Anyone at AllStars now need an extra suitcase?

I'm pretty sure that a piece of unattended luggage would have been very quickly checked out by security and their dogs and speedily removed.
And the elevator area cordoned off during that process. We watched CMs block off an area of outdoor seating for a CS restaurant until security arrived with a dog to investigate a backpack that had been left under a table.
Mum is right on.
Leaving a suit case by an elevator bank at a disney hotel is not a good idea.
Although we hate to think about it if secuity were to be notified they would handle it as a possible threat.
WalkingintheFog said:
err! Hope nothing like that happened! Certainly not my intent!

The next time I went by, the suitcase was gone!

So, I'm hoping no security issue, but that a person who needed the suitcase got it!


Anyone in this day and age who picked up an abandoned suitcase near an elevator shaft with a note that says take me is foolish.

I dare say Security was called immediately within minutes, since it was most likely seen on a camera.....near an elevator in a corridor. They have extensive cameras in public areas.

You may be very lucky they did not see you abandon it; you could have been detained.
Could be an interesting way to find out if Disney security has Mickey Mouse handcuffs, does the castle have a dungeon & stuff you with Mickey wattles while listening to "Its a small world" until you crack. Just to give Eyesore something laugh about. :rotfl2:
Missytara said:
You may be very lucky they did not see you abandon it; you could have been detained.

Hahahaha I highly doubt that. It's not the aiport. Disney isn't exactly looking to detain paying resort guests looking to get rid of a suitcase. Not saying the OP made a sound choice, but this comment is way over the top imho.
Lets not get too dramatic here.
But how is Disney security to know if a person who abandons a suitcaes is a guest who has good intents or a person looking to do harm.
It is foolish to think that those who hate us would not choose to target disney.
If a security person saw anyone intentioanly leaving a suit case and walking away it is their job to check it out.
Security is trainied to look for things out of the norm. Placing a suit case by an elevator and walking away is an unusual activity.

Again I understad that the op had good intents and did not do anything wrong and in the everything worked out.


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