An Intimate Vow Renewal with Kids: Hawaii is a no-go

I really like dress number 6 but I really love the modcloth dress!!! I agree its a great site and that look you are going for is going to be so amazing and I love the idea of a halo of flowers in a bright color!! I can't wait to see what you decide on!
Oh yeah! I can't believe I forgot to recommend ModCloth as well. They have so many great dresses on there, and if you look around sometimes they have discount codes floating around. The only tissue is not being able to try things on, but I believe they have a pretty lenient exchange policy. My sister bought her MOH dress from there, and my rehearsal/welcome party dress was from there too. They have a ton of cute stuff!
I really like dress number 6 but I really love the modcloth dress!!! I agree its a great site and that look you are going for is going to be so amazing and I love the idea of a halo of flowers in a bright color!! I can't wait to see what you decide on!

SO glad you are back! How was the wedding and the trip! Can't wait to see pics.:banana:

Yes that dress #6 is so cute. I am looking into ordering online but still have not decided which dress. As soon as I make a decision I will post it. Once I decide on the dress I can see what to do with the hair.
SO glad you are back! How was the wedding and the trip! Can't wait to see pics.:banana:

Yes that dress #6 is so cute. I am looking into ordering online but still have not decided which dress. As soon as I make a decision I will post it. Once I decide on the dress I can see what to do with the hair.

Yes I am back!! :goodvibes I just need to sit down and right some TR post everything was AMAZING and trust me there are lots and lots of pictures!!

and can't wait to see what you choose!
Ok, sorry haven't had anything really to report for a while. I still have not found "the dress" but I have not really had time to look. Been so busy at work and with the kids. My life is so hectic right now. I am leaving for Italy on Monday with my kids and husband and my parents. We are going to visit family so will be gone for two weeks and a half. I will try to squeeze some shopping time with my cousin. Maybe I will find my dress there. Who Knows!?

I found these great rings made with Koa wood from Hawaii. I really love them and I am thinking of surprising my husband with one for the vow renewal. I think it would be a really nice keepsake for him and it is something he would definitely love. My man love all thing made of wood!

I also found another photographer in Oahu that I really love. I think I will use her for my vow renewal. I love her natural style and her shots are just beautiful.:love:

I was also thinking of surprising my husband with some boudoire shots. It was not "in style" when we got married and so never did this but I think he would like to receive this. ;)

Anyway as soon as I have more to report, I will let you know. :wave2:
I love that ring it so different I really like that! and you have to do a Boudoir shoot! My husband loved that I did that for him and it was such an experience and so fun to do and I am very conservative so mine wasn't very risque but it came out awesome! and you can put the book together on shutterfly for a very low price and it will look really nice! and have an amazing time in Italy and you should so look for a dress while your there who knows you might find the one and how awesome to say you bought it in Italy! :wave:
I love that ring it so different I really like that! and you have to do a Boudoir shoot! My husband loved that I did that for him and it was such an experience and so fun to do and I am very conservative so mine wasn't very risque but it came out awesome! and you can put the book together on shutterfly for a very low price and it will look really nice! and have an amazing time in Italy and you should so look for a dress while your there who knows you might find the one and how awesome to say you bought it in Italy! :wave:

Awe, thank you! You are too sweet. I can't wait to be in Italy. It is my boys first cultural trip. My 4 year old asked me yesterday what kind of rides they have in Italy. I laughed so hard.:rotfl2: I had to explain that Italy was a country not an amusement park. I guess I have brought them to Disney a lot!

I am conservative too so I guess my boudoir shots won't be too wet and wild. LOL!
Happy to hear that yours turned out to be awesome. I have to find a photographer here to do them. I will have to shop around.

I don't know if I will have access to a computer so I guess I will just have to wait three weeks to read some more of your TR. :(
Oh, I love that ring! I think that would be a wonderful surprise for your husband. :) Have fun in Italy!! I hope you're able to fit in some shopping time.
Beautiful ring. I've been seeing a lot of styles like that in my searching. Kevin is all cammo, he actually did buy his wedding band with a cammo inlay, it actually doesn't look too bad.
(I think the wood is prettier though).

You will find the dress. Maybe in Italy??
Just catching up, and that is absolutely phenomenal you get to have your dream VR in Hawaii! Hope you have a wonderful trip to Italy, and perhaps have some luck stumbling across a dress ;)
Awe, thank you! You are too sweet. I can't wait to be in Italy. It is my boys first cultural trip. My 4 year old asked me yesterday what kind of rides they have in Italy. I laughed so hard.:rotfl2: I had to explain that Italy was a country not an amusement park. I guess I have brought them to Disney a lot!

I am conservative too so I guess my boudoir shots won't be too wet and wild. LOL!
Happy to hear that yours turned out to be awesome. I have to find a photographer here to do them. I will have to shop around.

I don't know if I will have access to a computer so I guess I will just have to wait three weeks to read some more of your TR. :(

Oh thats too funny your son thought it was an amusement park! They are true Disney kids then :rotfl: and yeah just find someone who makes you feel comfortable my place was an all girl location which made a huge difference to me! and I have really been dragging my feet with my report waiting for my photos but don't worry you will have lots to read when you get back! :goodvibes

Safe Travels :wave2:
Hi everyone, I am back from my trip to Italy. It was a great trip and a very cultural experience for my two boys. I enjoyed myself but I did not rest for a second. We did a lot a visiting, ate a lot, and I mean A LOT of food and shared some great moment with family. There was a crazy heat wave the whole time we were there so the days spent visiting sites was brutal. My husband and I came back completely exhausted. It was a long flight especially since there was a problem with the plane door so our 8 hour flight became an 11 hour flight. The kids were great sports but with the jet lag we all struggled to get back into the routine of things.
Here a few pics of our trip:

The Boys in Tuscany in the Castle atop of Capalbio.

The boys at the Vatican

The boys at the ruins of Pompeii

Me in Ravello on The Amalfi Coast.

Ok now that I have buttered you up with gorgeous pix, I have to drop a bomb here and tell you the bad news. We actually had to cancel our trip to Hawaii. :sad:
What happened is that on our return we came to find out out that my husband's dad (biological dad) passed away. My husband was not close to him as he grew up with a step dad who he considers to be his father. None the less, they had recently been keeping in touch and they had grown closer together in the last couple of years. His dad had asked him to visit several times in past years so that he could meet his grandkids but he lived out in the Yukon and it was so far that we kept putting it off. Now that his father passed away, my husband felt the need to be at his funeral which I completely understand. He used the points that we had saved up for Hawaii to fly out there. We also had to use some of our vow renewal money to help pay for the funeral since his dad had not planned anything in the event of his death since he is still pretty young and his current wife is left with a handsome bill. Being his only son, my husband felt a need to help out.:faint:

To say I am not greatly disappointed about Hawaii would be a lie but I felt like my husband needed this for closure and I can totally understand this.
Also we talked more about it and after taking this trip to Italy I think we realized that the kids are maybe still a little too young to really enjoy all that Hawaii has to offer. We also were concerned about the jet lag on their return since they would be right in the middle of their school session so I guess it is a blessing in disguise (or maybe it is just the only way I can keep from crying myself to sleep tonight).

It isn't all bad. The good news is that we had enough points left over to fly to Orlando so yesterday night, I booked our trip. As you can see, I did not waste any time. We are flying out on Feb 29th 2016 and staying 10 days. My kids are just as excited for another trip to Disney if not more so. At least that makes me feel better. With half my budget gone towards the funeral I don't know what will happen with my vow renewal. This is the second time I had to put it off and I am starting to feel depressed about the whole thing.

Anyway I will keep you updated. Thanks for following along even though this whole thread was a complete washout!:sad2:
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Hugs to you. Life always has a way of setting up diversions when you least expect it. Hang in there. So sorry to hear of DH's DF. A trip to WDW is always a reason to smile. And your kids are cuties and great pictures.
Tough situation on so many levels. I completely empathize with having to put things off and how discouraging that can be. You are a great wife to understand your husband's needs and be able to put them above what you want. *hugs* On a brighter note, your boys are all so handsome! Love the Italy pics. :)
Great Italy pics! I'm sorry that you vow renewal has to be put off and for a reason like that especially. I'm also sure that when it's the right time for a vow renewal everything will fall into place! Plus the boys will have such a great time in WDW!!!
I love your pictures from Italy. You're a beautiful family! I'm so sorry about Hawaii and your VR. :( It's a tough situation. At least you have a big Disney trip to look forward to for your family, and I'm sure that your beautiful VR will fall into place despite the hurdles life can give.
Hugs to you. Life always has a way of setting up diversions when you least expect it. Hang in there. So sorry to hear of DH's DF. A trip to WDW is always a reason to smile. And your kids are cuties and great pictures.

Thank you. I have many reasons to keep on smiling. I am blessed with a beautiful family and no matter what happens we still have each other. The Disney trip does help too;)

Tough situation on so many levels. I completely empathize with having to put things off and how discouraging that can be. You are a great wife to understand your husband's needs and be able to put them above what you want. *hugs* On a brighter note, your boys are all so handsome! Love the Italy pics. :)

*Hugs* back to you. Thank you for the kind words. My husband is an amazing person with such a big heart. It was a small sacrifice considering what he is living through right now. I am excited that we were still able to book a trip together as a family especially to Disney, The happiest place on earth!

Great Italy pics! I'm sorry that you vow renewal has to be put off and for a reason like that especially. I'm also sure that when it's the right time for a vow renewal everything will fall into place! Plus the boys will have such a great time in WDW!!!

I was disappointed about the vow renewal, I won't lie, but life is too short to be disappointed. I am so lucky on so many fronts that I had remind myself that it is not a big deal. I am lucky enough to be married to the love of my life who gave me two beautiful children. That is better than a vow renewal or a trip to Hawaii or anything else for that matter. We'll have a vow renewal when the time is right like you said. Thank you for your encouragement. :blush:

I love your pictures from Italy. You're a beautiful family! I'm so sorry about Hawaii and your VR. :( It's a tough situation. At least you have a big Disney trip to look forward to for your family, and I'm sure that your beautiful VR will fall into place despite the hurdles life can give.

Thank you so much! I truly appreciate all the wonderful comments and encouragement.:blush:
Thank you everyone for your support. It really did help in making me feel better! :goodvibes
I am now looking forward to my Disney trip in March. I will stop posting on this thread as my vow renewal is put on hold for now but I will be following all your planning journals and trip reports. Thank you!


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