And They Lived Happily Ever After - A June '11 Disneymoon TR! THE END - NEW PTR!

So sorry to hear about your sunburn. Fellow fair-skinned redhead here, I feel your pain. :sad1:

We did Narcoossees on our honeymoon too. Very nice restaurant but I agree, the tables are a bit close together.

And you did NOT look terrible in those photos. The way you described yourself, I was picturing your whole body to be red as a lobster!

Great PP pictures from AK!
I really like Animal Kingdom, too, but I never spend enough time there. I need to change that!

Great photos from the Photopass photographer! I'm considering getting one of those pre-paid cards, but I've heard you really have to seek out the photographers to get your "money's worth." What do you think?
More great updates!
I laughed when I saw your review of donuts at TL... when we were at the water parks this past trip, I kept trying to figure out why donuts were a snack offered at both the Disney WPs... now I wish I had tried some!

Sorry about your burn... that's never any fun!
Looks like a great day at AK!!!! But a 40 minute wait for the Safari??? don't know if I could have done it. We've never been on the Safari when it hasn't been a walk-on. But you saw the elusive female lion???? WOW!!! That would have been worth the wait for me :thumbsup2
I feel llike such a bad follower! I have been reading along here and there just haven't had much time to post! But, great updates! I am so sorry to hear about your sunburn, i know how it feels and its no bueno!
Hope all is well!
xo Christina
Great TR, subbing in!

I have been catching up with your amazing Disneymoon and loving all your pictures. I had so many comments along the way but of course I have forgotten mostly everything now that I'm finally caught up! Crud, now I need to look back!!! :rotfl:

~Great wedding pics, love your venue!
~Love, Love, Love the Puffed French Toast at the CP. This was a food highlight for our entire family of 12 on our most recent trip to WDW last February. Thanks for the picture, it brought back lovely food memories!!!
~How much do you save by purchasing your PP prior to your trip?
~Segway Tour! So Jealous!
~Chefs de France- Funny, I never had any desire to eat there until reading your TR, I love the Disboards!!
~I love your Just Married Christmas ornament. Every trip we take to the parks, we purchase an ornament. We also have our two daugters pick an ornament each, something that reflects who they are or their most loved character that year. I then write their initials and the year on the ornament (I have a horrible memory :laughing:). Our tree is now only Disney and filled with the ornaments over the past 15 years from our annual trips to WDW and DLR. Decorating the tree every year is so fun to do with the family as go back in time "Disney Style"!
~So sorry about your sunburn:guilty:, I'm also fair skinned and have had a couple memorable "burned" vacations.

Okay, that's it, I can't wait for the next update!!!!
EE and KS are two great rides, just because of in-depth they are. I love going on the safari, because it's a new experience each time. And it looks like the animals were out and about for you and Miguel!
Those PP pictures of you two are great; I especially like the first one. It looks very professional!
Looking forward to hearing about Yak and Yeti.
I have never seen Divine!

The safari is one of my favorites at Animal Kingdom- it really never gets old :)

Can't wait to hear how Y&Y was... never have been!
Finally catching up on all my TRs ... it's been too long!

Glad to hear you enjoyed Typhoon Lagoon, we've only been to Blizzard Beach but TL looks great and I can't wait to try it. That's awful about the sunburn. My Dad and I did that on our family trip both to the point of being covered in blisters ... not a fun way to spend a vacation. Glad to see it doesn't look like it was bothering you during your time at AK!
I so wanted to see Devine when we were at AK last time but we never saw her. Maybe on our next trip:).

She is so mesmerizing! I hope you get to see her! :goodvibes

So sorry to hear about your sunburn! :headache: On our last trip to Disney last March we had spent a few days at the beach prior to our arrival at Ft. Wilderness. My kids were so sunburned and miserable. Even though it was the first time my kids ever had sunburns, I still felt like the world's worst mother. We had applied the sunscreen but since it was so cool at the beach (@ 67 degrees) we didn't do the reapplication and they all got so toasty.

Anyway, I sure hope your sunburn pain subsided and you enjoyed the rest of your honeymoon. I am loving your honeymoon trip report! :lovestrucYou both look so happy and beautiful and relaxed!!! My dh and I will be married 20 years in 2013 and we are considering doing the Food and Wine Festival for our anniversary!

Well, I can't wait to read the next installment! :yay:

I think going to F&W would be a great way to spend an anniversary! I really hope that we get to take a F&W trip sometime, too. :goodvibes

Ha ha I love your faces in the PP picture where you're holding Tinkerbell! :rotfl: I love reading your TR and it's for sure inspiration for me when I come back from my (upcoming) trip. I also can't wait to hear about Yak and husband and I have lunch ADR's there for October. Oh, AND I grew up in Georgia too! (Warner Robins...) So I'm pretty much a big lurking fan but I had to actually say hello this time! :)

Thanks for joining in! :goodvibes I think you will really enjoy Y&Y. That update is coming up in just a few minutes!

I have never seen DiVine before, but I am making the effort this time around for sure!

Your photopass pictures turned out really great. I love how scared you look of Tinkerbell though. :lmao:

We've been lucky to see her a couple of times now. I hope you get to see her! :goodvibes

Wow! That picture of the lioness (sp?) is amazing!

You also got some pretty good photopass shots. I especially love your faces with Tinkerbell, and your "fierce" pose. :D

The lion was so beautiful! We had never seen any that close up on the saffari before, so I was very excited to see her! :goodvibes

The Tink picture is absolutely priceless!! The look on both of y'alls faces is just too cute and funny at the same time...I love it!:rotfl:

I love those PP pictures! They are definitely some of my favorite from the trip! :goodvibes

Though AK is not my favorite park, I have to admit that I always feel like I have escaped from a theme park into a new country, it really is amazing how it is designed and kept up :goodvibes

I feel the same way at AK. It really is like being in a different world! :thumbsup2
I am not either. I have only been there once and went on a few rides. But after reading so many TR about AK and seeing the pictures I want to try it again. It looks like so much fun. It is very beautiful there also and I love the animals.

I do feel that AK is laking in attractions, but I think the ones that they have are great. We always have so much fun there. :thumbsup2

AK is my least favorite park, but I still really like to explore it, and I love Expedition Everest! :thumbsup2

You got some great pictures on the safari! And your Photopass pics are so cute, I love the one with Tink! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear how you liked Yak and Yeti, I really want to try it someday!

I think the only thing that could have made that safari better is if those screaming girls weren't there. Otherwise, it was wonderful. We got to see so many animals! :goodvibes

Hi there! I'm joining in for the adventure! You two are a lovely couple, and it looks like you are having a wonderful, magical honeymoon. How lucky that you were able to have such a long trip, I'm sure it really took the pressure off of seeing everything, and you could just relax and enjoy!

:welcome: So glad to have you following along! :goodvibes

I love the safari never gets old!!!!

We love it too! :goodvibes

So sorry to hear about your sunburn. Fellow fair-skinned redhead here, I feel your pain. :sad1:

We did Narcoossees on our honeymoon too. Very nice restaurant but I agree, the tables are a bit close together.

And you did NOT look terrible in those photos. The way you described yourself, I was picturing your whole body to be red as a lobster!

Great PP pictures from AK!

I really wish that Narcoossee's would spread out their tables some. I felt like I was practically eating with the couple next to us! :laughing:

I really like Animal Kingdom, too, but I never spend enough time there. I need to change that!

Great photos from the Photopass photographer! I'm considering getting one of those pre-paid cards, but I've heard you really have to seek out the photographers to get your "money's worth." What do you think?

I'm really glad that we pre-purchased the PP CD. We never stop for any (we're always too busy getting to attractions, ADRs, etc.) but I really wanted pictures of the two of us, so that was the best way to ensure that. I definitely wouldn't have stopped so much if I didn't pre-order it, so I do think that you have to make it a point to stop for pictures to get your money's worth. I would recommend it, though!

More great updates!
I laughed when I saw your review of donuts at TL... when we were at the water parks this past trip, I kept trying to figure out why donuts were a snack offered at both the Disney WPs... now I wish I had tried some!

Sorry about your burn... that's never any fun!

The donuts are amazing! I wish I had some right now. I might have to go back to one of the WPs just to get some! :lmao:
Looks like a great day at AK!!!! But a 40 minute wait for the Safari??? don't know if I could have done it. We've never been on the Safari when it hasn't been a walk-on. But you saw the elusive female lion???? WOW!!! That would have been worth the wait for me :thumbsup2

The wait really wasn't too bad! We normally wouldn't have waited that long (30 minutes is typically our maximum, and that's only for things that we really like) but it was much cooler in the line that in was out in the park. :thumbsup2

I feel llike such a bad follower! I have been reading along here and there just haven't had much time to post! But, great updates! I am so sorry to hear about your sunburn, i know how it feels and its no bueno!
Hope all is well!
xo Christina

Don't feel bad! I know how much time getting ready for a wedding takes! :goodvibes

Great TR, subbing in!

I have been catching up with your amazing Disneymoon and loving all your pictures. I had so many comments along the way but of course I have forgotten mostly everything now that I'm finally caught up! Crud, now I need to look back!!! :rotfl:

~Great wedding pics, love your venue!
~Love, Love, Love the Puffed French Toast at the CP. This was a food highlight for our entire family of 12 on our most recent trip to WDW last February. Thanks for the picture, it brought back lovely food memories!!!
~How much do you save by purchasing your PP prior to your trip?
~Segway Tour! So Jealous!
~Chefs de France- Funny, I never had any desire to eat there until reading your TR, I love the Disboards!!
~I love your Just Married Christmas ornament. Every trip we take to the parks, we purchase an ornament. We also have our two daugters pick an ornament each, something that reflects who they are or their most loved character that year. I then write their initials and the year on the ornament (I have a horrible memory :laughing:). Our tree is now only Disney and filled with the ornaments over the past 15 years from our annual trips to WDW and DLR. Decorating the tree every year is so fun to do with the family as go back in time "Disney Style"!
~So sorry about your sunburn:guilty:, I'm also fair skinned and have had a couple memorable "burned" vacations.

Okay, that's it, I can't wait for the next update!!!!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in and for all of the comments! So glad to have you following along! :goodvibes

EE and KS are two great rides, just because of in-depth they are. I love going on the safari, because it's a new experience each time. And it looks like the animals were out and about for you and Miguel!
Those PP pictures of you two are great; I especially like the first one. It looks very professional!
Looking forward to hearing about Yak and Yeti.

The PP photograher that we had that day was great! Sadly, some of them don't seem to know too much about photography, but there are some great one's too! :thumbsup2

I have never seen Divine!

The safari is one of my favorites at Animal Kingdom- it really never gets old :)

Can't wait to hear how Y&Y was... never have been!

The safari is one of our favorites in all of wdw. I just love it! :goodvibes

Finally catching up on all my TRs ... it's been too long!

Glad to hear you enjoyed Typhoon Lagoon, we've only been to Blizzard Beach but TL looks great and I can't wait to try it. That's awful about the sunburn. My Dad and I did that on our family trip both to the point of being covered in blisters ... not a fun way to spend a vacation. Glad to see it doesn't look like it was bothering you during your time at AK!

Ouch - your burn sounds really bad! Thankfully I did feel MUCH better the next day. :goodvibes
DAY 4 – Pt. 2

Miguel and I were both very excited to try our lunch ADR destination: Yak&Yeti! We have stopped for a snack at the CS place before and really enjoyed it, so I had a feeling that we would enjoy the TS place even more!

One of the best things about Y&Y? It’s air conditioner! As soon as we walked it we were so glad that we had an ADR there because the restaurant was so cool. There were quite a few people trying to escape the heat and get a walk up reservation there.

We had less than a five minute wait, and we were led to our table and introduced to our waitress, who just so happened to be from Atlanta, too!


Since Miguel absolutely loves the pot stickers at ‘Ohana, I thought ordering those as an appetizer would be a good choice. They were very tasty! Not quite as good as ‘Ohanas, but we definitely enjoyed them.

For our entrees, I decided to go with the crispy honey chicken and substituted the white rice for fried. It was really yummy and I would definitely order it again.

Being the rib lover that he is, Miguel got the BBQ ribs. He enjoyed his dish as well!

As we were enjoying our meals and the cold air, I realized something – my skin wasn’t hurting, or itching, any more! My sunburn had healed so much that I had almost forgotten about it! I was so thankfully since the previous night I was truly worried that it would ruin the rest of our trip. I made a mental note to apply plenty of sunscreen when we got done with lunch, and decided to celebrate with some dessert!

I had read lots of great things about the cream cheese wontons here on the boards, and I knew that that was exactly what I wanted!

Wow was this good! Seriously one of the best desserts I’ve ever had at Disney. Miguel doesn’t like sweets too much, so I must admit that I am the only one that enjoyed this delicious dish. I ate all but two of the wontons, but only because I felt bad about eating them all myself!

Overall, we really enjoyed our lunch at Y&Y and we will certainly return in the future! I can’t wait to eat some more of those amazing wontons!

After lunch, we decided to do a few more attractions before leaving the park for the day. We had stopped by Kali River Rapids to pick up a couple of FPs on our way to Y&Y, but we still had over an hour before we could cash them in.

There is so much pretty scenery at AK. We find ourselves stopping for pictures quite frequently!

We decided to head over to Dinosour since we love the ride and have been pretty lucky about finding it with fairly short wait times, even late in the day. Thankfully that is exactly what we found and we only had to wait about 15 minutes! Since the queue is inside, it wasn’t bad at all!

We were boarding our rover in no time!

I always love how our Dinosaur pictures turn out. Everyone in our car is always freaked out and we’re like – “oh, hey TRex. Nice to see you again”.

After Dinosaur, we hung around DinoLand USA for a bit.


I tried to get Miguel to re-enact our PP picture from earlier. This is what I got.

And then we decided to head back over to Kali. We still had about 30 minutes before our FP window opened up, but we were both determined to ride! It was super hot and the cool water of Kali was just too good to pass up. Miguel was actually feeling the heat a lot more than I was, so I told him to go find a place to rest and I went to the little shop near the Y&Y CS and got us a few treats to combat the heat while we waited.


We had been eyeing that mister all week, but I thought it might be a waste of money. When I asked the man at the shop for the price and he said it was only $15, I figured why not? I’m so glad I decided to get it because it definitely came in handy and made our wait for Kali much more tolerable.

Finally it was time to brave the rapids. Sadly, we didn’t get quite as soaked as we would have liked, but we had fun!




Since we were wet, tired and very hot, we decided to head back to the Poly for the afternoon. We still hadn’t cooled down by the time we made it back to the room, so we decided to slip on our swimsuits and finally check out the pool!

One of the things that I was most excited about at the Poly was the Volcano pool, so I was very happy to finally be spending some time there.

Most of the lounge chairs were already taken, but we were able to find some chairs in the bar area, so we settled in there and Miguel went to get us some drinks.

I chose a strawberry daiquiri, and Miguel got a margarita. Very typical for us!


After we got our drinks a CM came around and asked to see our room keys to make sure we were actually guests of the Poly. We got wrist bands to prove that we were!

Miguel spent most of the time in the pool, but I mostly hung out at the table and read a magazine and enjoyed my drink. It was nice to just relax for a while! Before long, it started to rain a bit, though. I had originally planned for us to spend the evening by the pool and watch Wishes there, but it looked like a storm was coming and, just like always, I wasn’t crazy about the idea of not having a dinner ADR.

The rain started to pick up, so Miguel joined me at the table under the “protection” of the umbrella and we discussed what to do about dinner. We both agreed that hanging around the resort didn’t sound as exciting as going to dinner somewhere, but it was almost 7:00, and I didn’t know if we would be able to get an ADR so last minute…

Up Next: Will we be able to get a last minute ADR? Where will we end up spending our evening?
I am SSOOOO glad to hear that your sunburn healed up so quick!!!

Glad to hear Y&Y was awesome :) The food looked so good!!!

Can't wait to hear what you ended up doing for dinner that night! I'm excited to find out if you were able to get a last minute ADR :)

AND the swimsuit cover up looked cute!
yay I'm so glad Y&Y was delicious! I cannot wait to try those wonton's either, glad to hear another positive revue! :goodvibes
Haha, your picture of Dinosaur looks like mine. Except I don't think I ever took a picture of it because we always looked so bored. :laughing:

Yum, those wonton look delicious. I'm a big fan of cream cheese, so I probably would have devoured those.

It's always a little disappointing to go on Kali on a super hot day and then not get soaked. Well at least I think so. Ron would disagree. :upsidedow

I love the mister, but I don't like carrying it around so I didn't bring one this trip.

I'm very curious to see where you guys ended up eating dinner that night.
great update!! I love YandY too!! I looked back at your PTR and we were at the pool the same day you were but our flight was at 4'ish so I think we would have left before you got there but our "seats" were the tables/umbrella to the side of the pool too!!! Gotta love the bracelets! at $400+ a night, it better only be resort guests using that pool! We saw several groups being kicked out.
Those cream cheese wontons at Yak and Yeti look so very yummy!

I'm glad to hear that your sunburn was feeling better at that point. It can be so uncomfortable, especially when it is so hot outside.
Your lunch at Y&Y looked really tasty! I am SO glad that your sunburn was feeling better...that would of been a terrible way to spend your honeymoon.

Oh man...on a super hot day you definitely want to get wet on Kali...and I for one am a big fan of the mister fans! We bought ours on our AK day last year too! It is just SO hot at that park!

Ahh relaxing at the fun! Oh man...checking keys and bracelets? I've never seen that! (Not that I am a pool that is only fair to the guests who are actually staying at that resort) Your cover up is super cute! :thumbsup2


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