9 days, 7 bladders, 3 strollers, 1 tropical storm and... lots of fun. UPDATED JUNE 24


DIS Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
Bonjour and :welcome: to my trip report.

My name is Queila and I am a 34 year old dental hygienist from Montreal.

Actually, I am really from Brazil but I moved to Canada 10 years ago to be with my husband Joey. He is that awesome.

We have a four year old daughter named Beatriz and we have been dealing with secondary infertility for the past two years. We tried fertility but lost two pregnancies in the last year. :( I guess you can say it has been emotional but planning and executing Disney trips have been a wonderful day to lighten up and bring some *pixie dust* into our lives.

This was our 4th trip as a family of three. Beatriz has been to Disney pretty much every year since she was born and, let me tell you, she is turning to be quite a Disney bug. On this trip she was finally tall enough to do some of the bigger rides and that fact alone added a whole new excitement to our trip. :thumbsup2

Joey is a full on Disney dad himself and his love for all things Disney increases with every trip we take.

This time around we had friends tagging along with us. It was a family of four with kids 6 and 3 years old. Hence, the task of "managing" 7 bladders and three strollers under the August Summer heat.

Being a larger party definitely slowed our pace down but I was ok with it for the most part. It helped me to just let the trip happen instead of trying to plan every minute of it. Turns out, we still got a lot accomplished and had a great time.

It was their first time at Disney and I got a little kick out of experiencing Disney through their eyes. I was happy to be able to show them a good time too.

The trip was from Aug. 26th to Sept. 3rd 2012. We stayed at Port Orleans French Quarter with free dining and had a 8 day Magic Your Way Ticket with no hopper pass.

You can read my TR for our 2011 trip right here. My TR's are known for dragging for quite some time but I always finish them so I hope you stick around!

This is my favorite picture of this trip. It was taken on day 4 by the Sassagoula River on our way to dinner at Port Orleans Riverside:


Next up:
Day 1- Will Isaac ruin our trip?


Day 1:
Chapter 1- But is there even going to be a trip?
Chapter 2- But first we need to make it to Orlando.
Chapter 3- So we made it. Now take me out to the hotel.
Chapter 4- Port Orleans French Quarter, a review.
Chapter 5- Port Orleans French Quarter, pictures of our room.
Chapter 6- The rain follows us to Epcot and lunch at Via Napoli.
Chapter 7- Dodging the rain at Future World, a meal at Sunshine Seasons and, who knew, Illuminations.

Day 2:
Chapter 1- Isaac day;
Chapter 2- Post- storm afternoon at Magic Kingdom, lunch at Columbia Harbour House;
Chapter 3-Dinner at Kona Cafe;

Day 3:
Chapter 1- Animal Kingdom
Chapter 2- How much can we fit in one day at AK?
Chapter 3- Evening at POFQ

Day 4:
Chapter 1- Early morning at DHS with breakfast at Hollywood and Vine
Chapter 2- Is Beatriz finally tall enough for a thrill ride?

Great picture! I hope Isaac didn't put a dampner on your trip! I'm here for the long haul!
Hurrah a new trippie , tho still haven't finished reading old one xx never mind got a holiday weekend this weekend so will try to catch up.

So looking forward to hearing your new one.

Yay for a new trip report! I'm hoping Isaac didn't ruin your plans too much :goodvibes
I'm here! That is a beautiful family picture by the river.
I'm sorry you're going to thru secondary fertility. I know it's a emotional roller coaster and I will be praying for you. :flower3:
I'm so sorry for your secondary infertility. I have a few friends that are going through the same thing right now. It is very hard, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you all.

I'm on board looking forward to reading the rest of your trip!

I'm in! I can't wait to hear about your adventure with Isaac! We live on the panhandle and really didn't get anything. A small amount of rain and a few good gusts of wind! In fact, the weather and rain we've had over the past few days has been worse than what we got with Isaac!

Great picture! I hope Isaac didn't put a dampner on your trip! I'm here for the long haul!

Hurrah a new trippie , tho still haven't finished reading old one xx never mind got a holiday weekend this weekend so will try to catch up.

So looking forward to hearing your new one.


Yay for a new trip report! I'm hoping Isaac didn't ruin your plans too much :goodvibes

Joining in :)

I'm here! That is a beautiful family picture by the river.
I'm sorry you're going to thru secondary fertility. I know it's a emotional roller coaster and I will be praying for you. :flower3:

I'm here !! Looking forward to reading !!

I'm so sorry for your secondary infertility. I have a few friends that are going through the same thing right now. It is very hard, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you all.

I'm on board looking forward to reading the rest of your trip!


I'm in! I can't wait to hear about your adventure with Isaac! We live on the panhandle and really didn't get anything. A small amount of rain and a few good gusts of wind! In fact, the weather and rain we've had over the past few days has been worse than what we got with Isaac!

I'm joining in too!

:welcome: everybody and thank you for starting this off on a good note and leaving a comment. I love to know who is reading. ;)

Now... how was THAT for a slow start?!?
Is there even going to be a trip?

We left for our trip on a Sunday and the whole week we were monitoring the progress of tropical storm Isaac in the Caribbeans.

At one point they predicted it was going to pass right over Florida and it really put a damp on my pre trip excitement. :(

We called Air Canada and Disney enquiring about our options in case we decided not to go. Both companies told us that if there was a weather advisory issued by the government we could re schedule our trip free of charge.

So we decided to play it by ear and start packing. As the day of the trip drew closer it became clear that we would probably get the tale end of the storm instead of the eye which still meant quite a lot of rain. :worried:

I packed rain boots, rain jackets and games to play in the room just in case we would end up rained in for a couple of days.

By Saturday night when we went to bed our flight status on line was "on time" and the storm had taken a turn towards the Gulf of Mexico. :surfweb:

"I guess we are going to Disney world after all". :worship:

Next up:

Getting to Orlando.​

I updated twice today. Don't miss previous update on p.1

But first we need to get to Orlando.

We "woke up" at around 5 am for our 8 am flight (even though I don't believe either of us got to do any real sleep that night), got dressed, loaded the car and went to a friend's house who had offered to drive us to the airport and then bring our car back to our house.

Bless his heart to do that on a Sunday at such an ungodly hour.

At the airport we walked straight into the Air Canada check- in line but there was no sign of the other family that was travelling with us. I really did not want to have to baby-sit anybody during the trip so I was refraining myself from calling their cell phone to check on their whereabouts.

Finally when it was almost our turn I gave in and told Joey to call them up just to let them know we were about to go in and we would meet them "on the other side". Wouldn't you know they were lost in the airport waiting for us at the wrong terminal? :headache: And even though we were supposed to have printed their boarding passes (they don't have a printer) somehow none of us had it. :rolleyes1

Soooo... Beatriz and I just took a seat in a bench nearby and waited for Joey to go get them and solve the boarding pass situation. It became a joke for the rest of trip on how they were going to work harder on becoming an asset and not a liability to our trip which, I have to say, they were not. They were super troopers and I would do it again with them in a heart beat.

That took quite some time and while waiting I took this picture of Beatriz...all Disneyfied for the trip:


Once we were all checked in it was time to pass security wich is always time consuming with the never ending removal of the shoes, jackets, folding up of strollers etc...

And then we were directed to the American customs. Something must have happened right before we arrived at customs because the line ups were huge and not moving at all. We were starting to worry about making it in time when we realized the pilot and crew for our flight were waiting to be cleared right beside us so we started talking to the captain. He had "assumed" by Bea's outfit that we were going to Disney and he wanted to know which character was favorite. It was really cute.

Finally, when the line started moving again they called the crew first (they have priority over everybody else) and Joey joked around that we should go first because the plane wouldn't leave without them but it would leave without us. The captain assured us he would wait for us so off they went... ::yes::

After everything was said and done I barely had time to get myself a coffee at Starbucks before we had to get in the plane. No waiting around by the gate this time for us.

The plane left on time, I read a book, Beatriz watched "The Lorax" and Joey watched "The Avengers".

At one point Beatriz asked to go to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and told me the plane had to land right at that moment because her belly was hurting. :rotfl: She usually plays "the belly hurting" card when she wants to get away from a situation but I assured her that it was not going to work this time.

So we went back to our seats and she went all white on me and started gagging. I was like PLEASE NO!!!! :sick: I think she wasn't feeling too good after all but she never threw up. We put the AC blowing on her face for some "fresh air" and hoped for the best.

Finally, after a lot of groaning she decided she wanted to take a nap. We were literally 5 minutes from landing. :laughing:

Next up:
Checking in, Epcot and THE rain.
Following along! Your trip sounds fun! Beatriz is adorable :goodvibes
Can't wait for more :thumbsup2
Half marathon weekend, eh? It is soooo on my Disney bucket list. Are you going to write a TR about it? Pleeease?


Yep, DH and I ran the Wine and Dine half marathon last year and now we're hooked on Disney races! I hadn't originally planned on doing a trip report but I'm leaning more and more about it so maybe you'll be in luck. I always have a hard time finishing those kind of things so we'll see...


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