August 22nd 2009 Western Carribbean Anyone?

stsomewhere - sorry to hear about your car accident. Hope all is well.


We are good. We went car shopping today. Just waiting on AAA. They are suppose to total it. My DH has been wanting to get a new car, so now he has an excuse.
It happened at the right time because we were thinking about doing some work to it. He had a seal leak and it would of been about $2000 for a new engine.

How was your son's soccer tournament?
Hope he did well.
Good luck with whatever car you choose. I recently had to go car shopping as well & I was a little shocked at some of the prices. I don't know how people can afford some of these cars today? I have to admit that I love my new car though.

It was a very long day, but my son's tournament went well, thanks.
I was shocked at how expensive cars are. Especially the ones DH needs. He is 6'5'' and has trouble fitting into cars because he can't see out of front window. I told him he could just use my van. He laughed. He needs a car with good gas mileage because of work.
I need a big van to haul kids and friends around. Also, to pull our trailer.
DH has been wanting to teach the kids how to ski. They have not been interested. Every time we have a "free" weekend, the snow has melted.
DH and DS are both heavily involved with Cub Scouts. DD is in Brownies. It keps us all busy.

Today was pretty exciting. We got into a car accident. Everyone is okay but, DH's car not. We are waiting until Monday to find out IF its fixable. Dh is hoping its not because he has been wanting a new car- but we still have a year left to pay it off. He's hoping to get enough $ back to cover loan and more. I told him reat! We can take the $$$ and pay off DCL and book another. :confused3 I don't see the problem. He just laughed. terrible. Are you sure everyone is okay? You all might be feeling a bit sore in a couple of days.

We drive old cars so we've escaped (knock on wood) having to look at new car prices. But now we're getting hit with the big ticket repair bills. Ouch.

I'm a Girl Scout leader myself. Actually I'm going to be service unit manager soon. So that keeps me very busy. Fortunately I can do a lot through emails, but its a lot of emails.

That's why I constantly take a peek on DIS to get a good chuckle.

Actually we started skiing because of Girl Scouts. My co-leader organized a trip to Camelback in PA and fortunately my kids had a terrific instructor and we've been hooked ever since.

Taking up skiing is way easier now with the parabolic shaped skis. Makes turning a whole lot easier. Now my DB and family have taken up skiing as well.

Our high school recently started a ski race team and my kids are looking forward to doing that.
I'm a Girl Scout leader myself. .

I had volunteered to be the Brownie leader, but was not needed. The leader, also, has a senior troop. The older girls help out with the younger. We are going ice skating over weekend with scouts. Marina can't wait.

I use to be a Cub Scout leader, but when Marina joined scouts it was to much.
DH is Cubmaster, and on the district traing staff. They are trying to recuit me to be a disrtict commionioner,requires only 1 hour a week. :lmao: :rotfl2: I know better than that.

We usually have scouts activites 3-4 times a week. (meetings. outings, training, Etc.)
We drive old cars so we've escaped (knock on wood) having to look at new car prices. But now we're getting hit with the big ticket repair bills. Ouch.

I understand. I was dreading putting new engine in DH car when we were still paying on it. At least , it wasn't my van. It was paid off in Jan.:cool1:

Dh last car, we ran until it gould no longer go. We love not have car payments.

My dad use to be a manager at an auto dealer in TX. We would get some good deals and fly down and pay cash. We would get them at trade in price.
We would tell him we were looking for a new car and he would keep his eye out. DH worked for airline, we would fly standby and go pick it up.

princess: Marina wanted to add a smilie
Dh just found out he quailfies for Ford X plan- since he is a contracted to a project there right now.
Good Morning everyone!
We got another 5 inches of snow last night:scared1:
The good news is that most of it should be gone by tomorrow. It's suppose to rain.

We got our new car last night:woohoo:
Good Morning everyone!
We got another 5 inches of snow last night:scared1:
The good news is that most of it should be gone by tomorrow. It's suppose to rain.

We got our new car last night:woohoo:

Congrats on the new car!!!!

Man...I'm so envious about the snow. We've only had a rain-infested winter this year. One snowstorm and that was it.
I am hoping that it is the last of the snow. I am ready for spring.

I can't hear it sliding off the roof. It's starting to melt!
How's this for a slogan......The Red Hot Chilli Cruisers.

I had the radio on in the car and heard a song by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers so that got me thinking....."chilli peppers" since we are cruising to Mexico, "red hot" since we are cruising in late August and it will be hot, hot, hot (hopefully that won't be our skin after being in the sun).

I'll see if I can find some good Mickey clip art of him sitting in the sun sipping a tropical drink and then paste in a picture of a chilli pepper.

Hmmmm....thinking of Mexican food, the best chips and salsa we've ever had was in Cozumel. Can't find anything as good here in New Jersey. That was one of the reasons we picked the western itinerary over going to Tortola.

Hi all, I've neglected this thread, but I am back playing catch up! Welcome to the newbies!!

Have you guys ever been to Jose Tejas in Woodbridge? They have great home made chips. I don't do salsa, but my family loves it! They are tex-mex and very good, the place is always packed.
Hi all, I've neglected this thread, but I am back playing catch up! Welcome to the newbies!!

Have you guys ever been to Jose Tejas in Woodbridge? They have great home made chips. I don't do salsa, but my family loves it! They are tex-mex and very good, the place is always packed.

Good to see you back.

Woodbridge is a bit too far for us to go. Plus, with the price of gas :scared1: I'm just not willing to drive very far to go out to eat anymore.

But I do loooooove good chips. Yeah, I'm not too much of a salsa person myself.

Speaking of hot food.....last night our school district had its biggest fundraiser - a chilli cookoff. Twenty two entrants. Never did get around to try them all but there was one I totally regretted. The teachers union had an entry and their chilli was so hot I actually was crying and I thought my tongue had burned off.

Don't understand the need to make something so hot that you can't enjoy the flavors.

Did try a yummy one that had chocolate and pineapples in it.

And my dentist always enters. Last year he was one of the top winners. Sadly he didn't win this year - he had a turkey chilli this year. But a friend of ours was the top winner.
I guess I'm the only whimp that doesn't like spicey food!

I am getting better though, I can handle most "mild" sauces now :laughing:
I guess I'm the only whimp that doesn't like spicey food!

I am getting better though, I can handle most "mild" sauces now :laughing:

I don't like anything hot either. There are a few places that make salsa that is very tasty but, mild. When I was pregnant, DH was constantly going to get me some.
Count me in as not liking things too spicy, either. On a scale of 1 to 10 I can handle about a 3 in terms of spicy.

My husband can handle about a 12.
My husband can handle about a 12.

My DH with a lady from India. She made a specail lunch for o few of the people in the office. Dh said it was so spicy. I had to sleep in the other room because it was coming out of his pores. Just going by him made my eyes water.
My DH with a lady from India. She made a specail lunch for o few of the people in the office. Dh said it was so spicy. I had to sleep in the other room because it was coming out of his pores. Just going by him made my eyes water.


Last summer on the Wonder our head server tried to get DH some hot peppers from the crew's dining room but turns out CMs can't bring food from their dining area to the passenger restaurants.

DH was bummed because he knew the food would have been extremely hot.

DH will admit a dish is hot if his face starts to sweat.
We went to Planet Hollywood in HAwaii. I ordered a pasta dish. It was not spicy. but, by the end of dinner. I was swaeting and started to hallucinate. I hated it. Dh laughed because he knew the ingredients would "build" up. He never told me.


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