: Providence Rock 'N Roll Half - August, Boston 13.1 - September, Wicked Half - September, WDW Half - January
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): WDW Princess 2011 & 2012; WDW Half 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, Providence Rock 'N Roll 2011
Favorite Race: Princess 2011
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I will be adding another 4 to my 40 on Friday. I live in Boston proper, my dh Dennis is awesome and a much faster runner than I, we have one ds Ben, 14 going on surly, with the occasional touch of sweet to make him palatable.
And for fun, favorite running shoe: Asics Gel Nimbus -- Yes, I do run on a cloud :cloud9:
Name: Carla Rae
DisName: Raenstoirm
Upcoming Races: planning on registering for my 1st 5k this week
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Nope
Favorite Race: Nada
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): Just turned 30- live in MD just outside Washington DC- 1 husband, 9 critters, no kids just yet
And for fun, favorite running shoe: I go between Asics gel and 5 fingers. When I go solely with the running shoes I get terrible shin splints, but when I run only in 5 fingers I get terrible back aches. So I have to mix them up. I have really weak ankles (need surgery on one in fact), so my body has to compensate for the instability.

As for my running career, I have started C25K maybe 6 times. I always get about half way there and then something happens, I skip a few runs and then never bother to restart. :sad2: I am signing up for my first race this week so I have all summer to finish the program before the actual race. I am hoping an upcoming race makes all the difference in keeping the motivation. :thumbsup2
Boom!!! Spot #1!

Name: Buffy
DisName: BernardandMissBianca
Upcoming Races: none on the books. Aiming for something at WDW marathon weekend and I want to do a Color Run
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Larry Pontbriant Memorial 5K (May 2012), Expedition Everest 5K (may 2011)
Favorite Race: Larry's race. We raised money in his memory for AED's. He died in HS because we didn't have one on the course.
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): Age: old Live: Blink and ya Miss it, CT. SAHM of 4. Trying to get healthy again
And for fun, favorite running shoe: right now, my New Balance Minimus MT 10
Hi Buffy! Larry's Race sounds awesome. I have found with the whole getting healthy thing is it's a process. Which stinks cause I am always in a big hurry to "fix" things. Glad you joined us!

Name: Alice

DisName: tiki23

Upcoming Races: Tacoma to Narrows 5K; ORRC Club Summer Solstice 5K; Disney Happy Haunted 5K; maybe Run for Your Lives 5K obstacle race

Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Expedition Everest Challenge; UW Women's Sports Medicine Mother-Daughter 5K

Favorite Race: EEC!!It was my 1st race!! :cool1:

Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I'll be 50 on Saturday and I'm celebrating by running a 5K with a hill called "The Monster!" :scared1: I used to be an athelete in school, but now as a "mature adult" :rolleyes: I am still very much a beginning runner. I'm starting to hit my stride though, and the WISH board has been a great help. :)

And for fun, favorite running shoe: Umm...I only have one pair so far :rotfl: Asics Gel Phoenix 3. I bought these after a little research - I have had trouble with plantar fasciitis and shin splints - and trying on several brands/styles of shoes. The shoes combined with exercises I found on a link though the DIS :thumbsup2 have been a big help.
Happy early birthday! A bunch of us have had problems with p-f and shin splints. I am glad you have found something that is working for you. So what is "the Monster" race????

If you let me know what months your races are I will add them to the first post.:goodvibes

Hi! Yay for this thread - thanks, Rose!

Name: Liz
DisName: myweegirls
Upcoming Races: Tower of Terror 10-Miler (September 2012), Donald 1/2 Marathon (January 2013)
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): None. Ever. Not one. :) I was on the verge of my first 5K in April when I broke my toe and had to stop cold for 6 weeks. I just got running again a week ago, thank goodness - it felt great!
Favorite Race: I'm going with the Princess Half, which I'm not registered for next year - that'll be the year after, maybe...
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I'll be 40 on August 1st, I have a wonderful DH and two beautiful DDs (Anna, 7, and Tessa, 5). We live in northern VA, and I'm originally from CT (and lived in Boston for several years).
And for fun, favorite running shoe: I love my Brooks Adrenaline! I went for a gait analysis when I started to get serious about this, and I was amazed at the difference the right pair of shoes made in how I felt out there.

Welcome, everyone!

Hi Liz! I'm glad your toe is on the mend! I really wanted to do TOT (it is my favorite ride at WDW) but our schedule this fall just wouldn't work. Will look for a race report from you about how much fun it is!

I am in Brooks Ghost now, but am in the process of switching shoes.:goodvibes

Upcoming Races: Providence Rock 'N Roll Half - August, Boston 13.1 - September, Wicked Half - September, WDW Half - January
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): WDW Princess 2011 & 2012; WDW Half 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, Providence Rock 'N Roll 2011
Favorite Race: Princess 2011
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I will be adding another 4 to my 40 on Friday. I live in Boston proper, my dh Dennis is awesome and a much faster runner than I, we have one ds Ben, 14 going on surly, with the occasional touch of sweet to make him palatable.
And for fun, favorite running shoe: Asics Gel Nimbus -- Yes, I do run on a cloud :cloud9:

Hi Maria! It get's better around age 17.:thumbsup2 You are our racing queen!
I am so excited for you and Kathy to meet up this week! Too fun.:goodvibes
Our old thread was getting very long so we decided it was time for a shiny new thread.:goodvibes

hank you LisaH for starting and running the last thread, and for giving me the honor of getting this one started. :)

Welcome to everyone! We love to chat about running/walking/working out, etc all while trying to keep that weight in check. And we have even been known to go off topic on occasion.:thumbsup2

The main BL thread gets a little busy sometimes so this is a great place to talk about upcoming races/training etc.

Thought we'd start off with intros for anyone that's new. I will try to keep the first page updated with race and WISH meet updates.

So to get things started:

Name: Dottie
Upcoming Races: JUNE 9- Stop, Drop & Run firefighter's 5k( my first 5k last yr) Wine & Dine 2012, and Disney marathon 20th anniversary 2013
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): MOM's 5K, Princess 2012(my 1st 1/2) St. Augustine 10 k
Favorite Race: St. Augustine 10K - placed 2nd in age group! Princess 1/2- where I met the infamous Rose:goodvibes
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc):age old enough to know better -still to young to care, lives about 2 hrs from the Mouse in sunny Fl, married almost 20 yrs with 1 DS who is 12-
And for fun, favorite running shoe:
Brooks Glycerin 9
Name: Carla Rae
DisName: Raenstoirm
Upcoming Races: planning on registering for my 1st 5k this week
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Nope
Favorite Race: Nada
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): Just turned 30- live in MD just outside Washington DC- 1 husband, 9 critters, no kids just yet
And for fun, favorite running shoe: I go between Asics gel and 5 fingers. When I go solely with the running shoes I get terrible shin splints, but when I run only in 5 fingers I get terrible back aches. So I have to mix them up. I have really weak ankles (need surgery on one in fact), so my body has to compensate for the instability.

As for my running career, I have started C25K maybe 6 times. I always get about half way there and then something happens, I skip a few runs and then never bother to restart. :sad2: I am signing up for my first race this week so I have all summer to finish the program before the actual race. I am hoping an upcoming race makes all the difference in keeping the motivation. :thumbsup2
Hi Carla Rae!

I had a nasty problem with my foot/ankle on my right foot last year. Tendonitis in almost every tendon, a nasty ankle sprain, fat pad injury, plantar-fasciitis. Anyhow, went through the whole physical therapy thing and what I am finding is really helping with the ankle strength is the tree pose in yoga. There are alot of balancing things they had me to do in pt, but this requires no extra stuff to do it. At first I was sooooooo bad at it. Very weak, almost fell over, etc. But it is crazy how much stronger my ankle has gotten. A lot of people start off doing it beside/near a wall. Of course, ignore all this if you have some condition which will keep you from doing this, but I have seen such great results, I thought I'd throw it out there.

Let us know what 5k you register for.:goodvibes

Ok all you BL runner/walkers--Please let me know if I leave anything off of the first post.:goodvibes
Happy early birthday! A bunch of us have had problems with p-f and shin splints. I am glad you have found something that is working for you. So what is "the Monster" race????

If you let me know what months your races are I will add them to the first post.:goodvibes

Thanks Rose!

The EEC was the last one on 5/5. :cool1:

The UW Mother-Daughter run was on 5/13.

The Tacoma to Narrows 5K is on 6/9 - it has a hill called "The Monster" on the course - I didn't realize that until after I had registered! :rotfl:

ORRC Summer Solstice 5K is on 6/21.

The Disney Haunted 5K Trail Run is on 9/29 the morning of the ToT 10 Miler (I plan to run the 10 Miler next year!) :hmghost:
Hi Dottie! Glad to see you.:goodvibes You all are posting faster than I can comment.:goodvibes I'm still not sure why I am infamous.;) Looking forward to seeing you again at W&D!

DisName: Rose&Mike
Upcoming Races: BlueGrass 10k (July 4); GrandSlam 4 Miler (maybe--July); USC Parents Wknd 5K (September); W&D (November); Mickey Marathon (January)
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Princess (11 & 12), W&D (10 & 11), BlueGrass 10K (10 & 11); Morse Mini (10); GrandSlam 4 Miler (10); Papa John's 10 Miler (12); Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon (13.1) (10 & 11); Parents Weekend 5k (10)
Favorite Race: W&D for halves; BlueGrass 10k for shorter distances

Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I live in a major city in KY; married forever; almost 21 yo son; will move into my next racing bracket in September (I'll be 45); and I am a gluten free vegetarian. I am an expert (haha, unfortunately) on foot issues and itbs. Just kidding on the expert part, but I have spent way too much time in physical therapy over the last 18 months.

And for fun, favorite running shoe: I have been running in Brooks Ghosts, but I am now transitioning to Newton Gravity.
what I am finding is really helping with the ankle strength is the tree pose in yoga. There are alot of balancing things they had me to do in pt, but this requires no extra stuff to do it.

I was really into pilates for a while, but never into yoga. I will certainly try that!
I'll join you all. :goodvibes

Name: Amanda
DisName: Sissy_ib
Upcoming Races: First Annual "Fighting ALS with JAY 5K" June 23rd We really only picked this race because it coincided with us finishing C25K but I am very excited for it.
Wounded Warrior Project 8K San Antonio September 16
Run for the Fund Sea World San Antonio October 6 I have not decided if I am going to do the 5K or 10K (probably the 5)

Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): The last (and only) race I did was way back in June 2007. I was in Air Force Basic training and we ran as a group and won first place for the female flights. :banana:
Favorite Race: See above
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I turned 30 a few months ago. I live in San Antonio Texas. I was in the Air Force for 4 years but after the first few months I didn't enjoy running or any exercise really. When it is your job and forced it is not as much fun as when you get to do it for yourself. The last 6 months I was in I was on a running waver for my ankle so before starting C25K it had been about a year since I had run. Tomorrow we start week 6 and I am really enjoying it. It is nice to have a goal and a new hobby with my DH. Plus we are getting healthier and helping raise money for some great charities. My goal is to do a Run Disney event but we wont be back to WDW until at least 2014. After we finish C25K I will start training for a 10K then half marathon. I have already looked up half marathons in our area and there a few in the fall/winter I am interested in but I really want to take it one step at a time. I have given myself a year to complete one though.
And for fun, favorite running shoe: I wear Asics. And I just bought my first air of men's because they fit my wide feet so much better.
Oh, I didnt realize we were doing birthdays! I turned 30 on April 30th in WDW! :cool1:
I was really into pilates for a while, but never into yoga. I will certainly try that!
The class I like the best is a piyo class that I take twice a week. Some piyo classes are hard core--continually changing poses, almost aerobic like. This class is pilates/yoga combined but we hold the poses and do slow repeats. It has really helped with both my itband problems and my foot weakness. And my arms are looking very toned, which isn't too bad a benefit.:goodvibes

I'll join you all. :goodvibes

Name: Amanda
DisName: Sissy_ib
Upcoming Races: First Annual "Fighting ALS with JAY 5K" June 23rd We really only picked this race because it coincided with us finishing C25K but I am very excited for it.
Wounded Warrior Project 8K San Antonio September 16
Run for the Fund Sea World San Antonio October 6 I have not decided if I am going to do the 5K or 10K (probably the 5)

Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): The last (and only) race I did was way back in June 2007. I was in Air Force Basic training and we ran as a group and won first place for the female flights. :banana:
Favorite Race: See above
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc): I turned 30 a few months ago. I live in San Antonio Texas. I was in the Air Force for 4 years but after the first few months I didn't enjoy running or any exercise really. When it is your job and forced it is not as much fun as when you get to do it for yourself. The last 6 months I was in I was on a running waver for my ankle so before starting C25K it had been about a year since I had run. Tomorrow we start week 6 and I am really enjoying it. It is nice to have a goal and a new hobby with my DH. Plus we are getting healthier and helping raise money for some great charities. My goal is to do a Run Disney event but we wont be back to WDW until at least 2014. After we finish C25K I will start training for a 10K then half marathon. I have already looked up half marathons in our area and there a few in the fall/winter I am interested in but I really want to take it one step at a time. I have given myself a year to complete one though.
And for fun, favorite running shoe: I wear Asics. And I just bought my first air of men's because they fit my wide feet so much better.
Hi Amanda! I have read some stuff that says you shouldn't even attempt a 1/2 until you have been running regularly for at least a year. So taking your time to find the right race is a good plan. I don't think most people wait that long--I know I didn't--but it does make sense. I would love to do a Wounded Warrior Run. My DH was in the Navy for the 1st Gulf War and we have lots of friends who are still active duty. Sounds like you have some fun stuff coming up.:goodvibes
Oh forgot my birthday. November 24th. I'll be 39 this year.
got it.
Oh, I didnt realize we were doing birthdays! I turned 30 on April 30th in WDW! :cool1:
got it.

Please let me know if I miss anything.:goodvibes
So to get things started:

Upcoming Races:
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier):
Favorite Race:
Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc):
And for fun, favorite running shoe:

Name: Kaiti!
DisName: JacksLilWench
Upcoming Races: ToT 10 Miler!!!
Completed Races: Disney-0, but local-2 (Cupid's Cup in Feb '12, WW5k June '12)
Favorite Race: WW5k- so much fun cheering everyone on!
Anything to share: Live in Charlotte NC, 26, new runner, and the ToT will be my first BIG race!!
Favorite Shoe- Brooks. I think my next pair will be the Brooks Ariel. And yes, strictly because she's my favorite Disney character. And they're pretty!

PS: Birthday is March 19th
Hi everyone! I have mostly lurked on the WISH board, but seeing this thread starting new is a great opportunity to get more involoved! So, here is my introduction:


Flossbolna (which does not have anything to do with dental floss, Floss is the name of the village here in Germany where I grew up and Bolna was the name of my childhood dog)

Upcoming Races:
October 3: Nuremberg 10k and hopefully: April 7, 2013 Berlin Half-Marathon (which would be my first half-marathon ever).
Completed Races in 2012 (or earlier): Nuremberg 10k in 2010 and 2010 and a few 5ks.

Favorite Race:
my first race ever was the Berlin Women's 5k and it still is my favourite one as I never expected to be able to finish at all!

Anything else you want to share (age, where you live, etc):
I live in Germany, in Nuremberg which is in Bavaria. I never was an athlete in school and started running in my late 20s more as a way to prove myself that I could do it. That was over 10 years ago and I am still more of an irregular runner. I was amazed at myself when I actually managed to train for and finish a 10k and think I need to try a longe distance now in order to keep my focussed. The thing that annoys me a bit about races in Germany is that the time limits are very short. To me it appears that here that most races are only for true athletes and if you are slower you don't really belong there. I think that's a shame. That's why I picked the Berlin Half-Marathon as my goal for my first half as it has a time limit of 3:30 hours. So I hope I won't be the only one who needs more than 2 hours to finish a half marathon!

And for fun, favorite running shoe:
Asics Gel Kayano - unfortunately not a cheap shoe at all. But I got my first pair when it was on sale and now I am hooked and can't imagine running with another shoe...
Hi Dottie! Glad to see you.:goodvibes You all are posting faster than I can comment.:goodvibes I'm still not sure why I am infamous.;) Looking forward to seeing you again at W&D!

Rose,:flower3: you are infamous because you are the first person I ever just walked up to and introduced myself just because I "met you "(or you might think stalked you:lmao:;)) on line.

you can add my birthday- March 29, also I forgot 1 race- the Disney Castaway Cay 5k 1/17/12 -PR 26.23!:cool1:


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