Adulting is Hard, So I'm Running Away! ~ An Oct 2016 PTR ~ Update 10/19: Peace Out, Yo!


Princess No-Pants
Oct 17, 2004
Adulting is Hard, so I'm Running Away!
(Counting Down Until 2016 Food & Wine and MNSSHP!)
An October 2016 Solo Pre-Trip Report

Hey, ya'll! Thaaaat's right, it's time for another @Elevationist pre-trip report!

You see, I've been putting a lot of thought into it lately, and I've decided that being an adult full-time just doesn't work for me. So I'm running away (again) to Walt Disney World, because it really is the only place I can totally get away with being an overgrown toddler.

So that being said, I must ask: Do you personally enjoy, or are at least amused by, any of the following?
  • Obsessive Disney planning that borders on psychologically-questionable
  • Food, glorious food
  • Being a princess and wearing tiaras
  • Off-color humor
  • Rising up against the tyranny that is the social convention of wearing pants
  • Sarcastic commentary
  • Food. Like, lots and lots of food.
  • Spreadsheets... Maaaany many spreadsheets
  • Photos of adorable cats
  • Day Drinking
  • Animated gifs used in hilarious and inventive ways
  • Having ZERO craps to give sometimes
  • Retail therapy
  • Wait, did I mention food?
If you just answered YES! to any of the above questions, then you my friend, are in the right place! :goodvibes I do hope you'll join me, and keep me company as I while away the months, weeks, days, and hours until my delicious and spooooky solo Fall escape to Walt Disney World!


Who: Me, Myself, and I! Rollin' out for my 3rd solo adventure!
What: My 12th visit to Walt Disney World, to partake once again in the Food & Wine Festival, and Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.
When: October 20-29, 2016
Where: Disney's Beach Club Resort (Mostly)
Why: Since when do I need a reason? Seriously... Because DISNEY WORLD, that's why! :thumbsup2



ME: Billie, 35 years old :cutie:
~ WDW planning is my life. I work as a travel agent and my favorite part of my job are my Walt Disney World clients. I live in South Carolina, a mere 5-hour drive from WDW, but despite that fact I typically can still only do one big trip each year. Because, like, bills and responsibilities and adulting and stuff. I am a single gal (bordering on old cat lady status), but I don't let that hold me back from going "home" and enjoying the one place on the whole planet where I feel truly content and in my element... DISNEY WORLD! :hyper:

Favorite Character: Minnie Mouse
Favorite Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite Princess: Belle
Favorite Song: Someday My Prince Will Come
Favorite Park: Epcot, with Magic Kingdom a VERY close second! (Almost too close to call!)
Favorite Ride: I'm incapable of choosing one over all favorite! However, my favorites in each park are Splash Mountain, Soarin', Tower of Terror, and Kilimanjaro Safaris.
Favorite Show: Illuminations, but Celebrate the Magic is slowly starting to edge it out!
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Trip Dates? :thumbsup2 October 20-29, 2016

Resort? :thumbsup2 Disney's Beach Club Resort, 7 nights, Garden View (plus a couple of off-property joints for 1 night each)

Park Tickets? :thumbsup2 Bought my first ever Annual Pass! Woooo!

Disney Dining Plan?
:thumbsup2 Always! But for the first time ever, I'm trying out the Deluxe Dining Plan. Om nom nom!

Memory Maker? :thumbsup2 Don't need it this time because unlimited PhotoPass downloads are included with the Annual Pass!

Booked Package? :thumbsup2 Locked in and good to go!

Package Payment Progress? :thumbsup2 100%

Additional Savings Progress? :thumbsup2 100%

Car Rental? :thumbsup2 Booked a Compact through Enterprise (and they usually upgrade me)!

Scooter Rental? :thumbsup2 Going to give Buena Vista Scooters another try!

MNSSHP? :thumbsup2 Purchased! I'll be in attendance on Sunday, Oct. 23rd.

Itinerary? :thumbsup2 Built and planned out, and the spreadsheet is complete!

ADRs? :thumbsup2 Booked! I got EVERYTHING I wanted, too!

FastPasses? :thumbsup2 Booked! Total success!

:thumbsup2 All Done! Ready to hit the road!
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08/21/15: I Told Myself I Would NOT Do This...
08/28/15: Ultimate ADR Wishlist - Part 1
09/05/15: Ultimate ADR Wishlist - Part 2
09/18/15: 400 Days to Go, and I Hate Pants
09/26/15: Movin' on Up... To the BEACH Side
10/12/15: New DVDs, and a Snuggly Caturday Night
10/22/15: One Year Dance! Woo!
12/22/15: I Love You, Food
12/26/15: Happy Holidays! Also... 300 Days Left!
01/07/16: Small Exciting Changes, and Spreadsheeting!
01/19/16: I <3 BB-8, and Some RL Health Confessions
01/27/16: Health Ramblings, and an Exciting Announcement!
02/22/16: Updated Spreadsheet and Other News
03/21/16: Book Nerd Stuff, Park Hours and an Itinerary Overhaul
04/04/16: April is Here, and Other Good Things
04/13/16: Food, Glorious Food!
04/22/16: Preparing for ADR Day
04/24/16: ADR Day Report Card
05/07/16: Some ADR Tweaks, MNSSHP, Staycation, and More!
05/21/16: Princess Cupcake McFluffybutt
05/27/16: Gimme AK Hours! Books! More Cupcake!
05/31/16: Forever Hungry - Prospective Menu Choices
07/07/16: I Totally Got Busted... No More DISing on the Job!
07/13/16: Double-Digit Dancin'!
08/04/16: FP+ Day Quickly Approaches, and Other News
08/25/16: FastPass Success, and Where Mah DISmeets At?!
09/10/16: Shopping, Swimsuits, and Stress!
09/20/16: Make it a 10-Day Vacation? Sure, Why Not?!
09/22/16: Day 1 Plans - Travel & Orlando Attractions
09/25/16: Day 2 Plans - Hollywood Studios
09/28/16: Day 3 Plans - Animal Kingdom
10/02/16: Day 4 Plans - Epcot & Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party
10/05/16: Day 5 Plans - Animal Kingdom & Magic Kingdom
10/08/16: Day 6 Plans - Epcot
10/11/16: Single Digit Day! Let's Dance!
10/12/16: Day 7 Plans - More Epcot
10/14/16: Day 8 Plans - Magic Kingdom & Epcot
10/16/16: Day 9 Plans - Magic Kingdom & Hollywood Studios
10/19/16: Peace Out, Yo! I'm off to Disney World!
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210 days until Park Hours! :upsidedow
248 days until ADRs! :thumbsup2
368 days until FP+! :cutie:
428 days until WDW!

Hey, ya'll! :grouphug:

Oh, god. I don't know if I should be embarrassed or excited about this. I told myself I would NOT start this PTR until after I return from my upcoming trip in December 2015. But. Like. I have THOUGHTS and things that need to be shared, and put down in writing! And not having a place to do that is keeeeeeling meeeee! So... Tah-Dah, ya'll. Another ridiculously early PTR is beginning today! :blush:

The one promise I am going to keep is to NOT put a link to this PTR or a ticker for this trip into my signature until after I return home from my December trip. So if you've found this thread all on your own... HI, STALKER. :wave2: Welcome!

One of the things churning around in my brain is the potential to upgrade to a Deluxe once the military rates are released. I ran the numbers, and if I'm doing my math right (and I usually do), I could switch to the Beach Club in a Garden-View room for about the same price as I'm currently booked at Rack rate for POR. :scratchin Normally Deluxe prices are too far out of my reach, but I think I could swing it this year. So I'm eagerly awaiting the release of those discounts so I can see what I can do!

I'm debating if I want to get into sharing spreadsheets yet. They're incredibly premature, I'm aware of this. But rest assured, the first has been created, complete with the ADR wishlist attached...


Yes, Mickey. I know I'm nuts. But dude, you're not even wearing a shirt. Like, seriously. Don't judge me, bro.
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Yes, Lu! You were the first stalker to find my super-new, sorta-secret thread! :cutie: Good job! I'm glad you're here! :hug:

Oh good! I'm glad my super awesome stalker skillz are workin!!
:rotfl: I'm super bummed that I will miss you though! I leave 3rd October! :sad:
Hi there stalker number 2 reporting for duty! @BibbitybobityLu took the number one spot! :rolleyes1 Looks like I need to up my game!

Spreadsheets! Love me a good excel file! And possible deluxe and food and wine AND MNSSHP! Ugh jel already and it's like 14 months away! Xoxoparty:
Hi there stalker number 2 reporting for duty! @BibbitybobityLu took the number one spot! :rolleyes1 Looks like I need to up my game!
Hey, Number 2 is still pretty impressive, girl! Way to go! :thumbsup2

Spreadsheets! Love me a good excel file! And possible deluxe and food and wine AND MNSSHP! Ugh jel already and it's like 14 months away! Xoxoparty:
I'm pretty jelly myself, and it's MY trip. :rotfl:

I'm here, too! Move on up to that deluxe resort, girlfriend!
I hope I get to! Deluxe is a very rare treat for me, one that I've only even indulged in once before! :goodvibes

Stalker #4 reporting :crazy: Definitely move on up to the Deluxe!!
Hooray! :woohoo: And yes, with any luck, I'll be movin' on up... to a deeeeluxe resort in the skyyyyy...

Yay! :welcome:
We are on title #3.... (That I've seen) just so you know I'm paying attention!
So, sometimes when I'm too busy with other stuff to catch up on my DIS I'll still load up the website and hit "New Posts" to see if anything looks interesting, and occasionally I'll find a PTR or TR with a cute title that I click on and then decide not to read past the first paragraph because I just don't have time (if I had time I'd be catching up on my regular threads...).
So I see something about how adulting is hard, and I know I'll love this first paragraph, so I open it, and then I see the top and it looks like one of yours ... and then I look at the name and it's like OMG IT'S BILLIE!!!

So despite your attempts to hide this, I found it anyway. I'm here to follow along, be entertained, complain about pants, and just generally hang out on what promises to be a fun thread! I'm excited to read about the planning ... because I know that planning a solo October trip will be very different than your December trip with your Aunt & Uncle, so obviously this trip planning needs its own thread!
(Btw, I'm thinking about starting a thread for my September 2016 DL trip, but since nothing about that trip is confirmed, I've been holding off. It may still happen before I leave in January, though)

And apparently I'm really late to the game....
Hi Billie, I promise I'm not a stalker cuz this is my first time following you. :laughing: But I'm here and looking forward to pantsless fun! :earseek:
Hi THERE! Ok, I'll try as well to stay here and caught up, but life if busy with Nursing School until my own trip which....

Happens to be a week BEFORE yours. BOO! It would have been uber fun to meet you. :) Because your intro list is right up my alley in every way. Anyway, I'll hang out here as I can and enjoy all the silly fun I'm sure is bound to ensue.
You're too funny Billie but I don't blame you starting a PreTR, I'm not going for 367 days yet my kids and I have already planned our meals for the whole 14 days :rotfl2:
Dang it! You caught me stalking. :rolleyes1
BUSTED! :rotfl: I'm glad you found me over here, though! :hug:

We are on title #3.... (That I've seen) just so you know I'm paying attention!
Wow, you're PRO at this stalking stuff, Lauren! :lmao: For what it's worth, I think I'm finally happy with the title. Third time's a charm, right? :thumbsup2

So, sometimes when I'm too busy with other stuff to catch up on my DIS I'll still load up the website and hit "New Posts" to see if anything looks interesting, and occasionally I'll find a PTR or TR with a cute title that I click on and then decide not to read past the first paragraph because I just don't have time (if I had time I'd be catching up on my regular threads...).
So I see something about how adulting is hard, and I know I'll love this first paragraph, so I open it, and then I see the top and it looks like one of yours ... and then I look at the name and it's like OMG IT'S BILLIE!!!
Ha! I love this story! Thank you for sharing! :hug:

So despite your attempts to hide this, I found it anyway.
Right, so totally not a stalker, huh? :rolleyes1

'm here to follow along, be entertained, complain about pants, and just generally hang out on what promises to be a fun thread! I'm excited to read about the planning ... because I know that planning a solo October trip will be very different than your December trip with your Aunt & Uncle, so obviously this trip planning needs its own thread!
That's the idea! At least far less intricate with the touring plans, like I have going on in my other PTR. When solo, I head into the park with my ADRs and FP+ and that's about it! Much less structured than I'm having to be this coming December with my aunt & uncle along.

(Btw, I'm thinking about starting a thread for my September 2016 DL trip, but since nothing about that trip is confirmed, I've been holding off. It may still happen before I leave in January, though)
Doooo eeeeet. (You know I'm totally an enabler!) :thumbsup2

And apparently I'm really late to the game....
Nah, you're still on the first page, dude! That's pretty awesome! ::yes::

Hi Billie, I promise I'm not a stalker cuz this is my first time following you. :laughing:
Aww! :welcome: I'm glad you're here! There's currently much more activity and shenanigans in my December 2015 PTR (link in my signature), so please feel free to join the party over there, if you'd like to! :cutie:

But I'm here and looking forward to pantsless fun! :earseek:
Oh man, taking this quote out-of-context is HILARIOUS. :rotfl:

Hi THERE! Ok, I'll try as well to stay here and caught up, but life if busy with Nursing School until my own trip which....
I totally understand! I don't even have a good excuse like nursing school, yet I am still terrible at keeping up with my friend's threads here! I'm just really really really lazy! :laughing:

Happens to be a week BEFORE yours. BOO! It would have been uber fun to meet you. :) Because your intro list is right up my alley in every way.
Awww, that seems to be how it usually works out for me! Maybe we can high-five in passing as you're leaving and I'm arriving? :thumbsup2

Anyway, I'll hang out here as I can and enjoy all the silly fun I'm sure is bound to ensue.
Silliness is the name of my game! If you haven't visited my December 2015 PTR (link in my sig), there's likely to far more silliness over there than here for the next few months. Feel free to join in! :hug:

You're too funny Billie but I don't blame you starting a PreTR, I'm not going for 367 days yet my kids and I have already planned our meals for the whole 14 days :rotfl2:
Haha, I would fit RIGHT into your family, girl! :cutie:


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