Appropriate offer for Copper Creek


Jun 29, 2000
Hello all.. I am currently looking to purchase a Copper Creek resale with 100-200 points. The contracts in my use year seem to have very few or stripped points until 2025. What do people think is an appropriate amount to offer? I see a few contracts going in the $120s, so I don't want to go much above that unless iit has all banked and current points. What do you guys think?
Thanks for any opinions
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For comparison, we recently closed on a 100 point Copper Creek contract in our use year with both 2024 & 2025 points for $135. Maybe you can ask the seller to pay closing costs if they deny a low 20's offer.
For comparison, we recently closed on a 100 point Copper Creek contract in our use year with both 2024 & 2025 points for $135. Maybe you can ask the seller to pay closing costs if they deny a low 20's offer.
That seems fair to buyers and sellers to me. I just don't want to overpay. I'm not in a rush so I can wait for the right contract with reasonable sellers. It also seems to me that prices have been coming down so I'm hoping that trend continues.
For more context, we are in process of closing in 350 points at $130pp. It had 94 points left in Feb 2024 use year. From what I've seen for CCV prices, I agree low to mid 120s is fair.
In general, you're better off buying contracts loaded and selling them stripped. The premium you pay for loaded is usually more than offset by the value of current and banked points.
I would love to make an offer on a loaded contact and would be willing to pay more for it. However there aren't any loaded contracts on the market now that meet my UY and point amount parameters. Do you think it is better to just wait for the perfect contact? It would drag the whole process out
I would love to make an offer on a loaded contact and would be willing to pay more for it. However there aren't any loaded contracts on the market now that meet my UY and point amount parameters. Do you think it is better to just wait for the perfect contact? It would drag the whole process out
In my limited experience folks some selling stripped contracts seem to have more of a view that they don't need to sell and won't take a price commensurate with the lack of current points. But there's nothing to stop you from making an offer.

I would look at the current and last couple of ROFR threads to get an idea of what folks here (who are pretty knowledgeable) have agreed to. I am personally in ROFR for a CCV contract at 124 that wasn't fully loaded but had all its 2024 points and most of its 2023 points, and that's not the "best" deal out there. It just takes finding the right seller and being prepared to walk away and wait for the next one.
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We just closed on a 200pt CCV contract for $129/pt. It has 2024 points but no 2023 points, so neither stripped nor loaded, but we were happy with the price and jumped on it.

Someone on here bought a CCV for $119, so I’d be willing to offer in the low $120 range if I were you. Be patient and firm with what you are willing to spend, with the caveat that a couple of bucks per point isn’t the end of the world considering your biggest expense with DVC is dues. I wouldn’t hassle over a couple of bucks, personally, but just know where you draw the line, stick with it and I’m sure you will get what you want.
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You can always buy another UY if you find the ideal contract. I currently have 5 UY, I did not want a 5th one, but the deal on the last contract was too good to pass up.
Make an offer, worst they can do is decline 😎
P.S. I paid 145 and no regrets so if you can grab some for 120 to 130 then you already beat me out!
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I made an offer on of $125 for a 100 point contract that had 1/3 of the points for 2024. No quite stripped but sort of. They came down to $140. I felt that we were still too far apart so I declined. I made another offer of $120 for a 150 point contract that had no points until 2025. They haven't responded but their initial offering was a lot closer. So i'll see what happens.
Hold out for a fully loaded contract! It is totally worth it and you will be able to bank points forward or use a bunch for a long vacation, larger villa or even rent out the excess. Patience!

Good luck!

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